
Defines functions iso_combine_raw_data_with_peak_table

Documented in iso_combine_raw_data_with_peak_table

# combining raw and chromatographic data =====

#' Generate chromatographic data with peak table information.
#' This function combines chromatogram and peak table information and is used internally in several plotting and peak table calculation functions. Usually it is not called directly by the user but may be of use for extending functionality and is hence provided as a stand-alone function.
#' @param raw_data the raw chromatographic data. If in long format, \code{data_trace} must be set to identify peaks correctly with the individual data traces.
#' @param peak_table a data frame that describes the peaks in this chromatogram. Peaks must have at minimum an apex retention time or a start and end retention time (ideally all 3). If no apex retention time is provided, peak marker points cannot be identified. If not both start and end retention time are provided, peak start and end are identified to lie right before and after the apex point.
#' @param file_id the column (or columns) that uniquely identifies individual analyses for proper matching of the raw chromatography data with the peak_table data. In most cases dealing with isoreader data, the default (\code{file_id}) should work fine.
#' @param rt the column in the \code{peak_table} that holds the retention time of the peak.
#' @param rt_start the column in the\code{peak_table} that holds the retention time where each peak starts.
#' @param rt_end the column in the\code{peak_table} that holds the retention time where each peak ends.
#' @param rt_unit which time unit the retention time columns (\code{rt}, \code{rt_start}, \code{rt_end}) are in. Only required if the retention time columns are not \code{\link[isoreader]{iso_double_with_units}} columns and are not in the same unit as the time column of the raw data. If provided, will override column units.
#' @param data_trace expression to identify individual data traces for raw data in long format. This is not usually needed for calculations but can be useful when working with data frames already gathered for plotting. If the data is indeed in gathered (long) format, and this is not set correctly, peak table data is integrated across all traces in the raw data leading to unpredictable peak border and apex identifications.
#' @export
iso_combine_raw_data_with_peak_table <- function(
  raw_data, peak_table,
  file_id = default(file_id), data_trace = NULL,
  rt = default(rt), rt_start = default(rt_start), rt_end = default(rt_end),
  rt_unit = NULL) {

  # safety checks
  peak_table_quo <- enquo(peak_table)
  if (missing(raw_data) || missing(peak_table)) stop("must supply raw_data and peak_table", call. = FALSE)
  if (nrow(peak_table) == 0) stop("peaks table supplied but there is no peaks data in it", call. = FALSE)

  # find raw data columns
  raw_data_cols <- get_column_names(
    raw_data, file_id = enquo(file_id), n_reqs = list(file_id = "+"))
  data_trace_quo <- enquo(data_trace)
  check_expressions(raw_data, data_trace_quo)
  if (rlang::quo_is_null(data_trace_quo)) data_trace_quo <- quo("all")

  # find peak table columns
  peak_table_cols <- get_column_names(
    peak_table, file_id = enquo(file_id), rt = enquo(rt), rt_start = enquo(rt_start), rt_end = enquo(rt_end),
    n_reqs = list(file_id = "+"))

  # make sure retention columns are numeric (any numeric is okay)
  if (!all(purrr::map_lgl(peak_table[with(peak_table_cols, c(rt, rt_start, rt_end))], is.numeric)))
      stop("retention time columns must be numeric", call. = FALSE)

  # file_id quos
  file_id_quos <- purrr::map(raw_data_cols$file_id, sym)

  # find time units
  time_info <- find_time_column(raw_data)
  if (is.null(rt_unit)) {
    # find rt unit (none provided)
    time_units <- c()
    if (iso_is_double_with_units(peak_table[[peak_table_cols$rt]]))
      time_units <- c(time_units, iso_get_units(peak_table[[peak_table_cols$rt]]))
    if (iso_is_double_with_units(peak_table[[peak_table_cols$rt_start]]))
      time_units <- c(time_units, iso_get_units(peak_table[[peak_table_cols$rt_start]]))
    if (iso_is_double_with_units(peak_table[[peak_table_cols$rt_end]]))
      time_units <- c(time_units, iso_get_units(peak_table[[peak_table_cols$rt_end]]))
    if (length(time_units) > 0) {
      if(!all(time_units == time_units[1]))
        # note could in theory resolve each one individually but different time units
        # in the retention times is a mess no matter what
          "inferring retention time units from peak table columns but encountered ",
          "conflicting units: {paste(unique(time_units), collapse = ', ')}") %>%
        stop(call. = FALSE)
        rt_unit <- time_units[1]
    } else
      rt_unit <- time_info$unit

