#' Plot spatial clusters
#' \code{plot_clusters} plots the clusters on a map
#' Code to plot clusters to look for biogeographic shifts, as well as plotting
#' averages across all sites-times assigned to a each cluster, for use when
#' interpreting each cluster.
#' @inheritParams fastcluster::hclust.vector
#' @inheritParams stats::cutree
#' @param var_name Name of object from \code{fit$Report} that is used. Only
#' implemented options are \code{"D_gct","Omega1_gc","Omega2_gc","Epsilon1_gct","Epsilon2_gct"}.
#' @param transform_var function to apply to \code{fit$Report[[var_name]]} prior to clustering.
#' I recommend using log-transform for density, and otherwise using \code{transform_var=identity}.
#' @param method Distance metric. Default \code{method="ward"} is very fast,
#' but can instead use \code{method="bcdist"} for small problems which calculates
#' Bray-Curtist dissimilarity using \code{\link[ecodist]{bcdist}} and then applies
#' Ward clustering
#' @param replace_Inf_with_NA Boolean whether to replace \code{Inf} or \code{-Inf} values
#' with \code{NA} prior to clustering, as useful sometimes when \code{var_name="D_gct"},
#' \code{transform_var=log} and replacing nonencounters with zero.
#' @param map_list output from \code{\link{make_map_info output}}
#' @references For details regarding spatial clustering see \url{https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsac007}
#' @export
plot_clusters <-
function( fit,
var_name = "D_gct",
transform_var = log,
k = 4,
method = "ward",
year_labels = fit$year_labels,
category_names = fit$category_names,
map_list = NULL,
working_dir = getwd(),
file_name = paste0("Class-",var_name),
file_name2 = paste0("Class-",var_name,"-averages"),
replace_Inf_with_NA = TRUE,
size_threshold = 100000,
col = viridisLite::viridis,
yaxis_log = TRUE,
... ){
# Informative error
if( !(var_name %in% c("D_gct","Omega1_gc","Omega2_gc","Epsilon1_gct","Epsilon2_gct")) ){
stop("Check `var_name`")
# Change labels
fit$Report = amend_output( fit,
year_labels = year_labels,
category_names = category_names )
# Make map_list if necessary
if( missing(map_list) ){
map_list = make_map_info( Region = fit$settings$Region,
spatial_list = fit$spatial_list,
Extrapolation_List = fit$extrapolation_list )
# Extract object
Y_gct = transform_var( strip_units(fit$Report[[var_name]]) )
if( length(dim(Y_gct))==2 ){
Y_gct = Y_gct %o% array(1,dimnames=list("Time"=1))
# Change Inf e.g., from log(0) to NA
if( replace_Inf_with_NA==TRUE ){
Y_gct = ifelse( abs(Y_gct)==Inf, NA, Y_gct )
# Change shape
Y_z = reshape2:::melt.array( data=Y_gct, varnames=names(dimnames(Y_gct)) )
Y_zc = reshape2::acast(Y_z, formula = Time + Site ~ Category )
# Remove NAs prior to clustering
which_NA = which( apply(Y_zc,MARGIN=1,FUN=function(vec){any(is.na(vec))}) )
which_notNA = setdiff( 1:nrow(Y_zc), which_NA )
Yprime_zc = Y_zc[ which_notNA,,drop=FALSE ]
# Warnings
if( nrow(Yprime_zc) > size_threshold ){
warning("Skipping `plot_clusters` ... it will likely not work due to large size")
return( list("Y_zc"=Y_zc) )
if( nrow(Yprime_zc) > (size_threshold/10) ) warning("`plot_clusters` will go slowly due to large size")
# Apply clustering
if( method == "bcdist" ){
# Option 1 -- breaks with large sample size
Dist_zz = ecodist::bcdist(Yprime_zc) # dist or ecodist::bcdist
# Dist_zz = dist(Y_zc)
Hclust = hclust(Dist_zz, method="ward.D2" )
# Option 2 -- memory issues
#cluster::agnes( Y_zc )
# Option 3 -- faster and lower memory
Hclust = fastcluster::hclust.vector( Yprime_zc, method=method )
# Cut and convert shape
Classprime_z = cutree( Hclust, k = k )
# Add back to NAs
Class_z = rep(NA, nrow(Y_zc))
Class_z[which_notNA] = Classprime_z
# back-transform shape
if( prod(dim(Y_gct)[c(1,3)]) != length(Class_z) ) stop("Check `plot_clusters`")
Class_gt = array(Class_z, dim=dim(Y_gct)[c(1,3)], dimnames=dimnames(Y_gct)[c(1,3)])
# Make plot
Y_gt = Class_gt,
map_list = map_list,
file_name = file_name,
working_dir = working_dir,
#format = format,
panel_labels = colnames(Class_gt),
col = col,
# Plot cluster memberships
Ybar_kc = apply( Y_zc, MARGIN=2, FUN=function(y_z,class_z){tapply(y_z,INDEX=class_z,FUN=mean)}, class_z=Class_z )
png( file=file.path(working_dir,paste0(file_name2,".png")), width=6, height=6, units="in", res=200 )
par( mar=c(7,3,1,1), mgp=c(2,0.5,0), tck=-0.02 )
matplot( y = f(t(Ybar_kc)),
#x = factor(colnames(Ybar_kc)),
#las = 2,
xaxt = "n",
col = col(k),
type = "l",
lwd = 2,
xlab = "",
ylab = "Cluster average",
lty = "solid",
log = ifelse(yaxis_log==TRUE,"y","") )
axis( side = 1,
at = seq_len(ncol(Ybar_kc)),
labels = colnames(Ybar_kc),
las = 2 )
# Return stuff
Return = list("Y_zc"=Y_zc, "Class_gt"=Class_gt, "Ybar_kc"=Ybar_kc)
return( invisible(Return) )
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