
# Maximum likelihood estimates
# Finding the minimum neg LL

# When I'm optimizing multiple parameters
# I'm using multiple sets of starting values
# to be sure to get the global minimum and a local minimum.
# I'm also using the data to find appropriate starting values.

# Because we are assuming that the TA is independent of the SL
# we can minimise the neg LL of each element seperately
# for the BW, CRW, TBW, TCRW, LW, TLW.
# Not for the CCRWs because the probability of being in each
# behaviour depends on both the TA and the SL.


mnllCCRW <- function(SL, TA, TA_C, missL, notMisLoc, SLmin, tol=5e-5){

	# Setting starting values
	# lI & lE
  # row 1:  starting value of lI based on the 1st (shortest) quantile of SL-SLmin
  #         and lE on the 3rd (longuest) quantile of SL-SLmin
  # row 2:  starting value of lI and lE are based on the median SL-SLmin
	l0 <- matrix(1/quantile((SL-SLmin), c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.50)),ncol=2)
	nL <- length(l0[,1])

	# According to Zucchini and MacDonald 2009,
	# starting values for the transition probability matrix should be symmetric (gII=gEE).
	# So for highest value we use symetric probability.
  # Although the probability of remaining in the intensive behavior should always be
  # high those of the extensive behavior can be low. So we explore low probability values.
	g0 <- c(0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9)
	nA <- length(g0)

	# Because we use symetric transition probabilty matrices, 
	# the stationary distribution of the behaviours are 0.5.
	# Therefore k0 can be based on the 0.5 quantile
	TA_T <- TA_C[TA>quantile(TA, 0.25) & TA<quantile(TA, 0.75)]
	k0 <- mle.vonmises(TA_T, mu=circular(0))$kappa
	par0 <- cbind(rep(g0,each=nL),rep(g0,each=nL),rep(l0[,1],nA),rep(l0[,2],nA),k0)

	# Creating a matrix that will save the minimiztion results
	mnll <- matrix(NA, ncol=9, nrow=nrow(par0))
	colnames(mnll) <- c("gII", "gEE", "lI", "lE", "kE", "dI", "dE", "a", "mnll")
  mnll[,'a'] <- SLmin

	D_0 <- c(0.5,0.5) # First true states
	gamm <- function(x){
		matrix(c(x[1],(1-x[1]),(1-x[2]),x[2]), byrow=TRUE, nrow=2)

	for (i in 1:nrow(par0)){
		mnllRes <- tryCatch(emHMM(SL,TA,missL,SLmin,
			error=function(e) list('gamma'=NA,'lambda'=NA,
		mnll[i,1:2] <- mnllRes$gamma[c(1,4)]
		mnll[i,3:4] <- mnllRes$lambda
		mnll[i,5] <- mnllRes$kapp
		mnll[i,6:7] <- mnllRes$delta
		mnll[i,'mnll'] <- mnllRes$mllk


	mnll <- mnll[which.min(mnll[,'mnll']),]

	if (length(mnll)==0){ # In case no minimization was able to get good values
		mleCCRW <-rep(NA,13)
		names(mleCCRW) <- c("gII", "gEE", "lI", "lE", "kE",
			"dI", "dE", "a", "mnll", "I*","E*", "AIC", "AICc")

		# For the comparison purposes and for fitting to observed data
		# I'm estimating the stationary distribution of the HMM
		e_R <- eigen(t(gamm(mnll[1:2]))) # Get the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
		delta <- e_R$vectors[,1] # To get the dominant eigen vector
		delta <- delta/(sum(delta)) # Normalised dominant eigen vector
		names(delta) <- c("I*","E*")

    # According to Burnham and Anderson (2002)
    # AIC = 2*nll +2*k
    # AICc = AIC + 2*k*(k+1)/(n-K-1)
		# Number of parameters estimated, k=7:
    #     2 lambdas + 1 delta + 2 trans prob + 1 kappa + SLmin
    AICCCRW <- matrix(NA, ncol=2)
		names(AICCCRW) <- c("AIC", "AICc")
		AICCCRW[,1] <- 14 + 2*mnll["mnll"]
		AICCCRW[,2] <- AICCCRW[,1] + 112/(length(SL)-8)
		mleCCRW <- c(mnll, delta, AICCCRW)

