# Author: Kevin See
# Purpose: Estimate abundance of winter juvenile fish
# Created: 9/12/2019
# Last Modified: 10/17/19
# Notes:
# load needed libraries
# load fish data
fish_data = fish_win_data %>%
mutate(Year = if_else(month(Date) > 7,
paste(year(Date), year(Date) + 1, sep = '-'),
paste(year(Date) - 1, year(Date), sep = '-'))) %>%
select(Year, everything()) %>%
rename(SampleDate = Date) %>%
add_column(N = NA,
SE = NA,
p = NA,
pSE = NA,
Nmethod = NA) %>%
list(as.numeric)) %>%
xtabs(~ FishCrew + Year, fish_data)
# Estimate abundance for all depletion / removal surveys
fish_data %>%
filter(Method == 'Depletion') %>%
select(Year, SiteUnit, Site, ChUnitNumber, SampleDate, FishCrew, Species, Pass1.M, Pass2.C, Pass3.R) %>%
group_by(Year, SiteUnit, Site, ChUnitNumber, SampleDate, FishCrew, Species) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(deplMod = map(data,
.f = function(x) {
if(is.na(x$Pass3.R)) {
# use 2 pass model from Seber
mod = removal(catch = as_vector(x),
if(!is.na(x$Pass3.R)) {
# Chose Carle-Strub method based on results from Hedger et al. (2013)
mod = removal(catch = as_vector(x),
})) %>%
mutate(N = map_dbl(deplMod,
.f = function(x) {
SE = map_dbl(deplMod,
.f = function(x) x$est['No.se']),
p = map_dbl(deplMod,
.f = function(x) x$est['p']),
pSE = map_dbl(deplMod,
.f = function(x) x$est['p.se']),
Nmethod = map_chr(deplMod,
.f = function(x) x$method[1])) %>%
select(-data, -deplMod) %>%
mutate(Nmethod = recode(Nmethod,
'Seber2' = 'Seber',
'CarleStrub' = 'Carle Strub')) %>%
left_join(fish_data %>%
select(-(N:Nmethod))) %>%
by = c('Year', 'SiteUnit', 'Site', 'ChUnitNumber', 'SampleDate', 'Species', 'Method', 'FishCrew'))) %>%
select(one_of(names(fish_data))) -> fish_data
# mark-recapture
fish_data %>%
filter(Method == 'Mark Recapture',
Pass1.M > 0,
Pass2.C > 0,
Pass3.R <= Pass1.M) %>%
# filter(Pass3.R > Pass1.M) %>% select(SiteUnit, Species, starts_with('Pass'))
select(Year, SiteUnit, Site, ChUnitNumber, SampleDate, FishCrew, Species, Pass1.M, Pass2.C, Pass3.R) %>%
group_by(Year, SiteUnit, Site, ChUnitNumber, SampleDate, FishCrew, Species) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(mrMod = map(data,
.f = function(x) {
mrClosed(M = x$Pass1.M,
n = x$Pass2.C,
m = x$Pass3.R,
method = 'Chapman',
chapman.mod = T) %>%
summary(incl.SE = T)
})) %>%
mutate(N = map_dbl(mrMod,
.f = function(x) x[1,'N']),
SE = map_dbl(mrMod,
.f = function(x) x[1, 'SE'])) %>%
select(-data, -mrMod) %>%
mutate(Nmethod = 'Chapman') %>%
left_join(fish_data %>%
select(-(N:Nmethod))) %>%
mutate(p = Pass1.M / N,
pSE = Pass1.M * SE / N^2) %>%
by = c('Year', 'SiteUnit', 'Site', 'ChUnitNumber', 'SampleDate', 'Species', 'Method', 'FishCrew'))) %>%
select(one_of(names(fish_data))) -> fish_data
# Develop snorkel correction model
spp_calib = fish_data %>%
filter(SurveyType == 'Calibration',
count > 0,
count <= N) %>%
# drop brook trout
filter(Species != 'BrookTrout') %>%
mutate_at(vars(FishCrew, Tier1, Stream, Species),
funs(fct_drop)) %>%
mutate(pSnork = count / N)
xtabs(~ Tier1 + Species, spp_calib)
mod_df = spp_calib %>%
split(list(.$Species)) %>%
map_df(.f = function(x) {
x %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
summarise(binom_full = list(glm(cbind(count, N - count) ~ -1 + (Tier1 + FishCrew + count)^2,
data = .,
family = binomial,
na.action = na.fail)),
binom_dd = list(dredge(binom_full)),
binom_best = list(get.models(binom_dd,
subset = delta == 0)[[1]]),
binom_avg = list(model.avg(binom_dd,