  # deal with time units (make sure they are all in the plot data time units)
  peak_table <- peak_table %>%
      # note that this peak ID goes across ALL files, it's truly unique,
      # NOT just a counter within each file - this should  make processing faster
      ..peak_id = dplyr::row_number(),
      ..rt = scale_time(as.numeric(!!sym(peak_table_cols$rt)), to = time_info$unit, from = rt_unit),
      ..rt_start = scale_time(as.numeric(!!sym(peak_table_cols$rt_start)), to = time_info$unit, from = rt_unit),
      ..rt_end = scale_time(as.numeric(!!sym(peak_table_cols$rt_end)), to = time_info$unit, from = rt_unit)

  # safety check on retention times
  if (filter(peak_table, !is.na(..rt_start) & !is.na(..rt_end) & ..rt_start > ..rt_end) %>% nrow() > 0)
    stop("impossible peak definition: some peaks in the peak table have start times after their end times", call. = FALSE)
  if (filter(peak_table, !is.na(..rt) & !is.na(..rt_end) & ..rt_end < ..rt) %>% nrow() > 0)
    stop("impossible peak definition: some peaks in the peak table have end times before their apex times", call. = FALSE)
  if (filter(peak_table, !is.na(..rt) & !is.na(..rt_start) & ..rt_start > ..rt) %>% nrow() > 0)
    stop("impossible peak definition: some peaks in the peak table have start times after their apex times", call. = FALSE)
  if (filter(peak_table, is.na(..rt) & (is.na(..rt_start) | is.na(..rt_end))) %>% nrow() > 0)
    stop("impossible peak definition: not enough information (missing apex rt and missing peak start & end rt)", call. = FALSE)

  # kep columns in the raw data
  raw_data <- raw_data %>%
      ..data_id = dplyr::row_number(),
      ..time = !!sym(time_info$column),
      ..data = as.character(!!data_trace_quo)

  # combine raw data with peaks
  raw_data_peaks_all <-
    # all possible combinations in each file
      dplyr::select(raw_data, !!!file_id_quos, ..data_id, ..time, ..data),
      dplyr::select(peak_table, !!!file_id_quos, ..peak_id, ..rt, ..rt_start, ..rt_end),
      by = raw_data_cols$file_id
    ) %>%
    # right away remove peaks that are outside the available raw data time range
    dplyr::group_by(!!!file_id_quos) %>%
    dplyr::filter(is.na(..rt) | (..rt >= min(..time, na.rm = TRUE) & ..rt <= max(..time, na.rm = TRUE))) %>%

  raw_data_peaks <-
    raw_data_peaks_all %>%
    # identify the location of the peak marker
    dplyr::group_by(..data, ..peak_id) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(peak_marker = if (length(..rt) == 0) NA else abs(..rt - ..time) == min(abs(..rt - ..time))) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    # remove everything that doesn't actually belong to a peak
    dplyr::filter(peak_marker | (..time >= ..rt_start & ..time <= ..rt_end)) %>%
    dplyr::select(..data_id, ..peak_id, peak_marker)

  # safety checks
  all_peaks <- unique(raw_data_peaks_all$..peak_id)
  missing <- setdiff(all_peaks, unique(raw_data_peaks$..peak_id))
  if (length(all_peaks) == 0) {
      "there are no peaks that fit into the time window of the chromatogram. ",
      "Please double check that the rt_unit parameter is set to correctly identify ",
      "the time units of the peak table - currently assumed to be '{rt_unit}'.") %>%
      warning(immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
  if (length(missing) > 0) {
    # can this ever happen?
      "only {length(all_peaks) - length(missing)} of the {length(all_peaks)} ",
      "applicable peaks in the peak table could be identified in the chromatogram") %>%
      warning(immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)

