
#' Time Series Sample-Generator
#' @details This function will create one or more time series based on
#'     the "keys" stored in \code{TS_families}, with emphasis on also
#'     storing the required arguments needed in order to reproduce it
#'     later on.
#' @param TS_key A key, i.e. a \code{character}, corresponding to an
#'     element in \code{TS_families}.  Default value \code{rnorm},
#'     i.e. "White Noise Gaussian".
#' @param N The desired length of the time series.  Default value
#'     \code{500}.
#' @param nr_samples The desired number of independent samples to be
#'     produced.  The default value \code{1} gives a single sample,
#'     which might be preferable for an initial investigation that
#'     includes many different bandwidths and looks at a wide range of
#'     points.  For pointwise confidence bands it might be preferable
#'     to use at least 100 for this argument.
#' @param ... \code{dotsMethods}-strategy for feeding parameters to
#'     the function (identified by \code{TS_key}) that generates the
#'     time series.
#' @param .seed Use this to enable reproducible results.  Default value
#'     \code{NULL} (it will be generated and recorded in the code).
#' @param .kind_vstr_list This can be used to create a list with the
#'     values for \code{kind}, \code{normal.kind} and \code{vstr}.
#'     (See the help-page of \code{Random} for details about these
#'     three arguments.)  Note that the default value \code{NULL} will
#'     imply that the function \code{set_seed} will be used to create
#'     the required list based on the present settings.
#' @return This function returns a list with the following four parts:
#' \describe{
#' \item{TS}{A 3-dimensional array with the resulting time series,
#'     generated according to the specified arguments.  The array
#'     contains three dimensions in order to have a unified solution
#'     for univariate and multivariate solutions.  The first dimension
#'     reflects the number of samples, as given by \code{nr_samples}.
#'     The second dimension reflects the length of the samples, as
#'     given by \code{N}.  The third dimension reflects the number of
#'     variables in the time series, which is decided by \code{TS_key}
#'     and the arguments given to \code{...}}
#' \item{TS_data}{Additional details used by \code{TS_LG_object} when
#'     the data is saved to disk.}
#' \item{spy_report}{An environment that contains all the arguments
#'     that was used for the present computation.}
#' \item{seed_vec}{This part reflects that the internal workings of
#'     the code creates a vector of seeds (based on \code{.seed}) that
#'     then can be used to reproduce an individual series later on.
#'     This is of course only of interest when \code{nr_samples} is
#'     larger than one, and we for some reason later on would like to
#'     do an in depth analysis of one of the resulting time series.}
#' }
#' @export

TS_sample <- function (
    TS_key = "rnorm",
    N = 500,
    nr_samples = 1,
    .seed = NULL,
    .kind_vstr_list = NULL) {
    ##  Capture the information needed for reproducibility.
    spy_report <- spy()
    ##  Use 'set_seed' to update '.kind_vstr_list'.
    spy_report$envir$.kind_vstr_list <- eval(
        create_call(.cc_fun = set_seed,
                      list(create_kind_vstr_list = TRUE)),
                    .cc_list = TRUE))
    ##  If necessary: Create '.seed' and update 'spy_report'
    if (is.null(.seed))
        .seed <- eval(create_call(
            .cc_fun = leanRcoding::seed_sample,
            .cc_list = TRUE))
        .cc_fun = leanRcoding::set_seed,
        c(list(seed = .seed),
        .cc_list = TRUE))
    ##  Reminder: More should be done here.  The present setup
    ##  requires that stuff are computed within the 'expr'-argument,
    ##  and it would be nice to have an argument that opens up for the
    ##  adjustment of the global RNG-settings too.
    seed_vec <- if (nr_samples == 1) {
    } else
        vapply(X = 1:nr_samples,
               FUN = function(x) {
                       sample(0:9, size = 8),
                       collapse = ""))
               FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
        .cc_fun = leanRcoding::set_seed,
        c(list(seed = .seed),
        .cc_list = TRUE))
    ##  Create the values for dimensions "content" and "observations".
    .content <- if (nr_samples > 1) {
        paste(LG_default$sample.prefix, 1:nr_samples, sep = "")
    } else
    .observations <- paste("t", 1:N, sep = "")
    ##   Generate the information required to generate the data.
    TS_data <- TS_sample_helper(TS_key = TS_key,  ...)
