# method to implement ranked traceplots as described in Vehtari et al 2019 https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.08008
# given traces for a single parameter:
# rank draws across all chains
# then plot for each chain histogram of ranks
# convert matrix to a matrix of ranks (over entire matrix)
rank_mat <- function( x ) {
if ( class(x)[1]=="numeric" ) x <- array( x , dim=c(length(x),1) )
matrix( rank(x) , ncol=ncol(x) )
trankplot <- function( object , bins=30 , pars , chains , col=rethink_palette , alpha=1 , bg=col.alpha("black",0.15) , ask=TRUE , window , n_cols=3 , max_rows=5 , lwd=1.5 , lp=FALSE , axes=FALSE , off=0 , add=FALSE , stacked=FALSE , ... ) {
if ( !(class(object)[1] %in% c("map2stan","ulam","stanfit")) ) stop( "requires map2stan, ulam or stanfit object" )
if ( class(object)[1] %in% c("map2stan","ulam") ) object <- object@stanfit
# get all chains, not mixed, from stanfit
# exclude warmup, because we'll rank only proper draws
if ( missing(pars) )
post <- extract(object,permuted=FALSE,inc_warmup=FALSE)
post <- extract(object,pars=pars,permuted=FALSE,inc_warmup=FALSE)
# names
dimnames <- attr(post,"dimnames")
n_chains <- length(dimnames$chains)
if ( n_chains==1 ) stop( "trankplot requires more than one chain." )
if ( missing(chains) ) chains <- 1:n_chains
n_chains <- length(chains)
pars <- dimnames$parameters
chain.cols <- rep_len(col,n_chains)
# cut out "dev" and "lp__" and "log_lik"
wdev <- which(pars=="dev")
if ( length(wdev)>0 ) pars <- pars[-wdev]
wlp <- which(pars=="lp__")
if ( length(wlp)>0 & lp==FALSE ) pars <- pars[-wlp]
wlp <- grep( "log_lik" , pars , fixed=TRUE )
if ( length(wlp)>0 ) pars <- pars[-wlp]
n_pars <- length( pars )
# construct ranks
# do this one parameter at a time
ranks <- post
n_samples <- dim(post)[1]
for ( i in 1:n_pars ) {
ranks[,,i] <- rank_mat( post[,, pars[i] ] )
breaks <- hist( ranks[,,1] , breaks=bins , plot=FALSE )$breaks
h <- array( NA , dim=c( length(breaks)-1 , n_chains , n_pars ) )
for ( i in 1:n_pars ) {
for ( j in 1:n_chains ) {
#print( hist( ranks[,j,i] , breaks=breaks , plot=FALSE )$counts )
h[,j,i] <- hist( ranks[,j,i] , breaks=breaks , plot=FALSE )$counts
# figure out grid and paging
n_rows_per_page <- n_rows
paging <- FALSE
n_pages <- 1
if ( n_rows_per_page > max_rows ) {
n_rows_per_page <- max_rows
n_pages <- ceiling(n_pars/(n_cols*n_rows_per_page))
paging <- TRUE
n_iter <- object@sim$iter
n_warm <- object@sim$warmup
wstart <- 0
wend <- max(breaks)
if ( missing(window) ) window <- c(1,n_samples)
if ( !missing(window) ) {
wstart <- window[1]
wend <- window[2]
# worker
plot_make <- function( main , par , neff , ... ) {
ylim <- range(h[,,par])
if ( stacked==TRUE ) ylim[2] <- ylim[2] * ( length(chains) - 1 )
if ( axes==TRUE )
plot( NULL , xlab="" , ylab="" , bty="l" , xlim=range(breaks) , ylim=ylim , ... )
plot( NULL , xlab="" , ylab="" , bty="l" , xlim=range(breaks) , ylim=ylim , xaxt="n" , yaxt="n" , ... )
neff_use <- neff[ names(neff)==main ]
mtext( paste("n_eff =",round(neff_use,0)) , 3 , adj=1 , cex=0.9 )
if ( main=="lp__" ) main <- "log-probability"
mtext( main , 3 , adj=0 , cex=1 )
# make the trank
nb <- length(breaks)
plot_trank <- function( r , ... ) {
# rank draws from all chains
if ( stacked==FALSE ) {
for ( i in chains ) {
x <- c( breaks[1] , rep( breaks[2:(nb-1)] , each=2 ) , breaks[nb] )
y <- rep( r[ 1:(nb-1) ,i] , each=2 )
lines( x + (i-1)*off , y , col=col.alpha(chain.cols[i],alpha) , lwd=lwd )
} else {
# stacked version
ysum <- 0
for ( i in chains ) {
x <- c( breaks[1] , rep( breaks[2:(nb-1)] , each=2 ) , breaks[nb] )
y <- rep( r[ 1:(nb-1) ,i] , each=2 )
ysum <- y + ysum
lines( x + (i-1)*off , ysum , col=col.alpha(chain.cols[i],alpha) , lwd=lwd )
# fetch n_eff
n_eff <- summary(object)$summary[ , 'n_eff' ]
# make window
if ( add==FALSE ) {
par(mgp = c(0.5, 0.5, 0), mar = c(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1) + 0.1, tck = -0.02)
# draw traces
n_ppp <- n_rows_per_page * n_cols # num pars per page
for ( k in 1:n_pages ) {
if ( k > 1 ) message( paste("Waiting to draw page",k,"of",n_pages) )
for ( i in 1:n_ppp ) {
pi <- i + (k-1)*n_ppp
if ( pi <= n_pars ) {
if ( pi == 2 ) {
if ( ask==TRUE & add==FALSE ) {
ask_old <- devAskNewPage(ask = TRUE)
on.exit(devAskNewPage(ask = ask_old), add = TRUE)
plot_make( pars[pi] , pi , n_eff , ... )
plot_trank( h[ , , pi ] , ... )
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