# Isofiles load module ====
#' Isofiles Load Server
#' @inheritParams fileSelectorServer
#' @param data_dir the directory for local data files
#' @param extensions which extensions to allow
#' @param load_func the loading function (as character!)
#' @param load_params the loading checkboxes (parameter names and labels)
#' @param post_load function to run after loading a file list/creating the dataset is completed
#' @param allow_data_upload whether to allow uploading of data
#' @param allow_folder_creation whether to allow creation of folders on the server
#' @param store_data whether data files (including .rds exports) are stored permanently (TRUE) or just temporarily (FALSE)
#' @family isofiles load module functions
isofilesLoadServer <- function(
input, output, session, data_dir, extensions,
load_func, load_params = c(), post_load = NULL,
allow_data_upload = FALSE, allow_folder_creation = FALSE, store_data = TRUE) {
# namespace, and top level params
ns <- session$ns
root <- if (!isAbsolutePath(data_dir)) filePath(getwd(), data_dir) else data_dir
# file patterns
pattern <-
sprintf("(%s)", stringr::str_replace_all(extensions, "\\.", "\\\\.")) %>%
paste(collapse = "|") %>%
{ sprintf("(%s)$", .)}
# reactive values
values <- reactiveValues(
load_list = tibble::tibble(path = character(), path_rel = character(), label = character()),
load_list_selected = c(),
loaded_isofiles = NULL,
loaded_dataset = NULL,
saved_datasets = c() # vector of saved datasets with rel. paths as names
# File selector module ====
root_name <- "Data"
files_select <- callModule(
fileSelectorServer, "files", pattern = pattern,
root = data_dir, root_name = root_name, multiple = TRUE, start_sort_desc = TRUE,
enable_recent = TRUE, start_recent = FALSE, start_n_recent = 20)
# Upload module ====
temp_dir <- tempdir()
upload_folder <- if (store_data) files_select$path else reactive({ temp_dir })
if (allow_data_upload) {
show_folder <- if(store_data) reactive({ file.path(root_name, files_select$path_relative()) }) else NULL
upload_files <- callModule(dataUploadServer, "upload", folder = upload_folder, show_folder = show_folder,
pattern = pattern)
} else {
upload_files <- list(last_upload = reactive({ c() }))
# upload UI
output$upload_wrap <- renderUI({
store_data_msg <-
if (store_data) {
"Upload data to the following folder. These data will be visible to everybody else with access to this server."
} else {
"Add data files from your local hard drive to the load list. Uploaded files will only be stored temporarily and are not available to anybody else."
store_data_msg <- stringr::str_c(store_data_msg,
" Uploaded zip archives (.zip) are automatically extracted.",
" Only appropriate file types (", stringr::str_c(extensions, collapse = ", "), ") are used. All files are added to the load list.")
if (allow_data_upload) {
dialog_text = store_data_msg,
accept = c("application/octet-stream", stringr::str_c(".", extensions), "application/zip", ".zip"))
} else NULL
# Folder creation ===
output$folder_creation_wrap <- renderUI({
if (allow_folder_creation) {
tooltipInput(actionButton, ns("create_folder_dialog"), "Create folder", icon = icon("folder"),
tooltip = "Create a sub directory in the current folder.")
