Defines functions dVoCC

Documented in dVoCC

#' Distance-based velocity based on geographically closest climate analogue
#' Function to calculate the geographically closest climate analogues and related distance-based velocity. Cell analogues
#' are identified by comparing the baseline climatic conditions at each focal cell with those existing for all
#' other (target) cells in the future by reference to a specified climatic threshold. The function allows for the
#' specification of search distances and incorporates both least-cost path and Great Circle (as-the-crow-flies) distances.
#' @usage dVoCC(clim, n, tdiff, method = "Single", climTol, geoTol, distfun = "GreatCircle",
#' trans = NA, lonlat = TRUE)
#' @param clim \code{data.frame} with the value for the climatic parameters (columns) by cell (rows), arranged as follows (see examples below):
#' The first 2n columns must contain the present and future values for each of the n climatic variables (V1p, V1f, V2p, V2f,...).
#' Where cell-specific analogue thresholds (see "variable" in "method" below) are to be calculated, the next (2n+1:3n) columns
#' should contain the standard deviation (or any other measure of climatic variability) of each variable for the baseline period.
#' These columns are not required if using the "Single" method. The last three columns of the table should contain an identifyier and centroid coordinates of each cell.
#' @param n \code{integer} defining the number of climatic variables.
#' @param tdiff \code{integer} defining the number of years (or other temporal unit) between periods.
#' @param method \code{character string} specifying the analogue method to be used. 'Single': a constant, single analogue threshold
#' for each climate variable is applied to all cells (Ohlemuller et al. 2006, Hamann et al. 2015); climate analogy corresponds to target cells
#' with values below the specified threshold for each climatic variable. 'Variable': a cell-specific climate threshold is used for each climatic variable
#' to determine the climate analogues associated with each cell by reference to its baseline climatic variability (Garcia Molinos et al. 2017).
#' @param climTol \code{numeric} a vector of length n giving the tolerance threshold defining climate analogue conditions for each climatic variable.
#' If a cell-specific threshold is being used, this function parameter should be passed as NA.
#' @param geoTol \code{integer} impose a geographical distance threshold (in km for lat/lon or map units if projected).
#' If used, the pool of potential climate analogues will be limited to cells within that distance from the focal cell.
#' @param distfun \code{character string} specifying the function to be used for estimating distances
#' between focal and target cells. Either 'Euclidean', 'GreatCircle' (Great Circle Distances)
#' or 'LeastCost' (Least Cost Path Distances). The latter requires a transition matrix supplied to the function via de 'trans' argument.
#' @param trans \code{TransitionLayer} gdistance object to be used for the analogue search if distfun = 'LeastCost'.
#' @param lonlat \code{logical} is the analysis to be done in unprojected (lon/lat) coordinates?
#' @return A \code{data.frame} containing the cell id of the future analogue for each focal cell (NA = no analogue available),
#' together with the climatic ("climDis") and geographical ("geoDis") distances in input units,
#' the bearing ("ang", degrees North), and resulting climate velocity ("vel", km/yr). Mean climatic distances are returned for multivariate analogues.
#' @references \href{https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1466-822X.2006.00245.x}{Ohlemuller et al. 2006}. Towards European climate risk surfaces: the extent and distribution of analogous and non-analogous climates 1931-2100. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 15, 395-405. \cr
#'  \href{https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/gcb.12736}{Hamann et al. 2015}. Velocity of climate change algorithms for guiding conservation and management. Global Change Biology, 21, 997-1004. \cr
#'  \href{https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/gcb.13665}{Garcia Molinos et al. 2017}. Improving the interpretability of climate landscape metrics: An ecological risk analysis of Japan's Marine Protected Areas. Global Change Biology, 23, 4440-4452.
#' @seealso{\code{\link{climPCA}}, \code{\link{climPlot}}}
#' @import doParallel foreach
#' @importFrom geosphere destPoint distGeo
#' @importFrom gdistance shortestPath
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores makeCluster stopCluster
#' @export
#' @author Jorge Garcia Molinos
#' @examples
#' ?JapTC
#' # Create a data frame with the necessary variables in the required order
#' clim <- na.omit(data.frame(getValues(JapTC), cid = 1:ncell(JapTC)))
#' clim[,c("x","y")] <- xyFromCell(JapTC, clim$cid)
#' # Constant threshold, distance-restricted velocity based on geographical distances
#' avocc1 <- dVoCC(clim, n = 3, tdiff = 40, method = "Single", climTol = c(10, 0.1, 0.1),
#' geoTol = 160, distfun = "GreatCircle", trans = NA, lonlat = TRUE)
#' # Cell-specific, distance-unrestricted climate analogue velocity based on least-cost path distances
#' # First, create the conductance matrix (all land cells considered to have conductance of 1)
#' r <- raster(JapTC)
#' r[!is.na(JapTC[[1]])] <- 1
#' h8 <- gdistance::transition(r, transitionFunction=mean, directions=8)
#' h8 <- gdistance::geoCorrection(h8, type="c")
#' # Now calculate the analogue velocity using the baseline SD for each variable as analogue threshold
#' avocc2 <- dVoCC(clim, n = 3, tdiff = 40, method = "Variable", climTol = NA, geoTol = Inf,
#' distfun = "LeastCost", trans = h8, lonlat = TRUE)
#' # Plot results
#' r1 <- r2 <- raster(JapTC)
#' r1[avocc1$focal] <- avocc1$vel
#' r2[avocc2$focal] <- avocc2$vel
#' plot(stack(r1,r2))
#' @rdname dVoCC