# Using direct numerical minimization (instead of EM-algorithm)
mnllCCRWdn <- function(SL, TA, TA_C, missL, SLmin){
  # Setting starting values
  # lI & lE
  # row 1:  starting value of lI based on the 1st (shortest) quantile of SL-SLmin
  #         and lE on the 3rd (longuest) quantile of SL-SLmin
  # row 2:  starting value of lI and lE are based on the median SL-SLmin
  l0 <- matrix(1/quantile((SL-SLmin), c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.50)),ncol=2)
  nL <- length(l0[,1])
  # According to Zucchini and MacDonald 2009,
  # starting values for the transition probability matrix should be symmetric (gII=gEE).
  # So for highest value we use symetric probability.
  # Although the probability of remaining in the intensive behavior should always be
  # high those of the extensive behavior can be low. So we explore low probability values.
  g0 <- c(0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9)
  nA <- length(g0)
  # Because we use symetric transition probabilty matrices, 
  # the stationary distribution of the behaviours are 0.5.
  # Therefore k0 can be based on the 0.5 quantile
  TA_T <- TA_C[TA>quantile(TA, 0.25) & TA<quantile(TA, 0.75)]
  k0 <- mle.vonmises(TA_T, mu=circular(0))$kappa
  par0 <- cbind(rep(g0,each=nL),rep(g0,each=nL),rep(l0[,1],nA),rep(l0[,2],nA),k0)
  # Creating a matrix that will save the minimiztion results
  mnll <- matrix(NA, ncol=7, nrow=nrow(par0))
  colnames(mnll) <- c("gII", "gEE", "lI", "lE", "kE", "a", "mnll")
  mnll[,'a'] <- SLmin
  for (i in 1:nrow(par0)){
    mnllRes <- tryCatch(optim(transParCCRWdn(par0[i,]),nllCCRWdn,SL=SL,TA=TA, parF=list(SLmin=min(SL),missL=missL)),
                        error=function(e) list(par=rep(NA,5),'value'=NA))
    mnll[i,1:2] <- plogis(mnllRes$par[1:2])
    mnll[i,3:4] <- .Machine$double.xmin + exp(mnllRes$par[3:4])
    mnll[i,5] <- exp(mnllRes$par[5])
    mnll[i,'mnll'] <- mnllRes$value
  mnll <- mnll[which.min(mnll[,'mnll']),]
  gamm <- function(x){
    matrix(c(x[1],(1-x[1]),(1-x[2]),x[2]), byrow=TRUE, nrow=2)
  if (length(mnll)==0){ # In case no minimization was able to get good values
    mleCCRW <- rep(NA,11)
    names(mleCCRW) <- c("gII", "gEE", "lI", "lE", "kE",
                        "a", "mnll", "I*","E*", "AIC", "AICc")
    # For the comparison purposes and for fitting to observed data
    # I'm estimating the stationary distribution of the HMM
    e_R <- eigen(t(gamm(mnll[1:2]))) # Get the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
    delta <- e_R$vectors[,1] # To get the dominant eigen vector
    delta <- delta/(sum(delta)) # Normalised dominant eigen vector
    names(delta) <- c("I*","E*")
    # According to Burnham and Anderson (2002)
    # AIC = 2*nll +2*k
    # AICc = AIC + 2*k*(k+1)/(n-K-1)
    # Number of parameters estimated (1 less because no delta, using stationary distribution), k=6:
    #     2 lambdas + 2 trans prob + 1 kappa + SLmin
    AICCCRW <- matrix(NA, ncol=2)
    names(AICCCRW) <- c("AIC", "AICc")
    AICCCRW[,1] <- 12 + 2*mnll["mnll"]
    AICCCRW[,2] <- AICCCRW[,1] + 84/(length(SL)-7)
    mleCCRW <- c(mnll, delta, AICCCRW)

