
Defines functions resamplecSEMResultsCore resamplecSEMResults resampleData

Documented in resamplecSEMResults resampleData

#' Resample data 
#' Resample data from a data set using common resampling methods. 
#' For bootstrap or jackknife resampling, package users usually do not need to 
#' call this function but directly use [resamplecSEMResults()] instead.
#' The function `resampleData()` is general purpose. It simply resamples data 
#' from a data set according to the resampling method provided 
#' via the `.resample_method` argument and returns a list of resamples. 
#' Currently, `bootstrap`, `jackknife`, `permutation`, and  `cross-validation`
#' (both leave-one-out (LOOCV) and k-fold cross-validation) are implemented. 
#' The user may provide the data set to resample either explicitly via the `.data` 
#' argument or implicitly by providing a [cSEMResults] objects to `.object`
#' in which case the original data used in the call that created the 
#' [cSEMResults] object is used for resampling. 
#' If both, a [cSEMResults] object and a data set via `.data` are provided 
#' the former is ignored. 
#' As [csem()] accepts a single data set, a list of data sets as well as data sets
#' that contain a column name used to split the data into groups,
#' the [cSEMResults] object may contain multiple data sets.
#' In this case, resampling is done by data set or group. Note that depending
#' on the number of data sets/groups provided this computation may be slower
#' as resampling will be repeated for each data set/group. 
#' To split data provided via the `.data` argument into groups, the column name or 
#' the column index of the column containing the group levels to split the data 
#'  must be given to `.id`. If data that contains grouping is taken from 
#' a [cSEMResults] object, `.id` is taken from the object information. Hence, 
#' providing  `.id` is redundant in this case and therefore ignored.
#' The number of bootstrap or permutation runs as well as the number of 
#' cross-validation repetitions is given by `.R`. The default is
#' `499` but should be increased in real applications. See e.g.,
#' \insertCite{Hesterberg2015;textual}{cSEM}, p.380 for recommendations concerning
#' the bootstrap. For jackknife `.R` is ignored as it is based on the N leave-one-out data sets.
#' Choosing `resample_method = "permutation"` for ungrouped data causes an error
#' as permutation will simply reorder the observations which is usually not 
#' meaningful. If a list of data is provided 
#' each list element is assumed to represent the observations belonging to one
#' group. In this case, data is pooled and group adherence permuted.
#' For cross-validation the number of folds (`k`) defaults to `10`. It may be
#' changed via the `.cv_folds` argument. Setting `k = 2` (not 1!) splits
#' the data into a single training and test data set. Setting `k = N` (where `N` is the 
#' number of observations) produces leave-one-out cross-validation samples.
#' Note: 1.) At least 2 folds required  (`k > 1`); 2.) `k` can not be larger than `N`;
#'  3.) If `N/k` is not not an integer the last fold will have less observations.
#' Random number generation (RNG) uses the L'Ecuyer-CRMR RGN stream as implemented
#' in the \href{https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/future.apply/}{future.apply package} 
#' \insertCite{Bengtsson2018a}{cSEM}.
#' See [?future_lapply][future.apply::future_lapply] for details. By default
#' a random seed is chosen.
#' @usage resampleData(
#'  .object          = NULL,
#'  .data            = NULL,
#'  .resample_method = c("bootstrap", "jackknife", "permutation", 
#'                       "cross-validation"),
#'  .cv_folds        = 10,
#'  .id              = NULL,
#'  .R               = 499,
#'  .seed            = NULL
#' )
#' @param .data A `data.frame`, a `matrix` or a `list` of data of either type. 
#'   Possible column types or classes of the data provided are: 
#'   "`logical`", "`numeric`" ("`double`" or "`integer`"), "`factor`" (ordered and unordered) 
#'   or a mix of several types. The data may also include
#'   **one** character column whose column name must be given to `.id`. 
#'   This column is assumed to contain group identifiers used to split the data into groups.
#'   If `.data` is provided, `.object` is ignored. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param .resample_method Character string. The resampling method to use. One of: 
#'  "*bootstrap*", "*jackknife*", "*permutation*", or "*cross-validation*". 
#'  Defaults to "*bootstrap*".
#' @param .R Integer. The number of bootstrap runs, permutation runs
#'   or cross-validation repetitions to use. Defaults to `499`.
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @return The structure of the output depends on the type of input and the 
#'   resampling method:
#' \describe{
#' \item{Bootstrap}{If a `matrix` or `data.frame` without grouping variable 
#'   is provided (i.e., `.id = NULL`), the result is a list of length `.R` 
#'   (default `499`). Each element of that list is a bootstrap (re)sample.
#'   If a grouping variable is specified or a list of data is provided 
#'   (where each list element is assumed to contain data for one group), 
#'   resampling is done by group. Hence, 
#'   the result is a list of length equal to the number of groups 
#'   with each list element containing `.R` bootstrap samples based on the 
#'   `N_g` observations of group `g`.}
#' \item{Jackknife}{If a `matrix` or `data.frame` without grouping variable 
#'   is provided (`.id = NULL`), the result is a list of length equal to the number
#'   of observations/rows (`N`) of the data set provided. 
#'   Each element of that list is a jackknife (re)sample.
#'   If a grouping variable is specified or a list of data is provided 
#'   (where each list element is assumed to contain data for one group), 
#'   resampling is done by group. Hence, 
#'   the result is a list of length equal to the number of group levels 
#'   with each list element containing `N` jackknife samples based on the 
#'   `N_g` observations of group `g`.}
#' \item{Permutation}{If a `matrix` or `data.frame` without grouping variable 
#'   is provided an error is returned as permutation will simply reorder the observations.
