
Defines functions vascr_detect_vehicle_control_wells

#' Detect vehicles in an vascr dataset
#' @param data An vascr dataset
#' @param force_replace Should vehicles be replaced, if they already exist. True replaces the column, false does not. Default FALSE.
#' @return An vascr dataset with an extra IsVehicleControl column
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' #vascr_detect_vehicle(growth.df)
vascr_detect_vehicle = function (data, force_replace = FALSE)
  # Check if vehicle well exists, and we don't have to replace, and if so skip over this function
  if (isFALSE(force_replace) & col_exists(data, "IsVehicleControl"))
  # Make sure the data is exploded, if not fix it. Otherwise subsequent functions can't access approprate data
       data = vascr_explode(data)
  # Check if a vehicle has been specified
  if(!col_exists(data, "Vehicle"))
    warning("No well titled 'Vehicle' found in dataset, therefore assuming that all are treatments are in the same vehicle")
    data$Vehicle = "Not Specified"
  subsetcols = select(data, vascr_exploded_cols(data))
  subsetcols = select(subsetcols, vascr_cols(subsetcols, "continuous"))
  data$count_na = apply(subsetcols, 1, function(x) sum(x=="NA"))
  summary = data %>% group_by(Vehicle) %>% summarise(max = max(count_na))
  datasummary = left_join(data, summary, by = "Vehicle")
  datasummary$IsVehicleControl = as.vector(datasummary$count_na == datasummary$max)
    warning("No veichle wells detected. Please manually select wells, or ignore this error if a vehicle is not appropriate")
    datasummary$IsVehicleControl = FALSE
  datasummary$max = NULL
  datasummary$count_na = NULL

#' Detect the wells R thinks contains vehicles
#' Convenience function. This first runs vascr_detect_vehicle on the dataset, then provides a summary table of which wells are associated with which vehicle. Provides a usefull check that vehicle detection has been preformed correctly.
#' @param data The datset to search
#' @param force_replace Should existing IsVehicleControl wells be replaced (if present)?
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @noRd
#' @return A vector of vehicle control wells
#' @examples
#' #vascr_detect_vehicle_control_wells(xcell)
vascr_detect_vehicle_control_wells = function(data, force_replace = FALSE)
  # Find vehicle control wells. Function will automatically return the same data if re-generation is not required.
    data = vascr_detect_vehicle(data, force_replace)
  # Grab only the wells that are vehicle controls
  datasummary = subset(data, IsVehicleControl)
  # Remove wells with no vehicle specified (unused wells, as if all were unspecified they would all have been converted to "Not Specified" during the vehicle detection process)
  datasummary = subset(datasummary, !(Vehicle ==""))
  # Grab the two wells we care about
  datasummary = select(datasummary, c("Well", "Vehicle"))
  # Return unique values

#' Check if a column exists in a dataset
#' @param data The dataset to check
#' @param col The column to check. Should be a character string
#' @return A boolean, true if the column is found, false if not
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' #col_exists(growth.df, "Vector")
#' #col_exists(growth.df, "Unit")
col_exists = function (data, col)
  if(col %in% colnames(data))
    return (TRUE)
    return (FALSE)
JamesHucklesby/vascr documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 6:02 p.m.