
Defines functions selectGridcells

Documented in selectGridcells

#' Select gridcells  
#' Select gridcells from a Field (or a data.table or a data.frame) using either gridcell coordinates or polgyons (from, for example, a shapefile).
#' @param x The Field, data.table or data.frame from which the gridcells should be selected.  Note that a data.table or data.frame 
#' should have columns "Lon" and "Lat" included.
#' @param gridcells The gridcells to be extracted.  These can be specified as one of the following:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{A simple two-element numeric to pull out one gridcell (ordering is lon, lat)} 
#'  \item{A data.frame or data.table in which the first two columns are assumed to be longitude and latitude.}
#'  \item{An sf:sf object.  By default points will be selected that lie under a polygon (feature), but see the argument \code{cover.threshold} to 
#'  select based on an overlap threshold.  Note also that is very easy to get sf objects representing countries from the rnaturalearth package,
#'  which, in combination with this function, provides a very easy way to subset by country.}
#' }
#' @param spatial.extent.id A character string to describe the gridcells selected.  When selecting gridcells from a Field you *must* specify 
#' a \code{spatial.extent.id} for meta-data consistency (you have free choice here, but avoid spaces).
#' @param tolerance A single numeric specifying how close a required gridcell in gridcells must be to one in \code{x}.  
#' Doesn't currently work, non-exact matching is not implemented!  Contact the author if this is a critical feature for you.
#' @param decimal.places A single numeric specifying how many decimal place to which the coordinates should rounded to facilitate a match.  
#' If not specified not rounding is done.
#' @param cover.threshold An optional numeric specifying what fraction of the gridcell must be covered by a feature in the case the \code{gricells} argument 
#' is a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.  Note that is done using the \code{getCover} argument of \code{raster::rasterize()} which is only sensitive to about 1\% cover. 
#' fractions 
#' @param ... Further arguments.  Currently not used.
#' @return A Field, data.frame or data.table depending on the class of the main input x.
#' @author Matthew Forrest \email{matthew.forrest@@senckenberg.de}
#' @export

selectGridcells <- function(x, gridcells, spatial.extent.id = NULL, tolerance = NULL, decimal.places = NULL, cover.threshold = NULL, ...) {
  Lon = Lat = Dummy = SLM = layer_OBJECTID = NULL
  # deal with the class of x,
  isDataTable <- FALSE
  isDataFrame <- FALSE
  if(is.data.table(x)) {
    isDataTable <- TRUE
    dt <- x
  if(is.data.frame(x)) {
    isDataFrame <- TRUE
    dt <- data.table(x)
  else if(is.Field(x)) {
    if(missing(spatial.extent.id)) stop("When selecting gridcells from a DGVMTools object, please provide a spatial.extent.id when cropping a DGVMTools object to maintain meta-data integrity.")
    dt <- x@data
  else {
    stop(paste("Can't extract gridcells from object of type", class(x)[1], "using getGridcells()", sep = " "))
  # check that dt has both Lon and Lat columns
  all.dim.names <- getDimInfo(dt)
  if(!("Lon" %in% all.dim.names && "Lat" %in% all.dim.names)) stop("Argument x to function selectGridcells doesn't seem to have both Lon and Lat info")
  ### check class of gridcells and proceed accordingly
  # if numeric
      selection.dt <- as.data.table(list("Lon" = gridcells[1], "Lat" = gridcells[2]))
    else {
      stop("Got a numeric vector but it doesn't have two elements (ie first longitude/x then latitude/y), so I don't know to handle this to I am aborting.")
  # if it is an sf
  else if("sf" %in% class(gridcells)) {
    # first make a SpatRast from the input object so that so that we can rasterise the sf object
    all.dims <- getDimInfo(x= dt, info = "full")
    all.unique.lonlats <- unique(all.dims[, c("Lon","Lat")])
    all.unique.lonlats[, Dummy := 1]
    x_grid <- terra::rast(all.unique.lonlats)
    # rasterise the sf to a SpatRast (with cover fraction if requested)
    cover_arg <- TRUE
    if(is.null(cover.threshold)) {
      cover_arg <- FALSE
      cover.threshold <- 0
    gridcells_spatrast <- terra::rasterize(gridcells, x_grid, cover = cover_arg)
    # convert back to a data.table to produce the selection.dt
    gridcells_dt <- as.data.table(terra::as.data.frame(gridcells_spatrast, xy = TRUE))
    selection.dt <- gridcells_dt[layer >= cover.threshold,][, c("x", "y")]
    setnames(selection.dt, c("Lon", "Lat"))

  # else if it is a data.table or data.frame
  else if(!(is.data.table(gridcells) || is.data.frame(gridcells))) {
    stop(paste("Arguments 'gridcells' not of correct type in call to getGridcells(), it should be a 'data.table', 'data.frame', 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame' or a two-element numeric vector (Lon, Lat), got ", class(gridcells)[1], sep = " "))
  else {
    if(ncol(gridcells) < 2) {
      stop("Argument 'gridcells' has insufficent columns, needs to be two (first lon/x, the lat/y)")
    else {
      # first warn if not exactly two columns
      if(ncol(gridcells) > 2){
        warning(paste0("Argument 'gridcells' has too many columns (",ncol(gridcells), ")", "should be two (first lon/x, the lat/y). Assuming these are the firt two and tentatively proceeding"))
      if(!is.data.table(gridcells)) { selection.dt <- as.data.table(copy(gridcells))[,c(1,2)] }
      else  { selection.dt <- copy(gridcells)[,c(1,2)] }
      setnames(selection.dt, c("Lon","Lat"))
  if(!missing(decimal.places) && !is.null(decimal.places)){
    dt[,Lon := round(Lon, decimal.places)]
    dt[,Lat := round(Lat, decimal.places)]
    selection.dt[,Lon := round(Lon, decimal.places)]
    selection.dt[,Lat := round(Lat, decimal.places)]
  ####### MATCHING: consider two cases: exact matching or matching within a tolerance
  # CASE 1: Exact matching
  if(missing(tolerance) || is.null(tolerance) || tolerance == 0.0) {
    final.dt <- dt[selection.dt, on = c(Lon = "Lon", Lat = "Lat"), nomatch=0]
  # CASE 2: Inexact matching - much less efficient
  else if(is.numeric(tolerance) && length(tolerance) == 1) {
    stop("tolerance argument not implemented yet in selectGridcell(), sorry...")
    #final.dt <- dt[abs(dt[["Lon"]] - lon) < tolerance & abs(dt[["Lat"]]- lat) < tolerence,]
  # OTHERWISE: badly specified tolerance
  else {
    stop("Poorly formed 'tolerance' parameter in getGridcells(), should just simply be a single numeric (or NULL or left missing).")
  final.dt <- setKeyDGVM(final.dt)
  ####### RETURN
  if(isDataTable) {
  if(isDataFrame) {
    x@data <- final.dt
    x@spatial.extent.id <- spatial.extent.id
    x@spatial.extent <- gridcells
    x@id <- makeFieldID(source = x@source,
                        quant.string = x@quant@id, 
                        sta.info = as(x, "STAInfo"))
MagicForrest/DGVMTools documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 8:05 a.m.