# File/folder selection module ====
#' file selector server side
#' @param root directory
#' @param root_name the root directory name
#' @param pattern regexp file selection pattern
#' @param multiple whether to allow multiple file selection
#' @param enable_recent whether to have a recent tab
#' @param start_recent whether to start on the recent tab
#' @param start_n_recent how many recent items to show at the beginning
#' @param exclude_recent regex what to explude in the recent list (by default nothing is excluded)
#' @param start_sort_desc whether to start sorting in descending order
#' @family file selection module functions
fileSelectorServer <- function(
input, output, session,
root, root_name = basename(root), pattern = NULL, multiple = TRUE,
enable_recent = TRUE, start_recent = TRUE, start_n_recent = 50, exclude_recent = NULL,
start_sort_desc = TRUE) {
# namespace and constants
ns <- session$ns
recent_value <- "<<RECENT>>"
recent_label <- "Recent"
module_message(ns, "info", "Initiating file selector")
# make sure root is absolute for safety
if (!isAbsolutePath(root)) root <- filePath(getwd(), root)
# reactive values ====
values <- reactiveValues(
current_directory = root, # keep track of current directory
content_hash = NULL, # to check for updates to current directory
content_list = c(), # actual listed content
recent_active = start_recent, # whether showing "Recent" files
last_double_click_file = NULL, # keep track of last double clicked file
n_recent = start_n_recent, # how many recent to show
sort_desc = start_sort_desc # sorting direction
# manage sorting ====
observe({ req(input$sort_desc); values$sort_desc <- TRUE })
observe({ req(input$sort_asc); values$sort_desc <- FALSE })
active <- if (values$sort_desc) "sort_desc" else "sort_asc"
inactive <- if (!values$sort_desc) "sort_desc" else "sort_asc"
module_message(ns, "debug", "sorting is now ", active)
addClass(active, "active")
removeClass(inactive, "active")
# manage n recent ===
module_message(ns, "debug", "# recent to show is now: ", input$n_recent)
values$n_recent <- input$n_recent
# tab path on-click ====
# trigger file system navigation from tab on-click or select box double click
shinyjs::onclick("tab_path", function(event) {
tabdir <- input$tab_path
# only do anything if different from current directory
if (!is.null(tabdir) && (tabdir != values$current_directory || (values$recent_active && tabdir != recent_value))) {
values$content_hash <- NULL # always reset content
if (tabdir == recent_value) {
module_message(ns, "info", "Moving to RECENT files")
values$recent_active <- TRUE
} else {
module_message(ns, "info", "Moving to directory ", sub(root, root_name, tabdir))
values$current_directory <- tabdir
values$recent_active <- FALSE
# select list double-click ====
# trigger file system navigation from doubleclick on folder in folder/file list
# also triggers storage of double clicked files in last_double_click_file
shinyjs::onevent("dblclick", "content_list", function(event) {
# check if selected item is different from current folder, and is a valid subdirectory
item <- input$content_list
if(!is.null(item) && item != "" && # make sure not empty
item != values$current_directory) { # make sure not the same as current directory
# check if directory or file
if (dir.exists(item)) {
module_message(ns, "info", "Moving to sub directory ", sub(root, root_name, item))
values$content_hash <- NULL # always reset content
values$current_directory <- item
values$recent_active <- FALSE
} else if (file.exists(item)) {
module_message(ns, "debug", "assigning last double click file", item)
values$last_double_click_file <- item
# safety checks ====
# on selected paths (to avoid anyone getting access to unintended parts of the file system)
module_message(ns, "debug", "safety checking folder ", sub(root, root_name, values$current_directory))
stopifnot(file.exists(values$current_directory)) # must exists
stopifnot(isAbsolutePath(values$current_directory)) # must be absolute path
stopifnot(grepl(root, values$current_directory, fixed = TRUE)) # must be subdirectory of root
# potentially useful: disable the file select list:
# disable(selector = sprintf("#%s select", ns("content_list"))) # does not work with disable("content_list")
# enable(selector = sprintf("#%s select", ns("content_list"))) # does not work with disable("content_list")
# check for updates ====
# to what is in content list
# check for updates if directory changes, if recent is activated, recent number changes or if sorting changes
# also triggers when current folder content changes (checks for updates every second)
invalidateLater(1000, session)
# everything else is isolated
if (values$recent_active) {
# find recent files (recursive from root)
recent_files <- find_recent_files(root, pattern, exclude_recent) %>%
dplyr::filter(row_number() <= values$n_recent) %>% # get the right number of recent
dplyr::mutate(rel_dir = sub("^[\\/]?", "", sub(root, "", folder, fixed = TRUE)), # replace root in folder
label = ifelse(nchar(rel_dir) > 0, sprintf("%s (%s)", time_file_label, rel_dir), time_file_label)) %>%
{ if (values$sort_desc) arrange(., desc(mtime)) else arrange(., mtime) } # sort
content_hash <- generate_content_hash(recent_files$mtime)