#'   If a grouping variable is specified or a list of data is provided 
#'   (where each list element is assumed to contain data of one group), 
#'   group membership is permuted. Hence, the result is a list of length `.R`
#'   where each element of that list is a permutation (re)sample.}
#' \item{Cross-validation}{If a `matrix` or `data.frame` without grouping variable 
#'   is provided a list of length `.R` is returned. Each list element
#'   contains a list containing the `k` splits/folds subsequently
#'   used as test and training data sets.  
#'   If a grouping variable is specified or a list of data is provided 
#'   (where each list element is assumed to contain data for one group), 
#'   cross-validation is repeated `.R` times for each group. Hence, 
#'   the result is a list of length equal to the number of groups,
#'   each containing `.R` list elements (the repetitions) which in turn contain 
#'   the `k` splits/folds.
#'   }
#' }
#' @references
#'   \insertAllCited{}
#' @seealso [csem()], [cSEMResults], [resamplecSEMResults()]
#' @example inst/examples/example_resampleData.R
#' @export
resampleData <- function(
  .object          = NULL,
  .data            = NULL,
  .resample_method = c("bootstrap", "jackknife", "permutation", 
  .cv_folds        = 10,
  .id              = NULL,
  .R               = 499,
  .seed            = NULL
) {
  .resample_method <- match.arg(.resample_method, 
            c("bootstrap", "jackknife", "permutation", "cross-validation"))

  ## Set plan on how to resolve futures to "sequential" as it is virtually always
  ## slower to resample data using "multiprocess".; reset at the end
  oplan <- future::plan()
  on.exit(future::plan(oplan), add = TRUE)
  ## Get data set
  if(is.null(.data)) {
    ## Get information according to class of object
    if(any(class(.object) %in% "cSEMResults_default")) {
      data <- as.data.frame(.object$Information$Arguments$.data)
      id   <- NULL
    } else if(any(class(.object) %in% "cSEMResults_multi")) {
      data        <- .object[[1]]$Information$Data_pooled
      data_split  <- lapply(.object, function(x) x$Information$Arguments$.data)
      id          <- ifelse(is.null(.object[[1]]$Information$Arguments$.id), 
                            "id", .object[[1]]$Information$Arguments$.id)
    } else if(any(class(.object) %in% "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
      data <- .object$First_stage$Information$Arguments$.data
      id   <- NULL
    } else {
      stop2("The following error occured in the `resampleData()` function:\n",
            "`object` must be of class cSEMResults."
  } else {
    ## Check data
    if(!any(class(.data) %in% c("data.frame", "matrix", "list"))) {
        "The following error occured in the `resampleData()` function:\n",
        "Data must be provided as a `matrix`, a `data.frame` or a `list`. ", 
         ".data has class: ", class(.data)
    ## Select cases
    if(!is.null(.id) && !inherits(.data, "list")) {
      if(length(.id) != 1) {
          "The following error occured in the `resampleData()` function:\n",
          "`.id` must be a character string or an integer identifying one single column."
      if(is.matrix(.data)) {
        .data <- as.data.frame(.data)
      data       <- .data 
      data_split <- split(.data, f = .data[, .id])
      id         <- .id

    } else if(any(class(.data) == "list")) {
      data <- do.call(rbind, .data)

      if(is.null(names(.data))) {
        data[, "id"] <- rep(paste0("Data_", 1:length(.data)), 
                            times = sapply(.data, nrow))
      } else {
        data[, "id"] <- rep(names(.data), times = sapply(.data, nrow))
      data_split <- .data
      id <- "id"
      ##add names here
    } else {
      data <- .data
      id   <- NULL
  # Save old seed and restore on exit! This is important since users may have
  # set a seed before, in which case the global seed would be
  # overwritten if not explicitly restored
  old_seed <- .Random.seed
  on.exit({.Random.seed <<- old_seed})
  ## Create seed if not already set
  if(is.null(.seed)) {
    set.seed(seed = NULL)
    # Note (08.12.2019): Its crucial to call set.seed(seed = NULL) before
    # drawing a random seed out of .Random.seed. If set.seed(seed = NULL) is not
    # called sample(.Random.seed, 1) would result in the same random seed as
    # long as .Random.seed remains unchanged. By resetting the seed we make 
    # sure that sample draws a different element everytime it is called.
    .seed <- sample(.Random.seed, 1)
  ## Set seed
  ## Choose resampling method
  out <- switch (.resample_method,
    "jackknife"   = {
      if(exists("data_split")) {
        future.apply::future_lapply(data_split, function(y) future.apply::future_lapply(1:nrow(y), function(x) y[-x, ]))
      } else {
        future.apply::future_lapply(1:nrow(data), function(x) data[-x, ]) 
    "bootstrap"   = {
      if(exists("data_split")) {
        future.apply::future_lapply(data_split, function(y) {
          future.apply::future_lapply(1:.R, function(x) {
            y[sample(1:nrow(y), size = nrow(y), replace = TRUE), ]
          }, future.seed = .seed)
      } else {
        future.apply::future_lapply(1:.R, function(x) {
          data[sample(1:nrow(data), size = nrow(data), replace = TRUE), ]}, 
          future.seed = .seed
    "permutation" = {
      if(is.null(id)) {
          "The following error occured in the `resampleData()` function:\n",
          "No id column specified to permutate the data with."
