
Defines functions criteria TTT_hazard_shape.EmpiricalTTT TTT_hazard_shape.formula TTT_hazard_shape

Documented in TTT_hazard_shape TTT_hazard_shape.EmpiricalTTT TTT_hazard_shape.formula

#' Hazard Shape estimation from TTT plot
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @author Jaime Mosquera GutiƩrrez \email{jmosquerag@unal.edu.co}
#' @family HazardShape
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' This function can be used so as to estimate hazard shape corresponding
#' to a given data set. This is a wrapper for
#' \code{\link[EstimationTools]{TTTE_Analytical}}.
#' @param formula An object of class \code{\link[stats]{formula}} with the response on
#'                the left of an operator \code{~}. The right side must be
#'                \code{1}.
#' @param object An alternative way for getting the hazard shape
#'              estimation in passing directly the \code{EmpiricalTTT} object
#'              generated with \code{\link{TTTE_Analytical}}.
#' @param data an optional data frame containing the response variables. If
#'             data is not specified, the variables are taken from the
#'             environment from which \code{\link{TTT_hazard_shape}} is called.
#' @param silent  logical. If TRUE, warnings of \code{TTT_hazard_shape} are suppressed.
#' @param local_reg a list of control parameters for LOESS. See
#'                  \code{\link{loess.options}}.
#' @param interpolation a list of control parameters for interpolation function. See
#'                  \code{\link{interp.options}}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to
#'            \code{\link{TTTE_Analytical}}.
#' @details
#' This function performs a non-parametric estimation of the empirical total
#' time on test (TTT) plot. Then, this estimated curve can be used so as to
#' get suggestions about initial values and the search region for parameters
#' based on hazard shape associated to the  shape of empirical TTT plot.
#' Use \code{\link{Hazard_Shape}} function to get the results for shape estimation.
#' @seealso \code{\link{print.HazardShape}}, \code{\link{plot.HazardShape}},
#' \code{\link{TTTE_Analytical}}
#' @examples
#' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Example 1: Increasing hazard and its corresponding TTT statistic with
#' #            simulated data
#' hweibull <- function(x, shape, scale){
#'   dweibull(x, shape, scale)/pweibull(x, shape, scale, lower.tail = FALSE)
#'   }
#' curve(hweibull(x, shape = 2.5, scale = pi), from = 0, to = 42,
#'                col = "red", ylab = "Hazard function", las = 1, lwd = 2)
#' y <- rweibull(n = 50, shape = 2.5, scale = pi)
#' status <- c(rep(1, 48), rep(0, 2))
#' my_initial_guess1 <- TTT_hazard_shape(Surv(y, status) ~ 1)
#' my_initial_guess1$hazard_type
#' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Example 2: Same example using an 'EmpiricalTTT' object
#' y <- rweibull(n = 50, shape = 2.5, scale = pi)
#' TTT_wei <- TTTE_Analytical(y ~ 1)
#' my_initial_guess2 <- TTT_hazard_shape(TTT_wei)
#' my_initial_guess2$hazard_type
#' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Example 3: Increasing hazard with simulated censored data
#' hweibull <- function(x, shape, scale){
#'   dweibull(x, shape, scale)/pweibull(x, shape, scale, lower.tail = FALSE)
#'   }
#' curve(hweibull(x, shape = 2.5, scale = pi), from = 0, to = 42,
#'                col = "red", ylab = "Hazard function", las = 1, lwd = 2)
#' y <- rweibull(n = 50, shape = 2.5, scale = pi)
#' y <- sort(y)
#' status <- c(rep(1, 45), rep(0, 5))
#' my_initial_guess1 <- TTT_hazard_shape(Surv(y, status) ~ 1)
#' my_initial_guess1$hazard_type
#' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom stats terms predict na.omit formula
#' @importFrom survival is.Surv
#' @importFrom BBmisc is.error
#' @export
TTT_hazard_shape <- function(object, ...){
# TTT_hazard_shape for formula inputs -----------------------------------------
#' @rdname TTT_hazard_shape
#' @method TTT_hazard_shape formula
#' @export
TTT_hazard_shape.formula <- function(formula, data=NULL,
                                     local_reg = loess.options(),
                                     interpolation = interp.options(),
                                     silent = FALSE, ...){
  if (silent) options(warn = -1)
  if ( length(attr(terms(formula), "term.labels")) > 0 )
    stop("'TTT_hazard_shape' function only uses a response variable.")
  mycall <- match.call()
  id_arg <- match(c('formula', 'data'), names(mycall),
  temp <- mycall[c(1L, id_arg)]
  temp[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
  modfrm <- eval.parent(temp)

  y <- stats::model.extract(modfrm, 'response')
  outs <- fo_and_data(y, formula, model_frame=modfrm,
                      data, fo2Surv=FALSE)
  fo <- outs$fo; data <- outs$data

  method <- if ( is.Surv(y) ){'censored'} else {'Barlow'}

  dots <- substitute(...())
  args_matches <- match(names(formals(TTTE_Analytical)),
                        names(dots), nomatch = 0)
  TTTE_params <- dots[args_matches]
  TTTE_dots <- dots[-args_matches]
  TTTE_dots <- if ( length(TTTE_dots) == 0 ){ NULL }

  g1 <- do.call("TTTE_Analytical",
                args = c(list(formula = fo, response = NULL,
                              method = method, data = data,
                              scale = TRUE), TTTE_params, TTTE_dots))

  the_warning <- NULL

  g2 <- cbind(g1$`i/n`, g1$phi_n)
  g3 <- try(do.call("loess",
                    c(list(formula=g2[,2] ~ g2[,1]),
                      local_reg)), silent=TRUE)
  g4 <- do.call(interpolation$interp.fun,
                list(x = g2[,1], y=predict(g3),

