
Defines functions multiSummary multiTree

Documented in multiSummary multiTree

#' @title Summary of significant tests
#' @description Provide a post-hoc summary of significant tests. See vignettes for further examples.
#' @param xy A list, whose first element corresponds to the matrix x as below, and
#' its second element corresponds to the matrix y as below.
#' if \code{xy} is not specified, \code{x} and \code{y} need to be assigned.
#' @param x A matrix, number of columns = dimension of random vector,
#' number of rows = number of observations.
#' @param y A matrix, number of columns = dimension of random vector,
#' number of rows = number of observations.
#' @param fit An object generated by \code{multiFit}.
#' @param alpha Numeric, only tests with adjusted \code{p}-values less than \code{alpha}
#' are presented in the output.
#' @param only.rk Positive integer vector. Show only tests that are ranked according to
#' \code{only.rk} and have adjusted \code{p}-value below \code{alpha}. If left as \code{NULL},
#' all tests with adjusted \code{p}-values less than \code{alpha}
#' are presented in the output.
#' @param use.pval String, choose between \code{"H"} (for Holm), \code{"Hcorrected"}
#' (for Holm on corrected \code{p}-values) or \code{"MH"} for modified Holm.
#' If left \code{NULL}, the order of preference is \code{"MH"}, \code{"Hcorrected"} and
#' then \code{"H"}, according to which is present in the object \code{fit}.
#' @param plot.tests Logical, plot the marginal scatter plots that are associated with
#' the presented significant tests.
#' @param pch Point style for plots. If left as \code{NULL}, a default combination of
#' crosses and bullets is applied.
#' @param rd Numeric, number of figures to round to when presenting ranges of variables.
#' @param plot.margin Logical, plot the marginal scatter plot of the margins that
#' are associated with each significant test, without highlighting which points
#' are conditioned on and are in the discretized 2x2 contingency table.
#' @return List whose elements are \code{significant.tests}, a data frame that summarizes
#' the main features of the tests and their overall ranking by \code{p}-value and
#' \code{original.scale.cuboids}, a list whose number of elements is equal to the number of
#' significant tests (the same number of rows of the data frame \code{significant.tests}). Each
#' element corresponds to a test and is a list whose elements are the marginal ranges of
#' the associated cuboid.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' n = 300
#' Dx = Dy = 2
#' x = matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=Dx)
#' y = matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=Dy)
#' x[,1] = rnorm(n)
#' x[,2] = runif(n)
#' y[,1] = rnorm(n)
#' y[,2] = sin(5*pi*x[,2]) + 1/5*rnorm(n)
#' fit = multiFit(x=x, y=y, verbose=TRUE)
#' w = multiSummary(x=x, y=y, fit=fit, alpha=0.0001)
#' @export
multiSummary = function(xy, x=NULL, y=NULL, fit, alpha=0.05, only.rk=NULL,
                        use.pval=NULL, plot.tests=TRUE, pch=NULL, rd=2, plot.margin=FALSE) {

  if (!missing(xy)) {

  if (is.vector(x)) x=matrix(x,ncol=1)
  if (is.vector(y)) y=matrix(y,ncol=1)
  Dx = ncol(x)
  Dy = ncol(y)

  a = attributes(pvs)$parameters

  if(Dx!=a$Dx | Dy!=a$Dy) { stop("Mismatch: dimensions of variables differ from p-values data frame dimensions.") }
  if(nrow(x)!=a$n | nrow(y)!=a$n) {
    stop("Mismatch: number of observations in variables differ from p-values data frame number of observations.")
  } else {
    n = a$n

  kx.header = paste0("kx.",1:Dx)
  ky.header = paste0("ky.",1:Dy)
  k.header = c(kx.header, ky.header)
  lx.header = paste0("lx.",1:Dx)
  ly.header = paste0("ly.",1:Dy)
  l.header = c(lx.header, ly.header)
  kl.header = c(k.header, l.header)

