
Defines functions FitConv summary.FDPmodel FitStats calcWeights

Documented in FitConv FitStats summary.FDPmodel

# Helper functions for fitting models to FDP datasets
# Marco Visser, Gamboa, Panama, February 2014

#' Fit and Converge a list of Jags models
#' \code{FitConv} - runs a Jags model, or list of models,
#' and checks for convergence using gelman stats. It then
#' returns a list of MCMC samples, a jags model and DIC values.
#' @param JAGSdata A pre-prepared jags data object
#' @param modellist A vector containing the location and names
#' of the jags model files. These files should be read in R,
#' as a modelstring. These files must also generate a vector of
#' model parameter names to be returned (in a object called interestlist)
#' @param gelmanthr Gelman threshold values to except fit
#' @param StepIt what is the standard number of MCMC samples to
#' take before checking for convergence?
#' @param MaxIt What is the maximum number of MCMC samples
#' @param FinalSampleLength How many posterior sample do you need
#' when the model is returned?
#' @param hlist Use this when you have a list of higher parameters
#' that should converge first
#' before convergence of lower parameters (in interestlist) should be
#' checked.
#' @paaram nattemps If model fails to converge at MaxIt, then this
#' set the number of attempts at which the model will be restarted
#' (with new initial values).
#' @param ... additional parameters to be passed to \code{jags.model}
#' @author Marco D. Visser
#' @export
FitConv <- function(JAGSdata=NULL,modellist=NULL,gelmanthr=1.05,
                    StepIt=1000, MaxIt=1e4, FinalSampleLength=500,
                    hlist=NULL,nattemps=2,...) {
  if(is.null(JAGSdata)) {stop("JAGSdata is null, supply data?")}
  if(is.null(modellist)) {stop("modellist is null, supply model(s)?")}
  if(round(MaxIt-StepIt)<=0) {print("MaxIt is too small, changing to
                                     2 x StepIt")
                              MaxIt <-  2 * StepIt

  ## Number of candidate models?
  Ncandidates <- length(modellist)

  tempmodelsamples <-  vector("list",Ncandidates)
  tempmodelfitstats <-  vector("list",Ncandidates)
  tempmodels <- vector("list",Ncandidates)
  GelmanStat <- vector("list",Ncandidates)

    for(j in 1:Ncandidates){
                                          #Load Baysesian models
    attemp<- 1
           model <- jags.model(data=JAGSdata,file
                               = textConnection(modelstring)
    gelman <- data.frame(mpsrf=gelmanthr+1)
    CurIt <- StepIt

    while(gelman$mpsrf>=gelmanthr) {
    codasamp <- coda.samples(model,hlist,StepIt)
    ##Smaller list for saving
    gelman <- gelman.diag(codasamp)
    CurIt <- CurIt + StepIt
    print(paste("Hyper parameters - gelman statistic:", gelman$mpsrf))
    if(CurIt>=MaxIt) {break}
  } else {message("hlist only has one parameter, 
                   skipping convergence check")}


    while(gelman$mpsrf>=gelmanthr) {
    codasamp <- coda.samples(model,interestlist,StepIt)
                                        #Smaller list for saving
    gelman <- tryCatch(gelman.diag(codasamp),error=function(e) NULL)
      print("gelman.diag failed - switched to multivariate = false")
      gelman  <-  gelman.diag(codasamp,multivariate=FALSE)
      gelman$mpsrf <- mean(gelman$psrf)
    CurIt <- CurIt + StepIt
    print(paste("Gelman statistic:", gelman$mpsrf))
    if(CurIt>=MaxIt&attemp>nattemps) {break}
        print("--- Giving up on model and restarting ---")
           model <- jags.model(data=JAGSdata,file
                               = textConnection(modelstring)
           CurIt <- StepIt
    attemp <- attemp+1
    } else {
        message("interestlist only has one parameter, 
                   skipping convergence check")
        gelman <- -2
    codasamp <- coda.samples(model,interestlist,FinalSampleLength)
    tempmodelsamples[[j]] <- codasamp
    tempmodelfitstats[[j]] <- DIC
        tempmodels[[j]] <- model
        GelmanStat[[j]] <- gelman
  FDPtoolsfitlist <- list(tempmodels,tempmodelsamples,
                          tempmodelfitstats,modellist,"Gelman Diag."=GelmanStat)
  class(FDPtoolsfitlist) <- c(class(FDPtoolsfitlist),"FDPmodel")


#' Summarize models and fitstatistics 
#' \code{summary.FDPmodel} - summarizes of a list of
#' previously fit models returned by \code{FitConv}
#' @param modelfit A list of FDPmodel objects returned by FitConv
#' (e.g. FitConv run on multiple species)
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @author Marco D. Visser
#' @export
summary.FDPmodel <- function(modelfit,...) {
    stop("modelfit is not of the FDPmodel class")
  if(class(modelfit[[3]][[1]])!='dic') {
    stop("modelfit of unexpected format")
  DICs <- as.numeric(sapply(modelfit[[3]],
                 function(X)  sum(na.omit(X$deviance+X$penalty))))

  bestmod <-  which(DICs==min(DICs))
  secondbest <- which(DICs==sort(DICs)[2])
  DeltaDic <-  DICs - DICs[bestmod]
  data.frame(DICs) -> DICs
    DICs <- cbind(DICs,Delta=DeltaDic,models=modelfit[[4]])
    gelman <- modelfit[[5]][[bestmod]]
  ##Summarize results (alpha + upper lower CI) per species


#' Calculate fit statistics 
#' \code{FitStats} - Calculates various fit statistics, including
#' Delta AIC/DIC/BIC values from a set of stats, AIC weighst and ...
#' list to grow.
#' @param fitvalues a list of AIC, DIC or BIC values
#' @param stat do you wish to calculate 'delta' values, 'weights' or ...
#' list to grow.
#' when the model is returned?
#' @param ... additional parameters to be passed to \code{jags.model}
#' @author Marco D. Visser
#' @export
FitStats <- function(fitvalues,stat='delta'){

  deltas <- fitvalues - sort(fitvalues)[1]
  if(stat=='delta') return(deltas)
  weights <- exp(-.5*deltas)/sum(exp(-.5*deltas))
  if(stat=='weights') return(weights)

#' Calculate model weights
#' Summarize models, fitstatistics and get model weighst
#' based on DIC statistics. 
#' \code{FDPmodel} - summarizes of a list of
#' previously fit models returned by \code{FitConv} and calculates
#' weights.
#' @param modelfit A list of FDPmodel objects returned by FitConv
#' (e.g. FitConv run on multiple species)
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @author Marco D. Visser
#' @export
calcWeights <- function(modelfit,...) {
    stop("modelfit is not of the FDPmodel class")
  if(class(modelfit[[3]][[1]])!='dic') {
    stop("modelfit of unexpected format")
  DICs <- as.numeric(sapply(modelfit[[3]],
                 function(X)  sum(na.omit(X$deviance+X$penalty))))

  bestmod <-  which(DICs==min(DICs))
  secondbest <- which(DICs==sort(DICs)[2])
  DeltaDic <-  DICs - DICs[bestmod]
  weights <- exp(-.5*DeltaDic)/sum(exp(-.5*DeltaDic))
  data.frame(DICs) -> DICs
  DICs <- cbind(DICs,Delta=DeltaDic,W=weights,models=modelfit[[4]])
MarcoDVisser/FDPtools documentation built on May 7, 2019, 2:49 p.m.