  if (is.error(g3) | is.nan(g3$s)){
    hazard_type <- NA
    warning(paste0("Problem with LOESS estimation. The sample",
                   "size may be too small"))
  } else {
    lout <- (length(y) - 1)*5
    dTTT_dp <- g4(seq(0,1,length.out = interpolation$length.out), deriv=1)
    d2TTT_dp2 <- g4(seq(0,1,length.out = interpolation$length.out), deriv=2)

    target <- diff(sign(d2TTT_dp2))
    inflex <- which( target != 0 )
    diff_val <- try(target[inflex], silent = TRUE)

    if ( length(inflex) < 2 ){
      if ( length(inflex) > 0 ){
        if (diff_val == 2){
          # all(nu > 1)"
          hazard_type <- "Unimodal"
        if (diff_val == -2){
          hazard_type <- "Bathtub"
      } else {
        sign_search <- any(sign(d2TTT_dp2) < 0) # if (is.na(sum(sign_search))){
        if (sign_search){# negative second derivative
          hazard_type <- "Increasing"
        } else { # positive second derivative
          hazard_type <- "Decreasing"
    } else {
      the_warning <- paste0("Non-parametric estimate for Empirical TTT",
                            " is irregular.\nPlease, ",
                            "use the 'plot()' method to see the TTT shape")
      criterion <- sapply(g2[,1], criteria, x_val=0, y_val=1, g3=g3)
      control1 <- all(criterion)
      control2 <- all(criterion[2:(criterion[length(g2[,1])] - 1)])
      if ( control1 ){
        # Decreasing hazard
        hazard_type <- "Decreasing"
      } else if ( !control2 ){
        # Increasing hazard
        hazard_type <- "Increasing"
      } else {
        sigma <- NA;  nu <- NA;
        sigma.valid <- NA; nu.valid <- NA
        hazard_type <- NA

  output <- list(formula = formula, response = y,
                 local_reg = g3, interpolation = g4, TTTplot = g2,
                 hazard_type = hazard_type, warning = the_warning)
  class(output) <- "HazardShape"
  if (silent) options(warn = 0)
#' @export
# TTT_hazard_shape for 'EmpiricalTTT' inputs ----------------------------------
#' @rdname TTT_hazard_shape
#' @method TTT_hazard_shape EmpiricalTTT
#' @export
TTT_hazard_shape.EmpiricalTTT <- function(object,
                                          local_reg = loess.options(),
                                          interpolation = interp.options(),
                                          silent = FALSE, ...){
  if (silent) options(warn = -1)
  g1 <- object
  y <- g1$response
  formula <- g1$formula

  the_warning <- NULL

  g2 <- cbind(g1$`i/n`, g1$phi_n)
  g3 <- try(do.call("loess",
                    c(list(formula=g2[,2] ~ g2[,1]),
                      local_reg)), silent=TRUE)
  g4 <- do.call(interpolation$interp.fun,
                list(x = g2[,1], y=predict(g3),

  if (is.error(g3) | is.nan(g3$s)){
    hazard_type <- NA
    warning(paste0("Problem with LOESS estimation. The sample",
                   "size may be too small"))
  } else {
    lout <- (length(y) - 1)*5
    dTTT_dp <- g4(seq(0,1,length.out = interpolation$length.out), deriv=1)
    d2TTT_dp2 <- g4(seq(0,1,length.out = interpolation$length.out), deriv=2)

    target <- diff(sign(d2TTT_dp2))
    inflex <- which( target != 0 )
    diff_val <- try(target[inflex], silent = TRUE)

    if ( length(inflex) < 2 ){
      if ( length(inflex) > 0 ){
        if (diff_val == 2){
          # all(nu > 1)"
          hazard_type <- "Unimodal"
        if (diff_val == -2){
          hazard_type <- "Bathtub"
      } else {
        sign_search <- any(sign(d2TTT_dp2) < 0) # if (is.na(sum(sign_search))){
        if (sign_search){# negative second derivative
          hazard_type <- "Increasing"
        } else { # positive second derivative
          hazard_type <- "Decreasing"
    } else {
      the_warning <- paste0("Non-parametric estimate for Empirical TTT",
                            " is irregular.\nPlease, ",
                            "use the 'plot()' method to see the TTT shape")
      criterion <- sapply(g2[,1], criteria, x_val=0, y_val=1, g3=g3)
      control1 <- all(criterion)
      control2 <- all(criterion[2:(criterion[length(g2[,1])] - 1)])
      if ( control1 ){
        # Decreasing hazard
        hazard_type <- "Decreasing"
      } else if ( !control2 ){
        # Increasing hazard
        hazard_type <- "Increasing"
      } else {
        sigma <- NA;  nu <- NA;
        sigma.valid <- NA; nu.valid <- NA
        hazard_type <- NA

  output <- list(formula = object, response = y,
                 local_reg = g3, interpolation = g4, TTTplot = g2,
                 hazard_type = hazard_type, warning = the_warning)
  class(output) <- "HazardShape"
  if (silent) options(warn = 0)
# Convexity criterion ---------------------------------------------------------
# f(lambda*x + (1 - lambda)*y) <= lambda*f(x) + (1 - lambda)*f(y)
#' @keywords internal
criteria <- function(lambda, x_val, y_val, g3){
  f_xy <- predict(g3, newdata = c(x_val, y_val))
  right <- matrix(c(lambda, 1-lambda), ncol=2) %*% matrix(f_xy, nrow=2)
  right <- as.numeric(right)
  argument <- lambda*x_val + (1 - lambda)*y_val
  left <- predict(g3, newdata = argument)
  return(left <= right)
Jaimemosg/EstimationTools documentation built on Oct. 23, 2023, 10 a.m.