#' Calculate location for knots approximating spatial variation
#' \code{make_kmeans} determines the location for a set of knots for approximating spatial variation
#' @param n_x the number of knots to select
#' @param loc_orig a matrix with two columns where each row gives the 2-dimensional coordinates to be approximated
#' @param nstart the number of times that the k-means algorithm is run while searching for the best solution (default=100)
#' @param randomseed a random number seed
#' @param iter.max the number of iterations used per k-means algorithm (default=1000)
#' @param DirPath a directory where the function looks for a previously-saved output (default is working directory)
#' @param Save_Results a boolean stating whether to save the output (Default=TRUE)
#' @param kmeans_purpose a character representing whether the call is to calculate "extrapolation" or "spatial" information
#' @param backwards_compatible_kmeans a boolean stating how to deal with changes in the kmeans algorithm implemented in R version 3.6.0,
#' where \code{backwards_compatible_kmeans==TRUE} modifies the default algorithm to maintain backwards compatibility, and
#' where \code{backwards_compatible_kmeans==FALSE} breaks backwards compatibility between R versions prior to and after R 3.6.0.
#' @return Tagged list containing outputs
#' \describe{
#' \item{centers}{a matrix with 2 columns and n_x rows}
#' \item{cluster}{A vector with length \code{nrow(loc_orig)} specifying which row of \code{centers} corresponds to each row of loc_orig}
#' }
#' @export
make_kmeans <-
function( n_x,
nstart = 100,
randomseed = 1,
iter.max = 1000,
DirPath = getwd(),
Save_Results = TRUE,
kmeans_purpose = "spatial",
backwards_compatible_kmeans = FALSE ){
# get old seed
oldseed = ceiling(runif(1,min=1,max=1e6))
# fix new seed
if( !is.null(randomseed) ) set.seed( round(randomseed) )
old.options <- options()
options( "warn" = -1 )
on.exit( options(old.options) )
# warnings
if( paste0("Kmeans-",n_x,".RData") %in% list.files(DirPath) ){
warning("Found `Kmeans-",n_x,".RData` in directory; this might indicate a desire to import previously constructed k-means under deprecated naming conventions")
tmpfile <- paste0("Kmeans_knots-",n_x,".RData")
} else if(kmeans_purpose=="extrapolation"){
## n_x is really max_cells in this case
tmpfile <- paste0("Kmeans_extrapolation-",n_x,".RData")
} else {
stop("Invalid kmeans_purpose for make_kmeans:", kmeans_purpose)
# Backwards compatibility
if( backwards_compatible_kmeans==TRUE ){
if( identical(formalArgs(RNGkind), c("kind","normal.kind","sample.kind")) ){
RNGkind_orig = RNGkind()
on.exit( RNGkind(kind=RNGkind_orig[1], normal.kind=RNGkind_orig[2], sample.kind=RNGkind_orig[3]), add=TRUE )
RNGkind( sample.kind="Rounding" )
}else if( !identical(formalArgs(RNGkind), c("kind","normal.kind")) ){
stop("Assumptions about `RNGkind` are not met within `make_kmeans`; please report problem to package developers")
# Calculate knots for SPDE mesh
if( length(unique(paste(loc_orig[,1],loc_orig[,2],sep="_")))<=n_x ){
# If number of knots is less than number of sample locations
Kmeans = NULL
Kmeans[["centers"]] = unique( loc_orig )
Kmeans[["cluster"]] = RANN::nn2( data=Kmeans[["centers"]], query=loc_orig, k=1)$nn.idx[,1]
message( "n_x greater than or equal to n_unique so no calculation necessary" )
if(tmpfile %in% list.files(DirPath) ){
# If previously saved knots are available
load( file=file.path(DirPath, tmpfile))
message( "Loaded from ", file.path(DirPath, tmpfile) )
# Multiple runs to find optimal knots
message("Using ", nstart, " iterations to find optimal ",
ifelse(kmeans_purpose=="extrapolation", "extrapolation grid", "spatial knot"),
" placement because no saved file found...")
Kmeans = list( "tot.withinss"=Inf )
tries <- 1
for(i in 1:nstart){
Tmp = stats::kmeans( x=loc_orig, centers=n_x, iter.max=iter.max, nstart=1, trace=0)
if(i==1) message("Iter=1: Current=", round(Tmp$tot.withinss,0))
if(i!=1 & i!=nstart & i %% 10 ==0)
message( 'Iter=',i,': Current=',round(Kmeans$tot.withinss,0),' Proposed=',round(Tmp$tot.withinss,0) )#,' Time=',round(Time,4)) )
if( Tmp$tot.withinss < Kmeans$tot.withinss ){
Kmeans = Tmp
tries <- i # which iteration was the optimal
message("Iter=", nstart, ': Final=', round(Kmeans$tot.withinss,0), " after ", tries, " iterations")
save( Kmeans, file=file.path(DirPath, tmpfile))
message( "Results saved to ", file.path(DirPath, tmpfile), "\n for subsequent runs by default (delete it to override)")
# fix to old seed
if( !is.null(randomseed) ) set.seed( oldseed )
# Return stuff
Return = list("centers"=Kmeans[["centers"]], "cluster"=Kmeans[["cluster"]] )
return( Return )
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