      } else {
        future.apply::future_lapply(1:.R, function(x) {
          cbind(data[,-which(colnames(data) == id)], "id" = sample(data[, id]))},
          future.seed = .seed)
    "cross-validation" = {
      if(.cv_folds < 2) {
          "The following error occured in the `resampleData()` function:\n",
          "A minimum of 2 cross-validation folds required.")
      if((ceiling(nrow(data)/.cv_folds)*.cv_folds - nrow(data) >= ceiling(nrow(data)/.cv_folds))){
          "The following error occured in the `resampleData()` function:\n",
          "The number of .cv_folds is not plausible for the given sample size.\n",
          "Change .cv_folds such that \n",
          "ceiling(nrow(data)/.cv_folds)*.cv_folds - nrow(data) <= ceiling(nrow(data)/.cv_folds)"
      # k-fold cross-validation (=draw k samples of equal size.).
      # Note the last sample may contain less observations if equal sized
      # samples are not possible
      if(exists("data_split")) {
        ## The number of folds cannot be larger than the minimum number of
        ## rows/observations for all data sets in data_split
        if(max(sapply(data_split, nrow)) < .cv_folds) {
            "The following error occured in the `resampleData()` function:\n",
            "The number of folds is larger than the number of observations", 
            " in at least one of the groups."
        future.apply::future_lapply(data_split, function(y) {
          future.apply::future_lapply(1:.R, function(x) {
            # shuffle data set
            y <- y[sample(1:nrow(y)), ]
            if(ceiling(nrow(data)/.cv_folds)*.cv_folds - nrow(data) < ceiling(nrow(data)/.cv_folds)){
            #In case that warnings occur, the splitting of the data set might be changed  
              split(as.data.frame(y), rep(1:.cv_folds, 
                                          each = ceiling(nrow(y)/.cv_folds)))
                split(as.data.frame(y), rep(1:.cv_folds, 
                                            each = floor(nrow(y)/.cv_folds)))
          }, future.seed = .seed)
      } else {
        ## The number of folds cannot be larger than the minimum number of
        ## rows/observations for all data sets in data_split
        if(nrow(data) < .cv_folds) {
            "The following error occured in the `resampleData()` function:\n",
            "The number of folds is larger than the number of observations."
        # shuffle data
        future.apply::future_lapply(1:.R, function(x) {
          data <- data[sample(1:nrow(data)), ]
          if(ceiling(nrow(data)/.cv_folds)*.cv_folds - nrow(data) < ceiling(nrow(data)/.cv_folds)){
            split(as.data.frame(data), rep(1:.cv_folds, 
                                           each = ceiling(nrow(data)/.cv_folds)))
              split(as.data.frame(data), rep(1:.cv_folds, 
                                             each = floor(nrow(data)/.cv_folds)))
        }, future.seed = .seed)
    } # END cross-validation
  ) # END switch
  ## Return samples

#' Resample cSEMResults 
#' Resample a [cSEMResults] object using bootstrap or jackknife resampling. 
#' The function is called by [csem()] if the user sets 
#' `csem(..., .resample_method = "bootstrap")` or 
#' `csem(..., .resample_method = "jackknife")` but may also be called directly.
#' Given `M` resamples (for bootstrap `M = .R` and for jackknife `M = N`, where
#' `N` is the number of observations) based on the data used to compute the
#' [cSEMResults] object provided via `.object`, `resamplecSEMResults()` essentially calls 
#' [csem()] on each resample using the arguments of the original call (ignoring any arguments
#' related to resampling) and returns estimates for each of a subset of 
#' practically useful resampled parameters/statistics computed by [csem()]. 
#' Currently, the following estimates are computed and returned by default based 
#' on each resample: Path estimates, Loading estimates, Weight estimates.
#' In practical application users may need to resample a specific statistic (e.g,
#' the heterotrait-monotrait ratio of correlations (HTMT) or differences between path 
#' coefficients such as beta_1 - beta_2).
#' Such statistics may be provided by a function `fun(.object, ...)` or a list of 
#' such functions via the `.user_funs` argument. The first argument of 
#' these functions must always be `.object`. 
#' Internally, the function will be applied on each  
#' resample to produce the desired statistic. Hence, arbitrary complicated statistics
#' may be resampled as long as the body of the function draws on elements contained
#' in the [cSEMResults] object only. Output of `fun(.object, ...)` should preferably 
#' be a (named) vector but matrices are also accepted. 
#' However, the output will be vectorized (columnwise) in this case. 
#' See the examples section for details.
#' Both resampling the original [cSEMResults] object (call it "first resample") 
#' and resampling based on a resampled [cSEMResults] object (call it "second resample") 
#' are supported. Choices for the former 
#' are "*bootstrap*" and "*jackknife*". Resampling based on a resample is turned off
#' by default (`.resample_method2 = "none"`) as this significantly
#' increases computation time (there are now `M * M2` resamples to compute, where
#' `M2` is `.R2` or `N`).
#' Resamples of a resample are required, e.g., for the studentized confidence
#' interval computed by the [infer()] function. Typically, bootstrap resamples
#' are used in this case \insertCite{Davison1997}{cSEM}.
#' As [csem()] accepts a single data set, a list of data sets as well as data sets
#' that contain a column name used to split the data into groups,
#' the [cSEMResults] object may contain multiple data sets. 