# Using direct numerical minimization (instead of EM-algorithm)
mnllCCRWww <- function(SL, TA, TA_C, missL){
  # Setting starting values
  # scI & scE
  # based on the smallest quantiles
  sc0 <- matrix(quantile(SL, c(0.15, 0.25, 0.85, 0.75)),ncol=2)
  nL <- length(sc0[,1])
  # Shape paremeter equivalent to exponentional
  sh0 <- rep(1,2)
  # According to Zucchini and MacDonald 2009,
  # starting values for the transition probability matrix should be symmetric (gII=gEE).
  # So for highest value we use symetric probability.
  # Although the probability of remaining in the intensive behavior should always be
  # high those of the extensive behavior can be low. So we explore low probability values.
  g0 <- c(0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9)
  nA <- length(g0)
  # Because we use symetric transition probabilty matrices, 
  # the stationary distribution of the behaviours are 0.5.
  # Therefore k0 can be based on the 0.5 quantile
  TA_T <- TA_C[TA>quantile(TA, 0.25) & TA<quantile(TA, 0.75)]
  r0 <- max(mle.wrappedcauchy(TA_T, mu=circular(0))$rho,1e-20)
  par0 <- cbind(rep(g0,each=nL), rep(g0,each=nL),
                rep(sc0[,1],nA), rep(sc0[,2],nA),
  # Creating a matrix that will save the minimiztion results
  mnll <- matrix(NA, ncol=8, nrow=nrow(par0))
  colnames(mnll) <- c("gII", "gEE", "scI", "scE", "shI", "shE", "rE", "mnll")
  for (i in 1:nrow(par0)){
    mnllRes <- tryCatch(optim(transParCCRWww(par0[i,]),nllCCRWww,SL=SL,TA=TA, parF=list(missL=missL)),
                        error=function(e) list(par=rep(NA,7),'value'=NA))
    mnll[i,1:2] <- plogis(mnllRes$par[1:2])
    mnll[i,3:6] <- .Machine$double.xmin + exp(mnllRes$par[3:6])
    mnll[i,7] <- plogis(mnllRes$par[7])
    mnll[i,'mnll'] <- mnllRes$value
  mnll <- mnll[which.min(mnll[,'mnll']),]
  gamm <- function(x){
    matrix(c(x[1],(1-x[1]),(1-x[2]),x[2]), byrow=TRUE, nrow=2)
  if (length(mnll)==0){ # In case no minimization was able to get good values
    mleCCRW <- rep(NA,12)
    names(mleCCRW) <- c("gII", "gEE", "scI", "scE", "shI", "shE", "rE", "mnll", "I*","E*", "AIC", "AICc")
    # For the comparison purposes and for fitting to observed data
    # I'm estimating the stationary distribution of the HMM
    stdist <- function(gg){
      e_R <- eigen(t(gamm(gg))) # Get the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
      delta <- e_R$vectors[,1] # To get the dominant eigen vector
      delta <- delta/(sum(delta)) # Normalised dominant eigen vector
      names(delta) <- c("I*","E*")
    delta <- stdist(mnll[1:2]) # Get the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
    # According to Burnham and Anderson (2002)
    # AIC = 2*nll +2*k
    # AICc = AIC + 2*k*(k+1)/(n-K-1)
    # Number of parameters estimated (1 less because no delta, using stationary distribution and no SLmin),
    # but extra shape parameter for each weibull step length dist: k=7:
    #     2 scale + 2 shape + 2 trans prob + 1 rho
    AICCCRW <- matrix(NA, ncol=2)
    names(AICCCRW) <- c("AIC", "AICc")
    AICCCRW[,1] <- 14 + 2*mnll["mnll"]
    AICCCRW[,2] <- AICCCRW[,1] + 112/(length(SL)-8)
    mleCCRW <- c(mnll, delta, AICCCRW)

# Weibull and wrapped Cauchy hiden semi markov model CCRW

# Function that runs the numerical maximization of the above likelihood function and returns the results
mnllHSMM <- function(SL, TA, TA_C, missL, notMisLoc){
  # Parameters used accros models
  parF <- list("missL"=missL, "notMisLoc"=notMisLoc, "m"=c(10,10))
  # Initial parameter for numerical minimasation
  gammaSize0 <- matrix(c(3,1,3,3),nrow=2) # number of step in behaviour
  gammaPr0 <- c(0.2,0.2)  # negative binomial prob
  sc0 <- matrix(quantile(SL, c(0.15, 0.25, 0.85, 0.75)),ncol=2)
  sh0 <- c(1,1) # Weibull shape parameters
  TA_T <- TA_C[TA>quantile(TA, 0.25) & TA<quantile(TA, 0.75)]
  r0 <- max(mle.wrappedcauchy(TA_T, mu=circular(0))$rho,1e-20)
  par0 <- cbind(rep(gammaSize0[,1],2),rep(gammaSize0[,2],2),gammaPr0[1],gammaPr0[2],
  # Creating a matrix that will save the minimiztion results
  mnll <- matrix(NA, ncol=10, nrow=nrow(par0))
  colnames(mnll) <- c("gSI", "gSE", "gPI", "gPE","scI", "scE", "shI", "shE", "rE", "mnll")
  for(i in 1:nrow(par0)){
    mnllRes <- tryCatch(optim(transParHSMM(par0[i,]), nllHSMM, SL=SL, TA=TA, parF=parF),
                        error=function(e) list("par"=rep(NA,9),'value'=NA))
    mnll[i,1:9] <- itransParHSMM(mnllRes$par)
    mnll[i,'mnll'] <- mnllRes$value
  mnll <- mnll[which.min(mnll[,'mnll']),]
  # This HSMM is hard to minimise, so add extra step for minimisation
  mnllRes <- tryCatch(optim(transParHSMM(mnll[1:9]), nllHSMM, SL=SL, TA=TA, parF=parF),
                      error=function(e) list("par"=rep(NA,9),'value'=NA))
    while(!is.na(mnllRes$value) & mnllRes$value < mnll['mnll']){
      mnll[1:9] <- itransParHSMM(mnllRes$par)
      mnll['mnll'] <- mnllRes$value
      mnllRes <- tryCatch(optim(transParHSMM(mnll[1:9]), nllHSMM, SL=SL, TA=TA, parF=parF),
                          error=function(e) list("par"=rep(NA,9),'value'=NA))
    if(!is.na(mnllRes$value) & mnllRes$value <= mnll['mnll']){
      mnll[1:9] <- itransParHSMM(mnllRes$par)
      mnll['mnll'] <- mnllRes$value  
  if (length(mnll)==0){ # In case no minimization was able to get good values
    mleHSMM <- rep(NA,12)
    names(mleHSMM) <- c("gSI", "gSE", "gPI", "gPE","scI", "scE", "shI", "shE", "rE", "mnll", "AIC", "AICc")
    # According to Burnham and Anderson (2002)
    # AIC = 2*nll + 2*k
    # AICc = AIC + 2*k*(k+1)/(n-K-1)
    AICCCRW <- matrix(NA, ncol=2)
    k <- length(par0[1,])
    names(AICCCRW) <- c("AIC", "AICc")
    AICCCRW[,1] <- 2*k + 2*mnll["mnll"]
    AICCCRW[,2] <- AICCCRW[,1] + (2*k*(k+1))/(length(SL)-k-1)
    mleHSMM <- c(mnll, AICCCRW)