  all.cuboids = do.call(rbind, lapply(fit$all, `[[`, "cuboids"))
  all.cuboids = all.cuboids[!duplicated(all.cuboids[,kl.header]),]
  all.tables = do.call(rbind, lapply(fit$all, `[[`, "tables"))

  if (is.null(use.pval)) {
    if (is.null(a$p.adjust.methods) & !a$correct) { use.pval = "pv" }
    if (is.null(a$p.adjust.methods) & a$correct) { use.pval = "pv.correct" }
    if (!is.null(a$p.adjust.methods)) { use.pval = a$p.adjust.methods[length(a$p.adjust.methods)] }

  if (a$cutoff<alpha & (use.pval=="MH")) {
    warning("P-values greater than ",a$cutoff," were not adjusted, but the requested significance level is ",alpha,".")
  if (use.pval=="pv") {
    warning("Showing tests for which p-value is less than ",alpha,". However, individual p-values were not adjusted for multiple testing.")
  if (use.pval=="pv.correct") {
    warning("Showing tests for which corrected p-value is less than ",alpha,". However, individual p-values were not adjusted for multiple testing.")

  if (a$rank.transform) {
    x.tran=apply(x,2,function(x) ecdf(x)(x)-1/n)
    x.sort = apply(x,2,sort)
    e_cdf.x = apply(x, 2, function(x) { x.sort=sort(x);
    1:length(x.sort) / length(x.sort)})
    y.tran=apply(y,2,function(y) ecdf(y)(y)-1/n)
    e_cdf.y = apply(y, 2, function(y) { y.sort=sort(y);
    1:length(y.sort) / length(y.sort)})
    y.sort = apply(y,2,sort)
    invECDF.x = function(x.tr, col)
    { sapply(col,function(c, xt, xs, ex) {ifelse(xt[c]==1,max(xs[,c]), xs[which(as.numeric(ex[,c]) >= as.numeric(xt[c]+1/n))[1],c])},xt=x.tr, xs=x.sort, ex=e_cdf.x) }
    invECDF.y = function(y.tr, col)
    { sapply(col,function(c, yt, ys, ey) {ifelse(yt[c]==1,max(ys[,c]),ys[which(as.numeric(ey[,c]) >= as.numeric(yt[c]+1/n))[1],c])},yt=y.tr, ys=y.sort, ey=e_cdf.y) }
  if (!a$rank.transform) {
    scale01 = function(z){(1-10^(-7))*(z-min(z))/(max(z)-min(z))}
    x.tran = apply(x,2,scale01)
    y.tran = apply(y,2,scale01)
    min.max.x = rbind(apply(x, 2, min),apply(x, 2, max))
    invScale01.x=function(x.tr, col) {
      sapply(col, function(c, xt, mmx) {ifelse(as.numeric(xt[c])==1,as.numeric(mmx[2,c]),
                                               (as.numeric(mmx[2,c])-as.numeric(mmx[1,c]))*as.numeric(xt[c])/(1-10^(-7))+as.numeric(mmx[1,c]))},xt=x.tr, mmx=min.max.x) }
    min.max.y = rbind(apply(y, 2, min),apply(y, 2, max))
    invScale01.y=function(y.tr, col) {
      sapply(col, function(c, yt, mmy) {ifelse(as.numeric(yt[c])==1,as.numeric(mmy[2,c]),
                                               (as.numeric(mmy[2,c])-as.numeric(mmy[1,c]))*as.numeric(yt[c])/(1-10^(-7))+as.numeric(mmy[1,c]))},yt=y.tr, mmy=min.max.y) }

