
#' Description of the function
#' @param  response a vector response variable
#' @param  regressors a quantitative matrix of regressor
#' @param  group a vector with two levels. (The group of the ANCOVA)
#' @param  a the parameters that indicate how much the coefficients will be fused
#' @param  lambda if the user wants to use it owns values of lambdas
#' @return The coefficients of the fused lasso ANCOVA for the different value of lambda
#' @examples
#' B <- c(1, -1, 1.5, 1.5, rep(0, 6), 2, 0, 2, 0)
#'group <- c(rep('M1', 10), rep('M2', 10))
#'regressors <- matrix(rnorm(6*20), ncol = 6)
#'X  <- model.matrix(~group + group:regressors - 1)
#'y <- X%*%B + rnorm(20)
#'y <- scale(y)
#'mod <- fl2(y, regressors, group)
#'colors <- c(rep("grey",2), rep('green',2),rep('black', 6), rep(c("orange","blue"), 2), 'darkgreen', rep('yellow',3), rep('purple',2))
#'matplot(mod$lambda ,t(mod$beta),type='l',col=colors)
#' @import R6 Matrix gglasso tidyverse glmnet stabs magrittr viridis stringr FusedLasso rsample
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
mod_fused <-  R6::R6Class("mod_fused",
  inherit = VariSel,
  public = list(
  group = NULL,
  graphe = NULL,
  estime = function( lambda = NULL,
    ratio = 1e-3, nlambda2 = 100){
    self$mod <-  private$tb %>%
       Lambda = lambda,
       Model = map2(Data, Lambda,
        ~fused_lasso(X = private$x, response = .x, G = self$graphe,
          lambda2 = .y$lambda2, lambda1  = .y$lambda1,
          ratio = ratio, nlambda2 = nlambda2)
    }   else{
      self$mod <-  private$tb %>%
        mutate(Model = map(Data,
                 ~fused_lasso(X = private$x, response = .x, G = self$graphe,
                  ratio = ratio, nlambda2 = nlambda2)

    self$res <- self$mod  %>%
      mutate( Beta = map(Model, function(mod){
          a <- mod$beta
          rownames(a) <- colnames(private$x)
        Intercept = map(Model, ~.$Intercept),
        # Lambda1 = map(Model, ~.$lambda1),
        # Lambda2 = map(Model, ~.$lambda2),
        Lambda = map(Model, ~ list(lambda1 = .$lambda1,
                                   lambda2 = .$lambda2)),
        Df = map(Beta, ~.x %>%
          as.matrix() %>%
          as.data.frame() %>%
          mutate(group = self$group) %>%
          group_by(group) %>%
          summarise_all(sum) %>%
          summarise_all(~sum(. != 0)) %>%
  get_coef = function(){
    self$coef  <- self$res %>%
      mutate(Beta = map(Beta, ~as.data.frame(t(as.matrix(.))) %>%
                          rowid_to_column(var = "num_lambda")),
             Lambda = map(Lambda, ~as.tibble(.))) %>%
      select(Lambda, Beta, Trait) %>%
      unnest(Lambda, Beta) %>%
      gather(-Trait, -lambda1, -lambda2, -num_lambda, key = Marker, value = value) %>%
      filter(value != 0) %>%
      arrange(num_lambda) %>%
      rename(Lambda = lambda1)
    if (!self$univ) {
      self$coef <-  self$coef %>% select(-Trait) %>%
        separate(Marker, sep = self$sepy, into = c("Trait", "Marker"))
    self$coef <- self$coef %>%
      separate(Marker, sep =self$sepx, into = c ("Reg", "group"))


#' Description of the function
#' @export
mod_fused_univ <-R6::R6Class("mod_fused_univ", inherit = mod_fused,
  private = list(r = NULL),
  public  = list(
    initialize = function(x, y, sepx = "\\."){
      super$initialize(x, y, sepx = sepx)
      self$group <- get_group(private$name_x, sep = sepx)
      self$graphe <- getGraphe(self$group)

#' Description of the function
#' @export
mod_fused_multi <-R6::R6Class("mod_fused_multi", inherit = mod_fused,
  private = list(r = NULL),
  public  = list(
    initialize = function(x, y,  Sigma_12inv = diag(1, ncol(as.data.frame(y))),
                          univ = FALSE, sepx = "\\."){
      super$initialize(x, y, univ = univ, Sigma_12inv = Sigma_12inv, sepx = sepx)

#' Description of the function
#' @export
mod_fused_multi_both <-R6::R6Class("mod_fused_multi_both",
  inherit = mod_fused_multi,
  public = list(
    initialize = function(x, y, univ = FALSE,
                          Sigma_12inv = diag(1, ncol(as.data.frame(y))), sepx = "\\."){
      super$initialize(x, y, univ = FALSE, Sigma_12inv = Sigma_12inv, sepx = sepx)
      self$group <- get_group_both(private$name_x, sep = sepx, r = private$r)
      self$graphe <- getGraphe(self$group)

#' Description of the function
#' @export
mod_fused_multi_regr <-R6::R6Class("mod_fused_multi_regr",
  inherit = mod_fused_multi,
  public = list(
    initialize = function(x, y, univ = FALSE,
                          Sigma_12inv = diag(1, ncol(as.data.frame(y))), sepx = ";"){
      super$initialize(x, y, univ = FALSE, Sigma_12inv = Sigma_12inv, sepx = sepx)
      self$group <- get_group_marker(private$name_x, sep =sepx, r = private$r)
      self$graphe <- getGraphe(self$group)
Marie-PerrotDockes/VariSel documentation built on May 7, 2020, 1:09 a.m.