
Defines functions rstar.stage1

# File:        rstar.stage1.R
# Description: This file runs the model in the first stage of the HLW estimation.
rstar.stage1 <- function(log.output,
                         g.pot.start.index = g.pot.start.index) {
  message("Running rstar.stage1...")
  stage <- 1

  # Data must start 4 quarters before the estimation period
  T <- length(log.output) - 4

  # Original output gap estimate
  x.og <- cbind(rep(1,T+4), 1:(T+4))
  y.og <- log.output
  output.gap <- (y.og - x.og %*% solve(t(x.og) %*% x.og, t(x.og) %*% y.og)) * 100

  # Initialization of state vector for Kalman filter using HP trend of log output
  log.output.hp.trend <- hpfilter(log.output,freq=36000,type="lambda",drift=FALSE)$trend
  g.pot <- log.output.hp.trend[(g.pot.start.index):length(log.output.hp.trend)]
  xi.00 <- c(100*g.pot[3:1])

  # IS curve
  y.is <- output.gap[5:(T+4)]
  x.is <- cbind(output.gap[4:(T+3)], output.gap[3:(T+2)])
  b.is <- solve(t(x.is) %*% x.is, t(x.is) %*% y.is)
  r.is <- y.is - x.is %*% b.is
  s.is <- sqrt(sum(r.is^2) / (length(r.is)-(dim(x.is)[2])))

  # Phillips curve
  y.ph <- inflation[5:(T+4)]
  x.ph <- cbind(inflation[4:(T+3)],
  b.ph <- solve(t(x.ph) %*% x.ph, t(x.ph) %*% y.ph)
  r.ph <- y.ph - x.ph %*% b.ph
  s.ph <- sqrt(sum(r.ph^2) / (length(r.ph)-(dim(x.ph)[2])))

  y.data <- cbind(100 * log.output[5:(T+4)],
  x.data <- cbind(100 * log.output[4:(T+3)],
                  100 * log.output[3:(T+2)],

  # Starting values for the parameter vector
  initial.parameters <- c(b.is, b.ph[1], b.ph[3], 0.85, s.is, s.ph, 0.5)

  # Set an upper and lower bound on the parameter vectors:
  # The vector is unbounded unless values are otherwise specified
  theta.lb <- c(rep(-Inf,length(initial.parameters)))
  theta.ub <- c(rep(Inf,length(initial.parameters)))

  # Set a lower bound for the Phillips curve slope (b_2) of b2.constraint, if not NA
  # In HLW, b2.constraint = 0.025
  if (!is.na(b2.constraint)) {
      if (initial.parameters[4] < b2.constraint) {
          initial.parameters[4] <- b2.constraint
      theta.lb[4] <- b2.constraint

  # Set the initial covariance matrix (see footnote 6)
  P.00 <- calculate.covariance(initial.parameters, theta.lb, theta.ub, y.data, x.data, stage, NA, NA, xi.00)

  # Get parameter estimates via maximum likelihood
  f <- function(theta) {return(-log.likelihood.wrapper(theta, y.data, x.data, stage, NA, NA, xi.00, P.00)$ll.cum)}
  nloptr.out <- nloptr(initial.parameters, f, eval_grad_f=function(x) {gradient(f, x)},
  theta <- nloptr.out$solution

  log.likelihood <- log.likelihood.wrapper(theta, y.data, x.data, stage, NA, NA, xi.00, P.00)$ll.cum

  # Get state vectors (xi.tt, xi.ttm1, xi.tT, P.tt, P.ttm1, P.tT) via Kalman filter
  states <- kalman.states.wrapper(theta, y.data, x.data, stage, NA, NA, xi.00, P.00)

  # One-sided (filtered) estimates
  potential.filtered  <- states$filtered$xi.tt[,1]/100
  output.gap.filtered <- y.data[,1] - (potential.filtered * 100)

  # Two-sided (smoothed) estimates
  potential.smoothed  <- as.vector(states$smoothed$xi.tT[,1])/100
  output.gap.smoothed <- y.data[,1] - (potential.smoothed * 100)

  # Save variables to return
  return.list                <- list()
  return.list$theta          <- theta
  return.list$log.likelihood <- log.likelihood
  return.list$states         <- states
  return.list$xi.00          <- xi.00
  return.list$P.00           <- P.00
  return.list$potential.filtered  <- potential.filtered
  return.list$output.gap.filtered <- output.gap.filtered
  return.list$potential.smoothed  <- potential.smoothed
  return.list$output.gap.smoothed <- output.gap.smoothed
JannesRed/rStar documentation built on Nov. 11, 2019, 4 p.m.