
Defines functions print_inside create_stars

#' Linear Regression
#' Running a Linear Multiple Reregression Model.
#' @param formula Takes a formula of the form Y~X.
#' @param data Takes a dataset in the form of a data.frame.
#' @return Returns an object of the class 'linreg'. This object can be manipulated.
#' @import methods
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import gridExtra
#' @export linreg
#' @exportClass linreg
linreg <- setRefClass(Class = "linreg",
                      fields = list(
                        formula = "formula",
                        data = "data.frame",
                        data_name = "character",
                        formula_name = "character",
                        X = "matrix",
                        Y = "matrix",
                        Q = "matrix",
                        R = "matrix",
                        beta_hat = "matrix", # regressions coefficients
                        y_hat = "matrix", # fitted values
                        res_hat = "matrix", # residuals
                        df = "numeric", # degrees of freedom
                        res_var = "numeric", # residual variance
                        var_beta = "matrix", # variance of the regression coefficients
                        t_beta = "matrix", # t-values for each coefficient
                        std_error = "matrix", # standard error
                        p_value = "matrix", # significance level // p-value
                        std_dev_res = "numeric", # the standard deviation of the residuals
                        std_res_sqrt = "matrix" # square root of the absolute standardized residuals
                      methods = list(
                        # initialise class and assigns values with <<-
                        initialize = function(formula, data) {
                        # Assigning the data to matrices of dependent (Y) and independent vars (X)
                        X <<- model.matrix(formula, data = data) 
                        Y <<- as.matrix(data[all.vars(formula)[1]])
                        # Calculating beta_hat through QR decomp 
                        decomp = qr(X)
                        Q <<- qr.Q(decomp)
                        R <<- qr.R(decomp)
                        beta_hat <<- solve(R) %*% t(Q) %*% Y
                        # fitted values
                        y_hat <<- X %*% beta_hat
                        # residuals
                        res_hat <<- Y - y_hat
                        # degrees of freedom
                        df <<- nrow(X)-ncol(X)
                        # residual variance
                        res_var <<- as.numeric((t(res_hat) %*% res_hat)/df)
                        # variance of the regression coefficients
                        var_beta <<- solve(t(R) %*% R) * res_var
                        # standard error
                        std_error <<- as.matrix(sqrt(diag(var_beta)))
                        # t-values for each coefficient
                        t_beta <<- beta_hat / std_error
                        p_value <<- 2*pt(t_beta, df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)
                        # standard deviation of residuals
                        std_dev_res <<- sqrt(as.numeric((t(res_hat) %*% res_hat)/df))
                        # square root of the absolute standardized residuals
                        std_res_sqrt <<- sqrt(abs(res_hat/std_dev_res))

                        data_name <<- deparse(substitute(data))
                        formula_name <<- deparse(formula)
                        # print out the coefficients and coefficient names
                        print = function(){
                          beta_vector = as.vector(beta_hat)
                          names(beta_vector) = rownames(beta_hat)
                          cat(paste("linreg(formula = ", formula_name, ", data = ",data_name,")", sep = ""),"\n\n")
                        plot = function(){
                          graph1 <- ggplot(data, aes(x=y_hat, y=res_hat)) +
                            geom_point() +
                            ylab("Residuals") +
                            xlab("Fitted values") +
                            geom_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ x) +
                            ggtitle("Residuals vs Fitted")
                          graph2 <- ggplot(data, aes(x=y_hat, y=std_res_sqrt)) +
                            geom_point() +
                            ylab(expression(sqrt("|Standardized residuals|"))) +
                            xlab("Fitted values") +
                            geom_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ x) +
                        resid = function(){
                        pred = function(){
                        coef = function(){
                          beta_vector = as.vector(beta_hat)
                          names(beta_vector) = rownames(beta_hat)
                        summary = function(){
                          cat(paste("linreg(formula = ", formula_name, ", data = ",data_name,")", sep = ""),"\n\n")
                          beta_round = round(beta_hat, 5)
                          std_round = round(std_error, 5)
                          tval_round = round(t_beta, 2)
                          pval_round = p_value
                          pval_round[which(pval_round<2e-16)] = "<2e-16"
                          pval_round = formatC(pval_round, format='e', digits=2)
                          vec_summary = cbind(beta_round, std_round, tval_round, pval_round, create_stars(p_value))
                          vec_summary = noquote(vec_summary)
                          colnames(vec_summary) = c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)", " ")
                          cat("Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1\n\n")
                          cat(paste("Residual standard error: ", round(std_dev_res, 4), " on ", df," degrees of freedom", sep = ""))

print_inside = function(x, ...){
  print(x, ...)

create_stars = function(df){
  stars = matrix(0, nrow = length(df), ncol = 1)
  for (i in 1:length(df)){
    if (df[i] < 0.001){stars[i] = "***"}
    else if(df[i] < 0.01){stars[i] = "**"}
    else if(df[i] < 0.05){stars[i] = "*"}
    else if(df[i] < 0.1){stars[i] = "."}
    else {stars[i] = " "}
Jorisvdoorn/lab4group8 documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 8:01 p.m.