  # add the peak information to the chromatogram
  all_data <- raw_data %>%
    dplyr::left_join(raw_data_peaks, by = "..data_id") %>%
    # find peak delimiters
    dplyr::arrange(..time) %>% # sorting is important!
    dplyr::group_by(!!!file_id_quos, ..data) %>%
      peak_marker = !is.na(peak_marker) & peak_marker,
      peak_point = ifelse(!is.na(..peak_id), ..peak_id, 0), # makes it possible to identify peak clusters afterwards
      peak_start = c(0, diff(peak_point)) > 0 | c(diff(peak_point), 0) > 0,
      #c(0, diff(peak_point)) > 0 | c(diff(peak_point), 0) > 0,
      peak_end =
        c(diff(peak_point), 0) < 0 | c(0, diff(peak_point)) < 0 |
        # take care of case when two peaks touch and there is no 0 in between
        (peak_start & peak_point > 0 & c(0, peak_point[-length(peak_point)]) > 0 & c(peak_point[-1], 0) > 0)
      #c(diff(peak_point), 0) > 0 | c(0, diff(peak_point)) > 0,
    ) %>%

  # add peak info
  all_data <- all_data %>%
      dplyr::select(peak_table, raw_data_cols$file_id, "..peak_id",
                    # ensure there are no column duplications
                    names(peak_table) %>% { .[!.%in% names(all_data)] }),
      by = c(raw_data_cols$file_id, "..peak_id")) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(..data_id) %>% # return to original sorting


# integrate peaks =====

# should be an S3 method that works for iso_files and combination of raw_data and peak_table
# calculates peak areas, peak heights, backgrounds, etc.

#' Integrate peak table peaks
#' Not yet implemented.
#' @export
iso_integrate_peaks <- function(...) {
  stop("sorry, not yet implemented", call. = FALSE)

# calculate peak ratios ====

# should be S3 method for iso_files and peak_table data frames

#' Calculate peak ratios
#' Not yet implemented.
#' @export
iso_calculate_peak_ratios <- function(...) {
  stop("sorry, not yet implemented", call. = FALSE)

# calculate peak deltas =====

#' Calculate peak deltas
#' Not yet implemented
#' @export
iso_calculate_peak_delats <- function(...) {
  stop("sorry, not yet implemented", call. = FALSE)

# calculate backgrounds ======

# should become part of iso_integrate_peaks
#' Calculate background signals
#' This function calculates peak backgrounds from a chromatographic trace with peak table data (see \code{\link{iso_combine_raw_data_with_peak_table}}).
#' @param data the data frame with chromatographic and peak information
#' @param signal_pattern pattern for signal columns (by default detects voltages starting with e.g. v45 and currents starting with e.g. i45)
#' @param time column name of the time column to use to find peak centers
#' @param peak column name of the peak id column that identifies different peaks
#' @param file column name of the filename column
#' @param method what method to use to calculate backgrounds (backgrounds are ALWAYS based solely on time points marked as background)
#'    run_const = constant background averaged across entire run
#'    run_linear = linear background across run @FIXME NOT IMPELEMENTED YET
#'    peak_const = constant background across single peak @FIXME NOT IMPELEMENTED YET
#'    peak_linear = linear background across peak @FIXME NOT IMPELEMENTED YET
#' @param bg_suffix the suffix for the new background columns
#' @return data frame with new signal columns with bg_suffix added, as well as a p.calc_bgrd_method
#' @note perhaps implement possibilty to pass with an actual function as method that takes the sub data frame as parameter?
calculate_backgrounds <- function(data, method, signal_pattern = "^[vi]\\d+", bg_suffix = "_bgrd",
                                  time = default("time"), peak = default("peak"), bgrd = default("bgrd"), file = default("file"), quiet = default("quiet")) {

  # --- method functions
  is_bg <- lazyeval::interp(~var, var = as.name(bgrd))
  is_peak <- lazyeval::interp(~!is.na(var), var = as.name(peak))
  make_bg_grps <- lazyeval::interp(~ c(0, diff(var)) %>% {(.>0)*1} %>% cumsum(), var = as.name(bgrd))
  methods <- list(
    # constat background across run
    run_const = function(sdf) {
      # calculate constant backgrounds from everything identified as background for all signal columns
      bgrds <- sdf %>% filter_(.dots = is_bg) %>% select_(.dots = c(time, sig_cols)) %>% unique() %>% select_(.dots = sig_cols) %>% summarize_all(mean)
      for (i in 1:length(sig_cols)) {
        # assign background for whole run (if valid background was calculated)
        sdf[[bg_cols[i]]] <- bgrds[[sig_cols[i]]] %>% { if(!is.nan(.)) . else NA_real_ }