    ##  Update the formals of the function with the value 'N'
    formals(TS_data$fun)[[TS_data$fun_data$size_name]] <- N
    ##  Generate the required time series sample(s).
    TS <- if (TS_key == "rmgarch") {
              ##  Generate the desired sample in a reproducible way:
              ##  Adjust formals to include nr_samples - and - update
              ##  'rseed' if it is 'NULL' (otherwise this will not be
              ##  reproducible when a parallel backend is used).
              formals(TS_data$fun)[["m.sim"]] <- nr_samples
              TS_data$fun_data$m.sim <- nr_samples
              if (is.null(formals(TS_data$fun)[["rseed"]])) {
                  formals(TS_data$fun)[["rseed"]] <- seed_vec
                  TS_data$fun_data$rseed <- seed_vec
          } else if (TS_key == "rugarch") {
              ##  Generate the desired sample in a reproducible way:
              ##  Adjust formals to include nr_samples - and - update
              ##  'rseed' if it is 'NA' (otherwise this will not be
              ##  reproducible when a parallel backend is used).
              formals(TS_data$fun)[["m.sim"]] <- nr_samples
              TS_data$fun_data$m.sim <- nr_samples
              if (identical(formals(TS_data$fun)[["rseed"]], NA)) {
                  formals(TS_data$fun)[["rseed"]] <- seed_vec
                  TS_data$fun_data$rseed <- seed_vec
              ##  Transpose to get "content" as the first dimension, in
              ##  order to have unified solution with the one below.
              TS <- TS_data$fun()@path$seriesSim
          } else
              ##  Solution to deal with univariate and multivariate
              ##  time series at the same time.
              aaply(.data = array(
                        data = 1:nr_samples,
                        dim = c(1, nr_samples),
                        dimnames = list(
                            observations = NULL,
                            content = .content)),
                    .margins = 2,
                    .fun = function(x) {
                        .tmp <- TS_data$fun()
                        ##  Get rid of attributes not related to
                        ##  dimensions, as these made 'aaply' unhappy.
                        attributes(.tmp) <- list(
                            dim = attributes(.tmp)$dim,
                            dimnames = attributes(.tmp)$dimnames)
                        ##  Reminder: Ugly solution that was needed in
                        ##  order to avoid an error that crept in
                        ##  after some update of 'aaply'...
                        if (! is.numeric(.tmp))
                            .tmp[] <- as.numeric(.tmp)
                    .drop = FALSE)
    ##  'TS' will have two dimensions for the univariate cases and
    ##  three for the multivariate cases, and this will be used for
    ##  the tweaking of dimensions and dimension names.
    if (length(dim(TS)) == 2) {
        ##  Add extra dimension, and update the dimension-names.
        TS <- structure(
            .Data = TS,
            .Dim = c(dim(TS), 1),
            .Dimnames = list(
                content = .content,
                observations = .observations,
                variables = "Y"),
            .multivariate_TS = FALSE,  
            class = c(
                if  (nr_samples > 1)
    } else {
        ##  Adjust the dimension-names for the multivariate cases, and
        ##  set the required attributes.
        TS <- structure(
            .Data = TS,
            .Dim = dim(TS),
            .Dimnames = list(
                content = .content,
                observations = .observations,
                variables = paste("Y",
                                  sep = "")),
            .multivariate_TS = TRUE,  
            class = c(
                if  (nr_samples > 1)
    ##  Update the environment part of 'spy_report' with stuff from
    ##  'TS_data' in order for "hidden defaults" to be recorded too.
    for (new in  setdiff(names(TS_data$args.i),
                         ls(spy_report$envir, all.names = TRUE)))
        spy_report$envir[[new]] <- TS_data$args.i[[new]]
    ##  Update 'call_eval', using the same code as in 'spy', check
    ##  there for details.
    names_formals <- names(formals(spy_report$fun))
    dots_pos <- which(names_formals == "...")
    L <- length(names_formals)
    names_formals <-
        c(names_formals[0:(dots_pos - 1)],
          if (dots_pos < L) {
              names_formals[(dots_pos + 1):L]
          } else {
    update_these <- seq_along(names_formals) + 1
    spy_report$call_eval[update_these] <- 
        lapply(X = names_formals, FUN = as.name)
    names(spy_report$call_eval)[update_these] <- 
    ##  Return the result as a list-object, with an added class-
    ##  attribute to enable the 'TS_LG_object'-function to distinguish
    ##  it from time-series that we do not know the origin of.
        .Data = list(
            TS = TS,
            TS_data = TS_data,
            spy_report = spy_report,
            seed_vec = seed_vec),
        class = c("list", LG_default$class$TS))
LAJordanger/localgaussSpec documentation built on May 6, 2023, 4:31 a.m.