#' Individual Tree Detection Algorithm
#' This function is made to be used in \link[lidR:find_trees]{find_trees}. It implements the
#' LayerStacking algorithm for tree detection based on Ayrey et al (2017) (see references).
#' This function implements only the fisrt part of the method i.e. the detection of the trees.
#' @param start scalar The point cloud is horizontally layered at 1-m intervals starting at 'start'
#' meters above the ground. Default is 0.5 (page 18)
#' @param res scalar Resolution of the CHM computed with a point-to-raster approach. Default is 1 (page 19).
#' @param ws1 scalar Windows radius of the first local maxima use to detected tree tops on the CHM.
#' Default is 3 (page 19)
#' @param buf_size scalar Buffer size placed around each point to build a polygonal buffer around each
#' cluster (figure 1c page 20). Default is 0.5 (page 18)
#' @param ws2 scalar Windows radius of the second local maxima used to detected tree tops on the overlap
#' map. Default is 1.5 (page 20)
#' @param hardwood logical. In dense conifer stands with little penetration to the center of the tree,
#' additional weight on the overlap map is given to clusters (page 20). Default is FALSE
#' @param hmin scalar. Point below this threshold cannot initiate a new tree.
#' @family individual tree detection algorithms
#' @references
#' Ayrey, E., Fraver, S., Kershaw, J. A., Kenefic, L. S., Hayes, D., Weiskittel, A. R., & Roth, B. E.
#' (2017). Layer Stacking: A Novel Algorithm for Individual Forest Tree Segmentation from LiDAR Point
#' Clouds. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 43(1), 16–27. https://doi.org/10.1080/07038992.2017.1252907
#' @export
LayerStacking = function(start = 0.5, res = 1, ws1 = 3, ws2 = 1.5, buf_size = 0.5, hardwood = FALSE, hmin = 2)
f = function(las)
context <- tryCatch({get("lidR.context", envir = parent.frame())}, error = function(e) {return(NULL)})
lidR:::assert_is_valid_context(lidR:::LIDRCONTEXTITD, "LayerStacking")
# Page 18: layering ; fig 1a page 20
las <- lidR::filter_poi(las, Z > start)
layers <- round(las@data$Z)
layers <- split(las@data, layers)
# Page 19: CHM with resolution of 1
chm <- lidR::grid_canopy(las, res, lidR::p2r(na.fill = lidR::knnidw(3)))
# Page 19: Smooth with 3 x 3 m cell
ksize <- if (as.integer(3/res) %% 2 == 0) as.integer(3/res) + 1 else as.integer(3/res)
kernel <- matrix(1, nrow = ksize, ncol = ksize)
schm <- raster::focal(chm, w = kernel, fun = function(x){ mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) })
# Page 19: Local Maximum tree detection
ttops <- lidR::find_trees(schm, lidR::lmf(ws1*2))
layers_cl <- LayerStacking_LayerCluster(layers, ttops) # Page 19: kmeans clustering with ttops used as seed points
layers_bu <- LayerStacking_LayerBuffer(layers_cl, buf_size) # Page 20: Polygonal buffer
overlap_map <- LayerStacking_LayerStack(layers_bu, chm, hardwood)
# Page 20: Local Maximum tree detection
soverlap_map <- raster::focal(overlap_map, w = kernel, fun = function(x){ mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) })
ttops <- lidR::find_trees(soverlap_map, lidR::lmf(ws2*2, hmin = 0))
ttops$Z <- chm[ttops]
ttops <- ttops[!is.na(ttops$Z),]
ttops <- ttops[ttops$Z >= hmin,]
LayerStacking_LayerCluster = function(layers, ttops)
cl <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(layers))
layer = layers[[i]]
# Page 18: Density based scanning for the first 3 layer
# From the original source code since this step is not explained like that
if (i <= 3)
if (length(layer) > 1)
db <- fpc::dbscan(layer[,1:2], eps = 1.5, MinPts = 5)
lowlayer <- layer
lowlayer$cl <- db$cluster
lowlayer <- subset(lowlayer, cl == 0)
layer <- lowlayer
# Remove tree tops lower than the current layer (i is also the height)
# From the original source code since this step is not explained
ttops2 <- ttops[ttops$Z > i,]
# This is expected to be a k-means clustering with the local maxima used as seed points
# If k-mean does not perform with seed, force to use random seed (not in the paper)
if (nrow(ttops2) == 0 || nrow(layer) <= nrow(ttops2@coords))
centers = 1
centers = ttops2@coords
group = tryCatch(
x = stats::kmeans(layer[,1:2], centers)
error = function(e)
warning(paste("kmeans cannot cluster from seed points. Layers", i, "has been removed."), call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(group))
layer$cl = group
layers[[i]] <- layer
# Remove NULL
i = which(sapply(layers, function(x){is.null(x$cl)}))
if (length(i) == 0)
LayerStacking_LayerBuffer = function(layers, buff)
output = vector(mode = "list", length(layers))
for (i in 1:length(layers))
layer = layers[[i]]
lay_groups1 <- split(layer, layer$cl)
# To each cluster apply the buffer functions (page 20).
# It makes a multipart polygon that is the join the 0.5 m radium discs around each point
buffered_layer1 <- lapply(lay_groups1, LayerBuffer, buf_width = buff)
# bind the polygons
buffered_layer1s = do.call(sp::rbind.SpatialPolygons, c(buffered_layer1, makeUniqueIDs = TRUE))
output[[i]] = buffered_layer1s
LayerStacking_LayerStack = function(layers, layout, hw)
overlap_map = layout
overlap_map[] <- 0
for (i in 1:length(layers))
# What is that ??
bbb = layers[[i]]
coords = sapply(bbb@polygons, function(x) sp::coordinates(x@Polygons[[1]]))
if (length(bbb) > 1 && length(bbb) == length(coords))
bbb = bbb[!duplicated(coords)]
layout[] <- 1
v <- velox::velox(layout)
spdf <- sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(bbb, data.frame(id = 1:length(bbb)), FALSE)
v$rasterize(spdf, field = "id", background = NA)
x <- v$as.RasterLayer()
layer_raster = x >= 0
# Adding additional weight to polygons near the top (page 20)
# This is objectively a weird code
if (!hw)
if (i/length(layers) >= .7)
layer_raster7 = x >= 0
layer_raster = layer_raster + layer_raster7
if (i/length(layers) >= .8)
layer_raster8 = x >= 0
layer_raster = layer_raster + layer_raster8
if (i/length(layers) >= .9)
layer_raster9 = x >= 0
layer_raster = layer_raster + layer_raster9
layer_raster[is.na(layer_raster[])] <- 0
# Construct the overlap map from individual rasters (page 20)
overlap_map = overlap_map + layer_raster
LayerBuffer <- function(group, buf_width = .6)
pts <- sp::SpatialPoints(group[,1:2])
buffered_layer = rgeos::gBuffer(pts, width = buf_width)
buffered_layer = sp::disaggregate(buffered_layer)
for (i in 1:length(buffered_layer))
poly = buffered_layer[i]
outerRings = Filter(function(f){f@ringDir == 1},poly[1]@polygons[[1]]@Polygons)
outerBounds = sp::SpatialPolygons(list(sp::Polygons(outerRings,ID = 1)))
if (i == 1)
buffers = outerBounds
buffers = sp::rbind.SpatialPolygons(buffers, outerBounds, makeUniqueIDs = TRUE)
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