Man pages for MargaretBaker/plantGlycoMS
A package for processing plant glycosylation MS data

calculateIonsA function to calculate Y-ions
compileDataA function to compile data for the 'data' argument in...
defaultIonsA function to define default ion values
find_PepPlusA function to calculate the Y0-ions
find_Y0NH3A function to calculate the neutral loss of ammonia from a...
find_Y1A function to calculate the Y1-ions
find_Y1CaA function to calculate the neutral loss of a carbamidomethyl...
find_Y1FA function to calculate the Y1- plus fucose ion
find_Y1MoxA function to calculate the neutral loss of methane sulfenic...
find_Y2A function to calculate the Y2-ion
find_Y2FA function to calculate the Y2- plus fucose ion
find_Y3A function to calculate the Y3-ion
find_Y3FA function to calculate the Y3- plus fucose ion
find_Y3FXA function to calculate the Y3- plus fucose and xylose ion
find_Y3XA function to calculate the Y3 plus xylose-ion
glycoChainSawA function to modify a chainsaw in silico digest
glycoChainSawHRPA function to modify a chainsaw in silico digest that is like...
glycoChangeA function to change N to n for predicted glycosylation sites
glycoRQA function to estimate relative abunance of glycoforms
gPSMvalidatorA function to validate and annotate plant...
gPSMvalidatorMaxisA function to validate and annotate plant...
peakplot02A function to plot MS data
peakplot06A function to plot MS data
pGlycoFilterA function to validate a glycan composition prediction
PreferredDeltaMassesA function to add the glycosylation motif for a MyriMatch...
psm02A function to match peptides to spectra
psm06A function to match peptides to spectra
Read.GlycoModA function to import GlycoMod data
Read.GlycoMod.maxisA function to import GlycoMod data from maxis results
Read.IDPdbA function to import IDPicker results
Read.IDPdb.maxisA function to import IDPicker results from maxis data
Read.MS2DataA function to import MS2 binary data generated with msaccess...
Read.RQA function to import RQ data
Read.RQinputA function to make the RQ input table
Read.SICDataA function to import SIC data
retentionTimeTableA function to make a retention time table
rt.restrictA function to filter gPSMs by retention time
spectrumTableA function to calculate monoisotopic precursor mass
MargaretBaker/plantGlycoMS documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:56 p.m.