# HSMM - but with par gPI = gPE

# Function that runs the numerical maximization of the above likelihood function and returns the results
mnllHSMMl <- function(SL, TA, TA_C, missL, notMisLoc){
  # Parameters/variables used accros models
  parF <- list("missL"=missL, "notMisLoc"=notMisLoc, "m"=c(10,10))
  # Initial parameter for numerical minimasation
  gammaSize0 <- matrix(c(1,1,10,10,100,100,500,500),nrow=4,byrow=TRUE) # number of step in behaviour
  gammaPr0 <- 0.2  # negative binomial prob
  sc0 <- matrix(quantile(SL, c(0.15, 0.25, 0.85, 0.75)),ncol=2)
  sh0 <- c(1,1) # Weibull shape parameters
  TA_T <- TA_C[TA>quantile(TA, 0.25) & TA<quantile(TA, 0.75)]
  r0 <- max(mle.wrappedcauchy(TA_T, mu=circular(0))$rho,1e-20)
  par0 <- cbind(rep(gammaSize0[,1],nrow(sc0)),rep(gammaSize0[,2],nrow(sc0)),
  # Creating a matrix that will save the minimiztion results
  mnll <- matrix(NA, ncol=9, nrow=nrow(par0))
  colnames(mnll) <- c("gSI", "gSE", "gP","scI", "scE", "shI", "shE", "rE", "mnll")
  for(i in 1:nrow(par0)){
    mnllRes <- tryCatch(optim(transParHSMMl(par0[i,]), nllHSMMl, SL=SL, TA=TA, parF=parF),
                        error=function(e) list("par"=rep(NA,8),'value'=NA))
    mnll[i,1:8] <- itransParHSMMl(mnllRes$par)
    mnll[i,'mnll'] <- mnllRes$value
  mnll <- mnll[which.min(mnll[,'mnll']),]
  # This HSMM is hard to minimise, so add extra step for minimisation
  mnllRes <- tryCatch(optim(transParHSMMl(mnll[1:8]),nllHSMMl,SL=SL,TA=TA, parF=parF),
                      error=function(e) list("par"=rep(NA,8),'value'=NA))
    while(!is.na(mnllRes$value) & mnllRes$value < mnll['mnll']){
      mnll[1:8] <- itransParHSMMl(mnllRes$par)
      mnll['mnll'] <- mnllRes$value
      mnllRes <- tryCatch(optim(transParHSMMl(mnll[1:8]),nllHSMMl,SL=SL,TA=TA, parF=parF),
                          error=function(e) list("par"=rep(NA,8),'value'=NA))
    if(!is.na(mnllRes$value) & mnllRes$value <= mnll['mnll']){
      mnll[1:8] <- itransParHSMMl(mnllRes$par)
      mnll['mnll'] <- mnllRes$value
  if (length(mnll)==0){ # In case no minimization was able to get good values
    mleHSMM <- rep(NA,11)
    names(mleHSMM) <- c("gSI", "gSE", "gP","scI", "scE", "shI", "shE", "rE", "mnll", "AIC", "AICc")
    # According to Burnham and Anderson (2002)
    # AIC = 2*nll + 2*k
    # AICc = AIC + 2*k*(k+1)/(n-K-1)
    AICCCRW <- matrix(NA, ncol=2)
    k <- length(par0[1,])
    names(AICCCRW) <- c("AIC", "AICc")
    AICCCRW[,1] <- 2*k + 2*mnll["mnll"]
    AICCCRW[,2] <- AICCCRW[,1] + (2*k*(k+1))/(length(SL)-k-1)
    mleHSMM <- c(mnll, AICCCRW)

