Man pages for MD-Anderson-Bioinformatics/NGCHM-R
Next Generation Clustered Heat Maps

addition-methodsAdd an Axis to an NG-CHM Version 2
cash-.shaidyRepoProvide a simpler method for accessing repo methods
castAsIntegerHelper function to cast variables as integers.
castListAsIntegerHelper function to cast list as integer
chmAddAxisType-methodAdd an axis type to a NGCHM.
chmAddColormap-methodAdd a colormap to a NGCHM.
chmAddCovariateBar-methodAdd a covariate bar to a NGCHM.
chmAddCovariate-methodAdd a covariate to an auxiliary dataset.
chmAddCSS-methodAdd custom CSS to a NGCHM.
chmAddDataset-methodAdd an auxiliary dataset to a NGCHM.
chmAddDialog-methodAdd an extra dialog to a NGCHM.
chmAddLayer-methodAdd a Layer to a NGCHM.
chmAddMenuItem-methodAdd a menu entry to a NGCHM.
chmAddMetaData-methodAdd MetaData to NG-CHM
chmAdd-methodAdd a list of objects to a NGCHM.
chmAddOverview-methodGenerate an overview image of the NGCHM when making it.
chmAddPCAAdd PCA coordinates to an NG-CHM.
chmAddProperty-methodAdd custom property to a NGCHM.
chmAddReducedDimAdd reduced dimension coordinates to an NG-CHM.
chmAddRelatedGroup-methodAdd a group of related links to the NGCHM.
chmAddRelated-methodAdd a link to related information to the NGCHM.
chmAddSpecificAxisTypeFunction-methodAdd a CHM-specific axis type function to a NGCHM.
chmAddTag-methodAdd tags to a NGCHM.
chmAddTemplate-methodAdd a file template to the NGCHM.
chmAddToolboxR2-methodAdd Toolbox R2 to NG-CHM
chmAddToolboxRC-methodAdd Toolbox RC to NG-CHM
chmAddToolboxR-methodAdd standard toolbox to an NG-CHM axis
chmAddTSNEAdd TSNE coordinates to an NG-CHM.
chmAddUMAPAdd UMAP coordinates to an NG-CHM.
chmAddUWOTAdd UWOT::UMAP coordinates to an NG-CHM.
chmAxisCreate a new Axis for adding to an NG-CHM.
chmAxisTypeCreate a new AxisType for adding to an ngchmAxis.
chmBindFunction-methodBind values to an existing JS function.
chmBrowseBrowse the NGCHMs on the specified server in the viewer.
chmColOrder-methodSet the column order of data shown in a NGCHM.
chmColorMapGet the color map of an NG-CHM object.
chmColorMap-setSet the color map of an NG-CHM object
chmColorsGet the colors of an ngchmColormap, ngchmLayer, ngchmBar, or...
chmColors-setSet the colors of an ngchmColormap, ngchmLayer, ngchmBar, or...
chmCovariateGet a covariate attached to an NG-CHM dataset.
chmCovariateBarGet a covariate bar attached to an NG-CHM.
chmCreateCollectionCreate a new NG-CHM Collection
chmCreateManagedServerCreate an ngchmServer object for a managed NG-CHM server
chmCreateServerCreate an ngchmServer object from a specification.
chmCurrentCollectionGet the user's current collection
chmCurrentServerGet the user's current server
chmDefaultColOrderReturn default column order of an NGCHM
chmDefaultRowOrderReturn default row order of an NGCHM
chmDeployServer-methodGet the name of a NGCHM server.
chmExportToFile-methodExport a standalone NGCHM to a file.
chmExportToHTML-methodExport a standalone HTML containing the NGCHM to a file.
chmExportToPDF-methodExport a PDF of the NGCHM to a file.
chmFieldAccessFunctionGet Javascript function name for accessing a specific string...
chmGetDataset-methodGet the dataset from an NG-CHM object
chmGetDeployServerConfigGet per-user configuration for a specific deploy Server.
chmGetFunctionGet a predefined Javascript function for use in NGCHM menus
chmGetOverviewGet the file path to the specified overview file.
chmGetProperty-methodGet Property from NG-CHM
chmGetTypeInfoGet information about a type name.
chmGetURL-methodGet the URL for an installed NGCHM.
chmHasProperty-methodDetermine if the NG-CHM has the given property.
chmInstall-methodAdd an NG-CHM to an NG-CHM collection.
chmLabelGet the label/name of an NG-CHM object.
chmLabel-setSet the label/name of an NG-CHM object
chmLayerGet a specified Data Layer from an NG-CHM.
