#' Auxillary function for fitting GARCH model.
#' @param x time series vector.
#' @return GARCH parameter estimates.
#' @examples
garch11FIT = function(x) {
# Step 1: Initialize Time Series Globally:
tx <<- x
# Step 2: Initialize Model Parameters and Bounds:
Mean <- mean(tx)
Var <- var(tx)
S <- 1e-6
params <- c(
mu = Mean,
omega = 0.1 * Var,
alpha = 0.1,
beta = 0.8
lowerBounds <- c(
mu = -10 * abs(Mean),
omega = S ^ 2,
alpha = S,
beta = S
upperBounds <- c(
mu = 10 * abs(Mean),
omega = 100 * Var,
alpha = 1 - S,
beta = 1 - S
# Step 3: Set Conditional Distribution Function:
garch11Dist <- function(z, hh) {
dnorm(x = z / hh) / hh
# Step 4: Compose log-Likelihood Function:
garch11LLH <- function(parm) {
mu = parm[1]
omega = parm[2]
alpha = parm[3]
beta = parm[4]
z = (tx - mu)
Mean = mean(z ^ 2)
# Use Filter Representation:
e = omega + alpha * c(Mean, z[-length(tx)] ^ 2)
h = stats::filter(e, beta, "r", init = Mean)
hh = sqrt(abs(h))
llh = -sum(log(garch11Dist(z, hh)))
# Step 5: Estimate Parameters and Compute Numerically Hessian:
fit <- nlminb(
start = params,
objective = garch11LLH,
lower = lowerBounds,
upper = upperBounds
epsilon <- 0.0001 * fit$par
npar <- length(params)
Hessian <- matrix(0, ncol = npar, nrow = npar)
for (i in 1:npar) {
for (j in 1:npar) {
x1 = x2 = x3 = x4 = fit$par
x1[i] = x1[i] + epsilon[i]
x1[j] = x1[j] + epsilon[j]
x2[i] = x2[i] + epsilon[i]
x2[j] = x2[j] - epsilon[j]
x3[i] = x3[i] - epsilon[i]
x3[j] = x3[j] + epsilon[j]
x4[i] = x4[i] - epsilon[i]
x4[j] = x4[j] - epsilon[j]
Hessian[i, j] = (garch11LLH(x1) - garch11LLH(x2) - garch11LLH(x3) +
garch11LLH(x4)) /
(4 * epsilon[i] * epsilon[j])
se.coef <- sqrt(diag(solve(Hessian)))
est <- fit$par
# compute the sigma.t^2 series
z <- tx - est[1]
Mean <- mean(z ^ 2)
e <- est[2] + est[3] * c(Mean, z[-length(tx)] ^ 2)
h <- stats::filter(e, est[4], "r", init = Mean)
garch11FIT <- list(par = est, separ = se.coef, ht = h)
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