
Defines functions check_modeling_results

Documented in check_modeling_results

#' Check input modeling_results
#' This function checks that the `modeling_results` object has the appropriate structure.
#' For more details please check the vignette documentation.
#' @inheritParams run_app
#' @return The input object if all checks are passed.
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @family Check input functions
#' @examples
#' if (!exists("modeling_results")) {
#'     modeling_results <- fetch_data(type = "modeling_results")
#' }
#' ## Check the object
#' xx <- check_modeling_results(modeling_results)
check_modeling_results <- function(modeling_results) {
    ## Should be a list
    stopifnot(is(modeling_results, "list"))

        c("enrichment", "pairwise", "anova") %in% names(modeling_results)

    ## All the model tables contain the ensembl column
        vapply(modeling_results, function(x) {
            "ensembl" %in% colnames(x)
        }, logical(1))

    ## The following column prefixes are present in each of the model tables
    expected_column_name_starts <-
        c("^[f|t]_stat_", "^p_value_", "^fdr_")
    stopifnot(all(vapply(modeling_results, function(model_table) {
        all(vapply(expected_column_name_starts, function(expected_prefix) {
                grepl(expected_prefix, colnames(model_table))
        }, logical(1)))
    }, logical(1))))

    ## Done!
LieberInstitute/spatialLIBD documentation built on July 17, 2024, 5:05 a.m.