#' In this case, resampling is done by data set or group. Note that depending
#' on the number of data sets/groups, the computation may be considerably
#' slower as resampling will be repeated for each data set/group. However, apart
#' from speed considerations users don not need to worry about the type of
#' input used to compute the [cSEMResults] object as `resamplecSEMResults()`
#' is able to deal with each case.
#' The number of bootstrap runs for the first and second run are given by `.R` and `.R2`. 
#' The default is `499` for the first and `199` for the second run 
#' but should be increased in real applications. See e.g.,
#' \insertCite{Hesterberg2015;textual}{cSEM}, p.380, 
#' \insertCite{Davison1997;textual}{cSEM}, and
#' \insertCite{Efron2016;textual}{cSEM} for recommendations.
#' For jackknife `.R` are `.R2` are ignored. 
#' Resampling may produce inadmissible results (as checked by [verify()]).
#' By default these results are dropped however users may choose to `"ignore"`
#' or `"replace"` inadmissible results in which resampling continuous until
#' the necessary number of admissible results is reached.
#' The \pkg{cSEM} package supports (multi)processing via the \href{https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/future/}{future} 
#' framework \insertCite{Bengtsson2018}{cSEM}. Users may simply choose an evaluation plan
#' via `.eval_plan` and the package takes care of all the complicated backend 
#' issues. Currently, users may choose between standard single-core/single-session
#'  evaluation (`"sequential"`) and multiprocessing (`"multisession"` or `"multicore"`). The future package
#' provides other options (e.g., `"cluster"` or `"remote"`), however, they probably 
#' will not be needed in the context of the \pkg{cSEM} package as simulations usually
#' do not require high-performance clusters. Depending on the operating system, the future
#' package will manage to distribute tasks to multiple R sessions (Windows)
#' or multiple cores. Note that multiprocessing is not necessary always faster
#' when only a "small" number of replications is required as the overhead of
#' initializing new sessions or distributing tasks to different cores 
#' will not immediately be compensated by the availability of multiple sessions/cores.
#' Random number generation (RNG) uses the L'Ecuyer-CRMR RGN stream as implemented in the
#' \href{https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/future.apply/}{future.apply package} \insertCite{Bengtsson2018a}{cSEM}.
#' It is independent of the evaluation plan. Hence, setting e.g., `.seed = 123` will
#' generate the same random number and replicates
#' for both `.eval_plan = "sequential"`, `.eval_plan = "multisession"`, and `.eval_plan = "multicore"`.
#' See [?future_lapply][future.apply::future_lapply] for details.
#' @usage resamplecSEMResults(
#'  .object                = NULL,
#'  .resample_method       = c("bootstrap", "jackknife"), 
#'  .resample_method2      = c("none", "bootstrap", "jackknife"), 
#'  .R                     = 499,
#'  .R2                    = 199,
#'  .handle_inadmissibles  = c("drop", "ignore", "replace"),
#'  .user_funs             = NULL,
#'  .eval_plan             = c("sequential", "multicore", "multisession"),
#'  .force                 = FALSE,
#'  .seed                  = NULL,
#'  .sign_change_option    = c("none","individual","individual_reestimate",
#'                             "construct_reestimate"),
#'  ...
#' ) 
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @param .resample_method Character string. The resampling method to use. One of: 
#'  "*bootstrap*" or "*jackknife*". Defaults to "*bootstrap*".
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to functions supplied to `.user_funs`.
#' @return The core structure is the same structure as that of `.object` with
#' the following elements added:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{ `$Estimates_resamples`: A list containing the `.R` resamples and
#' the original estimates for each of the resampled quantities (Path_estimates, 
#' Loading_estimates, Weight_estimates, user defined functions). 
#' Each list element is a list containing elements 
#' `$Resamples` and `$Original`. `$Resamples` is a `(.R x K)` matrix with each
#' row representing one resample for each of the `K` parameters/statistics.
#' `$Original` contains the original estimates (vectorized by column if the output of 
#' the user provided function is a matrix.}
#' \item {`$Information_resamples`: A list containing additional information.}
#' }
#' Use `str(<.object>, list.len = 3)` on the resulting object for an overview.
#' @references
#'   \insertAllCited{} 
#' @seealso [csem], [summarize()], [infer()], [cSEMResults]
#' @example inst/examples/example_resamplecSEMResults.R
#' @export
resamplecSEMResults <- function(
  .object                = NULL, 
  .resample_method       = c("bootstrap", "jackknife"),
  .resample_method2      = c("none", "bootstrap", "jackknife"),
  .R                     = 499,
  .R2                    = 199,
  .handle_inadmissibles  = c("drop", "ignore", "replace"),
  .user_funs             = NULL,
  .eval_plan             = c("sequential", "multicore", "multisession"),
  .force                 = FALSE,
  .seed                  = NULL,
  .sign_change_option    = c("none","individual","individual_reestimate",
  ) {
  ## Match arguments
  .resample_method  <- match.arg(.resample_method)
  .resample_method2 <- match.arg(.resample_method2)
  .handle_inadmissibles <- match.arg(.handle_inadmissibles)
  .eval_plan <- match.arg(.eval_plan)
  .sign_change_option <- match.arg(.sign_change_option)
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, function(x) {
        .object               = x,
        .resample_method      = .resample_method,
        .resample_method2     = .resample_method2,
        .R                    = .R,
        .R2                   = .R2,
        .handle_inadmissibles = .handle_inadmissibles,
        .user_funs            = .user_funs,
        .eval_plan            = .eval_plan,
        .force                = FALSE,
        .seed                 = .seed,
        .sign_change_option   = .sign_change_option,
    ## Add/ set class
    class(out) <- c(class(.object), "cSEMResults_resampled")
  ## Does .object already contain resamples
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_resampled")) {
    if(.force) {
      # Delete resamples
      if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
        .object$Estimates[["Estimates_resample"]] <- NULL
        .object$Information[["Information_resample"]] <- NULL
        class(.object) <- setdiff(class(.object), "cSEMResults_resampled")
      } else {
        .object$Second_stage$Information[["Resamples"]] <- NULL
    } else {
        "The following issue was encountered in the `resamplecSEMResults()` function:\n",
        "The object provided already contains resamples. Use `.force = TRUE` to rerun.") 
