motifScan_helper <- function(pwms, seqs, genome, bg, p.cutoff, out, ranges,
thread=1, random.seed, cutoff.matrix.loc) {
if (p.cutoff %ni% c(0.01, 0.001, 1e-04, 1e-05, 1e-06)) {
stop("p.cutoff should be one of [0.01, 0.001, 1e-04, 1e-05, 1e-06]!")
convert_pwm_message <- "pwm convertion section"
message(gettextf("\n################ %s ################", convert_pwm_message))
message("converting PWM...")
motif_mats <- convert_pwms(pwms, bg, "log")
for (pwm_name in names(pwms)) {
pwms[[pwm_name]]@profileMatrix <- motif_mats[[pwm_name]]
load_cutoff_mat_message <- "motif scan section"
message(gettextf("\n################ %s ################", load_cutoff_mat_message))
message("Loading background cutoff matrix...")
if (out == "matches") {
tmp_out <- get_motif_ix(pwms, seqs, genome, p.cutoff, thread, random.seed, cutoff.matrix.loc)
if (is.null(ranges)) {
out <- SummarizedExperiment(assays =
list(motifScans = as(tmp_out,
colData =
DataFrame(name = name(pwms),
row.names = names(pwms)))
} else {
out <- SummarizedExperiment(assays =
list(motifScans = as(tmp_out,
rowRanges = ranges,
colData =
DataFrame(name = name(pwms),
row.names = names(pwms)))
} else if (out == "scores") {
tmp_out <- get_motif_ix_plus(pwms, seqs, genome, p.cutoff, thread, random.seed, cutoff.matrix.loc)
tmp_out$motifScans <- as(tmp_out$motifScans, "lMatrix")
if (is.null(ranges)) {
out <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = tmp_out,
colData =
DataFrame(name = name(pwms),
row.names = names(pwms)))
} else {
out <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = tmp_out,
rowRanges = ranges,
colData =
DataFrame(name = name(pwms),
row.names = names(pwms)))
} else {
tmp_out <- get_motif_positions(pwms, seqs, genome, p.cutoff, thread, random.seed, cutoff.matrix.loc)
cl <- makeCluster(thread)
if (is.null(ranges)) {
out <- pbapply::pblapply(1:length(motif_mats), function(x) {
tmp <- IRanges(start = tmp_out$motifLocations[[y,x]] + 1,
width = ncol(motif_mats[[x]]))
mcols(tmp) <- DataFrame(strand = tmp_out$motifStrands[[y,x]],
score = tmp_out$motifScores[[y,x]])
}, cl = cl)
names(out) <- names(pwms)
} else {
out <- pbapply::pblapply(1:length(motif_mats), function(x) {
mx_ix <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(seqs), function(y){rep(y, length(tmp_out$motifLocations[[y,x]]))}))
IRanges(start =
start(ranges[mx_ix] + 1) +
unlist(tmp_out$motifLocations[, x]),
width = ncol(motif_mats[[x]])),
strand = unlist(tmp_out$motifStrands[,x]),
score = unlist(tmp_out$motifScores[,x])
}, cl = cl)
names(out) <- names(pwms)
out <- GRangesList(out)
message("ALL DONE! Congratulation!")
#' motifScan
#' @description function to find motif matches
#' @param pwms either \code{\link[TFBSTools]{PFMatrix}},
#' \code{\link[TFBSTools]{PFMatrixList}}, \code{\link[TFBSTools]{PWMatrix}},
#' \code{\link[TFBSTools]{PWMatrixList}}
#' @param subject either \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GenomicRanges}},
#' \code{\link[Biostrings]{DNAStringSet}}, \code{\link[Biostrings]{DNAString}},
#' or character vector
#' @param genome BSgenome object, or \code{\link[Rsamtools]{FaFile}}, or short
#' string signifying genome build recognized by \code{\link[BSgenome]{getBSgenome}}.
#' Only required if subject is \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GenomicRanges}} or
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{RangedSummarizedExperiment}} or if bg is set
#' to "genome". if the bg is set to "genome" and genome is \code{\link[Rsamtools]{FaFile}},
#' this function could only work on linux
#' @param bg background nucleotide frequencies. Default is to compute based on
#' genome, i.e. the specific genome being evaluated. See Details.
