
#' EAP estimate with Riemannsum
#' Compute the expected aposteriori estimate and covariance matrix of the latent trait theta. 
#' Integration approximation occurs via a Riemannsumm, where grid points can be adapted to the location of the
#' posterior distribution.
#' @param dimension Number of dimensions of theta.
#' @param likelihood Likelihood function of theta, where first argument should be theta.
#' @param prior_form String indicating the form of the prior; one of \code{"normal"} or \code{"uniform"}.
#' @param prior_parameters List containing mu and Sigma of the normal prior: \code{list(mu = ..., Sigma = ...)}, or 
#' the upper and lower bound of the uniform prior: \code{list(lower_bound = ..., upper_bound = ...)}.
#' The list element \code{Sigma} should always be in matrix form. List elements \code{mu}, \code{lower_bound}, and \code{upper_bound} should always be vectors.
#' The length of \code{mu}, \code{lower_bound}, and \code{upper_bound} should be equal to the number of dimensions.
#' For uniform prior, true theta should fall within \code{lower_bound} and \code{upper_bound} and be not too close to one of these bounds, in order to prevent errors. 
#' @param adapt List containing mu and Sigma for the adaptation of the grid points: list(mu = ..., Sigma = ...).
#' If \code{NULL}, adaptation with normal prior is based on the prior parameters, and no adaptation is made with uniform prior.
#' @param number_gridpoints Value indicating the number of grid points per dimension to use for the Riemannsum.
#' @param ... Any additional arguments to \code{likelihood}.
#' @return Expected aposteriori estimate of the latent trait theta, with its covariance matrix as an attribute.
#' @importFrom mvtnorm dmvnorm
#' @importFrom Matrix nearPD
get_eap_estimate_riemannsum <- function(dimension, likelihood, prior_form, prior_parameters, adapt = NULL, number_gridpoints = 50, ...) {
  result <- function() {
    mid_grid_points <- get_mid_grid_points() 
    joint_distribution <- apply(mid_grid_points, 1, get_likelihood_or_post_density_given_theta)
    sum_joint <- sum(joint_distribution)
    sum_joint_times_grid <- colSums(joint_distribution * mid_grid_points)
    eap_theta_estimate <- as.vector(sum_joint_times_grid / sum_joint)

    var_eap_theta_estimate <- matrix(0, dimension, dimension)
    for (i in 1:nrow(mid_grid_points)) {
      deviation <- mid_grid_points[i, ] - eap_theta_estimate
      var_eap_theta_estimate <- var_eap_theta_estimate + ( deviation %*% t(deviation) * joint_distribution[i] / sum_joint )
    attr(eap_theta_estimate, "variance") <- var_eap_theta_estimate
  trans <- function(grid_points, Sigma) {
    sigma_positive_definite <- nearPD(Sigma)$mat
    eigen_sigma <- eigen(sigma_positive_definite)
    if (length(eigen_sigma$values) > 1)
      t((eigen_sigma$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(eigen_sigma$values))) %*% t(grid_points))
      t((eigen_sigma$vectors * sqrt(eigen_sigma$values)) %*% t(grid_points))
  get_list_gridpoints_uniform <- function() {
           function(dim) {
             lower_bound <- prior_parameters$lower_bound[dim]
             upper_bound <- prior_parameters$upper_bound[dim]
             interval_length <- upper_bound - lower_bound
             seq(lower_bound + .5 * interval_length/number_gridpoints, upper_bound - .5 * interval_length/number_gridpoints, interval_length/number_gridpoints)
  get_list_gridpoints_normal <- function() {
           function(dim) {
             seq(-5 + 5/number_gridpoints, 5 - 5/number_gridpoints, 10/number_gridpoints)
  get_list_gridpoints <- function() {
           uniform = get_list_gridpoints_uniform(),
           normal = get_list_gridpoints_normal())
  get_mu_sigma_for_transformation <- function() {
    if (is.null(adapt) && prior_form == "uniform")
    if (is.null(adapt) && prior_form == "normal") {
      list(mu = prior_parameters$mu, sigma = prior_parameters$Sigma)
    else if (prior_form == "normal") {
      list(mu = adapt$mu, sigma = adapt$Sigma)
    else if (prior_form == "uniform") {
      if (all(diag(adapt$Sigma) < 9))
        list(mu = adapt$mu, sigma = adapt$Sigma)
        list(mu = adapt$mu, sigma = adapt$Sigma / (max(diag(adapt$Sigma)) / 9))
  transform_grid_points <- function(grid_points_untransformed) {
    if (is.null(adapt) && prior_form == "uniform") {
    else {
      mu_sigma <- get_mu_sigma_for_transformation()
      mid_grid_points_trans <- trans(grid_points_untransformed, mu_sigma$sigma)
      t(t(mid_grid_points_trans) + mu_sigma$mu)
  get_mid_grid_points <- function() {
    grid_points_untransformed <- expand.grid(get_list_gridpoints())
    grid_points_transformed <- transform_grid_points(grid_points_untransformed)
    if (prior_form == "uniform")
      remove_rows_outside_bounds(matrix_to_evaluate = grid_points_transformed, lower_bound = prior_parameters$lower_bound, upper_bound = prior_parameters$upper_bound)
  get_likelihood_or_post_density_given_theta <- function(theta) {
    if (prior_form == "normal")
      likelihood(theta, ...) * dmvnorm(theta, prior_parameters$mu, prior_parameters$Sigma)
      likelihood(theta, ...)
Karel-Kroeze/ShadowCAT documentation built on May 7, 2019, 12:28 p.m.