# HSMM - but with par gSI = gSE

# Function that runs the numerical maximization of the above likelihood function and returns the results
mnllHSMMs <- function(SL, TA, TA_C, missL, notMisLoc){
  # Parameters/variables used accros models
  parF <- list("missL"=missL, "notMisLoc"=notMisLoc, "m"=c(10,10))
  # Initial parameter for numerical minimasation
  gammaSize0 <- c(0.5,1,5) # number of step in behaviour
  gammaPr0 <- c(0.1,0.2,0.5)  # negative binomial prob
  sc0 <- matrix(quantile(SL, c(0.35, 0.25, 0.65, 0.75)),ncol=2)
  sh0 <- c(1,1) # Weibull shape parameters
  TA_T <- TA_C[TA>quantile(TA, 0.25) & TA<quantile(TA, 0.75)]
  r0 <- max(mle.wrappedcauchy(TA_T, mu=circular(0))$rho,1e-20)
  par0 <- cbind(rep(gammaSize0,nrow(sc0)*length(gammaPr0)),
  # Creating a matrix that will save the minimiztion results
  mnll <- matrix(NA, ncol=9, nrow=2*nrow(par0))
  colnames(mnll) <- c("gS", "gPI", "gPE", "scI", "scE", "shI", "shE", "rE", "mnll")
  for(i in 1:nrow(par0)){
    mnllRes <- tryCatch(optim(transParHSMMs(par0[i,]), nllHSMMs, SL=SL, TA=TA, parF=parF),
                        error=function(e) list("par"=rep(NA,8),'value'=NA))
    mnll[i,1:8] <- itransParHSMMs(mnllRes$par)
    mnll[i,'mnll'] <- mnllRes$value
#   # HSMM is hard to minimise also try BFGS
#   for(i in 1:nrow(par0)){
#     mnllRes <- tryCatch(optim(transParHSMMs(mnll[i,1:8]), #transParHSMMs(par0[i,]), 
#                               nllHSMMs, method = "BFGS", SL=SL, TA=TA, parF=parF),
#                         error=function(e) list("par"=rep(NA,8),'value'=NA))
#     mnll[i+nrow(par0),1:8] <- itransParHSMMs(mnllRes$par)
#     mnll[i+nrow(par0),'mnll'] <- mnllRes$value
#   }
  mnll <- mnll[which.min(mnll[,'mnll']),]
  # This HSMM is hard to minimise, so add extra step for minimisation
  mnllRes <- tryCatch(optim(transParHSMMs(mnll[1:8]),nllHSMMs,
                            method = "BFGS", SL=SL,TA=TA, parF=parF),
                      error=function(e) list("par"=rep(NA,8),'value'=NA))
    while(!is.na(mnllRes$value) & mnllRes$value < mnll['mnll']){
      mnll[1:8] <- itransParHSMMs(mnllRes$par)
      mnll['mnll'] <- mnllRes$value
      mnllRes <- tryCatch(optim(transParHSMMs(mnll[1:8]),nllHSMMs,
                                method = "BFGS", SL=SL,TA=TA, parF=parF),
                          error=function(e) list("par"=rep(NA,8),'value'=NA))
    if(!is.na(mnllRes$value) & mnllRes$value <= mnll['mnll']){
      mnll[1:8] <- itransParHSMMs(mnllRes$par)
      mnll['mnll'] <- mnllRes$value
  if (length(mnll)==0){ # In case no minimization was able to get good values
    mleHSMM <- rep(NA,11)
    names(mleHSMM) <- c("gSI", "gSE", "gP","scI", "scE", "shI", "shE", "rE", "mnll", "AIC", "AICc")
    # According to Burnham and Anderson (2002)
    # AIC = 2*nll + 2*k
    # AICc = AIC + 2*k*(k+1)/(n-K-1)
    AICCCRW <- matrix(NA, ncol=2)
    k <- length(par0[1,])
    names(AICCCRW) <- c("AIC", "AICc")
    AICCCRW[,1] <- 2*k + 2*mnll["mnll"]
    AICCCRW[,2] <- AICCCRW[,1] + (2*k*(k+1))/(length(SL)-k-1)
    mleHSMM <- c(mnll, AICCCRW)

