
Defines functions minuslog_likelihood lhs GenFlexMinLogLikDelayed minuslog_likelihoodDelayed calc.lps `%call+%` get.dens get.surv get.inv.link get.dlink get.link

#Global variable indicating the duration of a year
ayear <- 365.24

# Functions for extracting link functions
# Function for extracting the specified link function
get.link <- function(link){
  if(link == "logit"){
    function(x) exp(x) / (exp(x) + 1)
  }else if(link == "identity"){
    function(x) x
  }else if(link == "loglog"){
    function(x) exp(-exp(x))
  }else if(link == "probit"){
    function(x) pnorm(x)
  }else if(link == "nlogit"){
    function(x) exp(-x) / (exp(-x) + 1)
  }else if(link == "nprobit"){
    function(x) pnorm(-x)
    stop("Link function should be either 'logit', 'nlogit', 'nprobit', 'identity', 'probit', or 'loglog'")

get.dlink <- function(link){
  if(link == "logit"){
    function(x) exp(x) / ((exp(x) + 1) ^ 2)
  }else if(link == "identity"){
    function(x) 1
  }else if(link == "loglog"){
    function(x) -exp(x - exp(x))
  }else if(link == "probit"){
    function(x) -dnorm(x)
  }else if(link == "nlogit"){
    function(x) -exp(-x) / ((exp(-x) + 1) ^ 2)
  }else if(link == "nprobit"){
    function(x) -dnorm(-x)
    stop("Link function should be either 'logit', 'nlogit', 'nprobit', 'identity', 'probit', or 'loglog'")

get.inv.link <- function(link){
  if(link == "logit"){
    function(x) log(x / (1 - x))
  }else if(link == "identity"){
    function(x) x
  }else if(link == "loglog"){
    function(x) log(-log(x))
  }else if(link == "probit"){
    function(x) qnorm(x)
  }else if(link == "nlogit"){
    function(x) -log(x / (1 - x))
  }else if(link == "nprobit"){
    function(x) -qnorm(x)
    stop("Link function should be either 'logit', 'nlogit', 'nprobit', 'identity', 'probit', or 'loglog'")

# Function for extracting the specified survival function
get.surv <- function(dist, link.mix = function(x) log(x / (1 - x))){

  if(dist == "exponential"){

    return(function(x, lps) exp(-x * exp(lps[[2]])))

  }else if(dist == "weibull"){

    return(function(x, lps) exp(-x ^ exp(lps[[3]]) * exp(lps[[2]])))

  }else if(dist == "lognormal"){

    return(function(x, lps) 1 - pnorm((log(x) - lps[[2]]) / exp(lps[[3]])))

  }else if(dist == "weiwei"){

    return(function(x, lps){
      p <- link.mix(lps[[2]])
      scale1 <- exp(lps[[3]])
      shape1 <- exp(lps[[4]])
      scale2 <- exp(lps[[5]])
      shape2 <- exp(lps[[6]])
      wei1 <- exp(-x ^ shape1 * scale1)
      wei2 <- exp(-x ^ shape2 * scale2)
      p * wei1 + (1 - p) * wei2

  }else if(dist == "weiexp"){

    return(function(x, lps){
      p <- link.mix(lps[[2]])
      scale1 <- exp(lps[[3]])
      shape1 <- exp(lps[[4]])
      scale2 <- exp(lps[[5]])
      wei1 <- exp(-x ^ shape1 * scale1)
      exp2 <- exp(-x * scale2)
      p * wei1 + (1 - p) * exp2

  }else if(dist == "gmw"){

    return(function(x, lps){
      scale  <- exp(lps[[2]])
      shape1 <- exp(lps[[3]])
      frag   <- exp(lps[[4]])
      shape2 <- exp(lps[[5]])
      1 - (1 - exp(-x ^ shape1 * scale * exp(x * frag))) ^ shape2


    stop("Distribution should be either 'exponential', 'weibull', 'lognormal', 'weiwei', 'weiexp', or 'gmw'")