  ## Check for the minimum number of necessary resamples
  if(.R < 3 | .R2 < 3) {
    stop2("The following error occured in the `resamplecSEMResults()` function:\n",
          "At least 3 resamples required.")
  ## Has the object to use the data to resample from produced admissible results?
  if(sum(unlist(verify(.object))) != 0) {
      "The following issue was encountered in the `resamplecSEMResults()` function:\n",
      "Estimation based on the original data has produced inadmissible results.\n", 
      "This may be a sign that something is wrong.",
      " Resampling will continue but may not produce reliable results.")
  # Set plan on how to resolve futures; reset at the end
  oplan <- future::plan()
  on.exit(future::plan(oplan), add = TRUE)
  ### Process original data ----------------------------------------------------
  ## Select relevant statistics/parameters/quantities and vectorize 
  Est_original <- selectAndVectorize(.object)
  ## Apply user defined function if specified
  user_funs <- if(!is.null(.user_funs)) {
    applyUserFuns(.object, .user_funs = .user_funs, ...)
  ## Add output of the user functions to Est_original
  if(!is.null(.user_funs)) {
    Est_original <- c(Est_original, user_funs)
  ### Resample and compute -----------------------------------------------------
  # Save old seed and restore on exit! This is important since users may have
  # set a seed before, in which case the global seed would be
  # overwritten if not explicitly restored
  # Note (07.10.2020): for some tests performed by testthat .Random.seed is not 
  #                   available. This is when it is not initialized. To initialize
  #                   the .Random.seed object a random number is generated.
  old_seed <- .Random.seed
  on.exit({.Random.seed <<- old_seed})
  ## Create seed if not already set
  if(is.null(.seed)) {
    set.seed(seed = NULL)
    # Note (08.12.2019): Its crucial to call set.seed(seed = NULL) before
    # drawing a random seed out of .Random.seed. If set.seed(seed = NULL) is not
    # called sample(.Random.seed, 1) would result in the same random seed as
    # long as .Random.seed remains unchanged. By resetting the seed we make 
    # sure that sample draws a different element every time it is called.
    .seed <- sample(.Random.seed, 1)
  out <- resamplecSEMResultsCore(
    .object                = .object, 
    .resample_method       = .resample_method,
    .resample_method2      = .resample_method2,
    .R                     = .R,
    .R2                    = .R2,
    .handle_inadmissibles  = .handle_inadmissibles,
    .handle_inadmissibles2 = .handle_inadmissibles, 
    .user_funs             = .user_funs,
    .eval_plan             = .eval_plan,
    .seed                  = .seed,
    .sign_change_option    = .sign_change_option,
  # Check if at least 3 admissible results were obtained
  n_admissibles <- length(out)
  if(n_admissibles < 3) {
    stop("The following error occured in the `resamplecSEMResults()` functions:\n",
         "Less than 2 admissible results produced.", 
         " Consider setting `.handle_inadmissibles == 'replace'` instead.",
         call. = FALSE)
  # Turn list "inside out" and bind bootstrap samples to matrix 
  # - columns are variables
  # - rows are bootstrap runs
  out <- purrr::transpose(out) 
  if(.resample_method2 != "none") {
    out_2 <- out$Estimates2
    out   <- purrr::transpose(out$Estimates1)
  out <- out %>% 
    lapply(function(x) do.call(rbind, x))
  # Add estimated quantities based on the the original sample/data
  out <- mapply(function(l1, l2) list("Resampled" = l1, "Original" = l2),
                l1 = out,
                l2 = Est_original,
                SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  ## Return --------------------------------------------------------------------
