resTypeCode: Lookup table for resource type codes

resTypeCodeR Documentation

Lookup table for resource type codes


A table to get numeric value associated with each resource type in rasters.




A data frame with 9 rows and 2 columns:

  • ResourceType: Letter code indicating the resource type

  • code: the raster value corresponding to the resource type

See Also

Caribou habitat functions: CaribouHabitat-class, calcBinaryUse(), caribouHabitat(), coefTableHR, coefTableStd, fnlcToResType, loadSpatialInputs(), plcToResType, rasterizeLineDensity(), reclassPLC(), results(), rfuToResType, threshTable, updateCaribou()

LandSciTech/caribouMetrics documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 8:09 p.m.