  significant.pvs.mask = (pvs[,use.pval]<alpha & !is.na(pvs$pv))
  if (sum(significant.pvs.mask)==0) { warning(paste0("No adjusted p-values are below ",alpha),
                                         call. = FALSE); return(NULL) }
  significant.pvs = pvs[significant.pvs.mask,use.pval]
  significant.tests = all.tables[significant.pvs.mask,,drop=FALSE]
  # if(!is.matrix(significant.tests)) significant.tests = matrix(significant.tests, nrow=1)
  significant.cuboids = NULL
  cuboids = NULL
  if (is.null(only.rk)) {
    only.rk = 1:nrow(significant.tests)
  } else {
    if (max(only.rk)>nrow(significant.tests)) only.rk = only.rk[only.rk<=nrow(significant.tests)]

  if(nrow(significant.tests)==0) {
    cat("\nThere are no tests with a p-value of less than ",alpha," (ordered from most- to less-significant).\n",sep="")
  } else {
    cat("\nThe following tests had a p-value of less than ",alpha,":\n",sep="")
    for (t in only.rk) {

      significant.cuboids = rbind(significant.cuboids, w)

      max.x.tran = ((2*w[lx.header]-0)*2^(-w[kx.header]-1))
      if (a$rank.transform) max.x = invECDF.x(max.x.tran, 1:Dx)
      if (!a$rank.transform) max.x = invScale01.x(max.x.tran, 1:Dx)
      min.x.tran = ((2*w[lx.header]-2)*2^(-w[kx.header]-1))
      if (a$rank.transform) min.x = invECDF.x(min.x.tran, 1:Dx)
      if (!a$rank.transform) min.x = invScale01.x(min.x.tran, 1:Dx)
      non.triv.idx.x = which(max.x.tran-min.x.tran<1)

      max.y.tran = ((2*w[ly.header]-0)*2^(-w[ky.header]-1))
      if (a$rank.transform) max.y = invECDF.y(max.y.tran, 1:Dy)
      if (!a$rank.transform) max.y = invScale01.y(max.y.tran, 1:Dy)
      min.y.tran = ((2*w[ly.header]-2)*2^(-w[ky.header]-1))
      if (a$rank.transform) min.y = invECDF.y(min.y.tran, 1:Dy)
      if (!a$rank.transform) min.y = invScale01.y(min.y.tran, 1:Dy)
      non.triv.idx.y = which(max.y.tran-min.y.tran<1)

      cuboid.x = lapply(1:Dx,
                        function(i) {
                          b = t(c(min.x[i], max.x[i]));
                          rownames(b)=i; colnames(b)=c("min","max"); b})
      names(cuboid.x) = paste0("x",1:Dx)
      cuboid.y = lapply(1:Dy,
                        function(j) {
                          b = t(c(min.y[j], max.y[j]));
                          rownames(b)=j; colnames(b)=c("min","max"); b})
      names(cuboid.y) = paste0("y",1:Dy)
      cuboid.add = list(c(cuboid.x, cuboid.y))
      names(cuboid.add) = t
      cuboids = c(cuboids, cuboid.add)

      cat("Ranked #",t,", Test ",s["test.idx"],": x",as.integer(s["i"])," and y",as.integer(s["j"]),sep="")
      if (length(non.triv.idx.x)>0 | length(non.triv.idx.y)>0) cat(" | ")
      cat(sapply(non.triv.idx.x,function(idx) paste0(round(cuboid.x[[idx]][,"min"],rd),"<=","x",idx,"<",round(cuboid.x[[idx]][,"max"],rd))),sep=", ")
      if (length(non.triv.idx.x)>0 & length(non.triv.idx.y)>0) cat(", ")
      cat(sapply(non.triv.idx.y,function(idx) paste0(round(cuboid.y[[idx]][,"min"],rd),"<=","y",idx,"<",round(cuboid.y[[idx]][,"max"],rd))),sep=", ")
      cat(" (p-value=",as.numeric(significant.pvs[order.p[t]]),")\n",sep="")