subset = cumsum(weight) < 0.95,
fit = T)),
lin_full = list(lm(N ~ -1 + count + count:(Tier1 + FishCrew),
data = .,
na.action = na.fail)),
lin_dd = list(dredge(lin_full,
fixed = 'count')),
lin_best = list(get.models(lin_dd,
subset = delta == 0)[[1]]),
lin_avg = list(model.avg(lin_dd,
subset = cumsum(weight) < 0.95,
fit = T)))
pred_df = spp_calib %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
nest() %>%
left_join(mod_df %>%
select(-ends_with('dd'))) %>%
list(~ map2(.x = .,
.y = data,
.f = predict,
type = 'response')))
se_df = spp_calib %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
nest() %>%
left_join(mod_df %>%
select(-ends_with('dd'))) %>%
list(~ map2(.x = .,
.y = data,
.f = predict,
type = 'response',
se.fit = T))) %>%
list(~ map(.x = .,
.f = function(x) x$se.fit)))
names(se_df)[grepl('^binom', names(se_df)) | grepl('lin', names(se_df))] = paste(names(se_df)[grepl('^binom', names(se_df)) | grepl('lin', names(se_df))], 'se', sep = '_')
comp_df = pred_df %>%
unnest() %>%
gather(model, pred, starts_with('binom'), starts_with('lin')) %>%
left_join(se_df %>%
unnest() %>%
gather(model, se, starts_with('binom'), starts_with('lin')) %>%
mutate(model = str_remove(model, '_se$'))) %>%
mutate(Nhat = if_else(grepl('binom', model),
count / pred,
Nhat_se = if_else(grepl('binom', model),
count * se / pred^2,
xtabs(~ model + is.na(se), comp_df)
comp_df %>%
select(Species, SiteUnit, count, Pass1.M, N, SE, model, Nhat) %>%
spread(model, Nhat) %>%
select(N, binom_avg:lin_full) %>%
cor() %>%
# predict abundance from snorkel counts
snork_preds = fish_data %>%
filter(Species %in% levels(spp_calib$Species),
Tier1 %in% levels(spp_calib$Tier1),
SurveyType == 'Snorkeling') %>%
mutate_at(vars(Species, Tier1),
list(fct_drop)) %>%
select(Stream, Site, ChUnitNumber, SampleDate, FishCrew, Tier1:count) %>%
split(list(.$Species)) %>%
map_df(.f = function(x) {
pred_model = mod_df %>%
filter(Species == unique(x$Species)) %>%
pred_model = pred_model[[1]]
x %>%
newdata = x,
type = 'response',
se.fit = T) %>%
as.tibble() %>%
rename(phat = fit,
phat_se = se.fit))
}) %>%
mutate(Nhat = count / phat,
Nhat_se = count * phat_se / phat^2,
N_method = 'SnorkCalib')
# no small side channel predictions (not in the spp_calib data.frame)
# model averaged linear model doesn't use Tier 1
ssc_preds = fish_data %>%
filter(Species %in% levels(spp_calib$Species),
!Tier1 %in% levels(spp_calib$Tier1),
SurveyType == 'Snorkeling') %>%
mutate_at(vars(Species, Tier1),
list(fct_drop)) %>%
select(Stream, Site, ChUnitNumber, SampleDate, FishCrew, Tier1:count) %>%
split(list(.$Species)) %>%
map_df(.f = function(x) {
pred_model = mod_df %>%
filter(Species == unique(x$Species)) %>%
pred_model = pred_model[[1]]
x %>%
newdata = x %>%
select(count, FishCrew),
type = 'response',
se.fit = T) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
rename(Nhat = fit,
Nhat_se = se.fit))
}) %>%
mutate(phat = count / Nhat,
phat_se = count * Nhat_se / Nhat^2,
N_method = 'SnorkCalib')
# add predictions back to main fish data
fish_data %<>%
left_join(snork_preds %>%
bind_rows(ssc_preds)) %>%
mutate(Nmethod = if_else(!is.na(N_method), N_method, Nmethod),
N = if_else(is.na(N), Nhat, N),
SE = if_else(is.na(SE), Nhat_se, SE),
p = if_else(is.na(p), phat, p),
pSE = if_else(is.na(pSE), phat_se, pSE)) %>%
fish_data %>%
filter(SurveyType != 'Calibration',
Species %in% unique(spp_calib$Species),
is.na(N)) %>%
xtabs(~ SurveyType + Tier1, .)
