
Defines functions mp_rmps

#' Relative measure of party size (RMPS)
#' Computes the relative measure of party size as suggested by 
#' Giebler/Lacewell/Regel/Werner 2015.
#' Hint: In a dataset with multiple elections the usage of the function
#' might require to calculate the measure per election (eg. using group_by)
#' @references Giebler, Heiko, Onawa Promise Lacewell, Sven Regel and Annika Werner. 2015. 
#' Niedergang oder Wandel? Parteitypen und die Krise der repraesentativen Demokratie. 
#' In Steckt die Demokratie in der Krise?, ed. Wolfgang Merkel, 181-219. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
#' @param data a numerical vector with vote shares
#' @param adapt_zeros a boolean to switch on the conversion of zero values to 0.01 
#' to avoid issues concerning division by zero
#' @param ignore_na a boolean to switch on ignoring NA entries, otherwise having NA entries
#' will lead to only NA values in the result
#' @param threshold_sum the threshold of the sum of all vote shares for allowing the calculation
#' @return a vector of rmps values
#' @export
mp_rmps <- function(data, adapt_zeros = TRUE, ignore_na = TRUE, threshold_sum = 75) {
  if (sum(data, na.rm = TRUE) < threshold_sum) return(rep_len(NA, length(data)))
  if (length(data) == 1) { if (is.na(data)) return(NA) else return(1) }
  data <- data %>%
    data_frame(data = .) %>% 
    { if (adapt_zeros) mutate(., data = if_else(data == 0, 0.001, data)) else . } %>%
    mutate(id = row_number())
  data %>%
    select(-data) %>%
    mutate(id_2 = id) %>%
    expand.grid(.) %>%
    left_join(data %>% rename(data = data), by = "id") %>%
    left_join(data %>% rename(data_2 = data) %>% rename(id_2 = id), by = "id_2") %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
      summarise(score = if (all(is.na(data))) { NA_real_ } else { sum(data/data_2, na.rm = ignore_na) - 1 }) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate(score = score/sum(score, na.rm = ignore_na)) %>%

#' Programmatic clarity measures (PC)
#' Computes party clarity measures suggested by 
#' Giebler/Lacewell/Regel/Werner 2015. 
#' @references Giebler, Heiko, Onawa Promise Lacewell, Sven Regel and Annika Werner. 2015. 
#' Niedergang oder Wandel? Parteitypen und die Krise der repraesentativen Demokratie. 
#' In Steckt die Demokratie in der Krise?, ed. Wolfgang Merkel, 181-219. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
#' @param data a dataframe in format of Manifesto Project Main Dataset
#' @param weighting_kind manifesto or election-specific weighting of the dimensions
#' @param weighting_source name of variable with party importance (likely its importance within an election) weighting (can be rmps, pervote)
#' @param auto_rescale_weight rescale party importance weighting within elections to 0-1
#' @param auto_rescale_variables rescale dimension variables to 0-1
#' @param dimensions dimensions to be used, must be in the format of the return value of \code{\link{clarity_dimensions}}
#' @return a vector of clarity values
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases setNames
#' @export
mp_clarity <- function(data,
                       weighting_kind = "manifesto",
                       weighting_source = NULL,
                       auto_rescale_weight = TRUE,
                       auto_rescale_variables = TRUE,
                       dimensions = clarity_dimensions()) {
  # check validity of weighting value or make weigthing to be true/false dummies
  if (weighting_kind == "party") {
    stop(paste("Weighting kind", weighting_kind, 
               "not implemented! It used to refer to the implementation of the \"manifesto\"-based weighting"))
  if (weighting_kind == "country") {
    stop(paste("Weighting kind", weighting_kind, 
               "not implemented! It used to refer to a wrong implementation of the election-based weighting 
               (the correct implementation is now accessible via \"election\")"))
  if (!(weighting_kind %in% c("manifesto", "election"))) {
    stop(paste("Weighting kind", weighting_kind, 
               "not implemented!"))
  if (weighting_kind == "manifesto" && !(is.null(weighting_source))) {
    stop(paste("Weighting source", weighting_source, 
               "must not be set if weighting kind is manifesto"))
  if (nrow(data) == 0) return(c())
  if (is.null(weighting_source)) auto_rescale_weight = FALSE
  dimension_categories = dimensions %>% unlist() %>% unique()
  data <- data %>%
    select_(.dots = c("country", "edate", weighting_source, dimension_categories))
  case_complete = complete.cases(data)
  data <- data %>%
    .[which(case_complete), ] %>%
    { if (auto_rescale_weight)
        group_by(., country, edate) %>%
          mutate_at(., weighting_source, funs(./sum(.))) %>%
        . } %>%
    { if (auto_rescale_variables) {
        mutate(., tmp_mp_clarity_sum = rowSums(select_(., .dots = dimension_categories))) %>%
        mutate_at(dimension_categories, funs(if_else(tmp_mp_clarity_sum == 0, 0, ./tmp_mp_clarity_sum))) %>%
      else {
  result = dimensions %>%
    lapply(function(dimension) {
      score_dim <- abs(scale_bipolar(data,
                                     pos = dimension$pole_1,
                                     neg = dimension$pole_2))
      sal_dim <- scale_weighted(data, unlist(dimension), weights = 1)
      if (weighting_kind == "election") {
        data$sal_dim <- sal_dim
        weight <- data %>%
          group_by(country, edate) %>%
            mutate_(.dots = setNames(paste("sum(", weighting_source, " * sal_dim)"), "weight")) %>%
          ungroup() %>%

        return(if_else(sal_dim == 0, 0, score_dim / sal_dim * weight))
      } else {
    }) %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%

  rep_len(NA, length(case_complete)) %>%
    { .[which(case_complete)] <- result; . } 

ManifestoProject/manifestoR documentation built on May 7, 2019, 2:25 p.m.