      if (plot.tests) {
        i=as.integer(s["i"]); j=as.integer(s["j"])
        kx=as.integer(w[kx.header]); lx=as.integer(w[lx.header])
        ky=as.integer(w[ky.header]); ly=as.integer(w[ly.header])
        xl = (lx-1)*2^(-kx)
        x.low = matrix(rep(xl, n), nrow=n, byrow=TRUE)
        xh = lx*2^(-kx)
        x.high = matrix(rep(xh, n), nrow=n, byrow=TRUE)
        x.mask = x.tran>=x.low & x.tran<x.high

        yl = (ly-1)*2^(-ky)
        y.low = matrix(rep(yl, n), nrow=n, byrow=TRUE)
        yh = ly*2^(-ky)
        y.high = matrix(rep(yh, n),nrow=n, byrow=TRUE)
        y.mask = y.tran>=y.low & y.tran<y.high

        mask = apply(x.mask, 1, all) & apply(y.mask, 1, all)

        x.loc = x[,i][mask]
        y.loc = y[,j][mask]

        xl.cond = (lx[-i]-1)*2^(-kx[-i])
        x.low.cond = matrix(rep(xl.cond, n), nrow=n, byrow=TRUE)
        xh.cond = lx[-i]*2^(-kx[-i])
        x.high.cond = matrix(rep(xh.cond, n), nrow=n, byrow=TRUE)
        x.mask.cond = x.tran[,-i]>=x.low.cond & x.tran[,-i]<x.high.cond

        yl.cond = (ly[-j]-1)*2^(-ky[-j])
        y.low.cond = matrix(rep(yl.cond, n), nrow=n, byrow=TRUE)
        yh.cond = ly[-j]*2^(-ky[-j])
        y.high.cond = matrix(rep(yh.cond, n),nrow=n, byrow=TRUE)
        y.mask.cond = y.tran[,-j]>=y.low.cond & y.tran[,-j]<y.high.cond

        mask.cond = apply(x.mask.cond, 1, all) & apply(y.mask.cond, 1, all)

        if (is.null(pch)) { pch0="x"; pch1=20 } else { pch0=pch1=pch }
        if (plot.margin) {
          plot(x[,i],y[,j], col="grey", pch=pch0, xlab=paste0("x",i),
               ylab=paste0("y",j), main="Margins")
        plot(x[,i],y[,j], col="grey", pch=pch0, xlab=paste0("x",i),
             ylab=paste0("y",j), main=paste0("Ranked #",t,": Test ",s["test.idx"]))
        points(x[,i][mask.cond], y[,j][mask.cond], col="orange", pch=pch1)
        points(x.loc, y.loc, col="red", pch=pch1)

        x.i.min = cuboids[[which(t==only.rk)]][[paste0("x",i)]][,"min"]
        x.i.max = cuboids[[which(t==only.rk)]][[paste0("x",i)]][,"max"]
        y.j.min = cuboids[[which(t==only.rk)]][[paste0("y",j)]][,"min"]
        y.j.max = cuboids[[which(t==only.rk)]][[paste0("y",j)]][,"max"]

        abline(v=x.i.min, col="blue",lty=2)
        abline(v=x.i.max, col="blue",lty=2)
        abline(h=y.j.min, col="blue",lty=2)
        abline(h=y.j.max, col="blue",lty=2)

        segments(x0=x.i.min,x1=x.i.max, y0=y.j.min,col="blue")
        segments(x0=x.i.min,x1=x.i.max, y0=(y.j.max+y.j.min)/2,col="blue")
        segments(x0=x.i.min,x1=x.i.max, y0=y.j.max,col="blue")
  s0 = matrix(only.rk,ncol=1)
  s1 = matrix(significant.tests[order.p[only.rk],], nrow=length(only.rk))
  s2 = significant.pvs[order.p[only.rk]]
  s3 = significant.cuboids[,kl.header]
  S = cbind(s0,s1,s2,s3)
  colnames(S)[1] = "overall.rank"
  colnames(S)[10] = use.pval
  rownames(S) = NULL
                        original.scale.cuboids = cuboids)))