} else NULL
# the modal dialog
folder_modal <- reactive({
show_folder <- file.path(root_name, files_select$path_relative())
title = "Create folder",
"Create a new subdirectory at the following location:",
textInput(ns("folder_name"), NULL, placeholder = "Enter name of new folder"),
footer = tagList(
actionButton(ns("create_folder"), "Create"),
fade = FALSE, easyClose = TRUE, size = "s"
observeEvent(input$create_folder_dialog, showModal(folder_modal()))
observeEvent(input$create_folder, {
if (!is.null(input$folder_name) && input$folder_name != "") {
new_folder <- stringr::str_replace_all(input$folder_name, "[^0-9A-Za-z_-]", "")
new_folder <- file.path(files_select$path(), new_folder)
if (!file.exists(new_folder)) {
module_message(ns, "info", "Creating new sub folder: ", basename(new_folder))
} else {
module_message(ns, "info", "Already exists: ", basename(new_folder))
# Manage load list =====
# addition to load list
add_to_load_list <- function(path, path_relative) {
already_listed <- path %in% values$load_list$path
if (length(path[!already_listed]) > 0) {
module_message(ns, "debug", "adding files to load list: ", stringr::str_c(path_relative[!already_listed], collapse = ", "))
new <- tibble::tibble(
path = path[!already_listed],
path_rel = path_relative[!already_listed])
values$load_list <- bind_rows(values$load_list, new)
# update directory information
values$load_list <- dplyr::mutate(
isdir = dir.exists(path),
n_files = ifelse(
sapply(path, function(d) {
length(list.files(d, pattern = pattern, recursive = TRUE, include.dirs = FALSE))
}), 1L),
label = ifelse(isdir, sprintf("[%s] (%d files)", path_rel, n_files), path_rel)
isolate({ add_to_load_list(path = files_select$selection(), path_relative = files_select$selection_relative()) })
observe({ # enable/disable add to load list button depending on selectoin
if (length(files_select$selection()) > 0) enable("add_files")
else disable("add_files")
uploaded_files_rel <- upload_files$last_upload_path_relative()
if (length(uploaded_files_rel) > 0) {
uploaded_folder <- if (store_data) files_select$path_relative() else "temp"
if(nchar(uploaded_folder) > 0) uploaded_files_rel <- file.path(uploaded_folder, uploaded_files_rel)
add_to_load_list(path = upload_files$last_upload_path(), path_relative = uploaded_files_rel)
# remove from load list
remove_from_load_list <- function(remove_path) {
values$load_list <- dplyr::filter(values$load_list, !path %in% remove_path)
isolate({ remove_from_load_list(input$load_files_list) })
# update load list
values$load_list # trigger whenever there is a change to the load list values
options <- dplyr::select(values$load_list, label, path) %>% arrange(label) %>% deframe()
values$load_list_selected <- options[options %in% values$load_list_selected]
updateSelectInput(session, "load_files_list", choices = options, selected = values$load_list_selected)
# keep track of load list selection (to keep it the same after reload)
isolate({ values$load_list_selected <- input$load_files_list })
# Load list ====
datasets_dir <- if (store_data) get_datasets_path(data_dir) else setNames(temp_dir, "temp")
datasets_ext <- stringr::str_subset(extensions, "rds")
# observe load files button push
observeEvent(input$load_files, {
# make sure dataset name is entered
dataset_name <- input$dataset_name
if (is.null(dataset_name) || nchar(input$dataset_name) == 0) {
showModal(modalDialog(title = "Missing dataset name",
p("Please enter a name for the dataset first"),
footer = modalButton("Close"), fade = FALSE, easyClose = TRUE))
# ask user about overwrite
dataset_name <- stringr::str_c(dataset_name, ".", datasets_ext)
if (file.exists(file.path(datasets_dir, dataset_name))) {
module_message(ns, "info", "asking whether to overwrite dataset file '", dataset_name, "'")
# modal dialog to ask
h4("A dataset named ", strong(dataset_name), " already exists"),
p("Do you want to overwrite/update the existing collection of data files?"),
p("Choose ", strong("Yes"), "to overwrite/update."),
p("Choose ", strong("Cancel"), "to return to the load list and enter a different name for the new dataset."),
footer = tagList(
actionButton(ns("overwrite"), "Yes"),
), fade = FALSE, size = "s"
} else {
# load dataset straight away
# modal dialog yes pressed for overwrite
observeEvent(input$overwrite, create_dataset())
# create dataset
create_dataset <- function() {
# dataset
dataset_name <- stringr::str_c(input$dataset_name, ".", datasets_ext)
dataset_path <- file.path(datasets_dir, dataset_name)
dataset_path_rel <- file.path(names(datasets_dir), dataset_name)
module_message(ns, "info", "loading file list and storing in dataset file '", dataset_path_rel, "'")
# retrieve paths for safety check that they point to valid files
files <- NULL
files <- isoreader::iso_expand_paths(path = values$load_list$path, extensions = extensions)
}, error = function(e) {
error_msg <- e$message %>%
