#' @title
#' Plot shifts in distribution and area occupied
#' @description
#' \code{plot_range_index} plots center-of-gravity, kernel-area occupied, and effective-area occupied
#' @inheritParams plot_biomass_index
#' @param Sdreport TMB output from `TMB::sdreport(Obj)`
#' @param Report Reporting output from `Obj$report()`
#' @param TmbData Formatted data inputs, from `VAST::Data_Fn(...)`
#' @param PlotDir Directory for plots
#' @param FileName_COG Full filename (including directory) for center-of-gravity plot
#' @param FileName_Area Full filename (including directory) for center-of-gravity plot
#' @param FileName_EffArea Full filename (including directory) for center-of-gravity plot
#' @param Znames Names for center-of-gravity summary statistics
#' @return Return Tagged list of output
#' \describe{
#' \item{COG_Table}{table of center-of-gravity ("COG") estimates by year}
#' \item{KernelArea_Table}{table of kernel-area approximation to area occupied, estimated by year}
#' \item{EffectiveArea_Table}{table of effective-area approximation to area occupied, estimated by year, recommended over \code{KernelArea_Table}}
#' }
#' @references For details regarding center of gravity see \url{https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.12567}
#' @references For details regarding effective area occupied see \url{https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2016.1853}
#' @export
plot_range_index <-
function( Sdreport,
year_labels = NULL,
years_to_plot = NULL,
strata_names = NULL,
PlotDir = getwd(),
FileName_COG = "center_of_gravity.png",
#FileName_Area = file.path(PlotDir,"Area.png"),
FileName_EffArea = "Effective_Area.png",
Znames = rep("",ncol(TmbData$Z_gm)),
use_biascorr = TRUE,
category_names = NULL,
interval_width = 1,
# Informative errors
if(is.null(Sdreport)) stop("Sdreport is NULL; please provide Sdreport")
# Warnings
if( !is.null(TmbData$Options_list$Expansion_cz) ){
if(any(TmbData$Options_list$Expansion_cz!=0)) warning("`Nonstandard `Expansion_cz` being used, so `plot_range_index` will have nonstandard output")
# Which parameters
if( "ln_Index_tl" %in% rownames(TMB::summary.sdreport(Sdreport)) ){
# SpatialDeltaGLMM
CogName = "mean_Z_tm"
EffectiveName = "effective_area_tl"
TmbData[['n_c']] = 1
if( "ln_Index_ctl" %in% rownames(TMB::summary.sdreport(Sdreport)) ){
# VAST Version < 2.0.0
CogName = "mean_Z_ctm"
EffectiveName = "effective_area_ctl"
if( "ln_Index_cyl" %in% rownames(TMB::summary.sdreport(Sdreport)) ){
# VAST Version >= 2.0.0
CogName = "mean_Z_cym"
EffectiveName = "effective_area_cyl"
TmbData[["n_t"]] = nrow(TmbData[["t_yz"]])
# Default inputs
if( is.null(year_labels)) year_labels = 1:TmbData$n_t
if( is.null(years_to_plot) ) years_to_plot = 1:TmbData$n_t
if( is.null(strata_names) ) strata_names = 1:TmbData$n_l
if( is.null(category_names) ) category_names = 1:TmbData$n_c
Return = list( "year_labels"=year_labels )
# Plot distribution shift and kernal-area approximation to area occupied if necessary outputs are available
if( !any(c("mean_Z_tm","mean_Z_ctm","mean_Z_cym") %in% names(Report)) ){
message( "To plot range-shifts and kernal-approximation to area occupied, please re-run with Options['Calculate_Range']=1" )
message( "Plotting center-of-gravity..." )
# Extract index (using bias-correctino if available and requested)
SD = TMB::summary.sdreport(Sdreport)
SD_mean_Z_ctm = array( NA, dim=c(unlist(TmbData[c('n_c','n_t','n_m')]),2), dimnames=list(NULL,NULL,NULL,c('Estimate','Std. Error')) )
if( use_biascorr==TRUE && "unbiased"%in%names(Sdreport) ){
SD_mean_Z_ctm[] = SD[which(rownames(SD)==CogName),c('Est. (bias.correct)','Std. Error')]
if( !any(is.na(SD_mean_Z_ctm)) ){
message("Using bias-corrected estimates for center of gravity...")
message("Not using bias-corrected estimates for center of gravity...")
