LM.bpm <- function(formula, data = list(), weights = NULL, subset = NULL, Model, hess = TRUE){
sp <- qu.mag <- y1.y2 <- y1.cy2 <- cy1.y2 <- cy1.cy2 <- cy <- cy1 <- NULL
end <- data <- var <- G <- var.eig <- params <- resf <- VC <- respvec <- qu.mag <- X1 <- X2 <- gam1 <- gam2 <- 0
BivD <- "N"
fp <- FALSE
if(!(Model %in% c("B", "BSS")) || missing(Model)) stop("Error in parameter Model value. It should be one of: B or BSS.")
if(length(formula) > 2) stop("This test is not designed for varying correlation coefficient models.")
ig <- interpret.gam(formula)
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
pred.n <- union(ig[[1]]$pred.names,c(ig[[2]]$pred.names,ig[[2]]$response))
fake.formula <- paste(ig[[1]]$response, "~", paste(pred.n, collapse = " + "))
environment(fake.formula) <- environment(ig$fake.formula)
mf$formula <- fake.formula
mf$Model <- mf$hess <- NULL
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
if(Model=="BSS") mf$na.action <- na.pass
mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
data <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
indS <- as.logical(data[,ig[[1]]$response])==FALSE
indS <- ifelse( is.na(indS), FALSE, indS)
data[indS, ig[[2]]$response] <- ifelse( is.na(data[indS, ig[[2]]$response]), 0, data[indS, ig[[2]]$response])
data <- na.omit(data)
if(is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1,dim(data)[1]) else weights <- data[,"(weights)"]
formula.eq1 <- formula[[1]]
formula.eq2 <- formula[[2]]
if(ig[[1]]$response %in% ig[[2]]$pred.names ) end <- 1
if(ig[[2]]$response %in% ig[[1]]$pred.names ) end <- 2
gam1 <- eval(substitute(gam(formula.eq1, binomial(link="probit"), weights=weights,
X1 <- model.matrix(gam1)
X1.d2 <- dim(X1)[2]
l.sp1 <- length(gam1$sp)
y1 <- gam1$y
n <- length(y1)
if(l.sp1 != 0) sp1 <- gam1$sp else sp1 <- NULL
inde <- rep(TRUE, n)
gam2 <- eval(substitute(gam(formula.eq2, binomial(link="probit"), weights=weights,
X2 <- model.matrix(gam2)
X2.d2 <- dim(X2)[2]
l.sp2 <- length(gam2$sp)
y2 <- gam2$y
y1.y2 <- y1*y2
y1.cy2 <- y1*(1-y2)
cy1.y2 <- (1-y1)*y2
cy1.cy2 <- (1-y1)*(1-y2)
func.opt <- bprobgHs
inde <- y1 > 0
gam2 <- eval(substitute(gam(formula.eq2, binomial(link="probit"), weights=weights,
data=data, subset=inde),list(weights=weights,inde=inde)))
X2.d2 <- length(gam2$coefficients)
X2 <- model.matrix(gam2)
y2 <- gam2$y # rep(0,length(inde)); y2[inde] <- gam2$y
l.sp2 <- length(gam2$sp)
cy1 <- (1-y1)
y1.y2 <- y1[inde]*y2
y1.cy2 <- y1[inde]*(1-y2)
func.opt <- bprobgHsSS
if(l.sp2 != 0) sp2 <- gam2$sp else sp2 <- NULL
gp1 <- gam1$nsdf
gp2 <- gam2$nsdf
if( l.sp1!=0 || l.sp2!=0){
sp <- c(sp1, sp2)
GAM <- list(gam1 = gam1, gam2 = gam2, gam3 = NULL, gam4 = NULL,
gam5 = NULL, gam6 = NULL, gam7 = NULL, gam8 = NULL)
L.SP <- list(l.sp1 = l.sp1, l.sp2 = l.sp2, l.sp3 = 0, l.sp4 = 0,
l.sp5 = 0, l.sp6 = 0, l.sp7 = 0, l.sp8 = 0)
L.GAM <- list(l.gam1 = length(gam1$coefficients), l.gam2 = 0, l.gam3 = 0, l.gam4 = 0,
l.gam5 = 0, l.gam6 = 0, l.gam7 = 0, l.gam8 = 0)
qu.mag <- S.m(GAM, L.SP, L.GAM)
respvec <- list(y1 = y1,
y2 = y2,
y1.y2 = y1.y2,
y1.cy2 = y1.cy2,
cy1.y2 = cy1.y2,
cy1.cy2 = cy1.cy2,
cy1 = cy1)
VC <- list(X1 = X1,
X2 = X2, X3 = NULL, inde = inde,
X1.d2 = X1.d2,
X2.d2 = X2.d2,
gp1 = gp1,
gp2 = gp2, gp3 = NULL,
l.sp1 = l.sp1,
l.sp2 = l.sp2, l.sp3 = 0,
weights = weights,
hess = hess,
Model = Model,
end = end, fp = fp,
BivD = BivD, nC = 1, extra.regI = FALSE, margins = c("probit","probit"),
bl = c("probit", "logit", "cloglog", "cauchit"), triv = FALSE, univ.gamls = FALSE , n = n,
min.dn = 1e-323, min.pr = 1e-32, max.pr = 0.9999999)
params <- c(gam1$coefficients, gam2$coefficients,0)
l.splist <- list( l.sp1 = l.sp1, l.sp2 = l.sp2, l.sp3 = 0,
l.sp4 = 0, l.sp5 = 0, l.sp6 = 0,
l.sp7 = 0, l.sp8 = 0 )
if( l.sp1==0 && l.sp2==0 ) ps <- list(S.h = 0, S.h1 = 0, S.h2 = 0) else ps <- pen(qu.mag, sp, VC, univ = 0, l.splist)
resf <- func.opt(params, respvec, VC, ps)
G <- resf$gradient
var <- resf$hessian
tolH <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
var.eig <- eigen(var, symmetric=TRUE)
if(min(var.eig$values) < tolH) var.eig$values[which(var.eig$values < tolH)] <- tolH
var <- var.eig$vec%*%tcrossprod(diag(1/var.eig$val),var.eig$vec)
ev <- as.numeric(t(G)%*%var%*%G)
rm(data, var, G, var.eig, params, resf, VC, respvec, qu.mag, X1, X2, gam1, gam2 )
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