chmLayer-setSet (or append) a specified Data Layer in an NG-CHM.
chmListFunctionsList the predefined Javascript functions available for use in...
chmListServersList NG-CHM Servers
chmListTypesList known axis types.
chmLoadCHM-methodLoad CHM from NG-CHM server
chmLoadShaidyCHMLoad an NG-CHM from an NG-CHM server.
chmMake-methodCompile a NGCHM.
chmMakePrivate-methodMake NG-CHM Private on Server
chmMakePublic-methodMake NG-CHM Public on Server
chmManagerOpen the NG-CHM Manager
chmName-methodGet the name of a NGCHM.
chmNewCreate a new NGCHM.
chmNewColorMapCreate a new Color Map for use in constructing a NGCHM
chmNewCovariateCreate a new Covariate for adding to an NGCHM auxilary...
chmNewCovariateBarCreate a new covariate Bar for a NGCHM
chmNewDataLayerCreate a new Data Layer for a NGCHM.
chmNewDatasetCreate a new Dataset for a NGCHM.
chmNewDialogCreate a new Dialog for a NGCHM.
chmNewFunctionCreate a new Javascript function for adding to a NGCHM menu.
chmNewPropertyCreate a new Property for adding to a NGCHM.
chmNewServerCreate a new object representing a NGCHM server.
chmOriginalColOrderReturn original column order of an NGCHM
chmOriginalRowOrderReturn original row order of an NGCHM
chmPropertiesCreate NG-CHM Properties
chmPropertyGet the value of an NG-CHM property.
chmProperty-setSet the value of an NG-CHM property.
chmRandomColOrderReturn random column order of an NGCHM
chmRandomRowOrderReturn random row order of an NGCHM
chmRegisterAxisFunctionRegister a predefined Javascript function for use in NGCHM...
chmRegisterFunctionRegister a predefined Javascript function for use in NGCHM...
chmRegisterGetMetadataFunctionDefine and register a Javascript function for obtaining a...
chmRegisterMatrixFunctionRegister a predefined Javascript function for use in NGCHM...
chmRegisterToolboxFunctionRegister a Javascript function for use in the NGCHM toolbox.
chmRegisterTypeRegister a type name.
chmRegisterTypeMapperRegister a predefined Javascript function for converting...
chmRegisterTypeSplitterDefine and register a Javascript function for converting a...
chmRowOrder-methodSet the row order of data shown in a NGCHM.
chmServerGet a registered ngchmServer object for use in making and...
chmSetCollectionSet the user's current server and/or collection
chmSetCredentials-methodSet Access Credentials for NG-CHM Server
chmSetDeployServerConfigSpecify per-user configuration for a specific deploy Server.
chmStringopFunctionGet Javascript function name for performing a specific string...
chmTreeGapsCreates new treeCuts object
chmUninstall-methodRemove an NG-CHM from Server
chmUrlBase-methodGet the base URL for a NGCHM installed on a NGCHM server.
chmWriteCustomJSOutput Javascript code required to customize an NGCHM.
getDimensions-methodGeneric method to get a dimensions matrix from obj.
gitHashObjectObtain the git hash of an existing file.
initLoggingInitialize Logging
ngchmAddDatasetBlobAdd a data file to a local shaidy repository
ngchmAddMatrixToCollectionAdd a matrix reference to a collection
ngchmAddObjectToCollectionAdd an object reference to a collection
ngchmAxis-classClass representing an axis of a Next Generation Clustered...
ngchmAxisFunction-classClass representing an axis function for Next Generation...
ngchmAxisType-classClass representing a type attached to an axis in a Next...
ngchmBar-classClass representing a Covariate Bar on a Next Generation...
ngchm-classClass representing a Next Generation Clustered Heat Map...
ngchmCollectionInCollectionRecursively determine if collection uuid is contained in...
ngchmCollectionTreeCreate a recursive description of a collection
ngchmColormap-classClass representing a Color Map on a Next Generation Clustered...
ngchmCovariate-classClass representing a Covariate attached to a Dataset
ngchmCreateServerProtocolCreate and register an NGCHM server protocol implementation.
ngchmCSS-classClass representing custom CSS for a Next Generation Clustered...
ngchmDataset-classClass representing a Dataset attached to a NGCHM
ngchmDialog-classClass representing an addon dialog
ngchmFindRepoFind a repository, if any, that contains the requested shaid
NGCHM-functionsJavascript extensions for the Next Generation Clustered Heat...
ngchmGetDataFileShaidCompute shaid for a data file
ngchmGetEnvGet the ngchm environment (for debugging only).
