
context("EM: Expectation step")

test_that("The expectation function matches analytic solution", {
  n = 10
  d = 20
  k = 3
  Xc = scale(matrix(rnorm(n*d), nrow=n, ncol=d), scale=FALSE)
  sigSq = 1
  W     = diag(rep(1, k), nrow=d, ncol=k)

  E = EM.E(Xc, W, sigSq)

  expect_equal(E$Vmean, 0.5*Xc[,1:k])

  for (i in 1:n) {
    expect_is(E$Vvar[[i]], 'matrix')
    expect_equal(dim(E$Vvar[[i]]), c(k, k))
    expect_equal(E$Vvar[[i]], 0.5*diag(k) + 0.25*tcrossprod(Xc[i,1:k]))

context("EM: maximisation in sigma^2")

test_that("sigma^2 maximisation stage increases complete log posterior to local max", {
  Xc     = sweep(stpca$X, 2, stpca$muHat)
  sigSq1 = exp(rnorm(1))
  E      = EM.E(Xc, stpca$WHat, sigSq1)
  sigSq2 = EM.M.sigSq(Xc, stpca$WHat, E$Vmean, E$Vvar)

  clp1   = complete_log_posterior(Xc, E$Vmean, E$Vvar, stpca$WHat, 0, sigSq1,  stpca$K)
  clp2   = complete_log_posterior(Xc, E$Vmean, E$Vvar, stpca$WHat, 0, sigSq2, stpca$K)

  expect_gt(clp2, clp1)

  clpGrad = numDeriv::grad(function(s_) {
    complete_log_posterior(Xc, E$Vmean, E$Vvar, stpca$WHat, 0, s_, stpca$K)
  }, sigSq2)

  clpHess = numDeriv::hessian(function(s_) {
    complete_log_posterior(Xc, E$Vmean, E$Vvar, stpca$WHat, 0, s_, stpca$K)
  }, sigSq2)

  # Zero gradient
  expect_equal(clpGrad, 0, tol=1e-7)

  # 1x1 hessian is negative definite => local maximum
  expect_lt(clpHess, 0)

test_that("Iterating Expectation and sigma^2 maximisation finds posterior local max", {
  Xc = sweep(stpca$X, 2, stpca$muHat)
  W  = stpca$WHat
  sigSq = exp(rnorm(1))

  for (i in 1:100) {
    E     = EM.E(Xc, W, sigSq)
    sigSq = EM.M.sigSq(Xc, W, E$Vmean, E$Vvar)

  llGrad = numDeriv::grad(function(sigSq_) {
    log_likelihood(Xc, W, 0, sigSq_) + log_prior(stpca$K, W, sigSq_)
  }, sigSq)[1]

  llHess = numDeriv::hessian(function(sigSq_) {
    log_likelihood(Xc, W, 0, sigSq_) + log_prior(stpca$K, W, sigSq_)
  }, sigSq)[1]

  # Zero gradient
  expect_equal(llGrad, 0, tol=1e-7)

  # 1x1 hessian is negative definite => local maximum
  expect_lt(llHess, 0)

context("EM: maximisation in W")

test_that("W maximisation stage increases expected complete log posterior to zero gradient point", {
  Xc   = sweep(stpca$X, 2, stpca$muHat)
  W1   = initialize_from_ppca(Xc, k)$W
  E    = EM.E(Xc, W1, stpca$sigSqHat)
  clp1 = complete_log_posterior(Xc, E$Vmean, E$Vvar, W1, 0,
                                stpca$sigSqHat, stpca$K)

  W2   = EM.M.W(Xc, stpca$sigSqHat, E$Vmean, E$Vvar, stpca$K)
  clp2 = complete_log_posterior(Xc, E$Vmean, E$Vvar, W2, 0,
                                stpca$sigSqHat, stpca$K)

  expect_gte(clp2, clp1)

  clpGrad = numDeriv::grad(function(W_) {
    complete_log_posterior(Xc, E$Vmean, E$Vvar, W_, 0, stpca$sigSqHat, stpca$K)
  }, W2)

  # Zero gradient
  expect_equal(clpGrad, rep(0, length(W2)), tol=1e-6)

test_that("Iterating Expectation and W maximisation finds zero gradient point in posterior", {
  Xc = sweep(stpca$X, 2, stpca$muHat)

  W = initialize_from_ppca(X, k)$W
  for (i in 1:300) {
    E = EM.E(Xc, W, stpca$sigSqHat)
    W = EM.M.W(Xc, stpca$sigSqHat, E$Vmean, E$Vvar, stpca$K)

  lpGrad = numDeriv::grad(function(W_) {
    log_likelihood(Xc, W_, 0, stpca$sigSqHat) +
    log_prior(stpca$K, W_, stpca$sigSqHat)
  }, W)

  expect_equal(lpGrad, rep(0, length(W)), tolerance=1e-6)

context("EM: Full EM procedure")

test_that("stpca$update_theta() finds the MAP theta for large maxit", {
  params = list(
    W     = stpcaUpTheta$WHat,
    sigSq = stpcaUpTheta$sigSqHat,
    mu    = stpcaUpTheta$muHat
  veclp = function(theta) {
    L = relist(theta, params)
    lp = log_likelihood(X, L$W, L$mu, L$sigSq) +
         log_prior(stpcaUpTheta$K, L$W, L$sigSq)

  thetaHat = unlist(params)
  lpMax = veclp(thetaHat)

  lpGrad = grad(veclp, thetaHat)

  expect_equal(lpGrad, rep(0, length(thetaHat)), tol=1e-3)
JimSkinner/spca documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:52 a.m.