
server_timeSeries <- function(...) {

  ts_agg <- reactive({

    object_name <- sprintf("siteData_%s_list", input$temporal_aggregation)

    if (exists(object_name)) {
    } else {
      dat <- readRDS(sprintf("data/%s.Rds", object_name))
      assign(x = object_name,
             value = dat)


  ts_tz <- reactive({ = ts_agg(),
                                    tz = input$timezone)

  # ts_errors <- reactive({
  #   condi <- ts_tz()[, "ParameterCode"] == "errcode" & ts_tz()[,"ParameterValue"] != 0
  #   ts_tz()[ts_tz()$ParameterCode == "errcode" & ts_tz()$ParameterValue != 0,]
  # })

  ts_data1 <- reactive({


    date_idx <- as.Date(ts_tz()[,"DateTime"]) >= input$daterange[1] & as.Date(ts_tz()[,"DateTime"]) <= input$daterange[2]
    site_idx <- ts_tz()[,"SiteName"] %in% input$sitename
    para_idx <- ts_tz()[,"ParameterName"] %in%  input$parameter1
    row_idx <- date_idx & site_idx & para_idx
    ts_tz()[row_idx, c("DateTime",
                       "ParameterValue")] %>%
      tidyr::spread_(key_col = "SiteName_ParaName_Unit",
                     value_col = "ParameterValue")


  ts_data2 <- reactive({


    date_idx <- as.Date(ts_tz()[,"DateTime"]) >= input$daterange[1] & as.Date(ts_tz()[,"DateTime"]) <= input$daterange[2]
    site_idx <- ts_tz()[,"SiteName"] %in% input$sitename
    para_idx <- ts_tz()[,"ParameterName"] %in%  input$parameter2
    row_idx <- date_idx & site_idx & para_idx
    ts_tz()[row_idx, c("DateTime",
                       "ParameterValue")] %>%
      tidyr::spread_(key_col = "SiteName_ParaName_Unit",
                     value_col = "ParameterValue")


ts_data1_xts <- reactive({

  xts::xts(x = ts_data1()[,c(-1,-2), drop = FALSE],
  = ts_data1()$DateTime,
           tzone = base::attr(ts_data1()$DateTime,


  output$dygraph1 <- renderDygraph({

    dy1 <- dygraph(data = ts_data1_xts(),
            group = "dy_group",
           # main = unique(ts_data()$LocationName),
                    ylab = "Parameter value") %>%
             dyLegend(show = "always",
                      hideOnMouseOut = FALSE,
                      width = 900) %>%
             dyRangeSelector(dateWindow = input$daterange) %>%
             dyOptions(useDataTimezone = TRUE,
                       retainDateWindow = input$fix_daterange,
                       connectSeparatedPoints = TRUE,
                       drawPoints = TRUE,
                       pointSize = 2)

  if (input$add_thresholds == TRUE) { = dy1,
                                       limits = thresholds[thresholds$ParameterName %in% input$parameter1,])
  } else {


  ts_data2_xts <- reactive({

    xts::xts(x = ts_data2()[,c(-1,-2), drop = FALSE],
    = ts_data2()$DateTime,
             tzone = base::attr(ts_data2()$DateTime,


  output$dygraph2 <- renderDygraph({

    dy2 <- dygraph(data = ts_data2_xts(),
            group = "dy_group",
            # main = unique(ts_data()$LocationName),
            ylab = "Parameter value") %>%
      dyLegend(show = "always",
               hideOnMouseOut = FALSE,
               width = 900) %>%
      dyRangeSelector(dateWindow = input$daterange) %>%
      dyOptions(useDataTimezone = TRUE,
                retainDateWindow = input$fix_daterange,
                connectSeparatedPoints = TRUE,
                drawPoints = TRUE,
                pointSize = 2)

    if (input$add_thresholds == TRUE) { = dy2,
               limits = thresholds[thresholds$ParameterName %in% input$parameter2,])
    } else {

  output$report <- downloadHandler(
    # For PDF output, change this to "report.pdf"
    filename = "report.html",
    content = function(file) {
      # Copy the report file to a temporary directory before processing it, in
      # case we don't have write permissions to the current working dir (which
      # can happen when deployed).
      tempReport <- file.path(tempdir(), "dygraph.Rmd")
      file.copy("report/dygraph.Rmd", tempReport, overwrite = TRUE)

      if (all(is.null(input$parameter1))) {
        myData1 <- NA
      } else {
        myData1 <- ts_data1_xts()

      if (all(is.null(input$parameter2))) {
        myData2 <- NA
      } else {
        myData2 <- ts_data2_xts()

