
Defines functions combineCommonResults

Documented in combineCommonResults

#' Combine SingleR results with common genes
#' Combine results from multiple runs of \code{\link{classifySingleR}} (usually against different references) into a single \linkS4class{DataFrame}.
#' This assumes that each run of \code{\link{classifySingleR}} was performed using a common set of marker genes.
#' @param results A list of \linkS4class{DataFrame} prediction results as returned by \code{\link{classifySingleR}} when run on each reference separately.
#' @return A \linkS4class{DataFrame} is returned containing the annotation statistics for each cell or cluster (row).
#' This mimics the output of \code{\link{classifySingleR}} and contains the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{scores}, a numeric matrix of correlations formed by combining the equivalent matrices from \code{results}.
#' \item \code{labels}, a character vector containing the per-cell combined label across references.
#' \item \code{references}, an integer vector specifying the reference from which the combined label was derived.
#' \item \code{orig.results}, a DataFrame containing \code{results}.
#' }
#' It may also contain \code{pruned.labels} if these were also present in \code{results}.
#' The \code{\link{metadata}} contains \code{common.genes},
#' a character vector of the common genes that were used across all references in \code{results};
#' and \code{label.origin}, a DataFrame specifying the reference of origin for each label in \code{scores}.
#' @details
#' Here, the strategy is to performed classification separately within each reference, 
#' then collating the results to choose the label with the highest score across references.
#' For each cell, we identify the reference with the highest score across all of its labels.
#' The \dQuote{combined label} is then defined as the label assigned to that cell in the highest-scoring reference.
#' (The same logic is also applied to the first and pruned labels, if those are available.)
#' Each result should be generated from training sets that use a common set of genes during classification, 
#' i.e., \code{common.genes} should be the same in the \code{trained} argument to each \code{\link{classifySingleR}} call.
#' This is because the scores are not comparable across results if they were generated from different sets of genes.
#' It is also for this reason that we use the highest score prior to fine-tuning, 
#' even if it does not correspond to the score of the fine-tuned label.
#' It is highly unlikely that this function will be called directly by the end-user.
#' Users are advised to use the multi-reference mode of \code{\link{SingleR}} and related functions,
#' which will take care of the use of a common set of genes before calling this function to combine results across references.
#' @author 
#' Jared Andrews,
#' Aaron Lun
#' @examples
#' # Making up data (using one reference to seed another).
#' ref <- .mockRefData(nreps=8)
#' ref1 <- ref[,1:2%%2==0]
#' ref2 <- ref[,1:2%%2==1]
#' ref2$label <- tolower(ref2$label)
#' test <- .mockTestData(ref1)
#' # Applying classification with SingleR's multi-reference mode.
#' ref1 <- scuttle::logNormCounts(ref1)
#' ref2 <- scuttle::logNormCounts(ref2)
#' test <- scuttle::logNormCounts(test)
#' pred <- SingleR(test, list(ref1, ref2), labels=list(ref1$label, ref2$label))
#' pred[,1:5] # Only viewing the first 5 columns for visibility.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{SingleR}} and \code{\link{classifySingleR}}, for generating predictions to use in \code{results}.
#' \code{\link{combineRecomputedResults}}, for another approach to combining predictions.
#' @export
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame metadata metadata<-
combineCommonResults <- function(results) {
    .Deprecated(new = "combineRecomputedResults")

    if (length(unique(lapply(results, rownames))) != 1) {
        stop("cell/cluster names in 'results' are not identical")
    if (length(unique(vapply(results, nrow, 0L)))!=1) {
        stop("numbers of cells/clusters in 'results' are not identical")

    all.common <- lapply(results, function (x) sort(metadata(x)$common.genes))
    if (length(unique(all.common)) != 1) {
        # This should be changed to 'stop' before release/after merge with PR #60.
        warning("common genes are not identical")

    ncells <- nrow(results[[1]])
    collected.scores <- collected.best <- vector("list", length(results))
    for (i in seq_along(results)) {
        scores <- results[[i]]$scores
        collected.best[[i]] <- scores[cbind(seq_len(ncells), max.col(scores))]
        collected.scores[[i]] <- scores

    all.scores <- do.call(cbind, collected.scores)
    output <- DataFrame(scores = I(all.scores), row.names=rownames(results[[1]]))

    metadata(output)$common.genes <- all.common[[1]]
    metadata(output)$label.origin <- .create_label_origin(collected.scores)

    chosen <- max.col(do.call(cbind, collected.best))
    cbind(output, .combine_result_frames(chosen, results))
LTLA/SingleR documentation built on May 24, 2024, 1:28 p.m.