
Defines functions terms_maxlogL predict.maxlogL

Documented in predict.maxlogL

#' @title Predict Method for \code{maxlogL} Fits
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @author Jaime Mosquera GutiƩrrez, \email{jmosquerag@unal.edu.co}
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("maturing")`
#' This function computes predictions and optionally the estimated standard errors
#' of those predictions from a model fitted with \code{maxlogLreg}.
#' @aliases predict.maxlogL
#' @param object an object of \code{maxlogL} class generated by \code{\link{maxlogLreg}}
#'               function.
#' @param parameter a character which specifies the parameter to predict.
#' @param newdata a data frame with covariates with which to predict. It is an
#'                optional argument, if omitted, the fitted linear predictors or
#'                the (distribution) parameter predictions are used.
#' @param type a character with the type of prediction required. The default
#'             (\code{type = "link"}) is on the scale of the linear predictors;
#'             the alternative \code{type = "response"} is on the scale of the
#'             distribution parameter.
#' @param terms A character vector that specifies which terms are required if
#'              \code{type = "terms"}. All terms are returned by default.
#' @param se.fit logical switch indicating if standard errors of predictions
#'               are required.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @details This \code{predict} method computes predictions for values of any
#' distribution parameter in link or original scale.
#' @return
#' If \code{se.fit = FALSE}, a vector of predictions is returned.
#' For \code{type = "terms"}, a matrix with a column per term and an attribute "constant"
#' is returned.
#' If \code{se.fit = TRUE}, a list with the following components is obtained:
#' \enumerate{
#'    \item \code{fit}: Predictions.
#'    \item \code{se.fit}: Estimated standard errors.
#' }
#' @note
#' Variables are first looked for in \code{newdata} argument and then searched
#' in the usual way (which will include the environment of the formula used in
#' the fit). A warning will be given if the variables found are not of the same
#' length as those in \code{newdata} if it is supplied.
#' @examples
#' library(EstimationTools)
#' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Example 1: Predictions from a model using a simulated normal distribution
#' n <- 1000
#' x <- runif(n = n, -5, 6)
#' y <- rnorm(n = n, mean = -2 + 3 * x, sd = exp(1 + 0.3* x))
#' norm_data <- data.frame(y = y, x = x)
#' # It does not matter the order of distribution parameters
#' formulas <- list(sd.fo = ~ x, mean.fo = ~ x)
#' norm_mod <- maxlogLreg(formulas, y_dist = y ~ dnorm, data = norm_data,
#'                        link = list(over = "sd", fun = "log_link"))
#' predict(norm_mod)
#' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Example 2: Predictions using new values for covariates
#' predict(norm_mod, newdata = data.frame(x=0:6))
#' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Example 3: Predictions for another parameter
#' predict(norm_mod, newdata = data.frame(x=0:6), param = "sd",
#'        type = "response")
#' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Example 4: Model terms
#' predict(norm_mod, param = "sd", type = "terms")
#' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix formula
#' @export
predict.maxlogL <-
  function(object, parameter = NULL, newdata = NULL,
           type = c("link", "response", "terms"), se.fit = FALSE,
           terms = NULL, ...){
    if (object$outputs$type != "maxlogLreg")
      stop(paste("'predict()' method only useful for models with ",
                 "covariates. \n Use 'maxlogLreg' in order to ",
                 "take advantage of this method."))
    # Setting all input options
    type <- match.arg(type)
    call <- object$inputs$call
    if ( is.null(parameter) ) parameter <- object$outputs$par_names[1]
    parameter <- match.arg(parameter, choices = object$outputs$par_names)
    # if ( length(parameter) > 1 )
    #   stop(paste("Argument 'parameter' must be an unique element of class",
    #              "'character' with the following options:",
    #              paste(object$outputs$par_names, collapse = ', ')))