    # linear background across run
    run_linear = function(sdf) {

      # calculate average background (and avg time) for each background group
      bgrds <- sdf %>% identify_background_groups(target = "bg_grp", quiet = TRUE) %>% filter_(.dots = is_bg) %>%
        select_(.dots = c(time, "bg_grp", sig_cols)) %>% group_by_("bg_grp") %>% summarize_all(mean)
      for (i in 1:length(sig_cols)) {
        # calculate linear regressions for the signal through time and predict backgrounds based on it
        m <- lm(y ~ time,
                data = bgrds %>% rename_(.dots = c(time, sig_cols[i]) %>% setNames(c("time", "y"))))
        sdf[[bg_cols[i]]] <- predict(m, tibble(time = sdf[[time]]))

  # safety checks
  if(missing(data) || !is.data.frame(data))  stop("data has to be supplied as a data frame to ", sys.call(0), call. = FALSE)
  sapply(c(file, peak, time, bgrd), col_check, data, sys.call())
  if(missing(method)) stop("method for calculating backgrounds not specified", call. = FALSE)
  else if (!method %in% names(methods)) stop("method not supported: '", method, "' (available: ", str_c(names(methods), collapse = ", "), ")", call. = FALSE)

  # find signal columns
  sig_cols <- names(data)[names(data) %>% str_detect(signal_pattern)]
  if (length(sig_cols) == 0) stop("no signal columnes found (pattern=", sig_pattern, ")", call. = FALSE)
  prefix <- sig_cols %>% str_match(signal_pattern) %>% { .[,1] }
  bg_cols <- sig_cols %>% str_replace(prefix, str_c(prefix, bg_suffix))

  # --- calculate background
  data[,bg_cols] <- NULL
  df <- data %>%
    # group by file
    group_by_(.dots = file) %>%
      # perform background calculation
      sdf <- .
      if (sdf %>% filter_(.dots = is_bg) %>% nrow() == 0) {
        warning("cannot calculate run background (no timepoints identified as background) in file '",
                unique(sdf[[file]]), "'", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
        sdf[,bg_cols] <- NA_real_
      } else {
        # calculate using specified method
        sdf <- methods[[method]](sdf)
      if (!all(bg_cols %in% names(sdf)))
        stop("background calculation method did not produce the necessary background columns", call. = FALSE)
    }) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate(p.calc_bgrd_method = method)

  # --- information
  if (!quiet) {
    sprintf("Info: backgrounds calculated for %d signals (%s) in %d file(s) using method '%s':",
            sig_cols %>% length(), sig_cols %>% str_c(collapse = ", "),
            df %>% select_(.dots = file) %>% unique() %>% nrow(),
            method) %>% message()
    df %>% select_(.dots = c(file, bg_cols)) %>% group_by_(.dots = file) %>%
      summarize_all(function(x) {
        range(x, na.rm = T) %>% {
          if(is.na(.[1])) "NA" else if (.[1] == .[2]) signif(.[1], 3) else str_c(signif(.[1], 3), "-", signif(.[2], 3))
      }) %>%
      as.data.frame() %>% print(row.names = FALSE)


# calculate areas ==============

# should also become part of integrate peaks
#' calculates area of peak from discrete signal and time measurements
#' can deal with time points out of order as long as time and signal indices are matched
#' @param t the time points
#' @param y the signal data
#' @param tstart the starting time of the signal to integrate, NULL (default) starts with the signal from the first time point
#' @param tend the ending time of the signal to integrate, NULL (default) ends with the signal at the last time point
#' @param const_dt if the time interval between data points is knonw to be constant use TRUE to make the computation slightly faster (~2-3 times with peaks 10,000 data points wide), default is FALSE
#' @return integrated area in units of [y units][t units]
calculate_area <- function(t, y, tstart = NULL, tend = NULL, const_dt = FALSE) {
  # select range
  if (!is.null(tstart)) {
    y <- y[t >= tstart]
    t <- t[t >= tstart]
  if (!is.null(tend)) {
    y <- y[t <= tend]
    t <- t[t <= tend]

  # sort in increasing time
  y <- y[order(t)]
  t <- sort(t)

  # integrate
  if (const_dt)
    (sum(y) - 1/2 * y[1] - 1/2 * tail(y, 1)) * (t[2] - t[1]) # slightly faster but only with const dt
  else {
    sum((head(y, -1) + diff(y)/2) * diff(t)) # slightly slower but universal
KopfLab/isoprocessorCUB documentation built on Nov. 8, 2021, 9:54 a.m.