# make sure root directory replaced
stringr::str_replace_all(fixed(root), root_name) %>%
# list files in an HTML list
stringr::str_replace("\n", "<ul><li>") %>% stringr::str_replace_all("\n", "</li><li>") %>% stringr::str_c("</li></ul>")
showModal(modalDialog(title = "Error",
HTML(stringr::str_c("This list of files/folders cannot be loaded because ", error_msg)),
footer = modalButton("Close"), fade = FALSE, easyClose = TRUE))
n_files <- length(files)
if (n_files == 0) {
module_message(ns, "debug", "no files to load, aborting load")
# arguments for read files
args <- c(
as.list(setNames(names(load_params) %in% input$selected_params,
list(cache = TRUE, quiet = TRUE))
# read files
h4("Reading files to create dataset ", dataset_name),
p("This may take a few seconds per file for data files loaded for the first time."),
footer = NULL, fade = FALSE, size = "s"))
withProgress(message = 'Loading file list', value = 0, {
# set read file event expression (executed in the local environment of the read) to update the progress bar
{ incProgress(1/(nrow(files) + 1), message = sprintf("Reading '%s'...", basename(filepath))) })
# read the files
isofiles <- do.call(load_func, args = args)
# finalize and save
values$loaded_isofiles <- iso_as_file_list(isofiles)
setProgress(value = 1, detail = "",
message = sprintf("Saving dataset %s", dataset_name))
iso_save(values$loaded_isofiles, filepath = dataset_path, quiet = TRUE)
values$loaded_dataset <- dataset_path
values$saved_datasets <- c(values$saved_datasets, setNames(dataset_path, dataset_path_rel))
# done reading
# problems
if (nrow(isoreader::iso_get_problems(values$loaded_isofiles)) > 0) {
# post load
if (is.function(post_load)) post_load()
# enable load files and remove button only if at least one file is selected
if (nrow(values$load_list) > 0) enable("load_files")
else disable("load_files")
# loading parameters UI
output$parameters <- renderUI({
checkboxGroupInput(ns("selected_params"), NULL, inline = TRUE,
choices = setNames(names(load_params), load_params),
selected = names(load_params))
# Problems ====
load_problems <- callModule(
problemsServer, "load_problems",
dataset = reactive(values$loaded_isofiles), dataset_path = reactive(values$loaded_dataset)
# Code update ====
code_update <- reactive({
# trigger code update for any of the below variables changing
function(rmarkdown = TRUE, front_matter = rmarkdown) {
module_message(ns, "debug", "generating updated code for isofiles load")
title = stringr::str_c("Loading ", input$dataset_name),
setup = TRUE, caching_on = TRUE,
rmarkdown = rmarkdown, front_matter = front_matter),
read_paths = values$load_list$path_rel,
read_func = load_func,
read_params = setNames(names(load_params) %in% input$selected_params, names(load_params)),
save_file = input$dataset_name,
rmarkdown = rmarkdown
"" # final new line
code_preview <- callModule(
code_preview_server, "code_preview", code_func_reac = code_update,
download_file = reactive({ stringr::str_c("LOAD ", input$dataset_name) }))
# Return reactive functions ====
get_file_browser = files_select,
get_loaded_dataset = reactive(values$loaded_dataset),
get_saved_datasets = reactive(values$saved_datasets)
#' Isofiles Load UI
#' @param id the module id
#' @param label what to label boxes with
#' @family isofiles load module functions
isofilesLoadUI <- function(id, label = NULL) {
ns <- NS(id)
label <- if(!is.null(label)) stringr::str_c(label, " ")
# file/folder selection
default_box(title = stringr::str_c(label, "File and Folder Selection"), width = 12,
fileSelectorUI(ns("files"), size = 9),
footer = div(
tooltipInput(actionButton, ns("add_files"), "Add to load list", icon = icon("plus"),
tooltip = "Add selected files and folders to the load list"),
# load list
default_box(title = stringr::str_c(label, "Load List"), width = 6,
inlineInput(textInput, ns("dataset_name"), label = "Name:", placeholder = "Please enter a name for the dataset",
value = "", width = "250px"), # or default date/time: format(Sys.time(), format = "%Y-%m-%d dataset")
selectInput(ns("load_files_list"), label = NULL, multiple = TRUE, size = 8, selectize = FALSE,
choices = c(),
selected = c()),
footer = div(
tooltipInput(actionButton, ns("remove_files"), "Remove", icon = icon("remove"),
tooltip = "Remove selected files and folders from the load list"),
tooltipInput(actionButton, ns("load_files"), "Create dataset", icon = icon("cog"),
tooltip = "Load the files and folders in the load list and store as named dataset"),
#jumping directly to dataset view makes problems button obsolete here
#problemsButton(ns("load_problems"), tooltip = "Show problems encountered during the previous \"Load list\" operation."),
h4("Read Parameters:", id = ns("read_params_header")),
bsTooltip(ns("read_params_header"), "Which information to read from the data files."),
# code preview
code_preview_ui(ns("code_preview"), width = 6, height = "305px")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.