    # Linear predictors computation
    betas_pos <- match(object$outputs$par_names, parameter, nomatch = 0)
    betas_pos <- which(betas_pos != 0)
    betas <- all_betas(b_length = object$outputs$b_length,
                       npar = object$outputs$npar,
                       param = object$fit$par)[[betas_pos]]

    if ( is.null(newdata) ){
      pred <- switch(type,
                     link = object$outputs$linear.predictors[[parameter]],
                     response = object$outputs$fitted.values[[parameter]],
                     terms = terms_maxlogL(object, parameter, terms = terms,
                                           data = object$inputs$data))
      pred <- as.numeric(pred)
      names(pred) <- 1:length(pred)
    } else {
      if ( !inherits(newdata, "data.frame") )
        stop("'newdata' must be a data frame.")

      if ( type == 'terms' ){
        pred <- terms_maxlogL(object, parameter, terms = terms,
                              data = newdata)
      } else {
        fo.name <- paste0(parameter, ".fo")
        response_char <- as.character(object$inputs$y_dist[2])
        newdata_modification <- paste0('newdata$', response_char,
                                       ' <- rep(0, nrow(newdata))')
        eval(parse(text = newdata_modification))
        dsgn_mat <- model.matrix.MLreg(formulas = object$inputs$formulas[fo.name],
                                       data = newdata,
                                       y_dist = object$inputs$y_dist,
                                       npar = 1, # because predict takes only one parameter.
                                       par_names = parameter)[[parameter]]

        pred <- dsgn_mat %*% betas

        # Fitted values computation
        if ( parameter == object$inputs$link$over & type == 'response' ){
          pred <- do.call(what = object$inputs$link$fun,
                          args = list())$g_inv(pred)

    if ( type != "terms" ){
      if ( se.fit ){
        A <- param_index(object$outputs$b_length, object$outputs$npar)
        cov_mat_full <- as.data.frame(solve(object$fit$hessian))
        index <- which(object$outputs$par_names == parameter)
        cov_mat <- as.matrix(cov_mat_full[A[index,1]:A[index,2],
        se_index <- which(object$inputs$link$over == parameter)
        X <- object$outputs$design_matrix[[parameter]]
        var_pred <- X %*% cov_mat %*% t(X)

        if ( type == "response" ){
          dg_inv.eta <- paste0(object$inputs$link$fun[se_index], '()$dg_inv.eta')
          dg_inv.eta <- eval(parse(text = dg_inv.eta))
          var_pred <- diag(dg_inv.eta(pred)) %*% var_pred %*% t(diag(dg_inv.eta(pred)))
        se <- as.numeric(sqrt(diag(var_pred)))
        names(se) <- 1:length(se)
        pred <- list(fit = pred, se.fit = se)
      } else {
        pred <- as.numeric(pred)
        names(pred) <- 1:length(pred)
    } else {
      if (se.fit){
        stop(paste("Standard Error of prediction is not a valid option for",
                   "'type = terms'."))


terms_maxlogL <- function(object, param, terms, data){
  beta <- object$outputs$coef[[param]]
  fo.name <- paste0(param, ".fo")
  predictor <- as.character(object$inputs$formulas[[fo.name]])
  response <- as.character(object$inputs$y_dist[2])
  fo <- formula(paste(c(response, predictor), collapse = ''))
  X <- model.matrix(fo, data = data)
  Xav <- colMeans(X)
  X_center <- sweep(X, 2L, Xav)
  mat_terms <- t(beta*t(X_center))
  terms_names <- colnames(mat_terms)
  mat_terms <- as.matrix(mat_terms[, colnames(mat_terms) != '(Intercept)'],
                     ncol=(length(beta) - 1))
  colnames(mat_terms) <- terms_names[2:length(beta)]
  intercept <- as.numeric(crossprod(Xav, beta))
  attr(mat_terms, 'constant') <- intercept
  if ( !is.null(terms) ) mat_terms <- mat_terms[,mat_terms]
Jaimemosg/EstimationTools documentation built on Oct. 23, 2023, 10 a.m.