SD_mean_Z_ctm[] = SD[which(rownames(SD)==CogName),c('Estimate','Std. Error')]
# Plot center of gravity
# Can't use `plot_index` because of 2-column format
png( file=file.path(PlotDir,"center_of_gravity.png"), width=6.5, height=TmbData$n_c*2, res=200, units="in")
par( mar=c(2,2,1,0), mgp=c(1.75,0.25,0), tck=-0.02, oma=c(1,1,0,1.5), mfrow=c(TmbData$n_c,dim(SD_mean_Z_ctm)[[3]]), ... ) #
for( cI in 1:TmbData$n_c ){
for( mI in 1:dim(SD_mean_Z_ctm)[[3]]){
#Ybounds = (SD_mean_Z_ctm[cI,years_to_plot,mI,'Estimate']%o%rep(interval_width,2) + SD_mean_Z_ctm[cI,years_to_plot,mI,'Std. Error']%o%c(-interval_width,interval_width))
#Ylim = range(Ybounds,na.rm=TRUE)
#plot_lines( x = year_labels[years_to_plot],
# y = SD_mean_Z_ctm[cI,years_to_plot,mI,'Estimate'],
# ybounds = Ybounds,
# col_bounds = rgb(1,0,0,0.2),
# fn = plot,
# type = "l",
# lwd = 2,
# col = "red",
# bounds_type = "shading",
# ylim = Ylim,
# xlab = "",
# ylab = "",
# main = "" )
plot_index( Index_ctl = matrix(SD_mean_Z_ctm[cI,,mI,'Estimate'],nrow=1),
sd_Index_ctl = matrix(SD_mean_Z_ctm[cI,,mI,'Std. Error'],nrow=1),
year_labels = year_labels,
years_to_plot = years_to_plot,
col_bounds = rgb(1,0,0,0.2),
type = "l",
lwd = 2,
col = "red",
bounds_type = "shading",
PlotName = NA,
Yrange = c(NA,NA),
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
add = TRUE )
if( cI==1 ) mtext(side=3, text=Znames[mI], outer=FALSE )
if( mI==dim(SD_mean_Z_ctm)[[3]] & TmbData$n_c>1 ) mtext(side=4, text=category_names[cI], outer=FALSE, line=0.5)
mtext( side=1, text="Year", outer=TRUE, line=c(0,0) )
mtext( side=2, text=make_unit_label(u=units(Report$mean_Z_ctm),lab="Location",parse=FALSE), outer=TRUE, line=c(0,0) )
# Write to file
COG_Table = NULL
for( cI in 1:TmbData$n_c ){
for( mI in 1:dim(SD_mean_Z_ctm)[[3]]){
Tmp = cbind("m"=mI, "Year"=year_labels, "COG_hat"=SD_mean_Z_ctm[cI,,mI,'Estimate'], "SE"=SD_mean_Z_ctm[cI,,mI,'Std. Error'])
if( TmbData$n_c>1 ) Tmp = cbind( "Category"=category_names[cI], Tmp)
COG_Table = rbind(COG_Table, Tmp)
# Plot area
#KernelArea_Table = cbind("Year"=year_labels, "KernelArea"=SD_log_area_Z_tmm[,2,1,1], "SE"=SD_log_area_Z_tmm[,2,1,2])
#png( file=FileName_Area, width=4, height=4, res=200, units="in")
# par( mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(3,3,2,0), mgp=c(1.75,0.25,0), tck=-0.02, oma=c(0,0,0,0))
# plot_lines( x=year_labels, y=SD_log_area_Z_tmm[,2,1,1], ybounds=SD_log_area_Z_tmm[,2,1,1]%o%rep(1,2)+SD_log_area_Z_tmm[,2,1,2]%o%c(-1,1), fn=plot, bounds_type="shading", col_bounds=rgb(1,0,0,0.2), col="red", lwd=2, xlab="Year", ylab="ln(km^2)", type="l", main="Kernel approximation to area occupied")
# Return stuff
Return = c(Return, list("SD_mean_Z_ctm"=SD_mean_Z_ctm, "COG_Table"=COG_Table))
# Only run if necessary outputs are available
if( !any(c("effective_area_tl","effective_area_ctl","effective_area_cyl") %in% names(Report)) ){
message( "To plot effective area occupied, please re-run with Options['Calculate_effective_area']=1" )
message( "Plotting effective area occupied..." )
# Extract estimates
SD = TMB::summary.sdreport(Sdreport)
SD_effective_area_ctl = SD_log_effective_area_ctl = array( NA, dim=c(unlist(TmbData[c('n_c','n_t','n_l')]),2), dimnames=list(NULL,NULL,NULL,c('Estimate','Std. Error')) )
# Effective area
if( use_biascorr==TRUE && "unbiased"%in%names(Sdreport) ){
SD_effective_area_ctl[] = SD[which(rownames(SD)==EffectiveName),c('Est. (bias.correct)','Std. Error')]
if( !any(is.na(SD_effective_area_ctl)) ){
message("Using bias-corrected estimates for effective area occupied (natural scale)...")
