Man pages for LandSciTech/caribouMetrics
Models and Metrics of Boreal Caribou Demography and Habitat Selection

calcBinaryUseCalculate binary use
caribouBayesianIPMBayesian population model for boreal caribou
caribouHabitatCalculate relative probability of caribou habitat use
CaribouHabitat-classCaribou Habitat class
caribouMetricscaribouMetrics: Models and metrics of boreal caribou...
caribouPopGrowthNational caribou demographic model
coefTableHRModel coefficients for caribou ranges
coefTableStdModel coefficients from standardized data for caribou ranges
compositionBiasCorrectionCalculate bias correction term for calf:cow composition...
demographicCoefficientsSample demographic regression model coefficients
demographicProjectionAppRun the Bayesian caribou demographic projection app
demographicRatesSample expected survival and recruitment rates
disturbanceMetricsCalculate metrics of natural and anthropogenic disturbance
DisturbanceMetrics-classDisturbance Metrics class
fnlcToResTypeLookup table for FNLC to resource type
getOutputTablesSummarize results of Bayesian demographic model in tables
getPriorsGet prior parameters for Bayesian population model
getScenarioDefaultsDefault parameters for simulation of example demographic...
getSimsNationalGet a set of simulation results from the national demographic...
loadSpatialInputsLoad Spatial Input Data
plcToResTypeLookup table for PLC to resource type
plot-CaribouHabitatPlot method for 'CaribouHabitat' Objects
plotResPlot Bayesian population model results
popGrowthTableJohnsonECCCPopulation growth model table for Johnson models
rasterizeLineDensityRasterize line density
reclassDistReclassify natural disturbance and harvest layers
reclassPLCReclassify provincial land cover
resTypeCodeLookup table for resource type codes
resultsExtract results
rfuToResTypeLookup table for RFU to resource type
runScnSetRun the Bayesian population model for multiple parameter sets
simulateObservationsSimulate observations
threshTableBinary habitat use thresholds table
updateCaribouUpdate an existing CaribouHabitat Object
updateDisturbanceUpdate an existing DisturbanceMetrics Object
LandSciTech/caribouMetrics documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 9:41 p.m.