
Defines functions testCharacterDate

Documented in testCharacterDate

#' testCharacterDate
#' This function is intended to test a characters date that was 
#' recently converted from a text file.
#' It can extract features about the date using regular expressions
#'  This function assumes the dateSeparator is "-", ".", or "/"
#' format = "american"      ... date order is (1) mm (2) day (3) year
#' format = "british"       ... date order is (1) day (2) mm (3) year
#' format = "international" ... date order is (1) year (2) mm (3) day
#' This function outputs a list of named parameters
#'   dateSeparator     -  character used to separate dates
#'   dateTimeSeparator -  chacters used to separate date and time
#'   american          -  is this american formatted date 
#'   british           -  is this a British formatted date
#'   international     -  is this an internationl formatted date 
#'   fullYear          -  is a full year given
#'   partialYear       -  is a partial year given
#'   withTime          -  is the time given
#'   withoutTime       -  is time not given
#'   formatStyle       -  American, British, International, or Unknown
#'   yearFormat        -  Full or Partial
#'   timePresent       -  is the time given
#' @param characterDate the date and or time an event occured
#' @param testUpperLimit number of tests to perform to validate
#' @param testPercentPositive percent positive to confirm one date type
#' @keywords time
#' @examples
#'  testCharacterDate("2018-01-05 13:45:01")
#'  testCharacterDate("2018/04/30 15:07:41")
#'  testCharacterDate("2018/04/30 15:07")
#'  # This date outputs an unknown format style because the
#'  # American and British styles can become confused.   
#'  testCharacterDate("01-01-2010 12:00:00")     
#' @export

testCharacterDate <- function(characterDate, 
                              testUpperLimit = 100, 
                              testPercentPositive = 50) {
  out <- list(dateSeparator = NULL,
              dateTimeSeparator = NULL,
              american = FALSE,
              british = FALSE,
              international = FALSE,
              fullYear = FALSE,
              partialYear = FALSE,
              withTime = FALSE,
              withoutTime = FALSE,
              formatStyle = NULL,
              yearFormat = NULL,
              timePresent = NULL,
              secondsPresent = NULL
  if(length(characterDate) < testUpperLimit){
    testUpperLimit <- length(characterDate)
  if (testUpperLimit < 1){testUpperLimit <- 1}
  if (testPercentPositive > 100){testPercentPositive <- 100}
  if (testPercentPositive < 0){testPercentPositive <- 0}

  # identify dateSeparators
  out$dateSeparator <- if(grepl("[/]", characterDate[1])){
  }else if(grepl("[/.]", characterDate[1])){
  }else if(grepl("[-]", characterDate[1])){
    " "
  # Regular Expression Parts
  sepRegEx           <- "[\\/\\.\\-]"
  ddRegEx            <- "[0-3]?[0-9]"
  mmRegEx            <- "[0-1]?[0-9]"
  yyRegEx            <- "[0-9][0-9]"
  YYRegEx            <- "[0-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]"
  HHMMSSRegEx        <- "[0-2]?[0-9]:[0-6]?[0-9]:[0-6]?[0-9]"
  HHMMRegEx          <- "[0-2]?[0-9]:[0-6]?[0-9]"
  HHMMSSorNoSSRegEx  <- "[0-2]?[0-9]:[0-6]?[0-9]:?[0-6]?[0-9]?"
  # Regular Expression Order
  dateTypesRegEx <- list(partialYear =
                           list(american = c(mmRegEx, ddRegEx, yyRegEx),
                                british = c(ddRegEx, mmRegEx, yyRegEx),
                                international = c(yyRegEx, mmRegEx, ddRegEx)),
                         fullYear =
                           list(american = c(mmRegEx, ddRegEx, YYRegEx),
                                british = c(ddRegEx, mmRegEx, YYRegEx),
                                international = c(YYRegEx, mmRegEx, ddRegEx)))

  for(yearType in c("partialYear", "fullYear")){
    for(formatType in c("american", "british", "international")){
      DateRegEx <- paste0(dateTypesRegEx[[yearType]][[formatType]][1], sepRegEx, 
                          dateTypesRegEx[[yearType]][[formatType]][2], sepRegEx,
      # test for no time
      testVector <- as.logical(sapply(characterDate[1:testUpperLimit], 
                                      function(x){grepl(paste0("^", DateRegEx, "$"), x)})) 
      if(sum(testVector) / length(testVector) * 100 > testPercentPositive){
        out[[yearType]]    <- TRUE
        out[[formatType]]  <- TRUE
        out$withoutTime    <- TRUE
        out$secondsPresent <- FALSE
      } else {
        # test for time present with seconds
        testVector <- as.logical(
                   paste0("^", DateRegEx, "(\\D)", HHMMSSRegEx, "$"), x)}))
        if(sum(testVector) / length(testVector) * 100 > testPercentPositive){
          out[[yearType]]   <- TRUE
          out[[formatType]] <- TRUE
          out$withTime      <- TRUE
          out$secondsPresent <- TRUE
          out$dateTimeSeparator <- gsub(
            paste0("^", DateRegEx, "(\\D)", HHMMSSorNoSSRegEx, "$"), "\\1", 
                   characterDate[min(which(testVector == TRUE))])
        } else {
          # test for time present with no seconds

          testVector <- as.logical(
                     paste0("^", DateRegEx, "\\D", HHMMRegEx, "$"), x)})) 
          if(sum(testVector) / length(testVector) * 100 > testPercentPositive){
            out[[yearType]]   <- TRUE
            out[[formatType]] <- TRUE
            out$withTime <- TRUE
            out$secondsPresent <- FALSE
            out$dateTimeSeparator <- gsub(
              paste0("^", DateRegEx,"(\\D)", HHMMSSorNoSSRegEx,
                     "$"), "\\1", characterDate[min(which(testVector == TRUE))])

  if(sum(c(out$american, out$british, out$international)) == 1){
      out$formatStyle <- "American"
    } else if (out$british){
      out$formatStyle <- "British"
    } else if (out$international){
      out$formatStyle <- "International"
    } else {
      out$formatStyle <- "Unknown"
    out$formatStyle <- "Unknown"
  if(sum(c(out$fullYear, out$partialYear)) == 1){
      out$yearFormat <- "Full" 
    } else if(out$partialYear) {
      out$yearFormat <- "Partial"
    } else {
      out$yearFormat <- "Unknown"
  }else if(sum(c(out$fullYear, out$partialYear)) > 1){
    warning("Format type unknown because multiple formats could be valid.")
    out$yearFormat <- "Unknown"
    out$yearFormat <- "Unknown"
  if(out$withTime && !out$withoutTime){
    out$timePresent <- TRUE
  }else if(!out$withTime && out$withoutTime){  
    out$timePresent <- FALSE
    out$timePresent <- "unknown"
JerryHMartin/EmissionsHelper documentation built on July 15, 2020, 12:44 a.m.