  # The desired output is: a list of two:
  #  1. Resamples := a list of two
  #      1.1 Estimates1 := the .R resamples of the "outer" resampling run.
  #      1.2 Estimates2 := the .R2 resamples of the "inner" run or NA
  #  2. Information := a list of three
  #      2.1 Method  := the method used to obtain the "outer" resamples
  #      2.2 Method2 := the method used to obtain the "inner" resamples or NA
  #      2.3 Number_of_observations := the number of observations.
  #      2.4 Original_object        := the original cSEMResults object
  # Since resamplecSEMResults is called recursivly within its body it is 
  # difficult to produce the desired output. There is now straightforward way 
  # to determine if a call is a recursive call or not
  # My workaround for now is to simply check if the argument provided for ".object"
  # is "Est_temp" since this is the argument for the recurive call. This
  # is of course not general but a dirty workaround. I guess it is save enough
  # though.
  is_recursive_call <- eval.parent(as.list(match.call()))$.object == "Est_temp"
  ## Return
  if(is_recursive_call) {
  } else {
    if(.resample_method2 != "none") {
      out <- list("Estimates1" = out, "Estimates2" = out_2)
    } else {
      out <- list("Estimates1" = out, "Estimates2" = NA)
    ## Add resamples and additional information 
    if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
      resample_out <- c(.object$Second_stage$Information)
      resample_out[[length(resample_out) + 1]] <- list(
        "Estimates" = c(out),
        "Information_resample" =       list(
          "Method"                  = .resample_method,
          "Method2"                 = .resample_method2,
          "Number_of_admissibles"   = n_admissibles,
          "Number_of_observations"  = nrow(.object$Second_stage$Information$Data),
          "Number_of_runs"          = .R,
          "Number_of_runs2"         = .R2,
          "Seed"                    = .seed,
          "Handle_inadmissibles"    = .handle_inadmissibles,
          "Sign_change_option"      = .sign_change_option
      names(resample_out)[length(resample_out)] <- "Resamples"
      out <- list(
        "First_stage"   = .object$First_stage,
        "Second_stage"  = list(
          "Estimates" = .object$Second_stage$Estimates,
          "Information" = resample_out
      # Renew class for 2nd stage
      class(out$Second_stage) <- class(.object$Second_stage) 
    } else {
      # Estimates
      estim <- c(.object$Estimates)
      estim[[length(estim) + 1]] <- c(out)
      names(estim)[length(estim)] <- "Estimates_resample"
      # Information
      info <- c(.object$Information)
      info[[length(info) + 1]] <- list(
        "Method"                  = .resample_method,
        "Method2"                 = .resample_method2,
        "Number_of_admissibles"   = n_admissibles,
        "Number_of_observations"  = nrow(.object$Information$Data), # for infer()
        "Number_of_runs"          = .R,
        "Number_of_runs2"         = .R2,
        "Seed"                    = .seed,
        "Handle_inadmissibles"    = .handle_inadmissibles,
        "Sign_change_option"      = .sign_change_option
      names(info)[length(info)] <- "Information_resample"
      out <- list(
        "Estimates"   = estim,
        "Information" = info
    ## Add/ set class
    class(out) <- c(class(.object), "cSEMResults_resampled")

#' Core tasks of the resamplecSEMResults function
#' @noRd
resamplecSEMResultsCore <- function(
  .object                = args_default()$.object, 
  .resample_method       = args_default()$.resample_method,
  .resample_method2      = args_default()$.resample_method2,
  .R                     = args_default()$.R,
  .R2                    = args_default()$.R2,
  .handle_inadmissibles  = args_default()$.handle_inadmissibles,
  .handle_inadmissibles2 = NULL,
  .user_funs             = args_default()$.user_funs,
  .eval_plan             = args_default()$.eval_plan,
  .seed                  = args_default()$.seed,
  .sign_change_option    = args_default()$.sign_change_option,
) {
  ## Get arguments
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    info1 <- .object$First_stage$Information
    info2 <- .object$Second_stage$Information
    est1_normal <- .object$First_stage$Estimates
    est2_normal <- .object$Second_stage$Estimates
    summary_original <- summarize(.object)
    est1 <- summary_original$First_stage$Estimates
    est2 <- summary_original$Second_stage$Estimates
    args <- info2$Arguments_original

    ## Append the 2ndorder approach to args
    args$.approach_2ndorder <- info2$Approach_2ndorder
    ## Replace original data (which contains either an id column or is a list)
    ## by the data used for the group that is being resampled.
    if(!is.null(args$.id) | inherits(args$.data, "list")) {
      args$.data <- info1$Data
      args$.id <- NULL
  } else {
    info1       <- .object$Information
    est_normal  <- .object$Estimates
    summary_original <- summarize(.object)
    est <- summary_original$Estimates
    args <- info1$Arguments 
  ## Resample jackknife
  if(.resample_method == "jackknife") {
    resample_jack <- resampleData(.object, .resample_method = "jackknife") 
    .R <- length(resample_jack)
  ### Start resampling loop ====================================================
    if(.R >= 10) {
      progress_bar_csem <- progressr::progressor(steps = floor(.R / 10))
    } else {
      progress_bar_csem <- progressr::progressor(steps = .R)

    Est_ls <- future.apply::future_lapply(1:.R, function(i) {
      if (i %% 10 == 0) {
        progress_bar_csem(message = sprintf("Resample run = %g", i)) 
      # Est_ls <- lapply(1:.R, function(i) {
      # Replace the old data set by a resampled data set (resampleData always returns
      # a list so for just one draw we need to pick the first list element)
      data_temp <- if(.resample_method == "jackknife") {
      } else {
        # We could use resampleData here but, bootstrap resampling directly is faster
        # (not surprising)
        # (compared both approaches using microbenchmark)
        data <- args[[".data"]]
        data[sample(1:nrow(data), size = nrow(data), replace = TRUE), ]
      args[[".data"]] <- data_temp
      # Estimate model
      Est_temp <- if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
        ## NOTE: using do.call(csem, args) would be more elegant but is much 
        # much much! slower (especially for larger data sets). 
        do.call(csem, args) 
