
#' Number of Influenza-like illness cases per week
#' @format A list with both the number of cases and the total number of monitored people
#' \describe{
#'   \item{ili}{Matrix with total number of cases per week (row) and age group (column)}
#'   \item{total.monitored}{The number of people monitored over the same time/age group}
#' }

#' Number of confirmed positive samples per week
#' Generally only for a fraction of the Influenza-like illness cases an actual (blood) sample is taken to confirm whether/which strain the subject is infected with.
#' @format A list with both the number of positive samples and the total number samples taken
#' \describe{
#'   \item{positive}{Matrix with total number of positive samples per week (row) and age group (column)}
#'   \item{total.samples}{The total number of samples tested over the same time/age group}
#' }

#' Demography of the UK in 1999
#' @description A vector containing the number of people of a certain age in the UK. The first element
#' is people of age 0, second is age 1 etc.

#' MCMC Result produced by the inference function

#' DEPRECATED: MCMC Result produced by the inference function
#' @keywords internal

#' Polymod contact data for the UK
#' @format Data frame containing all polymod data for the UK
#' \describe{
#'    \item{Age}{Age of the subject}
#'    \item{Weekend}{Data taken in the weekend (1) or during the week (0)}
#'    \item{...}{Number of contacts with individuals from the age groups}
#' }

#' Data on the uptake rates of vaccination in the UK
#' @keywords internal

#' Vaccination uptake rate for the UK in 1999

#' Data on vaccine coverage during the 2007-08 season
MJomaba/flu-evidence-synthesis documentation built on April 26, 2022, 11:12 p.m.