dVoCC <- function(clim, n, tdiff, method = "Single", climTol, geoTol, distfun = "GreatCircle", trans = NA, lonlat = TRUE){

if(distfun == "Euclidean" & lonlat == TRUE){
print("Error: Euclidean distances specified for unprojected coordinates")

dat <- na.omit(data.table(clim))
# matrix with the future climatic values for all cells
fut <- dat[, seq(2, (2*n), by = 2), with=FALSE]

# set things up for parallel processing
cores = detectCores()
ncores = cores[1]-1
cuts <- cut(1:nrow(dat), ncores, labels = FALSE)
cl <- makeCluster(ncores)

result <- foreach(x = 1:ncores, .combine = rbind, .packages = c('raster', 'gdistance', 'sp', 'rgeos', 'geosphere', 'rgdal', 'VoCC', 'data.table'), .multicombine = TRUE) %dopar% {
a <- x
Dat <- dat[cuts == a,]

resu <- data.table(focal = Dat$cid, target = as.integer(NA), climDis = as.double(NA), geoDis = as.double(NA), ang = as.double(NA), vel = as.double(NA))
i <- 0
while(i <= nrow(Dat)){
i <- i+1
# for each focal cell subset target cell analogues (within ClimTol)
pres <- as.numeric(Dat[i, seq(1, (2*n), by = 2), with=FALSE])
dif <- data.table(sweep(fut, 2, pres, "-"))

# Identify future analogue cells
if(method == "Single"){     # Ohlemuller et al 2006 / Hamann et al 2015
upper = colnames(dif)
l <- lapply(upper, function(x) call("<", call("abs", as.name(x)), climTol[grep(x, colnames(dif))]))
ii = Reduce(function(c1, c2) substitute(.c1 & .c2, list(.c1=c1, .c2=c2)), l)
anacid <- dat$cid[dif[eval(ii), which=TRUE]]  # cids analogue cells

if(method == "Variable"){     # Garcia Molinos et al. 2017
climTol <- as.numeric(Dat[i, ((2*n)+1):(3*n), with=FALSE])       # focal cell tolerance
upper = colnames(dif)
l <- lapply(upper, function(x) call("<", call("abs", as.name(x)), climTol[grep(x, colnames(dif))]))
ii = Reduce(function(c1, c2) substitute(.c1 & .c2, list(.c1=c1, .c2=c2)), l)
anacid <- dat$cid[dif[eval(ii), which=TRUE]]  # cids analogue cells

# check which of those are within distance and get the analogue at minimum distance
if(distfun == "Euclidean"){d <- dist(cbind(Dat$x[i],Dat$y[i]), cbind(dat$x[dat$cid %in% anacid], dat$y[dat$cid %in% anacid]))} # in x/y units
if(distfun == "GreatCircle"){d <- (geosphere::distHaversine(cbind(Dat$x[i],Dat$y[i]), cbind(dat$x[dat$cid %in% anacid], dat$y[dat$cid %in% anacid])))/1000}   # in km
if(distfun == "LeastCost"){
SL <- gdistance::shortestPath(trans, cbind(Dat$x[i],Dat$y[i]), cbind(dat$x[dat$cid %in% anacid], dat$y[dat$cid %in% anacid]), output="SpatialLines")
d <- SpatialLinesLengths(SL, longlat = lonlat)    # in km for longlat TRUE
# correct for analogues that are within search distance but have no directed path with the focal cell (i.e. conductivity = 0)
d[which(d == 0 & anacid != Dat$cid[i])] <- Inf

an <- anacid[d < geoTol]       # cids analogue cells within search radius
dis <- d[d < geoTol]      # distance to candidate analogues
if (length(an) > 0){
    resu[i, target := an[which.min(dis)]]   # cid of geographically closest climate analogue
    if(method == "Single"){resu[i, climDis := mean(as.numeric(dif[which(anacid == resu[i, target]),]))]}  # mean clim difference for the closest analogue
    resu[i, geoDis := min(dis)]
    resu[i, ang := geosphere::bearing(Dat[i, c("x","y")], dat[cid == resu[i, target], c("x","y")])]
    resu[i, vel := resu$geoDis[i]/tdiff]


JorGarMol/VoCC documentation built on Aug. 17, 2022, 11:07 p.m.