
Defines functions plotTemporalComparison

Documented in plotTemporalComparison



#' Plot a comparison between two Temporal layers
#' This function is for plotting maps from \code{\linkS4class{Comparison}} objects (or a list of those Comparisons).  Three types of comparisons plots are supported: 'difference' - 
#' a difference map; "values" - the absolute values plotted in panels and "percentage.difference" - the percentage differences.  
#' @param comparisons The data to plot, must be a \code{\linkS4class{Comparison}} or a list of Comparisons
#' @param type A character specifying what type of plot to make. Can be "difference" (default, for a difference plot), "
#' percentage.difference", "values" (actual values, side-by-side).
#' @param limits A numeric vector with two members (lower and upper limit) to limit the plotted values.
#' @param symmetric.scale If plotting a differences, make the scale symmetric around zero (default is TRUE)
#' @param percentage.difference.limit If percentage difference to be plotted, what to limit the scale to.  Default is 300.
#' @param do.phase Logical, only applies to plotting Comparison objects of type "seasonal".
#' @param plot.zero.line Logical, if TRUE (default) plot a black line at y=0 in difference plots to better guide the eye for 
#' If TRUE plot the the seasonal phase, if FALSE (the default), plot the seasonal concentration.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to \code{\link{plotTemporal}}
#' @details  A wrapper for around \code{\link{plotTemporal}} to plot the temporal Comparisons as maps.  Extra arguments to \code{\link{plotTemporal}} can also be specified. 
#' @return Returns a ggplot object
#' @author Matthew Forrest \email{matthew.forrest@@senckenberg.de}
#' @import ggplot2 data.table
#' @export 
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotTemporal}},  \code{\link{compareLayers}}

plotTemporalComparison <- function(comparisons,
                                  type = c("difference", "percentage.difference", "values", "nme"),
                                  limits = NULL,
                                  symmetric.scale = TRUE,
                                  percentage.difference.limit = 300,
                                  do.phase = FALSE,
                                  plot.zero.line = TRUE,
  Source = Value = Lat = Lon = Layer = long = lat = group = NULL
  Day = Month = Year = Season = NULL
  Difference = Percentage.Difference = NULL
  # sort type argument
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if(!missing(limits)) symmetric.scale <- FALSE
  ### 1. COMPARISONS - check the input Comparison objects (and if it is a single Comparison put it into a one-item list)
  comparisons <- santiseComparisonsForPlotting(comparisons)
  if(is.null(comparisons)) return(NULL)
  ### 2. DIMENSIONS - check the dimensions (require that all fields the same dimensions and that they include 'Lon' and 'Lat' )
  dim.names <- santiseDimensionsForPlotting(comparisons, require = c("Year"))
  if(is.null(dim.names)) return(NULL)
  # dim names not used later
  ### 3. LAYERS AND FIELDS - the layers to plot are defined by the plot type, here build appropriate Field objects
  if(type == "difference" || type == "percentage.difference") {
    # convert the Comparisons into a Fields  for plotting 
    objects.to.plot <- list()
    max.for.scale <- 0
    for(object in comparisons){ 
      # special case for seasonal comparisons, the layers are actually called "SeasonalConcentration" and "SeasonalPhase"
      if(object@type == "seasonal") {
          object@layers1 <- c("Seasonal Phase")
          object@layers2 <- c("Seasonal Phase")
          object@quant1@units <- "\u0394month"
          object@quant2@units <- "\u0394month"
        else {
          object@layers1 <- c("Seasonal Concentration")
          object@layers2 <- c("Seasonal Concentration")
          object@quant1@units <- "\u0394concentration"
          object@quant2@units <- "\u0394concentration"
      # first make a list of the layers that we expect to be present in the data.table, based on the meta-data in the Comparison object
      layers.names <- names(object)
      expected.layers.1 <- paste(object@layers1, makeFieldID(source = object@source1, quant.string = object@quant1@id, sta.info = object@sta.info1), sep = ".")
      expected.layers.2 <- paste(object@layers2, makeFieldID(source = object@source2, quant.string = object@quant2@id, sta.info = object@sta.info2), sep = ".")
      # check the layers
      for(this.layer in expected.layers.1) if(!this.layer %in% layers.names) stop(paste("Layer", this.layer, "expected in Comparison object but not found"))
      for(this.layer in expected.layers.2) if(!this.layer %in% layers.names) stop(paste("Layer", this.layer, "expected in Comparison object but not found"))
      # adjust the source ids if they are identical 
      if(object@source1@id == object@source2@id) {
        # include the first and last years if they are not the same
        if((object@sta.info1@first.year != object@sta.info2@first.year) && (object@sta.info1@last.year != object@sta.info2@last.year)){
          object@source1@name <- paste0(object@source1@name, " (", object@sta.info1@first.year, "-", object@sta.info1@last.year, ")")
          object@source2@name <- paste0(object@source2@name, " (", object@sta.info2@first.year, "-", object@sta.info2@last.year, ")")
      # calculate the difference layers
      temp.dt <- object@data
      layers.to.plot <- c()
      for(layer.counter in 1:length(expected.layers.1)) {
        difference.column.name <- paste()
        if(object@type == "categorical")  {
          difference.column.name <- paste("Difference", object@layers1[layer.counter])
          layers.to.plot <- append(layers.to.plot, difference.column.name)
          temp.dt[, c(difference.column.name) := as.character(get(expected.layers.1[layer.counter])) == as.character(get(expected.layers.2[layer.counter]))]
        else {
          difference.column.name <- paste("Difference", object@layers1[layer.counter])
          layers.to.plot <- append(layers.to.plot, difference.column.name)
          if(object@type == "seasonal" & do.phase) {
            temp.dt[,c(difference.column.name) := get(expected.layers.1[layer.counter]) - get(expected.layers.2[layer.counter])]
            temp.dt[,c(difference.column.name) := ifelse(get(difference.column.name) < 6, get(difference.column.name) + 12, get(difference.column.name))]
            temp.dt[,c(difference.column.name) := ifelse(get(difference.column.name) > 6, get(difference.column.name) - 12, get(difference.column.name))]
          else {
            temp.dt[,c(difference.column.name) := get(expected.layers.1[layer.counter]) - get(expected.layers.2[layer.counter])]
      if(type == "difference") {
        layer.to.plot <- "Difference"
      else {
        layer.to.plot <- "Percentage.Difference"       
        temp.dt[ , Percentage.Difference := Difference %/0% get(layers.names[2]) * 100 ]
      object@data <- temp.dt
      new.object <- selectLayers(object, layers.to.plot)
      new.field <- new("Field",
                       id = object@id,
                       data = new.object@data,
                       quant = object@quant1,
                       source = object@source1,
                       commonSTAInfo(list(object@sta.info1, object@sta.info2)))
      new.field@source@name <- object@name
      if(object@type == "continuous") new.field@source@id <- paste(object@source1@id, object@source2@id, sep ="-")
      objects.to.plot[[length(objects.to.plot)+1]] <- new.field
      # get max value for making the scale symmetric
      if(symmetric.scale && missing(limits)) {
        for(this.layer in layers.to.plot)  max.for.scale <- max(max.for.scale, max(abs(object@data[[this.layer]])))
    # set a symmetric scale (so zero always white/centre colour)
    if(symmetric.scale) limits <- c(-max.for.scale, max.for.scale)