# Function for extracting the specified density function
get.dens <- function(dist, link.mix = function(x) log(x / (1 - x))){
  if(dist == "exponential"){

    return(function(x, lps){
      scale <- exp(lps[[2]])
      scale * exp(-x * scale)

  }else if(dist == "weibull"){

    return(function(x, lps){
      scale <- exp(lps[[2]])
      shape <- exp(lps[[3]])
      exp(-x ^ shape * scale) * shape * scale * x ^ (shape - 1)

  }else if(dist == "lognormal"){

    return(function(x, lps){
      dnorm((log(x) - lps[[2]]) / exp(lps[[3]])) / (exp(lps[[3]]) * x)

  }else if(dist == "weiwei"){

    return(function(x, lps){
      scale1 <- exp(lps[[3]])
      shape1 <- exp(lps[[4]])
      scale2 <- exp(lps[[5]])
      shape2 <- exp(lps[[6]])
      p <- link.mix(lps[[2]])
      f_1 <- exp(-x ^ shape1 * scale1) * shape1 * scale1 * x ^ (shape1 - 1)
      f_2 <- exp(-x ^ shape2 * scale2) * shape2 * scale2 * x ^ (shape2 - 1)
      p * f_1 + (1 - p) * f_2

  }else if(dist == "weiexp"){

    return(function(x, lps){
      scale1 <- exp(lps[[3]])
      shape1 <- exp(lps[[4]])
      scale2 <- exp(lps[[5]])
      p <- link.mix(lps[[2]])
      f_1 <- exp(-x ^ shape1 * scale1) * shape1 * scale1 * x ^ (shape1 - 1)
      f_2 <- exp(-x * scale2) * scale2
      p * f_1 + (1 - p) * f_2

  }else if(dist == "gmw"){

    return(function(x, lps){
      scale  <- exp(lps[[2]])
      shape1 <- exp(lps[[3]])
      frag   <- exp(lps[[4]])
      shape2 <- exp(lps[[5]])
      num    <- scale * shape2 * x ^ (shape1 - 1) * (shape1 + frag * x) *
                exp(frag * x - scale * x ^ shape1 * exp(frag * x))
      denom  <- (1 - exp(-scale * x ^ shape1 * exp(frag * x))) ^ (1 - shape2)
      num / denom

  }else {

    stop("Distribution should be either 'exponential', 'weibull', 'lognormal', 'weiwei', 'weiexp', or 'gmw'")


`%call+%` <- function(left,right) call("+",left,right)

#Function to calculate linear predictors for the simple parametric cure models
calc.lps <- function(Xs, param){
  lps <- vector("list", length(Xs))
  for(i in 1:length(Xs)){
    if(ncol(Xs[[i]]) != 0){
      lps[[i]] <- Xs[[i]] %*% param[1:ncol(Xs[[i]])]
      param    <- param[-c(1:ncol(Xs[[i]]))]

######Likelihood functions
minuslog_likelihoodDelayed <- function(param, time, time0, event, Xs, ind0, link.fun,
                                       surv.fun, dens.fun, bhazard, cure.type){

  #Calculate linear predictors
  lps <- calc.lps(Xs, param)

  #Compute pi and the survival of the uncured
  pi             <- link.fun(lps[[1]])
  surv           <- surv.fun(time, lps)
  rsurv          <- cure.type$surv(pi, surv)
  likterms       <- log(rsurv)

  surv0          <- surv.fun(time0, lps)
  rsurv0         <- cure.type$surv(pi, surv0)
  likterms[ind0] <- likterms[ind0] - log(rsurv0[ind0])

  #Calculate hazard term only for uncensored patients.
  #Add the hazard term only for events
  dens <- dens.fun(time, lps)
  #pi.events <- pi[events]
  #surv.events <- surv[events]
  ehaz            <- cure.type$haz(pi[event], -dens[event], rsurv[event])
  haz             <- bhazard[event] + ehaz
  likterms[event] <- likterms[event] + log(haz)