      # Set up parameters to pass to Rmd document
      params <- list(myData1 = myData1,
                     myData2 = myData2,
                     para1 = input$parameter1,
                     para2 = input$parameter2,
                     add_thresholds = input$add_thresholds,
                     myDateRange = input$daterange,
                     myTimezone = input$timezone)

      # Knit the document, passing in the `params` list, and eval it in a
      # child of the global environment (this isolates the code in the document
      # from the code in this app).
      rmarkdown::render(tempReport, output_file = file,
                        params = params,
                        envir = new.env(parent = globalenv())

    export_df <- reactive({
             "data_plot1" = ts_data1(),
             "data_plot2" = ts_data2())})

    output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
      filename = function() {
        paste(input$dataset, "_", input$timezone, ".csv",
              sep = "")
      content = function(file) {
        write.csv(ggplot2::fortify(export_df()), file, row.names = FALSE)


selected_online_paras <- c("Pressure difference",
                           "Water head",
                           "Redox potential",
                           "Flow rate",
                           "Current at the Pump",
                           "Current at the Electrolysis cell",
                           "Tank level",
                           "Voltage at the Pump",
                           "Battery voltage",
                           "Voltage at the Electrolysis cell")

ui_timeSeries <- function(...) {
  fluidPage(titlePanel("Time series"),

      tags$head(tags$style(type="text/css", "
             #loadmessage {
                           position: fixed;
                           top: 0px;
                           left: 0px;
                           width: 100%;
                           padding: 5px 0px 5px 0px;
                           text-align: center;
                           font-weight: bold;
                           font-size: 100%;
                           color: #000000;
                           background-color: #CCFF66;
                           z-index: 105;
      selectInput("temporal_aggregation", label = "Select temporal aggregation",
                  choices = c("raw", "10min", "hour", "day"),
                  selected = "10min"),
      selectInput("timezone", label = "Select a timezone",
                  choices = c("UTC", "Asia/Calcutta"),$TZ.,
                  selected = "UTC"),
                     label = 'Date range input: yyyy-mm-dd',
                     start = "2017-03-24",
                     end = "2017-07-25"),
      checkboxInput('fix_daterange', "Fix daterange", value = FALSE),
      selectInput("sitename", label = "Select a sampling point",
                  choices = unique(siteData_10min_list$SiteName),
                  multiple = TRUE,
                  selected = unique(siteData_10min_list$SiteName)),
      selectInput("parameter1", label = "Select a parameter(s) for plot 1",
                  choices = list(Online =  unique(siteData_10min_list$ParameterName)[unique(siteData_10min_list$ParameterName) %in% selected_online_paras],
                                 Offline = unique(siteData_10min_list$ParameterName[siteData_10min_list$Source == "offline"])),
                  multiple = TRUE,
                  selected = unique(siteData_10min_list$ParameterName)[unique(siteData_10min_list$ParameterName) %in% "Redox potential"]),
      selectInput("parameter2", label = "Select a parameter(s) for plot 2",
                  choices = list(Online =  unique(siteData_10min_list$ParameterName)[unique(siteData_10min_list$ParameterName) %in% selected_online_paras],
                                 Offline = unique(siteData_10min_list$ParameterName[siteData_10min_list$Source == "offline"])),
                  multiple = TRUE,
                  selected = unique(siteData_10min_list$ParameterName)[c(28)]),
      checkboxInput('add_thresholds', "Add thresholds to plots 1+2", value = TRUE),
      downloadButton("report", "Download plot"),
      selectInput("dataset", "Choose a dataset to download:",
                  choices = c("data_plot1", "data_plot2")),
      downloadButton('downloadData', 'Download data'),
      conditionalPanel(condition = "$('html').hasClass('shiny-busy')",
                       tags$div("Loading... (this may take ~ 1 minute)",
                                id = "loadmessage"))
KWB-R/ documentation built on Sept. 10, 2019, 8:04 a.m.