# ==============================================================================
#' @title Plot tree structure of tests on 2x2 contingency tables
#' @description Plot a post-hoc tree of all tests or all significant tests on 2x2 discretized
#' contingency tables. See vignettes for examples.
#' @param xy A list (optional), whose first element corresponds to the matrix x as below, and
#' its second element corresponds to the matrix y as below.
#' if \code{xy} is not specified, \code{x} and \code{y} need to be assigned. If \code{xy},
#' \code{x} and \code{y} are missing or \code{NULL}, the tree nodes are blank. If
#' \code{xy} or \code{x} and \code{y} are provided, nodes are \code{png} images of the marginal
#' scatter plots that are associated with each test.
#' @param x A matrix (optional), number of columns = dimension of random vector,
#' number of rows = number of observations. If \code{xy},
#' \code{x} and \code{y} are missing or \code{NULL}, the tree nodes are blank. If
#' \code{xy} or \code{x} and \code{y} are provided, nodes are \code{png} images of the marginal
#' scatter plots that are associated with each test.
#' @param y A matrix (optional), number of columns = dimension of random vector,
#' number of rows = number of observations. If \code{xy},
#' \code{x} and \code{y} are missing or \code{NULL}, the tree nodes are blank. If
#' \code{xy} or \code{x} and \code{y} are provided, nodes are \code{png} images of the marginal
#' scatter plots that are associated with each test.
#' @param fit An object generated by \code{multiFit}.
#' @param show.all Logical. If \code{TRUE}, all tests are shown. If \code{FALSE}
#' only tests who were ranked in each resolution amongst the top \code{M} ranking tests
#' are shown. See \code{?multiFit} for an explanation about the parameter \code{M} and see
#' documentation for further information.
#' @param max.node.size Numeric. Maximal node size. All nodes are scaled between \code{min.node.size} and
#' \code{max.node.size}, where larger nodes are associated smaller \code{p}-values of the corresponding tests
#' on 2x2 contingency tables.
#' @param min.node.size Numeric. Minimal node size. All nodes are scaled between \code{min.node.size} and
#' \code{max.node.size}, where larger nodes are associated smaller \code{p}-values of the corresponding tests
#' on 2x2 contingency tables.
#' @param use.pval String, choose between \code{"H"} (for Holm), \code{"Hcorrected"}
#' (for Holm on corrected \code{p}-values) or \code{"MH"} for modified Holm.
#' If left \code{NULL}, the order of preference is \code{"MH"}, \code{"Hcorrected"} and
#' then \code{"H"}, according to which is present in the object \code{fit}.
#' @param images.path String, path to save \code{png} images of nodes to. If not
#' specified, images are saved to \code{tempdir()}.
#' @param node.name String, prefix for file names for nodes \code{png}s.
#' @param filename String, file name for tree output. If left \code{NULL}, file name
#' is prefixed by \code{multiTree} and ends with system time. See documentation of
#' \code{qgraph::qgraph} for further information.
#' @param filetype String, default is \code{pdf}, See documentation of
#' \code{qgraph::qgraph} for further information.
#' @return The main output of multiTree is a \code{pdf} file with the directed acyclic graph
#' showing tests as nodes.
#' @return In addition, the function returns a list. Its elements are:
#' \code{qgraph.object}, the graphical object generated by the \code{qgraph} function. See
#' the \code{qgraph} package documentation for further details.
#' \code{qgraph.call}, the call for the tree generating function. Arguments for
#' the call: \code{adj}, the adjacency matrix, \code{nodes.size}, a numeric vector with the
#' scaled sizes of the nodes, \code{images}, the file names of the nodes images (may be
#' \code{NULL}), \code{filename} as passed to \code{multiTree} and passed over to \code{qgraph},
#' and \code{filetype} as passed to \code{multiTree} and passed over to \code{qgraph}.
#' @return Other elements of the returned list are \code{pvs.attributes}, the attributes summarizing the
#' data and the tests performed as stored in \code{fit}, and \code{n.nodes}, the number of nodes.
#' @export
multiTree = function(xy, x=NULL, y=NULL, fit, show.all=FALSE,
                     max.node.size=5, min.node.size=2.5, use.pval=NULL,
                     images.path=NULL, node.name="node", filename=NULL,
                     filetype="pdf") {

