plcToResType: Lookup table for PLC to resource type

plcToResTypeR Documentation

Lookup table for PLC to resource type


A table to convert Provincial Land Cover classes to resource types used in caribou resource selection model.




A data frame with 30 rows and 2 variables:

  • PLCCode: Provincial landcover number code

  • ResourceType: Letter code indicating the resource type


LSL script for work published in: Hornseth, M.L. and Rempel, R.S., 2016. Seasonal resource selection of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) across a gradient of anthropogenic disturbance. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 94(2), pp.79-93.

See Also

Caribou habitat functions: CaribouHabitat-class, calcBinaryUse(), caribouHabitat(), coefTableHR, coefTableStd, fnlcToResType, loadSpatialInputs(), rasterizeLineDensity(), reclassPLC(), resTypeCode, results(), rfuToResType, threshTable, updateCaribou()

LandSciTech/caribouMetrics documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 9:41 p.m.