      } else {
        # It is important to use foreman() here 
        # instead of csem() to allow for lapply(x, resamplecSEMResults_default) when x 
        # is of class cSEMResults_2ndorder.
        ## NOTE: 
        #  01.03.2019: Using do.call(foreman, args) would be more elegant but is much 
        #              much much! slower (especially for larger data sets).
        #  15.05.2019: Apparently do.call(foreman, args) is not that bad
        #              after all. I did several comparisons using microbenchmark
        #              but there was no speed difference (anymore?!). When I compared and
        #              thought that do.call is slow I fixed other parts of 
        #              foreman as well...maybe they had been the real culprit.
        #              So we use do.call again, as it avoids redundancy
        do.call(foreman, args)
      # Check status
      status_code <- sum(unlist(verify(Est_temp)))
      # Distinguish depending on how inadmissibles should be handled
      if(status_code == 0 | (status_code != 0 & .handle_inadmissibles == "ignore")) {
        # ## Select relevant statistics/parameters/quantities
        x1 <- selectAndVectorize(Est_temp)
        ### Sign change correction for PLS-PM
        if(.sign_change_option != "none" && info1$Arguments$.approach_weights == "PLS-PM") {
          if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
            est1_temp_normal <- Est_temp$First_stage$Estimates
            est2_temp_normal <- Est_temp$Second_stage$Estimates
            ### Individual_reestimate and construct_reestimate -------------------
            if(.sign_change_option == "individual_reestimate" | 
               .sign_change_option == "construct_reestimate") {
              ## First stage
              # Is there a sign difference between the first stage resample 
              # and original weight estimates. If so, which weights differ?
              sign_diff1 <- sign(est1_normal$Weight_estimates) != 
              # Only if at least one sign differs a correction is needed
              if(sum(sign_diff1) != 0) {
                W1_new <- est1_temp_normal$Weight_estimates
                # Individual_reestimate
                if(.sign_change_option == "individual_reestimate"){
                  W1_new[sign_diff1] <- W1_new[sign_diff1] * (-1)
                } # END individual_reestimate
                if(.sign_change_option == "construct_reestimate"){
                  # In line with Tenenhaus et al. (2005, p 177) loadings are used,
                  # although they have not considered 2nd order models
                  Lambda1 <- est1_normal$Loading_estimates
                  Lambda1_temp <- est1_temp_normal$Loading_estimates
                  Lambda_diff1 <- abs(rowSums(Lambda1 - Lambda1_temp))
                  Lambda_sum1 <- abs(rowSums(Lambda1 + Lambda1_temp))
                  W1_new[Lambda_diff1 > Lambda_sum1, ] <- W1_new[Lambda_diff1 > Lambda_sum1, ] * (-1)
                } # END construct_reestimate
                # Put corrected weights in a list to be able to supply them as
                # fixed weights to .PLS_modes
                W1_list <- lapply(1:nrow(W1_new), function(x) {
                  temp <- W1_new[x, ]
                  temp[temp !=0]
                names(W1_list) <- rownames(W1_new)
                ## Replace modes by fixed sign-corrected weights
                args[[".PLS_modes"]] <- W1_list
                ## Reestimate
                # Note: calling csem() directly is faster, however, i guess
                # change option wont be used that often, so for now, I will
                # use the more elegant, while slower, do.call construction.
                Est_temp <- do.call(csem, args)
                ## Update
                est2_temp_normal <- Est_temp$Second_stage$Estimates
              } # END first stage
              ## Second stage
              # Is there a sign difference between the second stage (sign-corrected) 
              # resample weight estimates and the original weight estimates. 
              # If so, which weights differ?
              sign_diff2 <- sign(est2_normal$Weight_estimates) != 
              # Only if at least one sign differs a correction is needed
              if(sum(sign_diff2) != 0) {
                W2_new <- est2_temp_normal$Weight_estimates
                # Individual_reestimate
                if(.sign_change_option == "individual_reestimate"){
                  W2_new[sign_diff2] <- W2_new[sign_diff2] * (-1)
                } # END individual_reestimate
                if(.sign_change_option == "construct_reestimate"){
                  # In line with Tenenhaus et al. (2005, p 177) loadings are used,
                  # although they have not considered 2nd order models
                  Lambda2 <- est2_normal$Loading_estimates
                  Lambda2_temp <- est2_temp_normal$Loading_estimates
                  Lambda_diff2 <- abs(rowSums(Lambda2 - Lambda2_temp))
                  Lambda_sum2 <- abs(rowSums(Lambda2 + Lambda2_temp))
                  W2_new[Lambda_diff2 > Lambda_sum2, ] <- W2_new[Lambda_diff2 > Lambda_sum2, ] * (-1)
                } # END construct_reestimate
                # Put corrected weights in a list to be able to supply them as
                # fixed weights to .PLS_modes
                W2_list <- lapply(1:nrow(W2_new), function(x){
                  temp <- W2_new[x, ]
                  temp[temp != 0]
                names(W2_list) <- rownames(W2_new)