    the.plot <- plotTemporal(objects.to.plot,
                            y.lim = limits,
                            y.label = paste0("Difference ", objects.to.plot[[1]]@quant@name, " (", objects.to.plot[[1]]@quant@units, ")"),
    if(plot.zero.line) the.plot <- the.plot + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", colour = "black")
  ### VALUES 
  else if(type == "values") {
    # convert the Comparisons into Fields for plotting 
    objects.to.plot <- list()
    layers.to.plot <- c()
    for(object in comparisons){ 
      # special case for seasonal comparisons, the layers are actually called "SeasonalConcentration" and "SeasonalPhase"
      if(object@type == "seasonal") {
          object@layers1 <- c("Seasonal Phase")
          object@layers2 <- c("Seasonal Phase")
          object@quant1@units <- "month"
          object@quant2@units <- "month"
          if(missing(limits)) limits <- c(1,12)
        else {
          object@layers1 <- c("Seasonal Concentration")
          object@layers2 <- c("Seasonal Concentration")
          object@quant1@units <- "concentration"
          object@quant2@units <- "concentration"
          if(missing(limits)) limits <- c(0,1)
      # first make a list of the layers that we expect to be present in the data.table, based on the meta-data in the Comparison object
      layers.names <- names(object)
      expected.layers.1 <- paste(object@layers1, makeFieldID(source = object@source1, quant.string = object@quant1@id, sta.info = object@sta.info1), sep = ".")
      expected.layers.2 <- paste(object@layers2, makeFieldID(source = object@source2, quant.string = object@quant2@id, sta.info = object@sta.info2), sep = ".")
      # check the layers
      for(this.layer in expected.layers.1) if(!this.layer %in% layers.names) stop(paste("Layer", this.layer, "expected in Comparison object but not found"))
      for(this.layer in expected.layers.2) if(!this.layer %in% layers.names) stop(paste("Layer", this.layer, "expected in Comparison object but not found"))
      # adjust the source ids if they are identical 
      if(object@source1@id == object@source2@id) {
        # include the first and last years if they are not the same
        if((object@sta.info1@first.year != object@sta.info2@first.year) && (object@sta.info1@last.year != object@sta.info2@last.year)){
          object@source1@name <- paste0(object@source1@name, " (", object@sta.info1@first.year, "-", object@sta.info1@last.year, ")")
          object@source2@name <- paste0(object@source2@name, " (", object@sta.info2@first.year, "-", object@sta.info2@last.year, ")")
      # SECOND INFO - putting this first because this is the 'base' dataset ("one minus two" convention)
      new.dt <- object@data[, append(getDimInfo(object), expected.layers.2), with=FALSE]
      #setnames(new.dt, names(new.dt)[length(names(new.dt))], object@quant2@id )
      setnames(new.dt, expected.layers.2, object@layers2)
      layers.to.plot <- append(layers.to.plot, object@layers2)
      objects.to.plot[[length(objects.to.plot)+1]] <- new("Field",
                                                          id = object@id,
                                                          data = new.dt,
                                                          quant = object@quant2,
                                                          source = object@source2,
      # FIRST INFO
      new.dt <- object@data[, append(getDimInfo(object), expected.layers.1), with=FALSE]
      #setnames(new.dt, names(new.dt)[length(names(new.dt))], object@quant1@id )
      setnames(new.dt, expected.layers.1, object@layers1 )
      layers.to.plot <- append(layers.to.plot, object@layers1)
      objects.to.plot[[length(objects.to.plot)+1]] <- new("Field",
                                                          id = object@id,
                                                          data = new.dt,
                                                          quant = object@quant1,
                                                          source = object@source1,
                       layers =  unique(layers.to.plot),
                       y.lim = limits,
MagicForrest/DGVMTools documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 8:05 a.m.