# HSMM but with poisson instead of negative binomial

mnllHSMMp <- function(SL, TA, TA_C, missL, notMisLoc, parS=NULL){
  # Parameters used accros models
  parF <- list("missL"=missL, "notMisLoc"=notMisLoc, "m"=c(10,10))
  if(is.null(parS)){ # If not setting the initial parameters by hand
    # Initial parameter for numerical minimasation
    lam0 <- matrix(c(0.5,0.5,1,1,5,5,10,10,0.1,10,10,0.1,5,10,10,5),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE) # mean number of step in behaviour
    sc0 <- matrix(quantile(SL, c(0.15, 0.25, 0.35,
                                 0.85, 0.75, 0.65)),ncol=2)
    sh0 <- matrix(c(0.1,10,10,20,20,0.1,1,1), ncol=2,byrow=TRUE) # Weibull shape parameters
    TA_T <- TA_C[TA>quantile(TA, 0.25) & TA<quantile(TA, 0.75)]
    r0 <- max(mle.wrappedcauchy(TA_T, mu=circular(0))$rho,1e-20)
    par0 <- cbind(rep(lam0[,1], nrow(sc0)*nrow(sh0)*length(r0)),
                  rep(lam0[,2], nrow(sc0)*nrow(sh0)*length(r0)),
    par0 <- matrix(parS,ncol=7)
  # Creating a matrix that will save the minimiztion results
  mnll <- matrix(NA, ncol=8, nrow=nrow(par0))
  colnames(mnll) <- c("laI", "laE", "scI", "scE", "shI", "shE", "rE", "mnll")
  for(i in 1:nrow(par0)){
    mnllRes <- tryCatch(optim(transParHSMMp(par0[i,]), nllHSMMp, SL=SL, TA=TA, parF=parF, hessian =TRUE),
                        error=function(e) list("par"=rep(NA,7),'value'=NA,
                                               'hessian' = matrix(0, nrow=7,ncol=7)))
    # Check the values is a good minimum
    if(all(eigen(mnllRes$hessian)$values > 0)){
      mnll[i,1:7] <- itransParHSMMp(mnllRes$par)
      mnll[i,'mnll'] <- mnllRes$value  
  mnll <- mnll[which.min(mnll[,'mnll']),]
  # This HSMM is hard to minimise, so add extra step for minimisation
  mnllRes <- tryCatch(optim(transParHSMMp(mnll[1:7]), nllHSMMp, SL=SL, TA=TA, parF=parF, hessian =TRUE),
                      error=function(e) list("par"=rep(NA,7),'value'=NA,
                                             'hessian' = matrix(0, nrow=7,ncol=7)))

  if(!is.na(mnllRes$value) & all(eigen(mnllRes$hessian)$values > 0)){
    while(!is.na(mnllRes$value) & all(eigen(mnllRes$hessian)$values > 0) &
          mnllRes$value < mnll['mnll']){
      mnll[1:7] <- itransParHSMMp(mnllRes$par)
      mnll['mnll'] <- mnllRes$value
      mnllRes <- tryCatch(optim(transParHSMMp(mnll[1:7]), nllHSMMp, SL=SL, TA=TA, parF=parF, hessian =TRUE),
                          error=function(e) list("par"=rep(NA,7),'value'=NA,
                                                 'hessian' = matrix(0, nrow=7,ncol=7)))
    if(!is.na(mnllRes$value) & all(eigen(mnllRes$hessian)$values > 0) &
      mnllRes$value <= mnll['mnll']){
      mnll[1:7] <- itransParHSMMp(mnllRes$par)
      mnll['mnll'] <- mnllRes$value  
  if(length(mnll)==0){ # In case no minimization was able to get good values
    mleHSMM <- rep(NA,10)
    names(mleHSMM) <- c("laI", "laE", "scI", "scE", "shI", "shE", "rE", "mnll", "AIC", "AICc")
    # According to Burnham and Anderson (2002)
    # AIC = 2*nll + 2*k
    # AICc = AIC + 2*k*(k+1)/(n-K-1)
    AICCCRW <- matrix(NA, ncol=2)
    k <- length(par0[1,])
    names(AICCCRW) <- c("AIC", "AICc")
    AICCCRW[,1] <- 2*k + 2*mnll["mnll"]
    AICCCRW[,2] <- AICCCRW[,1] + (2*k*(k+1))/(length(SL)-k-1)
    mleHSMM <- c(mnll, AICCCRW)

