
Defines functions junctionCount

Documented in junctionCount

#' Count junctions
#' Count junctions from either TopHat2, HISAT2 or Rail-RNA output
#' @param junctionFiles A character vector with the full paths to the junction
#' files. Can alternatively be a list of [GRanges-class][GenomicRanges::GRanges-class]
#' objects with the junction count information.
#' @param sampleNames A character vector of the same length as `junctionsFiles`
#' to use as the sample names.
#' @param output Either `Count` (TopHat2, HISAT2) or `Rail` (Rail-RNA).
#' @param minOverhang minimum overhang.
#' @param strandSpecific a logical specifying whether the library is strand
#' specific or not.
#' @param illuminaStranded a logical indicating whether the Illumina library
#' is stranded or not.
#' @param minCount Minimum count.
#' @param maxCores The maximum number of cores to use. By default one.
#' @param skipLines An `integer(1)` specifying how many lines to skip on the
#' junction files. Some files have a header and some don't. So you'll either
#' want to use `1` or `0` in most scenarios.
#' @return A two element list with a `DataFrame` and a
#' [GRanges-class][GenomicRanges::GRanges-class] object with the counts and the
#' annotation used.
#' @export
#' @author Andrew E Jaffe
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import parallel
#' @importFrom utils read.delim
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @examples
#' ## TODO (need some data)
#' ## See https://github.com/LieberInstitute/RNAseq-pipeline/blob/ab71dedb36bcc3dad57233e645fabd5deb96d446/sh/create_count_objects-human.R#L633-L643
#' ## for an example of how it's being using the the RNA-seq pipeline code
junctionCount <- function(
        junctionFiles, sampleNames = names(junctionFiles),
        output = c("Count", "Rail"), minOverhang = 0,
        strandSpecific = FALSE, illuminaStranded = FALSE,
        minCount = 1, maxCores = 1, skipLines = ifelse(output == "Count", 0, 1)) {
    stopifnot(length(junctionFiles) == length(sampleNames))
    stopifnot(output %in% c("Count", "Rail"))

    names(junctionFiles) <- sampleNames
    message(Sys.time(), " reading in data")

    if (all(is.character(junctionFiles))) {
        theData <- mclapply(junctionFiles, function(x) {
            if (output == "Rail") {
                y <- read.delim(x,
                    skip = skipLines, header = FALSE,
                    colClasses = c(
                        "character", "integer",
                        "integer", "integer", "integer", "integer"
                    col.names = c(
                        "chr", "start", "end", "leftHang",
                        "rightHang", "count"
                y <- y[y$count >= minCount, ] # filter based on min number
                y <- y[y$leftHang > minOverhang & y$rightHang > minOverhang, ]
            } else if (output == "Count") {
                y <- read.delim(x,
                    skip = skipLines, header = FALSE,
                    col.names = c("chr", "start", "end", "strand", "count"),
                    colClasses = c(
                        "character", "integer", "integer",
                        "character", "integer"
                y <- y[y$count >= minCount, ] # filter based on min number
                weird <- which(y$strand == "?")
                if (length(weird) > 0) y <- y[-weird, ]

            gr <- GRanges(y$chr, IRanges(y$start, y$end),
                strand = y$strand,
                count = y$count
        }, mc.cores = maxCores)
    } else {
        theData <- junctionFiles
        stopifnot(all(sapply(theData, class) == "GRanges"))
    message(Sys.time(), " creating master table of junctions")

    ## turn into GRangesList
    ### THIS STEP IS SLOW...
    grList <- GRangesList(theData)

    # each dataset should be checked
    if (illuminaStranded & strandSpecific) {
        grList <- GRangesList(mclapply(grList, function(x) {
            strand(x) <- ifelse(strand(x) == "+", "-", "+")
        }, mc.cores = maxCores))

    ## get into GRanges object of unique junctions
    fullGR <- unlist(grList)
    if (!strandSpecific) strand(fullGR) <- "*"

    fullGR <- fullGR[!duplicated(fullGR)] # or unique(fullGR)
    fullGR <- sort(fullGR)
    fullGR$count <- NULL

    message(Sys.time(), " there are ", length(fullGR), " total junctions")
    message(Sys.time(), " populating count matrix")

    jNames <- paste0(
        as.character(seqnames(fullGR)), ":", start(fullGR), "-",
        end(fullGR), "(", as.character(strand(fullGR)), ")"

    ## match GRanges
    options(warn = -1)
    mList <- mclapply(grList, match, fullGR,
        ignore.strand = !strandSpecific, mc.cores = maxCores
    options(warn = 0)

    countList <- mList # initiate
    M <- length(jNames)

    ## fill in matrix
    message(Sys.time(), " filling in the count matrix")
    for (i in seq(along = grList)) {
        if (i %% 25 == 0) message(".")
        cc <- rep(0, M)
        cc[mList[[i]]] <- theData[[i]]$count
        countList[[i]] <- Rle(cc)
    countDF <- DataFrame(countList, row.names = jNames, check.names = FALSE)

    names(fullGR) <- jNames
    ## return matrix and GRanges object
    out <- list(countDF = countDF, anno = fullGR)
LieberInstitute/jaffelab documentation built on Dec. 15, 2024, 10:44 p.m.