latlon_to_SpatialPolygons = function( lat, lon, alpha=1 ){
# Convert alpha shapes to polygons
#alphashape_1 = ashape(xym, alpha=alpha)
#ashape2poly = function(ashape){
# # Convert node numbers into characters
# ashape$edges[,1] = as.character(ashape$edges[,1])
# ashape_graph = graph_from_edgelist(ashape$edges[,1:2], directed = FALSE)
# if (!is.connected(ashape_graph)) {
# stop("Graph not connected")
# }
# if (any(degree(ashape_graph) != 2)) {
# stop("Graph not circular")
# }
# if (clusters(ashape_graph)$no > 1) {
# stop("Graph composed of more than one circle")
# }
# # Delete one edge to create a chain
# cut_graph = ashape_graph - E(ashape_graph)[1]
# # Find chain end points
# ends = names(which(degree(cut_graph) == 1))
# path = get.shortest.paths(cut_graph, ends[1], ends[2])$vpath[[1]]
# # this is an index into the points
# pathX = as.numeric(V(ashape_graph)[path]$name)
# # join the ends
# pathX = c(pathX, pathX[1])
# return(pathX)
#alphapoly_1 = ashape2poly(alphashape_1)
# Convert arcs to lines
# Convert arcs to lines
# function to convert an arc into line segments
# given the center of the arc, the radius, the vector, and the angle (radians)
arc2line = function(center, r, vector, theta, npoints = 100) {
# Get the angles at the extremes of the arcs
angles = alphahull::anglesArc(vector, theta)
# Generate sequence of angles along the arc to determine the points
seqang = seq(angles[1], angles[2], length = npoints)
# Generate x coordinates for points along the arc
x = center[1] + r * cos(seqang)
# Generate y coordinates for points along the arc
y = center[2] + r * sin(seqang)
coords.xy = cbind(x,y)
line = sp::Line(coords = coords.xy)
#Convert a-hull into a SpatialLines object
ahull2lines = function(hull){
arclist = hull$arcs
lines = list()
for (i in 1:nrow(arclist)) {
# Extract the attributes of arc i
center_i = arclist[i, 1:2]
radius_i = arclist[i, 3]
vector_i = arclist[i, 4:5]
theta_i = arclist[i, 6]
# Convert arc i into a Line object
line_i = arc2line(center = center_i, r = radius_i, vector = vector_i, theta = theta_i)
list_length = length(lines)
if(list_length > 0){
# If a line has already been added to the list of lines
# Define last_line_coords as the coordinates of the last line added to the list before the ith line
last_line_coords = lines[[list_length]]@coords
if(i == 1){
# Add the first line to the list of lines
lines[[i]] = line_i
} else if(all.equal(line_i@coords[1,], last_line_coords[nrow(last_line_coords),])){
# If the first coordinate in the ith line is equal to the last coordinate in the previous line
# then those lines should be connected
# Row bind the coordinates for the ith line to the coordinates of the previous line in the list
lines[[list_length]]@coords = rbind(last_line_coords, line_i@coords[2:nrow(line_i@coords),])
} else {
# If the first coordinate in the ith line does not match the last coordinate in the previous line
# then the ith line represents a new line
# Add the ith line to the list as a new element
lines[[length(lines) + 1]] = line_i
# Convert the list of lines to a Line object
lines = sp::Lines(lines, ID = 'l')
# Convert the Line object to a SpatialLines object
sp_lines = sp::SpatialLines(list(lines))
# Convert spatial lines object to spatialpolygon
spLines2poly = function(sp_lines){
# Extract the lines slot
lines_slot = sp_lines@lines[[1]]
# Create a list of booleans indicating whether a given Line represents a polygon
poly_bool = sapply(lines_slot@Lines, function(x){
coords = lines_slot@Lines[[1]]@coords
# Check if the first coordinate in the line is the same as the last
all.equal(coords[1,], coords[nrow(coords),])
# Pull out the lines that form polygons
poly_lines = sp_lines[poly_bool]
poly_lines_slot = poly_lines@lines
# Create SpatialPolygons
sp_polys = sp::SpatialPolygons(list(sp::Polygons(lapply(poly_lines_slot, function(x) {
sp::Polygon(slot(slot(x, "Lines")[[1]], "coords"))
}), ID = "1")))
# Bundle pieces
ahull2poly = function(hull){
# Convert the alpha hull to SpatialLines
hull2SpatialLines = ahull2lines(hull)
# Convert SpatialLines to SpatialPolygon
SpatialLines2SpatialPolygon = spLines2poly(hull2SpatialLines)
lonlat = cbind( lon, lat )
lonlat = unique(lonlat)
alphahull = alphahull::ahull(lonlat, alpha=alpha )
SpatialPolygons = ahull2poly(alphahull)
#setwd("C:/Users/James.Thorson/Desktop/Work files/AFSC/2020-06 -- Question from Ellen")
#temp2 = read.csv("EBS_stations.csv") # Feb 2020 northern Bering Sea 6 jellyfish species
#lat = temp2$lat
#lon = temp2$long
#SpatialPolygons = latlon_to_SpatialPolygons( lat=lat, lon=lon, alpha=3 )
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