######################### SPATIALLY AGGREGATE ##############################
#' Spatially aggregate a Field
#' Spatially aggragte all gridcells of a Field (or a data.table assuming it has columns "Lon" and "Lat").
#' Can use area-weighting to take into account the different areas of gridcells (even though they are constant in Lon, Lat)
#' @param x Field (or data.table) to be averaged
#' @param method The method with which to spatially aggregate. Can be "weighted.mean", "w.mean", "mean",
#' "weighted.sum", "w.sum", "sum", "mode", "median", "max", "min", "sd", "var" and "cv" (= coefficient of variation: sd/mean).
#' @param verbose If TRUE give some progress update about the averaging.
#' @param ... Extra arguments passed to addArea function if a weighted method is being used. Note in particular the lon_centres and lat_centres arguments
#' if you are using a regular but sparsely populated grid.
#' @return A Field or data.table depending on the input object
#' @keywords internal
#' @import data.table
#' @author Matthew Forrest \email{matthew.forrest@@senckenberg.de}
aggregateSpatial.uncompiled <- function(x,
method = "mean",
verbose = FALSE,
# Messy solution to stop "notes" about undeclared global variables stemming from data.table syntax
Year = Lat = Lon = Area = NULL
method <- match.arg(method, c("weighted.mean", "w.mean", "mean", "weighted.sum", "w.sum", "sum", "median", "mode", "max", "min", "sd", "var", "cv"))
method.function <- switch(method,
weighted.mean = stats::weighted.mean,
w.mean = stats::weighted.mean,
mean = mean,
weighted.sum = sum,
w.sum = sum,
sum = sum,
mode = stats_mode,
median = stats::median,
max = max,
min = min,
sd = stats::sd,
var = stats::var,
cv = function(x) {stats::sd(x)/mean(x)})
if(method == "weighted.mean") method = "w.mean"
if(method == "weighted.sum") method = "w.sum"
# sort out the input object class
if(is.Field(x)) {input.dt <- x@data}
else if(is.data.table(x)) {input.dt <- x}
# get the 'by' colums (these are basically the time dimensions if present)
# check to see if Year is still a colmun name (it might have been averaged away)
# Check the 'by' dims
by.dims <- c()
avail.dims <- getDimInfo(x)
for(possible.dim in list("Year","Season","Month","Day")){
if(possible.dim %in% avail.dims) by.dims <- append(by.dims, possible.dim)
# Do the aggregating
if (method == "w.mean") {
if (!any(colnames(input.dt)=="Area")) {
if (verbose) message("Add column area.")
input.dt <- addArea(input.dt, verbose = verbose, ...)
if(verbose) message(paste("Spatially averaging (with area weighting) ...", sep = ""))
output.dt <- input.dt[,lapply(.SD, method.function, w=Area), by=by.dims]
else if (method == "w.sum") {
if (!any(colnames(input.dt)=="Area")) {
if (verbose) message("Add column area.")
input.dt <- addArea(input.dt, verbose = verbose, ...)
if(verbose) message(paste("Spatially summing (with area weighting) ...", sep = ""))
# get all column names, remove the spatial and temporal and return
remove <- c("Lon", "Lat", "Year", "Month", "Day", "Area")
col.names <- names(input.dt)
col.names <- col.names[!col.names %in% remove]
# check to see if Year is still a column name (it might have been averaged away)
input.dt[, (col.names) := lapply(.SD, function(x) x * input.dt[['Area']] ), .SDcols = col.names]
output.dt <- input.dt[, lapply(.SD, method.function), by=by.dims]
# if not weighted
else {
if(verbose) message(paste("Spatially aggregating with function ", method," and no area-weighting ...", sep = ""))
output.dt <- input.dt[,lapply(.SD, method.function), by=by.dims]
# remove the Lon and Lat columns 'cos they dun' make so much sense no mo'
if(verbose) message("Aggregated")
# Delete the full dataset to free up memory - necessary??
# Set keys and return the averaged table
# sort out the input object class
if(is.Field(x)) {
x@data <- output.dt
x@spatial.aggregate.method <- method
if(method == "cv") x@quant@units = "fraction"
if(method == "var") x@quant@units = paste0("(", x@quant@units, ")^2")
x@id <- makeFieldID(source = x@source,
quant.string = x@quant@id,
sta.info = as(x, "STAInfo"))
else if(is.data.table(x)) {return(output.dt)}
#' Spatially aggregate a Field
#' Spatially aggregate all gridcells of a Field (or a data.table assuming it has columns "Lon" and "Lat"). Can use a variety of aggregation methods,
#' see argument `method`
#' @inheritParams aggregateSpatial.uncompiled
#' @return A Field or data.table depending on the input object
#' @export
#' @import compiler
#' @author Matthew Forrest \email{matthew.forrest@@senckenberg.de}
#' @details For summing variables which are defined on a per \eqn{m^2} use the method = "w.sum" (or "weighted.sum) to scale from \eqn{m^-2} to gridcell
#' totals before adding (gridcell area calculated by addArea() function). For averaging, use method = "w.mean" (or "weighted.mean") to weight by the
#' gridcell area.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Get an example Field
#' africa.dir <- system.file("extdata", "LPJ-GUESS_Runs", "CentralAfrica", package = "DGVMTools")
#' africa.Source <- defineSource(name = "LPJ-GUESS", dir = africa.dir, format = GUESS)
#' field <- getField(source = africa.Source, quant = "cmass")
#' # calculate mean over gridcells and look at the resulting data table
#' spatial.mean <- aggregateSpatial(x = field, method = "mean", verbose = TRUE)
#' print(spatial.mean@data)
#' # do weighted.sum and look at the resulting data table
#' spatial.wsum <- aggregateSpatial(x = field, method = "w.sum", verbose = TRUE)
#' print(spatial.wsum@data)
#' # plot the weight and unweighted sums as a time series
#' # (also modify ylab to be more meaningful)
#' p <- plotTemporal(list(spatial.wsum))
#' p <- p + ylab("Vegetation Carbon Mass (kgC)")
#' print(p)
#' }
aggregateSpatial <- compiler::cmpfun(aggregateSpatial.uncompiled)
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