
Defines functions text_above labelBarplotFlows phiToXy degreeToPhi degreeRangeToPhi degreeRangeToXy drawCircle arrowFunctions plotFlowArrows drawBar initPlot barplotFlows

# barplotFlows -----------------------------------------------------------------
barplotFlows <- function(
  flows, cols = seq_len(nrow(flows)), bar_width = 1, xspace = 4, 
  xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, xstart = 0, add = FALSE, arrow_length = 0.5, 
  tip = 0.2, label_flows = TRUE, label_bars = FALSE, cex.text = 0.8,
  cols_bars = makeTransparent(cols), cols_flows = cols
  # Local helper functions
  check_cols <- function(x) stopifnot(is.atomic(x), length(x) == nrow(flows))
  unset_ith <- function(x, i) `[<-`(x, i, NA)
  stopifnot(nrow(flows) == ncol(flows))

  heights <- colSums(flows)
  if (! add) {
    xleft <- bar_width/2 + 2 * arrow_length
    xsize <- (nrow(flows) - 1) * xspace + 2 * xleft
    ymax <- 1.1 * max(c(rowSums(flows), heights))
      xlim = kwb.utils::defaultIfNULL(xlim, c(-xleft, -xleft + xsize)), 
      ylim = kwb.utils::defaultIfNULL(ylim, c(0, ymax))
  indices <- seq_along(heights)
  xpos <- xstart + (indices - 1L) * xspace
  for (i in indices) {
    #i <- 1
    x <- xpos[i]
    y <- heights[i]
    drawBar(y, cols_bars[i], x = x, w = bar_width)
      x = x, 
      y = y, 
      out = unset_ith(flows[, i], i), # set i-th element to NA
      inp = unset_ith(flows[i, ], i), 
      dx = bar_width / 2,
      length = arrow_length,
      tip = tip

  # Label the bars
  if (label_bars) {
    text_above(x, colSums(flows))
  if (label_flows) {
      xpos, flows, bar_width, arrow_length, tip, cex.text = cex.text
  # Get the list of arguments passed to this function. Remove the last entry 
  # representing the body of this function
  remove_last <- function(x) x[-length(x)]
  args <- list()
  for (name in remove_last(names(as.list(args(barplotFlows))))) {
    args[[name]] <- get(name)
  invisible(structure(xpos, args = args))

# initPlot ---------------------------------------------------------------------
initPlot <- function(xlim = c(-r, r), ylim = c(-r, r), r = 10, asp = NA)
    NA, NA, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = ""
    , asp = asp
  graphics::abline(h = 0)

# drawBar ----------------------------------------------------------------------
drawBar <- function(h, col, w = 4, x = 0)
    xleft = x - w/2, ybottom = 0, xright = x + w/2, ytop = h, col = col

# plotFlowArrows ---------------------------------------------------------------
plotFlowArrows <- function(
  cols = seq_along(out), 
  x = 0, 
  dx = 2, 
  arrow_type = "straight",
  arrow_fun = kwb.utils::createAccessor(arrowFunctions(arrow_type, dx = dx))
  i <- which(is.na(out))
  stopifnot(length(i) == 1L)
  n <- length(inp) - 1L
  r1 <- y - cumsum(out[-i])
  r2 <- c(y, r1[-n])
  mapply(arrow_fun("output"), r1, r2, cols[-i], x, MoreArgs = list(...))
  y <- r1[n]
  r2 <- y + cumsum(rev(inp[-i]))
  r1 <- c(y, r2[-n])
  mapply(arrow_fun("input"), r1, r2, rev(cols[-i]), x, MoreArgs = list(...))

# arrowFunctions ---------------------------------------------------------------
arrowFunctions <- function(key, dx = 2)
  kwb.utils::selectElements(elements = key, list(
    straight = list(
      output = function(r1, r2, col, x, length, ...) blockArrow(
        direction = "right", 
        x = x + dx, 
        y = r1,
        length = length,
        width = r2 - r1, 
        col = col, 
      input = function(r1, r2, col, x, length, ...) blockArrow(
        direction = "right", 
        x = x - dx - length, 
        y = r1,
        length = length,
        width = r2 - r1, 
        col = col, 
    bent = list(
      out = function(r1, r2, col, x) drawCircle(
        r1, r2, col = col, x = x + dx
      inp = function(r1, r2, col, x) drawCircle(
        r1, r2, 0, -90, col = col, x = x - dx

# drawCircle ------------------------------------------------------------------
drawCircle <- function(
  r1 = 1, r2 = r1 + 1, to = 90, from = 0, col = "skyblue", 
  pch = NA, tip_offset = 10, x = 0
  #r1 = 1; r2 = r1 + 1; to = 90; from = 0; pch = NA
  xy_1 <- degreeRangeToXy(from, to)
  xy <- rbind(
    r1 * xy_1, 
    (r1 + 0.5 * (r2 - r1)) * phiToXy(degreeToPhi(
      to + ifelse(from <= to, tip_offset, - tip_offset)
    r2 * xy_1[rev(seq_len(nrow(xy_1))), ]
  xy[, 1] <- xy[, 1] + x
  if (! is.na(pch)) {
    graphics::points(xy, pch = pch)
  graphics::polygon(xy, col = col)

# degreeRangeToXy --------------------------------------------------------------
degreeRangeToXy <- function(
  from = 0, to = 90, by = ifelse(from <= to, 1, -1)
  phiToXy(degreeRangeToPhi(from, to, by))

# degreeRangeToPhi -------------------------------------------------------------
degreeRangeToPhi <- function(from = 0, to = 90, by = 10)
  degreeToPhi(seq(from, to, by = by))

# degreeToPhi ------------------------------------------------------------------
degreeToPhi <- function(x) (90 - x) / 180 * pi

# phiToXy ----------------------------------------------------------------------
phiToXy <- function(phi)
  cbind(x = cos(phi), y = sin(phi))

# labelBarplotFlows ------------------------------------------------------------
labelBarplotFlows <- function(x, flows, bar_width, arrow_length, tip, ...)
  # Helper function
  splitFlows <- function(flows) {
    i <- i <- seq_len(nrow(flows))
    diag_coords <- cbind(i, i)
      input = rowSums(flows) - flows[diag_coords],
      output = colSums(flows) - flows[diag_coords]
  # Helper function
  labelled_arrow <- function(x, y0, value, length = 0.1) {
    y1 <- y0 + value
    graphics::arrows(x, y0, x, y1, length = length)
    text_above(x, pmax(y0, y1), sprintf("%+.0f", value))
  # Draw labelled arrows up and down
  offset <- bar_width/2 + arrow_length
  flow_parts <- splitFlows(flows)
  y0 <- colSums(flows)
  y1 <- labelled_arrow(x + offset + 2 * tip, y0, value = - flow_parts$output)
  labelled_arrow(x - offset - tip, y1, value = flow_parts$input)

# Helper function
text_above <- function(
  x, y, text = as.character(y), adj = c(0.5, -0.3), cex.text = 1
  graphics::text(x, y, text, adj = adj, cex = cex.text)
KWB-R/kwb.plot documentation built on Oct. 2, 2023, 10:16 p.m.