Man pages for LucaGiudice/Esearch3D
Leveraging gene expression and chromatin architecture to predict intergenic enhancers

combine_netWpropCombine network data with propagation values
complete_mHarmonizes the matrix of cell expression profiles with...
create_net2plotCreate an igraph object of the chromatin interaction network...
diag_profConvert matrix to diagonal matrix of row elements
download_genes_annotationDownloads the genes annotations for human and mouse
enhancer_classifierEnhancer classifier based on centrality measures and...
explain_classifierExplain the Enhancer classifier
firstupMake the first letter a capital letter
fun2Assign colours to node types in the igraph object
get_centr_infoGet centrality measures about nodes
get_contrib_propXdestGiven the target nodes of the propagation, it provides the...
get_contrib_propXorigGiven the seed nodes of the propagation, it provides the...
get_dist_mDetermines the shortest distances from all the genes to the...
get_single_prop_dataSupportive function to infer the networks and the profiles...
merge_prop_infoMerge propagation results with meta information
range01Zero - one standardization
rank_scaleMaximum-based ranking normalization
rwr_OVpropNetwork based propagation with random walk for the multi-gene...
rwr_SGpropSingle gene network based propagation based on random walk...
start_GUIStarts a shiny gui for the visualization of propagation...
toolkitfConnects network nodes to metainformation
tuning_prop_varsGet the optimal isolation parameters for the multi-gene...
LucaGiudice/Esearch3D documentation built on Dec. 17, 2021, 1:12 a.m.