
Defines functions tableLookup toLookupTable toLookupList toLookupClass

Documented in tableLookup toLookupClass toLookupList toLookupTable

# toLookupClass ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Keys and Values to Lookup Structure
#' Provide the mapping between keys and values in a structure of choice
#' @param keys vector of keys
#' @param values vector of values
#' @param class character string determining the class of the structure
#'   returned: "data.frame.1": data frame with the \code{keys} as column names
#'   and the \code{values} in the first row; "data.frame.2": data frame with 
#'   \code{keys} in the first and \code{values} in the second column; "list": 
#'   list with \code{values} as elements and \code{keys} as element names; 
#'   "vector": named vector with \code{values} as elements and \code{keys} as 
#'   names.
#' @return object according to the chosen \code{class}. See description of the 
#'   \code{class} argument.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' keys <- c("A", "B", "C")
#' values <- c("Apple", "Banana", "Cherry")
#' fruits.df1 <- toLookupClass(keys, values)
#' fruits.df2 <- toLookupClass(keys, values, class = "data.frame.2")
#' fruits.list <- toLookupClass(keys, values, class = "list")
#' fruits.vector <- toLookupClass(keys, values, class = "vector")
#' # Note how you may use the results differently
#' fruits.df1$A
#' fruits.list$A
#' fruits.vector["A"]
#' fruits.df1[c("A", "C")]
#' fruits.list[c("A", "C")]
#' fruits.vector[c("A", "C")]
toLookupClass <- function(
  keys, values, class = c("data.frame.1", "data.frame.2", "list", "vector")[1]
  classes <- toNamedList(
    c("data.frame.1", "data.frame.2", "list", "vector")
  if (class %in% c(classes$data.frame.1, classes$data.frame.2)) {
      keys, values, as.twoColumnTable = (class == classes$data.frame.2)
  } else if (class == classes$list) {
    toLookupList(keys, values)
  } else if (class == classes$vector) {
    structure(values, names = keys)
  } else {
    stop("class '", class, "' not supported. Supported classes: ", 
         stringList(classes), call. = FALSE)

# toLookupList -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Keys and Values to Lookup List
#' Keys and values to lookup list (list with elements representing the values 
#' and the names of the list elements representing the corresponding keys)
#' @param keys vector of character representing the keys of the dictionary
#' @param values vector of character representing the values of the dictionary
#' @param data Optional. Data frame with two columns of which the first is
#'   assumed to contain the keys and the second is assumed to contain the values
#'   of the dictionary
#' @return dictionary: list with \emph{values} as elements and \emph{keys} as
#'   names
#' @export
toLookupList <- function(keys, values, data = NULL) 
  if (! is.null(data)) {
    if (ncol(data) < 2) {
      stop("data must have at least two columns (keys, values)", call. = FALSE)
    lookupMatrix <- t(data)
    keys <- lookupMatrix[1, ]
    values <- lookupMatrix[2, ]
  structure(as.list(values), names = keys)

# toLookupTable ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Keys and Values or List to Lookup Table
#' Convert vectors of keys and values or a list into a lookup table (data frame)
#' @param keys keys of the lookup table
#' @param values values of the lookup table
#' @param List list of named elements with the names representing the keys and
#'   the values representing the values of the lookup table
#' @param as.twoColumnTable if TRUE (the default is FALSE) the result is a data
#'   frame with two columns \emph{keys} and \emph{values}, respectively.
#' @param stringsAsFactors passed to \code{\link[base]{data.frame}}
#' @return data frame with one row containing \code{values} in columns named 
#'   \code{keys} or, if \code{as.twoColumnTable = TRUE}, a data frame with the 
#'   \code{keys} in column \emph{key} and the \code{values} in column 
#'   \emph{value}
#' @export
toLookupTable <- function(
  keys = NULL, values = NULL, List = NULL, as.twoColumnTable = FALSE, 
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  # if List is given it must be a list
  if (! is.null(List)) {
    if (! is.list(List)) {
      stop("List must be a list!")
    keys <- names(List)
    # apply the type conversion function corresponding to the type of the first
    # list element to each element to get the vector of values
    values <- unlist(lapply(List, paste0("as.", mode(List[[1]]))))
  if (as.twoColumnTable) {
    result <- data.frame(
      key = keys, 
      value = values, 
      stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors,
      row.names = NULL
  } else {
    result <- data.frame(
      stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors
    names(result) <- keys

# tableLookup ------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Lookup Value for Key in Table
#' lookup a value in the second column of a data frame \code{x} where the value 
#' in the first column matches the \code{key}.
#' @param x data frame with at least two columns. Keys are expected to be in the
#'   first and values are expected to be in the second column, respectively.
#' @param key key for which a value is to be looked up
#' @param default default value that is returned if the key is not a key of the
#'   lookup table
#' @return value looked up in the lookup table of default if \code{key} is not 
#'   contained in the first column of the lookup table \code{x}
#' @export
tableLookup <- function(x, key, default = NULL)
  stopifnot(ncol(table) >= 2)
  keys <- x[, 1]
  selected <- (keys == key)
  if (! any(selected)) {
      "No key ", hsQuoteChr(key), " found in the lookup table.\n",
      "Available keys: ", stringList(as.character(keys)), ".\n",
      "Returning the default value: ", hsQuoteChr(default)
    value <- default
  } else {
    value <- x[selected, 2]
    if (length(value) > 1) {
      value <- value[1]
        "The key ", hsQuoteChr(key), " occurs more than once in the lookup ",
        "table.\nReturning the first value found: ", hsQuoteChr(value)
KWB-R/kwb.utils documentation built on April 1, 2024, 7:12 a.m.