                args[[".PLS_modes"]] = W2_list
                ## Reestimate
                # Note: calling csem() directly is faster, however, i guess
                # change option wont be used that often, so for now, I will
                # use the more elegant, while slower, do.call construction.
                Est_temp <- do.call(csem, args)
              } # END second stage
              # ## Update using estimates based on the sign-corrected weights
              x1 <- selectAndVectorize(Est_temp)
            } # END individual_reestimate, construct_reestimate
            if(.sign_change_option == "individual") {
              # Reverse the signs off ALL parameter estimates in a bootstrap run if 
              # their sign differs from the sign of the original estimation
              x1 <- reverseSign(.Est_temp = Est_temp, .summary_original = summary_original)
          } else {
            est_temp_normal <- Est_temp$Estimates
            sign_diff <- sign(est_normal$Weight_estimates) != 
            # Is there a difference in the signs of th weights? Otherwise no correction of the signs is done
            # Not sure whether this is a problem for the construct_reestimate approach which only compares the loadings
            # I think not.
            if(sum(sign_diff) !=0 ) {
              # Sign change correction individual_reestimate and construct_reestimate
              if(.sign_change_option == "individual_reestimate" | 
                 .sign_change_option == "construct_reestimate") {
                W_new <- est_temp_normal$Weight_estimates
                # Individual_reestimate
                if(.sign_change_option == "individual_reestimate"){
                  W_new[sign_diff] <- W_new[sign_diff] * (-1)
                } # END individual_reestimate
                if(.sign_change_option == "construct_reestimate"){
                  Lambda <- est_normal$Loading_estimates
                  Lambda_temp <- est_temp_normal$Loading_estimates
                  Lambda_diff <- abs(rowSums(Lambda - Lambda_temp))
                  Lambda_sum <- abs(rowSums(Lambda + Lambda_temp))
                  W_new[Lambda_diff > Lambda_sum, ] <- W_new[Lambda_diff > Lambda_sum, ] * (-1)
                # Put corrected weights in a list to be able to supply them as
                # fixed weights to .PLS_modes
                W_list <- lapply(1:nrow(W_new), function(x){
                  temp <- W_new[x, ]
                  temp[temp != 0]
                names(W_list) <- rownames(W_new)
                args[[".PLS_modes"]] = W_list
                ## Reestimate
                # Note: calling csem() directly is faster, however, i guess
                # change option wont be used that often, so for now, I will
                # use the more elegant, while slower, do.call construction.
                Est_temp <- do.call(csem, args)
                ## Update using estimates based on the sign-corrected weights
                x1 <- selectAndVectorize(Est_temp)
              } # end if individual_reestimate, construct_reestimate
              if(.sign_change_option == 'individual') {
                # Reverse the signs off ALL parameter estimates in a bootstrap run if 
                # their sign differs from the sign of the original estimation
                x1 <- reverseSign(.Est_temp = Est_temp, .summary_original = summary_original)
              } # END .sign_change_option == "individual" 
            } # END sum(sign(.object$Estimates$Weight_estimates)!=sign(Est_temp$Estimates$Weight_estimates)
          } # END else (= not 2ndorder)
        } # END .sign_change_option
        ## Apply user defined function if specified
        user_funs <- if(!is.null(.user_funs)) {
          applyUserFuns(Est_temp, .user_funs = .user_funs, ...)
        # user_funs <- if(!is.null(.user_funs)) {
        #   if(is.function(.user_funs)) {
        #     list("User_fun" = c(.user_funs(Est_temp, ...)))
        #   } else {
        #     x <- lapply(.user_funs, function(f) c(f(Est_temp, ...)))
        #     if(is.null(names(x))) {
        #       names(x) <- paste0("User_fun", 1:length(x))
        #     }
        #     x
        #   }
        # }
        ## Add output of the user functions to x1
        if(!is.null(.user_funs)) {
          x1 <- c(x1, user_funs)
        ## Resampling from a bootstrap sample is required for the
        ## bootstraped t-interval CI (studentized CI), hence the second run
        # In the second run no sign change option is used. We can think about 
        # applying the same correction as in the first run
        if(.resample_method2 != "none") {
          Est_resamples2 <- resamplecSEMResults(
            .object               = Est_temp,
            .R                    = .R2,
            .handle_inadmissibles = .handle_inadmissibles2,
            .resample_method      = .resample_method2,
            .resample_method2     = "none",
            .user_funs            = .user_funs,
            .seed                 = .seed, 
            .force                = FALSE,
            .sign_change_option   = "none",
          x1 <- list("Estimates1" = x1, "Estimates2" = Est_resamples2)
      } else if(status_code != 0 & .handle_inadmissibles != "ignore") {
        # Retrun NA if status is not okay and .handle_inadmissibles == "drop" or
        # "replace"
        x1 <- NA
      ## Return
    }, future.seed = .seed)
    # })
  ## Process data --------------------------------------------------------------
  # Delete potential NA's
  out <- Filter(Negate(anyNA), Est_ls)
  ## Replace inadmissibles
  if(length(out) != .R && .resample_method == "bootstrap" && 
     .handle_inadmissibles == "replace") {
    n_attempt <- 0
    while (length(out) < .R) {
      n_attempt <- n_attempt + 1
      R_new <- .R - length(out)
      if(is.null(.seed)) {
        .seed <- sample(.Random.seed, 1)
      } else {
        .seed <- .seed + 1
      Est_replace <- resamplecSEMResultsCore(
        .object               = .object,
        .R                    = R_new,
        .handle_inadmissibles = "drop",
        .handle_inadmissibles2= .handle_inadmissibles, 
        .resample_method      = .resample_method,
        .resample_method2     = .resample_method2,
        .R2                   = .R2,
        .user_funs            = .user_funs,
        .eval_plan            = "sequential", # multiprocessing will generally 
        # not be meaningful here since we typically 
        # replace only a small subset of the total runs 
        .seed                 = .seed,
        .sign_change_option   = .sign_change_option,
      out <- c(out, Est_replace)
      if(n_attempt == 10*.R) {
          "The following issue was encountered in the `resamplecSEMResults()` function:\n",
          "Attempting to replace inadmissibles failed after ", 10*.R, " attempts.",
          " Returning all admissible results up to the last attempt."
M-E-Steiner/cSEM documentation built on March 18, 2024, 12:18 p.m.