### plot out graphs for each individual leaf, categoried by genotype
plotGX = function(trait, table = NULL , genotype = NULL, id = NULL , dataset = NULL ){
# check table argument provided or not
if (length(table) > 0) {
t = TRUE
genolist = unique(table$genotype)
dataset = table
}else{ t = FALSE}
# check genotype+dataset combination argument provided or not
if (length(genotype) > 0 & nrow(dataset) > 0 ) {
if ( all(genotype %in% dataset$genotype) ){
g = TRUE
genolist = genotype
stop("genotype provided is not in the dataset.")
}else{ g = FALSE }
# check id+dataset combination argument provided or not
if (length(id) > 0 & nrow(dataset) > 0) {
if( all(id %in% dataset$name )){
d = TRUE
genolist = unique(dataset[which(dataset$name==id),"genotype"])
dataset = dataset[which(dataset$name==id),]
stop("id is not in the dataset.")
}else{ d = FALSE}
# only one of these three types of inputs can be allowed in one run
tgd = c(t,g,d)
if(sum(tgd == TRUE) != 1){
stop("Please have only one type of input.")
# plot out selected trait of selected entry
for (i in 1:length(genolist)) {
sub = subset(dataset, genotype == genolist[i])
sub = sub[order(as.numeric(sub$plot)),]
p=ggplot(sub, aes_string("FTime", trait)) +geom_point(aes(colour=name), size =5) + labs(title=paste(genolist[i],trait))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(size=30, face="bold"),
legend.text = element_text(size = 30),
legend.key.size = unit(2,"line"),
ggsave(filename=paste(trait," ",genolist[i],".png",sep=""))
cat(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>",genolist[i],trait,"curve saved\n")
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