# deal with single pass electro-fishing surveys
sp_calib = fish_data %>%
filter(SurveyType == 'Electrofishing',
Method == 'Mark Recapture',
Pass1.M > 0,
Pass2.C > 0,
sp_covar_means = sp_calib %>%
select(Discharge, Temp, PercentIceCover) %>%
gather(covar, value) %>%
group_by(covar) %>%
list(mean = mean,
sd = sd))
sp_mod_df = sp_calib %>%
gather(covar, value, one_of(sp_covar_means$covar)) %>%
left_join(sp_covar_means) %>%
list(~ (. - mean) / sd)) %>%
select(-mean, -sd) %>%
spread(covar, value) %>%
select(Species, N, Pass1.M, Tier1, Discharge) %>% #, Temp) %>%
split(list(.$Species)) %>%
map_df(.f = function(x) {
x %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
# summarise(binom_full = list(glm(cbind(Pass1.M, N - Pass1.M) ~ -1 + (Tier1 + Discharge + Temp)^2,
summarise(binom_full = list(glm(cbind(Pass1.M, N - Pass1.M) ~ -1 + (Tier1 + Discharge)^2,
data = .,
family = binomial,
na.action = na.fail)),
binom_dd = list(dredge(binom_full)),
binom_best = list(get.models(binom_dd,
subset = delta == 0)[[1]]),
binom_avg = list(try(model.avg(binom_dd,
# subset = cumsum(weight) < 0.95,
fit = T))),
# lin_full = list(lm(N ~ -1 + Pass1.M + Pass1.M:(Tier1 + Discharge + Temp),
lin_full = list(lm(N ~ -1 + Pass1.M + Pass1.M:(Tier1 + Discharge),
data = .,
na.action = na.fail)),
lin_dd = list(dredge(lin_full,
fixed = 'Pass1.M')),
lin_best = list(get.models(lin_dd,
subset = delta == 0)[[1]]),
lin_avg = list(try(model.avg(lin_dd,
# subset = cumsum(weight) < 0.95,
fit = T))))
# where do we need this model? Single pass surveys and funky mark-recapture surveys
sp_preds = fish_data %>%
filter(SurveyType == 'Electrofishing',
(Method == 'Single Pass' |
(Method == 'Mark Recapture' & is.na(N))),
Species %in% unique(sp_calib$Species),
Tier1 %in% unique(sp_calib$Tier1)) %>%
# no Rapid channel units in Chinook model data
filter(!(Species == 'Chinook' & Tier1 == 'Rapid')) %>%
mutate_at(vars(Species, Tier1),
list(fct_drop)) %>%
select(-(Pass2.C:Nmethod)) %>%
gather(covar, value, one_of(sp_covar_means$covar)) %>%
left_join(sp_covar_means) %>%
list(~ (. - mean) / sd)) %>%
select(-mean, -sd) %>%
spread(covar, value) %>%
split(list(.$Species)) %>%
map_df(.f = function(x) {
pred_model = sp_mod_df %>%
filter(Species == unique(x$Species)) %>%
pred_model = pred_model[[1]]
x %>%
newdata = x,
type = 'response',
se.fit = T) %>%
as.tibble() %>%
rename(phat = fit,
phat_se = se.fit))
}) %>%
mutate(Nhat = Pass1.M / phat,
Nhat_se = Pass1.M * phat_se / phat^2,
N_method = 'Ratio Est.')
# add predictions back to main fish data
fish_data %<>%
left_join(sp_preds %>%
select(-one_of(sp_covar_means$covar))) %>%
mutate(Nmethod = if_else(!is.na(N_method), N_method, Nmethod),
N = if_else(is.na(N), Nhat, N),
SE = if_else(is.na(SE), Nhat_se, SE),
p = if_else(is.na(p), phat, p),
pSE = if_else(is.na(pSE), phat_se, pSE)) %>%
fish_data %>%
filter(SurveyType != 'Calibration',
Species %in% unique(spp_calib$Species)) %>%
xtabs(~ Method + Nmethod, .) %>%
# save a csv of all data with abundance estimates
# deal with duplicate channel unit surveys
fish_data %<>%
filter(SurveyType != 'Calibration',
Species != 'BrookTrout') %>%
mutate(id = paste(Species, Year, SiteUnit, sep = '_'))
fish_data %>%
filter(id %in% id[duplicated(id)]) %>%
arrange(id) %>%
group_by(FishCrew) %>%
summarise(nSurv = n(),
nID = n_distinct(id),
nCU = n_distinct(SiteUnit))
# for WDFW, there are 6 channel units sampled on consecutive nights.
# I'm going to keep the one with a higher abundance estimate
fish_data %>%
anti_join(fish_data %>%
filter(id %in% id[duplicated(id)],
FishCrew == 'WDFW')) %>%
bind_rows(fish_data %>%
filter(id %in% id[duplicated(id)],
FishCrew == 'WDFW') %>%
group_by(id) %>%
filter(N == max(N)) %>%
slice(1) %>%
ungroup()) %>%
arrange(id) -> fish_data
# for QCI, there were 27 channel units sampled more than once
fish_data %>%
filter(id %in% id[duplicated(id)],
FishCrew == 'QCI') %>%
arrange(id) %>%
select(SiteUnit, Species, SampleDate, Method, count:Nmethod) %>%
xtabs(~ Species + (N > 0), .)
# Most of these resulted in 0 Chinook anyways. For the ones that didn't, I'll keep which ever sample resulted in the higher N (and for the 0s, I'll keep the last sample)
fish_data %>%
anti_join(fish_data %>%
filter(id %in% id[duplicated(id)],
FishCrew == 'QCI')) %>%
bind_rows(fish_data %>%
filter(id %in% id[duplicated(id)],
FishCrew == 'QCI') %>%
group_by(id) %>%
filter(N == max(N)) %>%
filter(SampleDate == max(SampleDate)) %>%
ungroup()) %>%
arrange(id) -> fish_data
# Save estimates
fish_win_est = fish_data %>%
select(-id) %>%
mutate_at(vars(Watershed, Stream, FishCrew, SurveyType, Method, Tier1),
version = 2,
overwrite = T)
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