message("Not using bias-corrected estimates for effective area occupied (natural scale)...")
SD_effective_area_ctl[] = SD[which(rownames(SD)==EffectiveName),c('Estimate','Std. Error')]
# Log-Effective area
if( use_biascorr==TRUE && "unbiased"%in%names(Sdreport) ){
SD_log_effective_area_ctl[] = SD[which(rownames(SD)==paste0("log_",EffectiveName)),c('Est. (bias.correct)','Std. Error')]
if( !any(is.na(SD_log_effective_area_ctl)) ){
message("Using bias-corrected estimates for effective area occupied (log scale)...")
message("Not using bias-corrected estimates for effective area occupied (log scale)...")
SD_log_effective_area_ctl[] = SD[which(rownames(SD)==paste0("log_",EffectiveName)),c('Estimate','Std. Error')]
# Plot area
plot_index( Index_ctl = exp(abind::adrop(SD_log_effective_area_ctl[,,,'Estimate',drop=FALSE], drop = 4)),
sd_Index_ctl = abind::adrop(SD_log_effective_area_ctl[,,,'Std. Error',drop=FALSE], drop = 4),
year_labels = year_labels,
years_to_plot = years_to_plot,
strata_names = strata_names,
category_names = category_names,
DirName = PlotDir,
PlotName = FileName_EffArea,
scale = "log",
interval_width = interval_width,
xlab = "Year",
ylab = make_unit_label( u = units(Report$effective_area_ctl), lab = "Effective area occupied", parse = FALSE ), # "Effective area occupied [km^2]",
Yrange = c(NA,NA),
width = ceiling(TmbData$n_c/ceiling(sqrt(TmbData$n_c)))*4,
#plot_args = list(log="y"),
height = ceiling(sqrt(TmbData$n_c))*4 )
#png( file=FileName_EffArea, width=ceiling(TmbData$n_c/ceiling(sqrt(TmbData$n_c)))*2.5, height=ceiling(sqrt(TmbData$n_c))*2.5, res=200, units="in")
# par( mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(2,2,1,0), mgp=c(1.75,0.25,0), tck=-0.02, oma=c(1,1,1,0), mfrow=c(ceiling(sqrt(TmbData$n_c)),ceiling(TmbData$n_c/ceiling(sqrt(TmbData$n_c)))))
# for( cI in 1:TmbData$n_c ){
# Ybounds = SD_log_effective_area_ctl[cI,,1,1]%o%rep(interval_width,2) + SD_log_effective_area_ctl[cI,,1,2]%o%c(-interval_width,interval_width)
# plot_lines( x=year_labels, y=SD_log_effective_area_ctl[cI,,1,1], ybounds=Ybounds, ylim=range(Ybounds), fn=plot, bounds_type="shading", col_bounds=rgb(1,0,0,0.2), col="red", lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="", type="l", main=category_names[cI])
# }
# mtext( side=1:3, text=c("Year","ln(km^2)","Effective area occupied"), outer=TRUE, line=c(0,0,0) )
# Write to file
EffectiveArea_Table = NULL
for( cI in 1:TmbData$n_c ){
Tmp = cbind("Year"=year_labels, "EffectiveArea"=SD_log_effective_area_ctl[cI,,1,1], "SE"=SD_log_effective_area_ctl[cI,,1,2])
if( TmbData$n_c>1 ) Tmp = cbind( "Category"=category_names[cI], Tmp)
EffectiveArea_Table = rbind(EffectiveArea_Table, Tmp)
# Return stuff
Return = c(Return, list("SD_effective_area_ctl"=SD_effective_area_ctl, "SD_log_effective_area_ctl"=SD_log_effective_area_ctl, "EffectiveArea_Table"=EffectiveArea_Table))
# Return list of stuff
return( invisible(Return) )
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