  if (!requireNamespace("qgraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"qgraph\" is required.",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (!missing(xy)) {

  a = attributes(pvs)$parameters

  if (!is.null(x) & !is.null(y)) {
    if (is.vector(x)) x=matrix(x,ncol=1)
    if (is.vector(y)) y=matrix(y,ncol=1)
    Dx = ncol(x)
    Dy = ncol(y)

    if(Dx!=a$Dx | Dy!=a$Dy) { stop("Mismatch: dimensions of variables differ from p-values data frame dimensions.") }
    if(nrow(x)!=a$n | nrow(y)!=a$n) {
      stop("Mismatch: number of observations in variables differ from p-values data frame number of observations.")
    } else {
      n = a$n
  } else {
    n = a$n

  kx.header = paste0("kx.",1:Dx)
  ky.header = paste0("ky.",1:Dy)
  k.header = c(kx.header, ky.header)
  lx.header = paste0("lx.",1:Dx)
  ly.header = paste0("ly.",1:Dy)
  l.header = c(lx.header, ly.header)
  kl.header = c(k.header, l.header)

  all.cuboids = do.call(rbind, lapply(fit$all, `[[`, "cuboids"))
  all.tables = do.call(rbind, lapply(fit$all, `[[`, "tables"))

  if (is.null(use.pval)) {
    if (is.null(a$p.adjust.methods) & !a$correct) { use.pval = "pv" }
    if (is.null(a$p.adjust.methods) & a$correct) { use.pval = "pv.correct" }
    if (!is.null(a$p.adjust.methods)) { use.pval = a$p.adjust.methods[length(a$p.adjust.methods)] }

  tree.struct = NULL
  tree.struct = split(all.cuboids$child.of.test, all.cuboids$cuboid.idx)

  # suppressMessages(library(png))
  # suppressMessages(library(qgraph))

  if (!is.null(x) & !is.null(y)) {
    if (a$rank.transform) {
      x.tran=apply(x,2,function(x) ecdf(x)(x)-1/n)
      x.sort = apply(x,2,sort)
      e_cdf.x = apply(x, 2, function(x) { x.sort=sort(x);
      1:length(x.sort) / length(x.sort)})
      y.tran=apply(y,2,function(y) ecdf(y)(y)-1/n)
      e_cdf.y = apply(y, 2, function(y) { y.sort=sort(y);
      1:length(y.sort) / length(y.sort)})
      y.sort = apply(y,2,sort)
      invECDF.x = function(x.tr, col)
      { sapply(col,function(c, xt, xs, ex) {ifelse(xt[c]==1,max(xs[,c]), xs[which(as.numeric(ex[,c]) >= as.numeric(xt[c]+1/n))[1],c])},xt=x.tr, xs=x.sort, ex=e_cdf.x) }
      invECDF.y = function(y.tr, col)
      { sapply(col,function(c, yt, ys, ey) {ifelse(yt[c]==1,max(ys[,c]),ys[which(as.numeric(ey[,c]) >= as.numeric(yt[c]+1/n))[1],c])},yt=y.tr, ys=y.sort, ey=e_cdf.y) }
    if (!a$rank.transform) {
      scale01 = function(z){(1-10^(-7))*(z-min(z))/(max(z)-min(z))}
      x.tran = apply(x,2,scale01)
      y.tran = apply(y,2,scale01)
      min.max.x = rbind(apply(x, 2, min),apply(x, 2, max))
      invScale01.x=function(x.tr, col) {
        sapply(col, function(c, xt, mmx) {ifelse(as.numeric(xt[c])==1,as.numeric(mmx[2,c]),
                                                 (as.numeric(mmx[2,c])-as.numeric(mmx[1,c]))*as.numeric(xt[c])/(1-10^(-7))+as.numeric(mmx[1,c]))},xt=x.tr, mmx=min.max.x) }
      min.max.y = rbind(apply(y, 2, min),apply(y, 2, max))
      invScale01.y=function(y.tr, col) {
        sapply(col, function(c, yt, mmy) {ifelse(as.numeric(yt[c])==1,as.numeric(mmy[2,c]),
                                                 (as.numeric(mmy[2,c])-as.numeric(mmy[1,c]))*as.numeric(yt[c])/(1-10^(-7))+as.numeric(mmy[1,c]))},yt=y.tr, mmy=min.max.y) }