#' @param out what to return? see value section
#' @param thread thread for running motifscan
#' @param random.seed seed number for random program
#' @param p.cutoff p-value cutoff for returning motifs, should be one of
#' 0.01, 0.001, 1e-04, 1e-05, 1e-06.(default=1e-04)
#' @param ranges if subject is not GenomicRanges or RangedSummarizedExperiment,
#' these ranges can be used to specify what ranges the input sequences
#' correspond to. These ranges will be incorporated into the
#' SummarizedExperiment output if out is "matches" or "scores" or will be used
#' to give absolute positions of motifs if out is "positions"
#' @param cutoff.matrix.loc the location of local motif score cutoff file, if the file is
#' not present, motifscanR will generate by itself and save in the current
#' working directory as './species_collect_cutoff_motifs_matrix.Rdata'(default),
#' and the user could replace './' dir by specify a specific file directory ,
#' or specify the cutoff matrix file by user himself with parameter
#' @param the name of local motif score cutoff file, if the file is
#' not present, motifscanR will generate by itself and save in the current
#' working directory as './species_collect_cutoff_motifs_matrix.Rdata'(default),
#' and the user could replace './' dir by specify a specific file directory ,
#' then save as './[]_cutoff_motifs_matrix.Rdata, so user
#' could use the next time if the pwms and the genome are same.
#' @param ... additional arguments depending on inputs
#' @details Background nucleotide frequencies can be set to "genome" for
#' using the genomice frequencies (in which case a genome must be specified),
#' "subject" to use the subject sequences or ranges for computing
#' the nucleotide frequencies, "even" for using 0.25 for each base,
#' or a numeric vector with A, C, G, and T frequencies.
#' @return Either returns a SummarizedExperiment with a sparse matrix with
#' values set to TRUE for a match (if out == 'matches'), a
#' SummarizedExperiment with a matches matrix as well as matrices with the
#' maximum motif score and total motif counts (if out == 'scores'), or a
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GenomicRangesList}} or a list of
#' \code{\link[IRanges]{IRangesList}} with all the positions of matches
#' (if out == 'positions')
#' @export
#' @examples
#' example_motifs <- getJasparMotifs(species = "Homo sapiens",
#' collection = "CORE")
#' # Make a set of peaks
#' peaks <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = c("chr1","chr2","chr2"),
#' ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = c(76585873,42772928,
#' 100183786),
#' width = 500))
#' # Scan motif for example motifs
#' motif_ix <- motifScan(example_motifs, peaks, genome = "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19")
function(pwms, subject, ...) standardGeneric("motifScan"))
#' @describeIn motifScan PWMatrixList/DNAStringSet
#' @export
setMethod("motifScan", signature(pwms = "PWMatrixList",
subject = "DNAStringSet"),
genome = NULL,
bg = c("genome","subject","even"),
out = c("matches", "scores", "positions"),
p.cutoff = 1e-04, ranges = NULL,
thread = 1, random.seed = NULL,
cutoff.matrix.loc = './', = NULL) {
message('Checking input arugements...')
out <- match.arg(out)
if (is.numeric(bg)){
bg <- check_bg(bg)
} else{
bg_method <- match.arg(bg)
bg <- get_bg(bg_method, subject, genome)
seqs <- as.character(subject)
if (is.null( {
cutoff.matrix.loc <- path.connect(cutoff.matrix.loc, get.locfile(pwms, genome))
cutoff.matrix.loc <- path.connect(cutoff.matrix.loc,
motifScan_helper(pwms, seqs, genome, bg, p.cutoff, out, ranges,
thread, random.seed, cutoff.matrix.loc)
#' @describeIn motifScan PWMatrixList/character
#' @export
setMethod("motifScan", signature(pwms = "PWMatrixList",
subject = "character"),
genome = NULL,
bg = c("genome","subject","even"),
out = c("matches", "scores", "positions"),
p.cutoff = 1e-04, ranges = NULL,
thread = 1, random.seed = NULL,
cutoff.matrix.loc = './', = NULL) {
message('Checking input arugements...')
out <- match.arg(out)
if (is.numeric(bg)){
bg <- check_bg(bg)
} else{
bg_method <- match.arg(bg)
bg <- get_bg(bg_method, subject, genome)
if (is.null( {
cutoff.matrix.loc <- path.connect(cutoff.matrix.loc, get.locfile(pwms, genome))
cutoff.matrix.loc <- path.connect(cutoff.matrix.loc,
motifScan_helper(pwms, subject, genome, bg, p.cutoff, out, ranges,
thread, random.seed, cutoff.matrix.loc)
#' @describeIn motifScan PWMatrixList/DNAString
#' @export
setMethod("motifScan", signature(pwms = "PWMatrixList",
subject = "DNAString"),
genome = NULL,
bg = c("genome","subject","even"),
out = c("matches", "scores", "positions"),
p.cutoff = 1e-04, ranges = NULL,
thread = 1, random.seed = NULL,
cutoff.matrix.loc = './', = NULL) {
message('Checking input arugements...')