new_content <- setNames(recent_files$filepath, recent_files$label)
} else {
# content of selected folder (files and subfolders) in right sorting order
folders <- list.dirs(values$current_directory, rec=FALSE, full.names = T) %>%
{ if(values$sort_desc) rev(.) else . } # sort desc or asc
files <- setdiff(list.files(values$current_directory, full.names = T, pattern = pattern, ignore.case = TRUE), folders)%>%
{ if(values$sort_desc) rev(.) else . } # sort desc or asc
content_hash <- generate_content_hash(c(folders, files))
new_content <- setNames(c(folders, files), c(sprintf("[ %s ]", basename(folders)), basename(files)))
# check if anything changed
if (is.null(values$content_hash) || values$content_hash != content_hash ) {
module_message(ns, "debug", "(re)loading content for directory ",
if(values$recent_active) recent_value else sub(root, "", values$current_directory))
values$content_hash <- content_hash
values$content_list <- new_content
# render recent input =====
output$n_recent_wrap <- renderUI({
if(enable_recent) {
inlineInput(numericInput, ns("n_recent"), h4("# Recent: "), value = start_n_recent,
min = 1, step = 1, width = "60px",
tooltip = "Enter how many recent files to display")
} else NULL
# generate path tabs ====
output$tab_path <- renderUI({
# only regenerate tabs if current directoy changes
module_message(ns, "debug", "new tab generation triggered")
tmp_path <- values$current_directory
# everything else is isolated
selected_tab <- if (enable_recent && values$recent_active) recent_value else tmp_path
parents <- list(id = ns("tab_path"), selected = selected_tab)
while (tmp_path != dirname(root)){
if (tmp_path == root)
parent <- root_name
parent <- basename(tmp_path)
parents <- c(parents, list(tabPanel(parent, value = tmp_path)))
tmp_path <- dirname(tmp_path)
if (enable_recent) {
# make recent bullet
parents <- c(parents, list(tabPanel(recent_label, value = recent_value)))
do.call(tabsetPanel, args = parents[length(parents):1])
# generate folder content listing ====
output$content_list <-renderUI({
module_message(ns, "debug", "new folder content listing triggered")
selectInput(ns("content_list"), NULL, width = "100%",
size = isolate(input$size), selectize = F, multiple = multiple,
# return both the current path and the selected folder contents
modal_closed = reactive(input$close),
path = reactive(values$current_directory),
path_relative = reactive(sub("^[\\/]?", "", sub(root, "", values$current_directory, fixed = TRUE))),
selection = reactive(input$content_list),
selection_relative = reactive(sub("^[\\/]?", "", sub(root, "", input$content_list, fixed = TRUE))),
double_click_file = reactive(values$last_double_click_file)
#' File Selector UI
#' @param id the file selector id
#' @param size the height of the selection box (number of rows)
#' @family file selection module functions
fileSelectorUI <- function(id, size = 12) {
ns <- NS(id)
inline(h4("Sorting: ")),
tooltipInput(actionButton, ns("sort_asc"), NULL, icon = icon("sort-alpha-asc"),
tooltip = "Sort in ascending order"),
tooltipInput(actionButton, ns("sort_desc"), NULL, icon = icon("sort-alpha-desc"),
tooltip = "Sort in desending order")
uiOutput(ns("content_list")) %>% withSpinner(type = 5, proxy.height = stringr::str_c(size * 20.2, "px")),
hidden(numericInput(ns("size"), NULL, value = size)) # size information for server
#' modalFileSelector
#' @inheritParams fileSelectorUI
#' @param open_label the label for the link to open the modal dialog
#' @param dialog_label the label of the modal dialog, same as the open_label by default
#' @param close_label the label for the button to close the modal dialog
#' @param dialog_size the size of the dialog, default is small
#' @family file selection module functions
modalFileSelectorUI <- function(id, size,
dialog_size = "large", open_label = "Select file", dialog_label = open_label, close_label = "Select",
link_wrapper = identity) {
ns <- NS(id)
modal_dlg <- bsModal(ns("modal_dialog"), dialog_label, ns("modal_link"), size = dialog_size,
column(width = 12, fileSelectorUI(id, size)) %>% fluidRow())
modal_dlg$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$children[[3]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]] <- close_label
modal_dlg$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$children[[3]]$children[[1]]$attribs$id <- ns("close")
modal_dlg$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$children[[3]]$children[[1]]$attribs$class <- "btn btn-default action-button"
dialog_tags <-
link_wrapper(actionLink(ns("modal_link"), open_label, icon = icon("file"))),
# helper functions ====
# recursively find all data files and sort by last modified time (exclude pattern)
find_recent_files <- function(folder, pattern, exclude = NULL) {
folder %>%
list.files(pattern = pattern, full.names = T, recursive = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE) %>%
lapply(function(file) list(filepath = file, mtime = file.mtime(file))) %>%
bind_rows() %>%
{ if (!is.null(exclude)) dplyr::filter(., !grepl(exclude, filepath)) else . } %>%
arrange(desc(mtime), filepath) %>%
file = basename(filepath),
folder = dirname(filepath),
time_file_label = stringr::str_c(format(mtime, format = "%b %d, %Hh %Mm: "), basename(file)))
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