  # Add network notation:
  if (!show.all) {
    ranked.tests = do.call(c, lapply(fit$all, `[[`, "rank.tests"))
  } else {
    ranked.tests = rep(TRUE,sum(!is.na(pvs$pv)))
  nodes = all.tables[!is.na(pvs$pv), "test.idx"][ranked.tests]
  n.nodes = length(nodes)
  # Initialize adjacency matrix
  adj = matrix(FALSE, nrow=n.nodes, ncol=n.nodes)
  colnames(adj) = rownames(adj) = nodes

  # Fill it!
  for (s in 1:n.nodes) {
    w = as.character(all.tables[all.tables[,"test.idx"]==nodes[s],"cuboid.idx"])
    if (w>1) {
      adj[as.character(tree.struct[[w]]),as.character(nodes[s])] = TRUE

  # If data is given, plot the nodes, each png in low quality:
  if (!is.null(x) & !is.null(y)) {
    if (!requireNamespace("png", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Package \"png\" is required.",
           call. = FALSE)
    if (is.null(images.path)) images.path = tempdir()
    W = all.cuboids[!duplicated(all.cuboids$cuboid.idx),]
    rownames(W) = W$cuboid.idx
    rownames(all.tables) = all.tables[,"test.idx"]
    for (m in 1:n.nodes) {
      w = as.character(all.tables[as.character(nodes[m]),"cuboid.idx"])
      kx = unlist(W[w,kx.header])
      ky = unlist(W[w,ky.header])
      lx = unlist(W[w,lx.header])
      ly = unlist(W[w,ly.header])
      i = all.tables[nodes[m],"i"]
      j = all.tables[nodes[m],"j"]

      xl.cond = (lx[-i]-1)*2^(-kx[-i])
      x.low.cond = matrix(rep(xl.cond, n), nrow=n, byrow=TRUE)
      xh.cond = lx[-i]*2^(-kx[-i])
      x.high.cond = matrix(rep(xh.cond, n), nrow=n, byrow=TRUE)
      x.mask.cond = x.tran[,-i]>=x.low.cond & x.tran[,-i]<x.high.cond

      yl.cond = (ly[-j]-1)*2^(-ky[-j])
      y.low.cond = matrix(rep(yl.cond, n), nrow=n, byrow=TRUE)
      yh.cond = ly[-j]*2^(-ky[-j])
      y.high.cond = matrix(rep(yh.cond, n),nrow=n, byrow=TRUE)
      y.mask.cond = y.tran[,-j]>=y.low.cond & y.tran[,-j]<y.high.cond

      mask.cond = apply(x.mask.cond, 1, all) & apply(y.mask.cond, 1, all)

      xl = (lx[i]-1)*2^(-kx[i])
      xh = lx[i]*2^(-kx[i])
      x.mask = x.tran[,i]>=xl & x.tran[,i]<xh

      yl = (ly[j]-1)*2^(-ky[j])
      yh = ly[j]*2^(-ky[j])
      y.mask = y.tran[,j]>=yl & y.tran[,j]<yh

