#' Plot similarity resulting from estimated covariance
#' \code{plot_similarity} plots metrics of similarity derived from estimated covariance matrices
#' @param fit output from \code{fit_model}
#' @param similarity_metric approach used to visualize similarity among years/categories
#' resulting from estimated loadings matrices. Available options include
#' \code{"hclust", "Correlation", "Dissimilarity", "Covariance"}
#' @export
plot_similarity <-
function( fit,
year_labels = fit$year_labels,
category_names = fit$category_names,
similarity_metric = c("hclust", "Correlation", "Dissimilarity", "Covariance")[1],
working_dir = getwd(),
file_name = similarity_metric,
panel_size = 3,
Res = 200,
Format = "png" ){
# Explore seriation::dissplot
# Update labels
fit$Report = amend_output( fit = fit,
year_labels = year_labels,
category_names = category_names )
if( fit$data_list$n_c >= 2 ){
width=2 * panel_size,
height=4 * panel_size, res=Res, units='in')
on.exit( dev.off() )
width=2 * panel_size,
height=4 * panel_size, res=Res, units='in')
on.exit( dev.off() )
width = 2 * panel_size,
height = 4 * panel_size, res=Res, units='in')
on.exit( dev.off() )
par( mfcol=c(4,2), mgp=c(2,0.5,0), mar=c(0,4,4,0), oma=c(0,2,2,0) )
for(Col in 1:2){
for(Row in 1:4){
#for(i in 1:8){
# Variable names
i = Row + (Col-1)*4
Par_name = c("Omega1", "Epsilon1", "Beta1", "EpsilonTime1", "Omega2", "Epsilon2", "Beta2", "EpsilonTime2")[i]
Lpar_name = c("L_omega1_z", "L_epsilon1_z", "L_beta1_z", "Ltime_epsilon1_z", "L_omega2_z", "L_epsilon2_z", "L_beta2_z", "Ltime_epsilon2_z")[i]
# Backwards compatible loading of variables and names
if(Par_name == "Omega1"){ Var_name = "Omegainput1_sf"; Var2_name = "Omegainput1_gf"; L_name = "L_omega1_cf" }
if(Par_name == "Epsilon1"){ Var_name = "Epsiloninput1_sft"; Var2_name = "Epsiloninput1_gft"; L_name = "L_epsilon1_cf" }
if(Par_name == "Beta1"){ Var_name = "beta1_ft"; Var2_name = "missing"; L_name = "L_beta1_cf" }
if(Par_name == "EpsilonTime1"){ Var_name = "Epsiloninput1_sff"; Var2_name = "Epsiloninput1_gff"; L_name = "Ltime_epsilon1_tf" }
if(Par_name == "Omega2"){ Var_name = "Omegainput2_sf"; Var2_name = "Omegainput2_gf"; L_name = "L_omega2_cf" }
if(Par_name == "Epsilon2"){ Var_name = "Epsiloninput2_sft"; Var2_name = "Epsiloninput2_gft"; L_name = "L_epsilon2_cf" }
if(Par_name == "Beta2"){ Var_name = "beta2_ft"; Var2_name = "missing"; L_name = "L_beta2_cf" }
if(Par_name == "EpsilonTime2"){ Var_name = "Epsiloninput2_sff"; Var2_name = "Epsiloninput2_gff"; L_name = "Ltime_epsilon2_tf" }
Cov = fit$Report[[L_name]] %*% t(fit$Report[[L_name]])
Dist = dist(fit$Report[[L_name]], diag=TRUE, upper=TRUE) #
# equivalent to: sqrt(outer( diag(Cov), diag(Cov), "+" ) - 2*Cov)
if( (ncol(fit$Report[[L_name]])==0) || all(Cov==diag(ncol(Cov))) ){
diag(Cov) = 0
Dist[] = 0
Cor = array(1, dim=dim(Cov))
Cor = cov2cor(Cov)
if( nrow(Cov) <= 2 ){
#legend( "center", bty="n", legend = "Skipped: covariance is diagonal")
if( tolower(similarity_metric) %in% c("cor","correlation") ){
corrplot::corrplot.mixed( Cor, tl.pos="lt" )
} else
if( tolower(similarity_metric) %in% c("cov","covariance") ){
corrplot::corrplot( Cov, is.corr=FALSE, tl.pos="lt", cl.lim = range(Cov) )
} else
if( tolower(similarity_metric) == "hclust" ){
# Throws error with two groups
# X - diag(diag(X)) throws error when Cov is 1-by-1 matrix with value 0
offdiag = Cov - diag(diag(Cov))
if( all( offdiag==0 ) ){
Hclust = hclust( Dist )
plot(Hclust, main="", ylab="")
} else
if( tolower(similarity_metric) == "dissimilarity" ){
Order = seriation::seriate( Dist )
Dist2 = seriation::permute( Dist, Order )
Dist2 = as.matrix(Dist2)
#Dist2 = Dist2 / max(abs(Dist))
#gclus::plotcolors(dmat.color(Dist2, viridisLite::viridis(4)), rlabels=rownames(as.matrix(Dist2)) )
corrplot::corrplot( Dist2, is.corr=FALSE, tl.pos="lt", cl.lim = range(Dist2) )
} else { stop("Check `similarity_metric`") }
#if( tolower(similarity_metric) == "correlation" ) corrplot::corrplot( cov2cor(Cov), method="pie", type="lower" )
#if( tolower(similarity_metric) == "dissimilarity" ) plot( as.matrix(Dist) )
#if( tolower(similarity_metric) == "dissimilarity" ) pimage( Dist, order=seriate(Dist), axes="x", newpage=FALSE, pop=FALSE )
if(Col==1) mtext( side=2, line=1, text=c("Omega","Epsilon","Beta","EpsilonTime")[Row] )
if(Row==1) mtext( side=3, line=1, text=c("Component 1","Component 2")[Col] )
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