out <- match.arg(out)
if (is.numeric(bg)){
bg <- check_bg(bg)
} else{
bg_method <- match.arg(bg)
bg <- get_bg(bg_method, subject, genome)
seqs <- as.character(subject)
if (is.null( {
cutoff.matrix.loc <- path.connect(cutoff.matrix.loc, get.locfile(pwms, genome))
cutoff.matrix.loc <- path.connect(cutoff.matrix.loc,
motifScan_helper(pwms, seqs, genome, bg, p.cutoff, out, ranges,
thread, random.seed, cutoff.matrix.loc)
#' @describeIn motifScan PWMatrixList/GenomicRanges
#' @export
setMethod("motifScan", signature(pwms = "PWMatrixList",
subject = "GenomicRanges"),
genome = GenomeInfoDb::genome(subject),
bg = c("genome","subject","even"),
out = c("matches", "scores", "positions"),
p.cutoff = 1e-04, thread = 1,
random.seed = NULL,
cutoff.matrix.loc = './', = NULL) {
message('Checking input arugements...')
out <- match.arg(out)
GenomicRanges::strand(subject) <- "+"
subject_seq <- subject
GenomicRanges::start(subject_seq) <- GenomicRanges::start(subject_seq) + 1
genome <- validate_genome_input(genome)
seqs <- BSgenome::getSeq(genome, subject_seq)
if (is.numeric(bg)){
bg <- check_bg(bg)
} else{
bg_method <- match.arg(bg)
bg <- get_bg(bg_method, seqs, genome)
seqs <- as.character(seqs)
if (is.null( {
cutoff.matrix.loc <- path.connect(cutoff.matrix.loc, get.locfile(pwms, genome))
cutoff.matrix.loc <- path.connect(cutoff.matrix.loc,
motifScan_helper(pwms, seqs, genome, bg, p.cutoff, out, subject,
thread, random.seed, cutoff.matrix.loc)
#' @describeIn motifScan PWMatrixList/RangedSummarizedExperiment
#' @export
setMethod("motifScan", signature(pwms = "PWMatrixList",
subject = "RangedSummarizedExperiment"),
function(pwms, subject,
genome = GenomeInfoDb::genome(subject),
bg = c("genome","subject","even"),
out = c("matches", "scores", "positions"),
p.cutoff = 1e-04, thread = 1,
random.seed = NULL,
cutoff.matrix.loc = './', = NULL) {
message('Checking input arugements...')
out <- match.arg(out)
motifScan(pwms, rowRanges(subject),
genome = genome,
bg = bg,
out = out,
p.cutoff = p.cutoff,
thread, random.seed,
#' @describeIn motifScan PWMatrixList/BSGenomeViews
#' @export
setMethod("motifScan", signature(pwms = "PWMatrixList",
subject = "BSgenomeViews"),
bg = c("genome","subject","even"),
out = c("matches", "scores", "positions"),
p.cutoff = 1e-04, thread = 1,
random.seed = NULL,
cutoff.matrix.loc = './', = NULL) {
message('Checking input arugements...')
out <- match.arg(out)
seqs <- as.character(subject)
ranges <- BSgenome::granges(subject)
if (is.numeric(bg)){
bg <- check_bg(bg)
} else{
bg_method <- match.arg(bg)
bg <- get_bg(bg_method, subject, BSgenome::subject(subject))
seqs <- as.character(subject)
if (is.null( {
cutoff.matrix.loc <- path.connect(cutoff.matrix.loc, get.locfile(pwms, genome))
cutoff.matrix.loc <- path.connect(cutoff.matrix.loc,
motifScan_helper(pwms, seqs, genome, bg,
p.cutoff, out, ranges,
thread, random.seed, cutoff.matrix.loc)
### PFMatrixList ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn motifScan PFMatrixList/ANY
#' @export
setMethod("motifScan", signature(pwms = "PFMatrixList", subject = "ANY"),
...) {
pwms_list <-, lapply(pwms, toPWM))
# Single PWM input -------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn motifScan PWMatrix/ANY
#' @export
setMethod("motifScan", signature(pwms = "PWMatrix", subject = "ANY"),
...) {
pwms_list <- PWMatrixList(pwms)
# Single PFM -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn motifScan PFMatrix/ANY
#' @export
signature(pwms = "PFMatrix", subject = "ANY"),
...) {
pwms_list <- PWMatrixList(toPWM(pwms, pseudocounts=0.001))
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