  #Output the negative log likelihood

# Likelihood for mixture cure models
# mixture_minuslog_likelihoodDelayed <- function(param, time, time0, event, Xs, link.fun,
#                                                surv.fun, dens.fun, bhazard){
#   #Calculate linear predictors
#   lps <- calc.lps(Xs, param)
#   #Compute pi and the survival of the uncured
#   pi <- link.fun(lps[[1]])
#   surv <- surv.fun(time, lps)
#   surv.term <- log(pi + (1 - pi) * surv)
#   surv0 <- surv.fun(time0, lps)
#   surv.term0 <- log(pi + (1 - pi) * surv0)
#   surv.term <- surv.term - surv.term0
#   #Calculate hazard term only for uncensored patients.
#   events <- which(event == 1)
#   dens <- dens.fun(time[events], lapply(lps, function(lp) lp[events,]))
#   pi.events <- pi[events]
#   surv.events <- surv[events]
#   haz.term <- log( bhazard[events] + dens * ( 1 - pi.events ) / ( pi.events + (1 - pi.events) * surv.events ))
#   surv.term[events] <- surv.term[events] + haz.term
#   #Output the negative log likelihood
#   -sum(surv.term)
# }
# # Likelihood for non-mixture cure models
# nmixture_minuslog_likelihoodDelayed <- function(param, time, time0, event, Xs, link.fun,
#                                          surv.fun, dens.fun, bhazard){
#   #Calculate linear predictors
#   lps <- calc.lps(Xs, param)
#   #Compute pi and the survival of the uncured
#   pi <- link.fun(lps[[1]])
#   surv <- surv.fun(time, lps)
#   surv.term <- log(pi) - log(pi) * surv
#   surv0 <- surv.fun(time0, lps)
#   surv.term0 <- log(pi) - log(pi) * surv0
#   surv.term <- surv.term - surv.term0
#   #Calculate hazard term only for uncensored patients.
#   events <- which(event == 1)
#   dens <- dens.fun(time[events], lapply(lps, function(lp) lp[events,]))
#   pi.events <- pi[events]
#   haz.term <- log( bhazard[events] - log(pi.events) * dens)
#   surv.term[events] <- surv.term[events] + haz.term
#   #Output the negative log likelihood
#   -sum(surv.term)
# }

# flexible_mixture_minuslog_likelihood <- function(param, time, event, X, b, db, bhazard,
#                                                  link_fun_pi, link_fun_su, dlink_fun_su){
#   #Get parameters
#   gamma <- param[1:ncol(X)]
#   beta <- param[(ncol(X) + 1):length(param)]
#   #Calculate linear predictors
#   lp <- X %*% gamma
#   pi <- link_fun_pi(lp)
#   eta <- b %*% beta
#   surv <- link_fun_su(eta)
#   rsurv <- pi + (1 - pi) * surv
#   likterms <- log(rsurv)
#   #Add the hazard term only for events
#   events <- event == 1
#   deta <- db[events,] %*% beta / time[events]
#   dsurv <- dlink_fun_su(eta[events])
#   ehaz <- -(1 - pi[events]) * dsurv * deta / rsurv[events]
#   suppressWarnings(likterms[events] <- likterms[events] + log( bhazard[events] + ehaz))
#   #Output the negative log likelihood
#   -sum(likterms)
# }