ngchmGetHandleHTTRGet a HTTR handle for the server's view/WS URL
ngchmGetLabelsGet the axis labels of a shaidy dataset or dendrogram
ngchmGetLabelsStrGet the axis labels of a shaidy dataset or dendrogram
ngchmGetProtoParamGet Protocol Parameter for NG-CHM Server
ngchmGetServerProtocolGet Server Protocol for NG-CHM
NGCHM-initializationInitialization of the NGCHM library.
ngchmInitShaidyRepositoryInitialize Shaidy Repository for NG-CHM
ngchmJS-classClass representing a custom Javascript function for a Next...
ngchmLayer-classClass representing a Layer on a Next Generation Clustered...
ngchmListServerProtocolsList defined server protocols
ngchmLoadDatasetBlobLoad a data matrix from a local shaidy repository
ngchmMakeFormat.originalMake an original format NGCHM.
ngchmMakeFormat.shaidyMake a shaidy format NGCHM.
ngchmMatrixFunction-classClass representing a matrix function for Next Generation...
ngchmMenuItem-classClass representing a Menu Item for a Next Generation...
ngchmMetaData-classClass representing meta data attached to an NG-CHM
ngchmNewBarCreate a new Classification Bar for a NGCHM
ngchmNewCollectionCreate a new collection in a local shaidy repository
ngchmOverview-classClass representing an overview of a Next Generation Clustered...
NGCHM-packageNext Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM) Construction...
ngchmProperty-classClass representing a Generic Property for a Next Generation...
ngchmProtoParamCheckCheck Protocol Parameters for NG-CHM
ngchmPushSourceRepositoryPush a local shaidy repository onto the stack of source...
ngchmPushSourceServerPush a shaidy server onto the stack of source repositories
ngchmPushTempRepositoryPush Temporary Repository for NG-CHM
ngchmRegisterServerRegister an ngchmServer.
ngchmRelated-classClass representing a link related to a NGCHM
ngchmRelatedGroup-classClass representing a group of related links to a NGCHM
ngchmRenderChmRender a shaidy NGCHM
ngchmResponseJSONReturn response content interpreted as JSON
ngchmRowCenterRow center a shaidy dataset
ngchmSaveAsDatasetBlobSave a numeric matrix as a blob in a shaidy repository
ngchmSaveAsDendrogramBlobSave a dendrogram as a blob in a shaidy repository
ngchmSaveChmAsBlobSave an NGCHM as a shaidy blob
ngchmServer-classClass representing a Next Generation Clustered Heat Map...
ngchmServerProtocol-classClass representing a deployment method for a Next Generation...
ngchmTemplate-classClass representing a Template attached to a NGCHM
ngchmTileDatasetGet the tiles for a shaidy dataset
ngchmTypeMapper-classClass representing a type mapper function for Next Generation...
ngchmUnregisterServerUnregister NG-CHM Server
ngchmValueProp-classClass representing the properties of a data point in a Next...
ngchmVersion2-classClass representing ngchmVersion2 object
optDendrogram-classOptional Dendrogram
plot.ngchmVersion2Open the NG-CHM on the specified server in the viewer.
print.ngchm.type.infoPretty Print NGCHM Type Information
print.shaidyRepoPrint a shaidy repository
shaid-classClass representing the shaid of an object
shaidyAddFileBlobAdd data file(s) and properties to a local shaidy repository
shaidyBlobExistsDetermine if one more blobs exist in a shaidy repository
shaidyCopyBlobCopy a blob from one repository to another
shaidyCreateProtoBlobCreate a prototype blob in a shaidy repository
shaidyFinalizeProtoBlobFinalize a prototype blob
shaidyFindRepoFind the first repository, if any, that contains the...
shaidyGetComponents-methodGet an object's component shaids
shaidyGetShaid-methodGet shaid for an object
shaidyHashProtoBlobCompute the shaid to assign a protoblob
shaidyInitRepositoryCreate and initialize Shaidy Repository
shaidyLoadProvenanceDBLoad the provid -> shaid DB for a local shaidy repository
shaidyLoadProvidDBLoad the provid -> labels DB for a local shaidy repository.
shaidyLoadRepositoryLoad a shaidy repository
shaidyNewCacheCreate in memory shaid cache
shaidyProvenanceCreate a provid from a list of label values
shaidyRepoAPIGet the methods for the repository API called api
treeCuts-classHelper class for setting row/col gap locations as tree cuts
verifyNumericHelper function to verify if variable is numeric.
MD-Anderson-Bioinformatics/NGCHM-R documentation built on April 1, 2024, 12:34 p.m.