# Subset DATA variables ----------
output$ColSelect_SubData = shiny::renderUI({
# The options are dynamically generated on the server
opts = names(DATA())[!(names(DATA()) %in% baseCols)]
shiny::selectizeInput('ExtraColsDATA', 'Add columns to your file', opts, selected = character(0),
multiple = T, options = list(placeholder = 'Type to start selecting'), width="100%")
output$widenTable = shiny::renderUI({
if(input$actionDoubles == "asis"){
shiny::radioButtons("actionTable", label="Table format",
choices=c("Keep as is (long)" = "none",
"Widen by site" = "Site_Name",
"Widen by site then by wave" = "s2w"))
shiny::radioButtons("actionTable", label="Table format",
choices=c("Keep as is (long)" = "none",
"Widen by site" = "Site_Name",
"Widen by wave" = "Project_Wave",
"Widen by time point" = "Subject_Timepoint"))
output$actionTableHelp = shiny::renderUI({
help = switch(input$actionTable,
"none" = "",
"Site_Name" = "one row per scanning and project wave (prefix: 'S[site]')",
"Project_Wave" = "one row per participant (prefix: 'W[x]')",
"Subject_Timepoint" = "one row per participant (prefix: 'tp[x]')",
"s2w" = "one row per participant (prefix: 'S[site]_W')"
if(input$actionDoubles != "asis" & input$actionTable == "Site_Name"){
help = "one row per participant (prefix 'S[site]')"
ExCols = shiny::eventReactive(input$goClick_DATA, {
tmp = gsub(",", "|", input$ColSearch_SubData)
tmp = gsub(" ","", tmp)
Cols = DATA() %>%
dplyr::select(matches(tmp)) %>%
if(!purrr::is_empty(input$ExtraColsDATA)) Cols=c(Cols,input$ExtraColsDATA)
subDATA = shiny::eventReactive({input$goClick_DATA; input$actionTable; input$actionDoubles},{
#print(unique(c(baseCols , ExCols() )))
if(input$search_DATA!="") tmp = tmp %>% dplyr::filter_(input$search_DATA)
if(!purrr::is_empty(ExCols())) tmp = tmp %>%
dplyr::select(dplyr::one_of(unique(c(baseCols, ExCols() ))))
for(i in names(which(sapply(DATA(), class) == "list"))){
tmp = list2df(tmp, i)
if(input$tickSelect) tmp = tmp %>%
dplyr::filter(tmp %>%
dplyr::select(dplyr::one_of(input$ExtraColsDATA)) %>%
if(input$actionDoubles != "asis") tmp = tmp %>%
MOAS::site_keeper(keep = input$actionDoubles, quiet = T)
return(tmp %>% MOAS::na_col_rm())
subDATA_structured = shiny::eventReactive({input$goClick_DATA; input$actionTable; input$actionDoubles},{
tmp = if(input$actionTable %in% "none"){
}else if(input$actionTable %in% "w2s"){
subDATA() %>%
MOAS::widen(by = "Project_Wave") %>%
MOAS::widen(by = "Site_Name")
}else if(input$actionTable %in% "s2w"){
subDATA() %>%
MOAS::widen(by = "Site_Name") %>%
MOAS::widen(by = "Project_Wave")
print(paste("Action:", input$actionTable))
subDATA() %>%
MOAS::widen(by = input$actionTable)
return(tmp %>% MOAS::na_col_rm())
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.