# #Non-mixture cure
# flexible_nmixture_minuslog_likelihood <- function(param, time, event, X, b, db, bhazard,
#                                                   link_fun_pi, link_fun_su, dlink_fun_su){
#   #Get parameters
#   gamma <- param[1:ncol(X)]
#   beta <- param[(ncol(X) + 1):length(param)]
#   #Calculate linear predictors
#   lp <- X %*% gamma
#   pi <- link_fun_pi(lp)
#   eta <- b %*% beta
#   surv <- link_fun_su(eta)
#   rsurv <- pi ^ (1 - surv)
#   likterms <- log(rsurv)
#   #Add the hazard term only for events
#   events <- event == 1
#   deta <- db[events,] %*% beta / time[events]
#   ddist <- dlink_fun_su(eta[events])
#   ehaz <- log(pi[events]) * ddist * deta
#   suppressWarnings(likterms[events] <- likterms[events] + log( bhazard[events] + ehaz))
#   #Output the negative log likelihood
#   -sum(likterms)
# }

mix <- list(surv = function(pi, surv) pi + (1 - pi) * surv,
            haz = function(pi, gradS, surv) - (1 - pi) * gradS / surv,
            dens = function(pi, gradS, surv) - (1 - pi) * gradS)

nmix <- list(surv = function(pi, surv) pi ^ (1 - surv),
             haz = function(pi, gradS, surv) log(pi) * gradS,
             dens = function(pi, gradS, surv) log(pi) * gradS * surv)

#Likelihood for generalized mixture cure models (including delayed entry - code from rstpm2)
GenFlexMinLogLikDelayed <- function(param, event, X, XD, X.cr, X0, ind0, bhazard,
                                    link.type.cr, link.surv, kappa, constraint,
  #Get parameters
  gamma <- param[1:ncol(X.cr)]
  beta <- param[(ncol(X.cr) + 1):length(param)]

  #Calculate linear predictors
  eta.pi <- X.cr %*% gamma
  pi <- get.link(link.type.cr)(eta.pi)
  eta <- X %*% beta
  surv <- link.surv$ilink(eta)
  rsurv <- cure.type$surv(pi, surv)
  likterms <- log(rsurv)
  eta0 <- X0 %*% beta
  surv0 <- link.surv$ilink(eta0)
  rsurv0 <- cure.type$surv(pi[ind0], surv0)
  likterms[ind0] <- likterms[ind0] - log(rsurv0)

  #Add the hazard term only for events
  etaD <- XD %*% beta
  ehaz <- cure.type$haz(pi[event], link.surv$gradS(eta[event], etaD[event]), rsurv[event])
  haz <- haz.const <- bhazard[event] + ehaz
  haz[haz <= 0] <- .Machine$double.eps
  likterms[event] <- likterms[event] + log(haz)

  #Calculate hazard for which constraints are used
  if(constraint) haz.const <- link.surv$h(eta, etaD)

  #Output the negative log likelihood
  -sum( likterms ) + kappa / 2 * sum( ( haz.const[haz.const < 0] ) ^ 2 )