mnllHSMMpo <- function(SL, TA, TA_C, missL, notMisLoc, parS=NULL){
  SLmin <- min(SL)
  # Parameters used accross models
  parF <- list("missL"=missL, "notMisLoc"=notMisLoc, "m"=c(10,10))
  if(is.null(parS)){ # If not setting the initial parameters by hand
    # Initial parameter for numerical minimasation
    lam0 <- matrix(c(0.5,0.5,1,1,5,5,10,10,0.1,10,10,0.1,5,10,10,5),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE) # mean number of step in behaviour
    l0 <- matrix(1/quantile((SL-SLmin), c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.50)),ncol=2)
    TA_T <- TA_C[TA>quantile(TA, 0.25) & TA<quantile(TA, 0.75)]
    k0 <- mle.vonmises(TA_T, mu=circular(0))$kappa
    if(k0 == 0){k0 <- 0.01}
    par0 <- cbind(rep(lam0[,1], nrow(l0)*length(k0)),
                  rep(lam0[,2], nrow(l0)*length(k0)),
    par0 <- matrix(parS,ncol=5)
  # Creating a matrix that will save the minimiztion results
  mnll <- matrix(NA, ncol=7, nrow=nrow(par0))
  colnames(mnll) <- c("laI", "laE", "lI", "lE", "kE", "a", "mnll")
  mnll[,'a'] <- SLmin
  for(i in 1:nrow(par0)){
    mnllRes <- tryCatch(optim(transParHSMMpo(par0[i,]), nllHSMMpo, SL=SL, TA=TA, parF=parF, hessian =TRUE),
                        error=function(e) list("par"=rep(NA,5),'value'=NA,
                                               'hessian' = matrix(0, nrow=5,ncol=5)))
    # Check the values is a good minimum
    if(all(eigen(mnllRes$hessian)$values > 0)){
      mnll[i,1:5] <- itransParHSMMpo(mnllRes$par)
      mnll[i,'mnll'] <- mnllRes$value  
  mnll <- mnll[which.min(mnll[,'mnll']),]
  # This HSMM is hard to minimise, so add extra step for minimisation
  mnllRes <- tryCatch(optim(transParHSMMpo(mnll[1:5]), nllHSMMpo, SL=SL, TA=TA, parF=parF, hessian =TRUE),
                      error=function(e) list("par"=rep(NA,5),'value'=NA,
                                             'hessian' = matrix(0, nrow=5,ncol=5)))
  if(!is.na(mnllRes$value) & all(eigen(mnllRes$hessian)$values > 0)){
    while(!is.na(mnllRes$value) & all(eigen(mnllRes$hessian)$values > 0) &
          mnllRes$value < mnll['mnll']){
      mnll[1:5] <- itransParHSMMpo(mnllRes$par)
      mnll['mnll'] <- mnllRes$value
      mnllRes <- tryCatch(optim(transParHSMMpo(mnll[1:5]), nllHSMMpo, SL=SL, TA=TA, parF=parF, hessian =TRUE),
                          error=function(e) list("par"=rep(NA,5),'value'=NA,
                                                 'hessian' = matrix(0, nrow=5, ncol=5)))
    if(!is.na(mnllRes$value) & all(eigen(mnllRes$hessian)$values > 0) &
       mnllRes$value <= mnll['mnll']){
      mnll[1:5] <- itransParHSMMpo(mnllRes$par)
      mnll['mnll'] <- mnllRes$value  
  if(length(mnll)==0){ # In case no minimization was able to get good values
    mleHSMM <- rep(NA,9)
    names(mleHSMM) <- c("laI", "laE", "lI", "lE", "kE", "a", "mnll", "AIC", "AICc")
    # According to Burnham and Anderson (2002)
    # AIC = 2*nll + 2*k
    # AICc = AIC + 2*k*(k+1)/(n-K-1)
    AICCCRW <- matrix(NA, ncol=2)
    k <- length(par0[1,])+1
    names(AICCCRW) <- c("AIC", "AICc")
    AICCCRW[,1] <- 2*k + 2*mnll["mnll"]
    AICCCRW[,2] <- AICCCRW[,1] + (2*k*(k+1))/(length(SL)-k-1)
    mleHSMM <- c(mnll, AICCCRW)

# LW

mnllLW <- function(SL, TA, SLmin=min(SL)){

	mu <- 1 - 1/(log(SLmin)-mean(log(SL)))
	mnll <- nllLW(SL,TA,mu,parF=list('SLmin'=SLmin))

	# Constrained mu between 1 and 3 if mu_LW is analytical mle is outside
	if(mu <= 1 | mu >3){
		mnll <- optimize(nllLW, interval=c(1,3),SL=SL,TA=TA,parF=list('SLmin'=SLmin))
		mu <- mnll$minimum
		mnll <- mnll$objective
	# According to Burnham and Anderson (2002)
	# AIC = 2*nll +2*k
	# AICc = AIC + 2*k*(k+1)/(n-k-1)
	# Number of parameters k=2:
  #     mu + SLmin
	AICLW <- 4 + 2*mnll
	AICcLW <- AICLW + 12/(length(SL)-3)
	mleLW <- c(mu, SLmin, mnll, AICLW, AICcLW)
	names(mleLW) <- c("mu", "a", "mnll", "AIC", "AICc")



mnllTLW <- function(SL,TA,SLmin=min(SL),SLmax=max(SL), conts=TRUE){
	# The data does not give you information on the upper bound of 
	# the LW other than the minimum value this upper bound is 
	# which correspound to the largest step length.
	# Note that there is no analytical solution for the mle of TLW
	# and that mu can =1 see Edwards 2011 supp. (But I need to change the likelihood for it)

