
Defines functions create_ga_project

Documented in create_ga_project

#' Set up a Guerrilla Analytics project
#' Create a Guerrilla Analytics project directory. This project template is
#' also available as an Rstudio [project
#' template](https://rstudio.github.io/rstudio-extensions/rstudio_project_templates.html).
#' @param path the file path to where the project should be saved
#' @param ... additional project parameters, provided as a list. See Details.
#' @details 
#' This function can be used to set up a minimal project following [Guerrilla
#' Analytics](https://guerrilla-analytics.net/) conventions. It is imagined that
#' this function will not frequently be called directly, but will instead be
#' called via an Rstudio project template. As such, the additional `...`
#' parameters will not normally be specified directly, only entered in to the
#' Rstudio project-creation dialog window. When creating the project by calling
#' this function directly, the following additional parameters can be supplied
#' the `...` arguments:
#' * `project_name` - a descriptive/short name for the project, used to populate
#' the readme header
#' * `project_author` - the name of the person who created the project
#' * `make_trackers` - a `TRUE`/`FALSE` value indicating if work product and
#' data trackers should be created (defaults to `TRUE`` in Rstudio)
#' @references "Guerrilla Analytics: A Practical Approach to Working with Data",
#'   Enda Ridge (\href{https://guerrilla-analytics.net/}{Website})
#' @export
create_ga_project <- function(path, ...) {
  # Setup directories ----------------------------------------------------------
  # Check to see if the directory exists (if it does, stop)
  dir_exists <- dir.exists(path)

  if (dir_exists) stop("Specified directory already exists")

  # Make the directory (recursively, so make the path to it if needed)
  dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = TRUE)

  # Set up additional directories
  dirs <- file.path(path, c("data", "wp", "pm", "src"))

  # Make them
  out <- lapply(dirs, dir.create)

  # Get parameters -------------------------------------------------------------
  # Collect the project parameters
  params <- list(...)

  # Get the project name to make into a header
  proj_name <- params[["project_name"]]
  header <- paste("#", proj_name)

  # Get the author
  proj_author <- params[["project_author"]]
  author <- paste("For more details, please contact:", proj_author)

  # Get if user wants to make trackers
  track <- ifelse(is.null(params[["make_trackers"]]), TRUE, params[["make_trackers"]])
  # Create readme --------------------------------------------------------------
  # Create the readme skeleton
  skeleton <- paste("This is a [Guerilla Analytics](http://guerrilla-analytics.net/) project. It contains the following folders:\n\n* __data__: contains the data for the project\n* __pm__: contains project management artifacts\n* __wp__: contains individual work products\n*__src__: contains end-to-end analytics code, and functions developed in the project\n")

  # collect into single text string
  contents <- paste(
    paste(header, collapse = "\n"),
    sep = "\n"

  # write to readme file
  writeLines(contents, con = file.path(path, "readme.md"))

  # Setup trackers -------------------------------------------------------------
  if ( track ) {
      # Get the data dir
      data_dir <- grep(".*/data$", dirs, value = TRUE)
      # Make a simple data tracker table
      data_tracker <- data.frame(
        id = numeric(0),
        name = character(0),
        received_by = character(0),
        received_from = character(0),
        version = numeric(0),
        file_received = character(0),
        comments = character(0),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      # Write the tracker to the path
        file.path(data_dir, "data-tracker.csv"),
        row.names = FALSE
      # Get the work products dir
      wp_dir <- grep(".*/wp$", dirs, value = TRUE)
      # Make a simple data tracker table
      wp_tracker <- data.frame(
        id = numeric(0),
        name = character(0),
        prepared_by = character(0),
        delivered_to = character(0),
        version = numeric(0),
        last_updated = character(0),
        comments = character(0),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      # Write the tracker to the path
        file.path(wp_dir, "work-products-tracker.csv"),
        row.names = FALSE
  # End ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jim89/guerrillr documentation built on May 17, 2019, 9:10 a.m.