#Likelihood for generalized mixture cure models (including delayed entry - code from rstpm2)
# GenFlexMixMinLogLikDelayed <- function(param, event, X, XD, X.cr, X0, ind0, bhazard,
#                                 link.type.cr, link.surv, kappa, constraint){
#   #Get parameters
#   gamma <- param[1:ncol(X.cr)]
#   beta <- param[(ncol(X.cr) + 1):length(param)]
#   #Calculate linear predictors
#   eta.pi <- X.cr %*% gamma
#   pi <- get.link(link.type.cr)(eta.pi)
#   eta <- X %*% beta
#   surv <- link.surv$ilink(eta)
#   rsurv <- pi + (1 - pi) * surv
#   likterms <- log(rsurv)
#   eta0 <- X0 %*% beta
#   surv0 <- link.surv$ilink(eta0)
#   rsurv0 <- pi[ind0] + (1 - pi[ind0]) * surv0
#   likterms[ind0] <- likterms[ind0] - log(rsurv0)
#   #Add the hazard term only for events
#   etaD <- XD %*% beta
#   ehaz <- - ( 1 - pi[event] ) * link.surv$gradS(eta[event], etaD[event]) / rsurv[event]
#   haz <- haz.const <- bhazard[event] + ehaz
#   haz[haz <= 0] <- .Machine$double.eps
#   likterms[event] <- likterms[event] + log(haz)
#   #Calculate hazard for which constraints are used
#   if(constraint) haz.const <- link.surv$h(eta, etaD)
#   #Output the negative log likelihood
#   -sum( likterms ) + kappa / 2 * sum( ( haz.const[haz.const < 0] ) ^ 2 )
# }
# #Likelihood for generalized non-mixture cure models (including delayed entry - code from rstpm2)
# GenFlexNmixMinLogLikDelayed <- function(param, event, X, XD, X.cr, X0, ind0,
#                                        bhazard, link.type.cr, link.surv, kappa, constraint){
#   #Get parameters
#   gamma <- param[1:ncol(X.cr)]
#   beta <- param[(ncol(X.cr) + 1):length(param)]
#   #Calculate linear predictors
#   eta.pi <- X.cr %*% gamma
#   pi <- get.link(link.type.cr)(eta.pi)
#   eta <- X %*% beta
#   surv <- link.surv$ilink(eta)
#   rsurv <- pi ^ (1 - surv)
#   likterms <- log(rsurv)
#   eta0 <- X0 %*% beta
#   surv0 <- link.surv$ilink(eta0)
#   rsurv0 <- pi[ind0] ^ (1 - surv0)
#   likterms[ind0] <- likterms[ind0] - log(rsurv0)
#   #Add the hazard term only for events
#   etaD <- XD %*% beta
#   ehaz <- log( pi[event] ) * link.surv$gradS( eta[event], etaD[event] )
#   haz <- haz.const <- bhazard[event] + ehaz
#   haz[ haz < 0 ] <- .Machine$double.eps
#   likterms[event] <- likterms[event] + log( haz )
#   #Calculate hazard for which constraints are used
#   if(constraint) haz.const <- link.surv$h(eta, etaD)
#   #Output the negative log likelihood
#   -sum(likterms) + kappa / 2 * sum( ( haz.const[haz.const < 0] ) ^ 2 )
# }

lhs <- function(formula){
  if (length(formula) == 3) formula[[2]] else NULL

rhs <- function (formula)
  if (length(formula) == 3) formula[[3]] else formula[[2]]

"rhs<-" <- function (formula, value)
  newformula <- formula
  newformula[[length(formula)]] <- value

minuslog_likelihood <- function(param, time, event, b, db,
                                link_fun, dlink_fun){

  param_list <- split(param, rep(1:length(b), sapply(b, ncol)))

  Sks <- vector("list", length(b))
  inner_sum <- vector("list", length(b))
  for(i in 1:length(b)){
    lp <- b[[i]] %*% param_list[[i]]
    dlp <- db[[i]] %*% param_list[[i]]
    Sks[[i]] <- link_fun(lp)
    haz <- - dlink_fun(lp) / Sks[[i]] * dlp / time
    inner_sum[[i]] <- rep(0, length(time))
    suppressWarnings(inner_sum[[i]][event == i] <- log(haz[event == i] * Sks[[i]][event == i]))

  sum_Fks <- length(b) - do.call("+", Sks)
  inner_sum <- do.call("+", inner_sum)

  event_logical <- as.numeric(event != 0)
  -sum(inner_sum + (1 - event_logical) * log(1 - sum_Fks))

uniroot.all <- function (f, interval, lower = min(interval), upper = max(interval),
                         tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.2, maxiter = 1000, n = 100, ...)
  if (!missing(interval) && length(interval) != 2)
    stop("'interval' must be a vector of length 2")
  if (!is.numeric(lower) || !is.numeric(upper) || lower >=
    stop("lower < upper  is not fulfilled")
  xseq <- seq(lower, upper, len = n + 1)
  mod <- f(xseq, ...)
  Equi <- xseq[which(mod == 0)]
  ss <- mod[1:n] * mod[2:(n + 1)]
  ii <- which(ss < 0)
  for (i in ii) Equi <- c(Equi, uniroot(f, lower = xseq[i],
                                        upper = xseq[i + 1], ...)$root)
LasseHjort/cuRe documentation built on July 6, 2023, 1:08 p.m.