      mask = as.logical(x.mask*y.mask*mask.cond)

      x.loc = x[,i][mask]
      y.loc = y[,j][mask]

      png(file.path(images.path, paste0(node.name, m,".png")), width=80, height=60)

      plot(x[,i],y[,j], col="grey", pch=".", xlab=NA, ylab=NA, xaxt='n', yaxt='n')
      mtext(side=1, text=paste("x",i,sep=""), line=0.1, cex=0.7)
      mtext(side=2, text=paste("y",j,sep=""), line=0.1, cex=0.7)
      points(x[,i][mask.cond], y[,j][mask.cond], col="orange", pch=".")
      points(x.loc, y.loc, col="red", pch=".")

      max.x.tran = ((2*lx-0)*2^(-kx-1))
      if (a$rank.transform) max.x = invECDF.x(max.x.tran, 1:Dx)
      if (!a$rank.transform) max.x = invScale01.x(max.x.tran, 1:Dx)
      min.x.tran = ((2*lx-2)*2^(-kx-1))
      if (a$rank.transform) min.x = invECDF.x(min.x.tran, 1:Dx)
      if (!a$rank.transform) min.x = invScale01.x(min.x.tran, 1:Dx)

      max.y.tran = ((2*ly-0)*2^(-ky-1))
      if (a$rank.transform) max.y = invECDF.y(max.y.tran, 1:Dy)
      if (!a$rank.transform) max.y = invScale01.y(max.y.tran, 1:Dy)
      min.y.tran = ((2*ly-2)*2^(-ky-1))
      if (a$rank.transform) min.y = invECDF.y(min.y.tran, 1:Dy)
      if (!a$rank.transform) min.y = invScale01.y(min.y.tran, 1:Dy)

      x.i.min = min.x[i]
      x.i.max = max.x[i]
      y.j.min = min.y[j]
      y.j.max = max.y[j]

      abline(v=x.i.min, col="blue",lty=2)
      abline(v=x.i.max, col="blue",lty=2)
      abline(h=y.j.min, col="blue",lty=2)
      abline(h=y.j.max, col="blue",lty=2)

      segments(x0=x.i.min,x1=x.i.max, y0=y.j.min,col="blue")
      segments(x0=x.i.min,x1=x.i.max, y0=(y.j.max+y.j.min)/2,col="blue")
      segments(x0=x.i.min,x1=x.i.max, y0=y.j.max,col="blue")

    images = paste0(images.path,"/node",1:n.nodes,".png")

  nodes.pvs = pvs[!is.na(pvs$pv), use.pval][ranked.tests]
  nodes.size = 1.5*(log(-log(nodes.pvs)+1)+.6)
  if (max(nodes.size)>max.node.size) nodes.size = max.node.size*nodes.size/max(nodes.size)
  if (max(nodes.size)!=min(nodes.size)) {
    nodes.size = min.node.size+(max.node.size-min.node.size)*(nodes.size-min(nodes.size))/(max(nodes.size)-min(nodes.size))

  if(is.null(filename)) filename=paste0("multiTree_",format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"))
  if(is.null(filetype)) filetype = "pdf"

  qg = qgraph::qgraph(input=adj, images=images, shape='square', vTrans=200, vsize=nodes.size,
                      border.width = 0, label.cex=.6, filename=filename, filetype=filetype)

  return(invisible(list(qgraph.object=qg, qgraph.call="qgraph(input=adj, images=images, shape='square', vTrans=200, vsize=nodes.size, border.width=0, label.cex=.6, filename=filename, filetype=filetype)",
                        adj=adj, n.nodes = n.nodes, nodes.pvs=nodes.pvs, nodes.size=nodes.size,
                        images=images, pvs.attributes=a, filename=filename, filetype=filetype)))
MaStatLab/MultiFit documentation built on Jan. 11, 2020, 5:11 p.m.