  # If contsraining the values to be between 1 & 3, 
  # which are the values consistent with the levy walk hypothesis.
	  mnll <- optimize(nllTLW, interval=c(1,3),SL=SL,TA=TA,parF=list('SLmin'=SLmin,'SLmax'=SLmax))  
	  mnll <- optimize(nllTLW, interval=c(-50,50), SL=SL,TA=TA,parF=list('SLmin'=SLmin,'SLmax'=SLmax)) 
	# According to Burnham and Anderson (2002)
	# AIC = 2*nll +2*k
	# AICc = AIC + 2*k*(k+1)/(n-k-1)
	# Numbers of parameters k=3:
  #     mu + SLmin + SLmax
	AICTLW <- 6 + 2*mnll[[2]]
  AICcTLW <- AICTLW + 24/(length(SL)-4)
	mleTLW <- c(mnll[[1]], SLmin, SLmax, mnll[[2]], AICTLW, AICcTLW)
	names(mleTLW) <- c("mu", "a", "b","mnll", "AIC", "AICc")

# BW

mnllBW <- function(SL,TA,SLmin=min(SL)){
	# The only parameter to estimate, lambda, has an analytical solution.
	lambda <- 1/mean(SL-SLmin)
	mnll <- nllBW(SL,TA,lambda,parF=list('SLmin'=SLmin))

	# According to Burnham and Anderson (2002)
	# AIC = 2*nll +2*k
	# AICc = AIC + 2*k*(k+1)/(n-k-1)
	# Numbers of parameter k=2:
  #     lambda + SLmin
	AICBW <- 4 + 2*mnll
  AICcBW <- AICBW + 12/(length(SL)-3)

	mleBW <-  c(lambda,SLmin,mnll,AICBW, AICcBW)
	names(mleBW) <- c("lambda","a","mnll","AIC", "AICc")


mnllCRW <- function(SL,TA_C, TA,SLmin=min(SL),lambda=(1/mean(SL-SLmin))){
	# Lambda is the same as lambda_BW

	kapp <- mle.vonmises(TA_C,mu=circular(0))$kappa
	mnll <- nllCRW(SL,TA,kapp,lambda,parF=list('SLmin'=SLmin))

	# According to Burnham and Anderson (2002)
	# AIC = 2*nll +2*k
	# AICc = AIC + 2*k*(k+1)/(n-k-1)
	# Numbers of parameters k=3:
  #     lambda + kappa + SL_min
	AICCRW <- 6 +2*mnll
	AICcCRW <- AICCRW + 24/(length(SL)-4)

  mleCRW <- c(lambda,kapp, SLmin, mnll, AICCRW, AICcCRW)
	names(mleCRW) <- c("lambda", "kappa", "a","mnll","AIC", "AICc")


mnllTBW <- function(SL,TA,SLmin=min(SL),SLmax=max(SL),lambda_BW=(1/mean(SL-SLmin))){
	# I'm choosing to use nlm(), because optimize require bounds for the parameter.
	# The upper bound of lambda is difficult to asses.
	# I'm using lambda_BW as the starting value.

	mnll <- nlm(nllTBW, log(lambda_BW),SL=SL,TA=TA,parF=list('SLmin'=SLmin,'SLmax'=SLmax))

	# According to Burnham and Anderson (2002)
	# AIC = 2*nll +2*k
	# AICc = AIC + 2*k*(k+1)/(n-k-1)
	# Numbers of parameters k=3:
	#     lambda + SLmin + SLmax
	AICTBW <- 6 + 2*mnll$minimum
	AICcTBW <- AICTBW + 24/(length(SL)-4)
	mleTBW <- c(exp(mnll$estimate), SLmin, SLmax,mnll$minimum, AICTBW, AICcTBW)
	names(mleTBW) <- c("lambda", "a", "b", "mnll", "AIC", "AICc")


mnllTCRW <- function(SL,TA_C,TA,SLmin=min(SL),SLmax=max(SL),
	lambda=exp(nlm(nllTBW, log(1/mean(SL-SLmin)),SL=SL,TA=TA,SLmin=SLmin,SLmax=SLmax)$estimate),
	# Same lambda as TBW
	# same kappa as CRW

	mnll <- nllTCRW(SL,TA,lambda,kapp,SLmin,SLmax)

	# According to Burnham and Anderson (2002)
	# AIC = 2*nll +2*k
	# AICc = AIC + 2*k*(k+1)/(n-k-1)
	# Numbers of parameters k=4: 
  #     lambda_TCRW + kappa_TCRW + SLmin + SLmax
	AICCRW <- 8 +2*mnll
  AICcCRW <- AICCRW + 40/(length(SL)-5)
	mleTCRW <- c(lambda, kapp, SLmin, SLmax, mnll, AICCRW, AICcCRW)
	names(mleTCRW) <- c("lambda", "kappa", "a", "b","mnll","AIC", "AICc")
MarieAugerMethe/CCRWvsLW documentation built on May 7, 2019, 2:50 p.m.